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Granting Wishes Since: February 2nd, 2008

| Story |

A long time ago mythical creatures roamed freely across the land, everything from unicorns to dragons lived on the land, in the air and in the sea. Sadly, some of mankind hunted these mythical creatures until almost all of them disappeared. Many people believe they are all gone, but some believe they are simply using their magic to hide and protect themselves. A fairy named Pixel was also hunted for a very long time, she tried to hide and flee from hunters but something horrible had happened; one day when she was trying to flee from a hunter she was caught. She tried to get away but every attempt she made was in vien, the greedy man wanted to sell her for gold and fame. Pixel was so scared, she was only a young fairy and dispite her pleas the greedy man would not set her free. That night Pixel tried to escape, the man caught her as she was escaping and swung an axe at her, cutting one of her wings from her back. She could no longer fly away from him, seeing a well she ran to it and jumped into the bucket and lowered herself down. The hunter tried forever to get her out, but he could not. Some say the man was so greedy and foolish he sat by the well for years until he died waiting for her so he could sell her for gold. Pixel never left the well for fear of humans and their selfish ways. Many years went by and people heard the legend of Pixel, then one day a little boy fell down the well and somehow when he was rescued he came out with a bag of gold. The boy told everyone that he was kind and spoke to the fairy and told her how he was poor and she granted his wish. Many people began begging at the well for gold and things they wanted, but only pure and kind hearted people who made sincere wishes had them granted for them by Pixel. As time went by people forgot about Pixel and her wishing well, maybe because people stopped believing? Or maybe Pixel isn’t even there? No one knows, but the well where Pixel lived still sits in the middle of a huge forest. Not too many people go there anymore, or even know it is there but if you make a wish at the base of the well perhaps it will come true.

| How To Make A Wish |

To make a wish to Pixel the fairy sit at the base of the well and wish with all your might!

Remember to not make a greedy wish or else Pixel might ignore you.

Users can post a wish here like below.

"I would really like a Pandy Pack Please Miss Pixel. n__n"

If Pixel grants your wish she will send you a gift magically. n__n

Pixel only grants wishes to those who are good and kind and do not make greedy wishes.

You can wish as many times as you want but only make one wish per item! remember though, asking too much might make Pixel ignore you.

| Wishes Granted |
Total Wishes Granted: o

No wishes have been granted yet. T.T