"Ah, wonderful the old AI are starting to get predictable in the training room." She said softly, not that she would be fighting for some time. She picked up on Xol's worry. She didn't have to read his mind to know what it was regarding. So far Phia had been lucky, no one had taken her children from her, not yet, despite all of the violence that had befallen herself and Draeken, it seemed to have been an oddly unspoken rule that children were to be left alone unless they involved themselves in this region. For that she was grateful. She reached up, settling a hand on his Jaw. "They will be alright. They have this place, they have their older siblings, and they have us. We'll keep them safe." It felt strange for her to say it, to be the one who was comforting but still, at this moment, she couldn't help it feeling true, there they were, all curled up together in the library, safe and sound. Phia wasn't a fool, she knew at any time that could change, both herself and her husband had demons and nothing stayed dead in the past. She set her forehead against his thinking about that fact and sighed. "We'll keep them safe...." She repeated in a whisper