The World of Reavalon: Locations

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These are the Main Location you can use for Role-Playing in Reavalon. You can also make up other Locations, but make sure to mention these places bellow from time to time.

Kingdom of Avarail:

Falnith Castle -

This is the Castle and Main fort of Avarail. This is where the Royal Family and The Crimson Knights are stationed. You can find the Royal Chamber, Meeting Room, Knights Dorm, Training Field and the Hall of Heroes.


The Royal Chamber - This is where the Leonheart's Gather and Honor King Glory.

Meeting Room - This is where The Leonheart's and The Crimson Knights gather to talke about tactical data on attack and defend.

Knights Dorm - This is the place where all the Knights rest and eat.

Trainning Field - The Location where every Knight learn to sharpen their skills

Hall of Heroes - This is the Chamber where you will see statues, tribute to all the previous Crimson Knights who have serverd under the Legendary Sword Saint, Crimson Leonheart.


The City of Eragul -

This is the Capital City of Avarail, you can find the Mini-Shops, Central Park, The Inn ana of course the Town Square.

Guilds -

This is where the mighty warriors from different parts of Reavalon gather to sharpen their skills and help the need. You can find various types of guild, The Assassin Guild, Priest Guild, Mage Guild and Archer Guild.

Milfya Forest -

On the outskirts of Avarail lies a Mythical Forest of Untold stories. History says that the once great Crimson Leonheart drove all the demons that once ruled Reavalon into that forest with the help of his Loyal Knights and sealed it with the power of the Elves. From that day, nobody knows what lies inside that forest.


The Temple of Arundil - Legend has it, during the time where Crimson Leonheart pushed all the demons into the forest, One of his Loyal Knight requested for a temple to be built and for him to live. He wanted to stay and continue to fight of the demons to try to lessen the spawn of these creatures, this Knight's name is Arundil. Crimson Leonheart respected the man, and approved of his request. Till this day on, we never knew what happened to that Lost Knight, and soon it became a bed time story to all the kids of Avarail.


Kingdom of Wingard:

The Eternal City of Durebeth -

This is the City where the Great and Wise Elves lives. Legend has it, to whoever steps inside the city shall have Eternal Life, this is due to the magical power of the Elves coming from the Goddess of Essence, Lynn. You can find the The Lake of Purity, Elders Sanctuary, Residental Area and The Oak of Hope.


The Lake of Purity - The water from this lake can heal any wound. This is also the place where the female Elves gather and worship the Goddess Lynn.

Elders Sanctuary - This is where the Great Wise Elf, Kyre, lives and speak of divine teachings to all the Elves.

Residental Area - The Area where all the Elves lives.

The Oak of Hope - On the center of Durebeth lies a huge oak tree that gives off spirit energy to the elven people. When you touch it, your heart feels a soothing feeling.

The Hidden Falls -

Upon entering the sacred lands of the elves, one must find the entrance which lies behind a waterfall. In the Kingdom of Wingard, you will find alot of waterfall and river, legend has it, that a serpent called Yakon lives in one of the rivers. If you are able to find her, she will grant any of your wish in return for your true love.


The River of Zervom - The largest flowing river in Reavalon. According to the recent sightings of the Elves, this might be the river where the Mythical Serpent, Yakon, lies.


Kingdom of Tristan:

Xordon, The Village of Warlords -

This is where the High and Mighty Dwarfs lives. The conquer the land with their brute force. The Village are covered in desert and sand, its hard to move around footed immobilizing your movements, but not for the Dwarfs since they are able to walk freely in their own land. You can find, The Chief's Hut, Museum of Heroes, Dwarfs huts and The Endless Pit.


The Chief's Hut - The Largest Hut that can be seen in the village, this is where the Village Chief, Zorbek, live. Legend has it, he fought in the war side by side with King Glory and lost an arm to protect him.

Museum of Heroes - During the war 15 years ago, alot of loyal Dwarfs died with honor, and are all remembered in this place.

Dwarfs Hut - This is the place where all the Dwarfen lives.

The Endless Pit - A large hole in the middle of the desert created by a meteor that fell from the sky. The Dwarf Elders once said that the meteor has incredible magic power which can be used to craft armors and weapons stronger than any in Reavalon.

Desert Wasteland -

This area is where the dwarfs learn to fight and train themselves. The only way to enter the village of warlords is through here, but before you can reach it, you must fight your way through the death area. You can find the Death Zone and Trainning Ground.


Death Zone - This is where the Desert Bandits live, they are called the Vildrie Bandits.

Trainning Ground - This is where all the Dwarfs train themselves, fighting off Desert Sandworms and overcoming the overwhelming heat.


Babel Tower:

Tower Entrace -

This is the Entrace of The Bable Tower. Inside you will find The Throne of the 4 Gods and a Spiral Case that would lead straight to the Aria Stone Chamber.

Battlefield -

This is where the war happens, gear up and fight for your Kingdom. You can find The Legion's Fort, called The Fort of Drakengard and the Warzone, where you fight your enemies and foes.