Interesting song, Ainwyn. It really is a fusion. I hadn't read all through your post when I started listening to it, but I was surprised. The Indian influence is certainly apparent, and it reminds me a little of songs that my Pakistani friends send me too. Is the song in Farsi? It sounds much like Arabic to me, but maybe that's because I haven't been listening to Arabic songs recently.

She doesn't actually say in the CD's liner notes, so I think it'll take some searching to figure out. I'd say that it's her made up language, except that it says something about it being an "old traditional song". *shrugs* I'm not very familiar with Middle Eastern languages; my knowledge of Farsi is a three word phrase lol I'll figure it out though!

I really hope that I can get faster internet when I visit my grandparents this week, so I can finally look at all the links that everyone has posted!