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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:31 pm
The Meeting of the Necromancers

*Kenjin Jr. Wandered the native lands, the grass around his hooves withering a bit. He seemed to be looking around to see if there was anyone else around with his 'curse'. Somewhere he had heard that there was another stallion, but he knew not a name. Wings folded close to his creamy black spotted black. Bright blue eyes keeping a look out for humans that were most likely after him, his golden mane and tail blowing a bit in teh breeze that accompied the changing of the seasons. Feeling that soon snow would blanket the ground. That season he was waiting egerly for, because then it wouldn't be easy to find where he had been....*  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:29 am
bitter sweet feelings

Metsuki walked around looking for someone to talk to. He was so bored and he really just wanted to see a friend. He walked into the field and his eyes squinted as he stepped into the sunlight.

Metsuki walked with his head down, it's been a while since he's been in direct sunlight and it was actually starting to hurt his head a little. He walked over to the river and all of these memories came back to him, bolting through his mind. He began to wonder about Rakun, Saiten, even Hisui. He really missed them.

He sighed as he looked into the river, remembering himself as a child, all the fun that him and Rakun had while chasing each other, trying to get Rakun to learn how to talk, running around with Namid. Namid... I wonder what's going on with him? I haven't seen him in a long time. He sighed again. Had he have been so selfish that he got so embarrassed by his family, that he shut them out? He wanted Vitani to meet Saiten, but he didn't know how he would go about doing that. He didn't even know where she was. Or even if she was still living. Her and Misu are probably far away by now. They probably ran off to a different place to live.

Metsuki bent his head down low to the surface of the river and took a very long drink. He didn't lift his head for at least twenty minutes, and even then, he just wanted to lay down. So he did. He lay down on the river bank with his two front hooves in the crystal clear and very cool water. Letting the water just run over his hooves, he put his head down. He started thinking of Vitani and why it was that he was so ashamed of his family that he refused to let her have anything to do with them. It made him quite upset. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he drifted off to sleep, We used to have a family that stuck together... What happened...? What have I done...?

*brown eyes scanned the vastly tanning plain for something that was familiar, deep down she knew what she sought was out there. Tanny ears twitched as she listened to the easy crackling of the grass as the wind blew through it, the plain was so quiet. The birds had fled to warmer climits, the small animals that stuck around were already preparing for hybernations. The seasons were changing, she could feel it. Deep down she knew this would come, the cold and wet white stuf she had only heard stories about.

Shaking her head, beach sand colored lock glidding over her neck, the tanny mare stepped through the browning grass toward a place of past. A small piece that she had remembered from what seemed like ages, there were sounds that she had forgotten, but not faces. One face was of the one who had stolen her heart. Closing her eyes, Vitani lowered her head a little, her nostrils flaring a bit as she caught the scent of something... Something Familiar... Head shooting up she looked around, gaze much like a hawk as she watched for something...

But sadly there was nothing. A sigh escaped her as she kept walking, coming to the same river that an old friend was laying near, well not really old, but... She smiled watching that white patch upon the ground as he seemed to be sleeping. Slowing her pace she stepped carefully over toward the sleeping stallion... Her heart had lightened knowing that she had found the one she had been searching for. Coming almost silently to his side, Vitani lowered her head to his and exhaled at his ear. trying to see what kind of reaction she could get from him.*

"Don't you know it's too good a day to be sleeping?" she asked softly, "Or is it that you've missed me too much that you have become the Sleeping Prince?" At this she giggled remembering the fable her mother had told her years ago about Sleeping Beauty.

Metsuki jumped and his mane and tail pretty much stood up on end. He sighed when he looked at Vitani and nuzzled her and gave her cheek a slight lick, "Boy am I glad it's only you." He chuckled slightly, "You scared the living daylights out of me you know that?" He gave her a playful scowl.

"I was actually thinking about my past. You know, my 'family.' I really want you to meet Saiten, but I have no idea where she is. I've been starting to think lately that it's my fault that my 'family' split apart." He looked down at the ground. Metsuki didn't want Vitani to see him sad but he knew that he couldn't avoid how he truly felt.

He decided to change the subject, "You're right though, it is a good day. It seems peaceful. Not long now before winter sets in though. Then it'll get cold and snowy." He nodded his head and her and then nuzzled her again, "I really have missed you Vitani. It feels like it's been forever since I have last seen you."

*Backing up a step, Vitani giggled at Metsuki's reaction as she came forward to nuzzle her beloved. her eyes watching him as she seemed to sense his sadness and unwanted guilt.* "I don't think it was you that split your family. Things happen and families go their serperate ways. It always happens, so don't belittle yourself because if nature." She said trying to make sense out of it all.

*Coming to his side, Vitani nudged him a little as she still giggled about scaring him. Just teh look upon his face made her laugh, but she knew she had done wrong to scare him.* "Sorry about scaring you, I didn't mean to. Just wanted to see what you would do. Did you really think I was a predator or something?" she asked tilting her head to the side a bit.

*Not minding the subject change she smiled at him, before turning her gaze skyward.* "I've heard about this season you call winter. Sounds like a glorious time, but where I come from there's only wet and dry seasons. Not the full four as it is here...." *Looking back at Metsuki she leant against him some as she nuzzled her head into his neck. Not wanting to ever leave him again, she wanted to always be at his side. For ever and for always.*

"So what shall we do today? Taunt the lovey-dovies?" She asked ammusibly, though she knew that they were most likely becoming betwixed and all like the others in the season.

Metsuki looked at her and nodded, "I guess you're right, but I can't shake this guilt. I guess it's normal?" He shrugged a little. "I just miss them thats all." He looked at her and his eyes had a hint of sparkle, "I'm glad you're back." He smiled brightly.

"Hey now, be not sorry," he laughed at his own reaction, "I probably would have done it too." He winked at her. "I wasn't really scared per say, just startled. And I knew it was you after you spoke. I was sleeping, how am I supposed to know that it was you breathing in my ear?" He stuck his tongue out and nipped at her mane playfully.

"Winter is an odd season. Not my favorite, but it's pretty when it snows. You'll see. I think you'll like it. My favorite season is actually spring. When everything is warming up a bit and all the snow is melting and the buds from the plants and flowers start to seep out of the ground," he smiled and nodded.

Metsuki had to think for a minute, "Maybe we should taunt the lovey-dovies." He grinned evily. "Wouldn't that be fun?" He chuckled at the thought of it. Wouldn't that be a contradiction though? Oh well, it's still fun.





PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:42 am
Triplets again?
What will be the out come?

*Her sides barely healed, she quivered against the one she loved, feeling that he was asleep at the moment(Being that Mako isn't here. xD). Lifting her head away from him she groaned feeling that yet again she was foaling, triplets... She had a feeling that she'd never regain her figure at this point. Not after baring three foals in two occations. Her breath coming quick and hard, Kisha soon gave a shove trying to release her first foal. A whitish nose appeared as she started to push. Labor was never too gentle on her, she had a feeling it wouldn't be. Taking a couple breaths she tried again, shoving the foal half way before having to stop again. Shifting her legs about some she pushed again, this time the foal slid out easily. Sitting up a little, thinking that maybe the others wouldn't come so quickly she set to work trying to dry her fourth born...

But that was short lived as she was flattened to the ground as another foal was making it's way into teh world. Closing her eyes tightly she pushed with all her might, this one was coming hard to her. Crying out in Pain as the foal refused to give. She stopped many times, her body shaking badly she continued to try and give birth to the foal. Slowly a tanish head started to appear. After a few moments the scond of the three foals was born. Her sides heaving greatly, Kisha hoped that this last one would come easily so she could rest... Having triples twice was a strain to the body.

Lungs burning, sides heaving, Kisha was exhaused. She didn't know if she had the strength to give birth to the final foal. Her energy was nearly spent, there was also no one around to comfort her, she was alone... Closing her eyes she prayed to her mother for strength to give birth to this last foal. She hoped to not have anymore for a good long while... That is if she lived through this birthing. Shifting a bit, Kisha gathered as much energy sand strength as she could and tried. Her body ached all over, her muscles cramped up on her. A cry tore from her throat as she laid still upon the ground again. This was bad, she couldn't move anymore. Darkness creapt around her vision as she fought off the wariness for the foal's sake. Shaking her head a little she tried again. Another call of pain and soon the small white and blue filly was released into the world.

Too tired to tend to her new children, Kisha lay still upon the ground. Sides shuddering. She didn't know if she could get up... Soon everything was black, her mind lost to oblivion... Was it death? No it couldn't be, but it certainly didn't look too good on Kisha's end.*
PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:42 am
Angels and Demons
Are they really different?

Kenjin: *Turns and looks at the demon.* "Actually, considered by the tribe of humans I was so graciously born near. I'm as low as your breed."

-chuckles slightly- Well at least they got one of us right. I may not be the goddess my sister was, but I'm still high born.

*Snorting, Kenjin's wings shifted at his sides as the grass about his hooves blackened.* "Try living with the memories that aren't yours. Feeling the pain and blood of another upon your own body. Hearing the screams of voices you've never heard before. I've been told that I was graced with the memories of my mother's brother. The one I take after. Why not switch places and see how it feels."

Glaring at teh angelic, she lowered her head and snorted in frustration. "At least you weren't there to watch him die. To see him be killed by the hate of another and then to have that other come after you when he was finished with your uncle. You know nothing of pain."

*Kenjin just stood there watching the Demon, his ears back.* No, I may not have, but I relive his death, my death time and time again in my sleep and almost every waking moment since I was biven life. But each time I awaken from the nightmare I always find blood on the ground where I was laying and strown feathers." *Shaking his head he turned away not wanting to talk about it.* "I'm sorry for your sister, but I fear that in time I will face the same fate as my uncle, who was killed when he was but a colt, in due time. My mother tries to protect me, but with her new brood, she'll have more to worry about..." *With that he started walking, his wing shaking at his sides a little, but soon calm as he grew further away.*

"Stop wishing that someone would protect you, and protect yourself. I've been doing it since the day I was born and I have few scars." she informed him, as she flapped her wings and 'walked' next to him. "Besides. If you are worried about dying all the time, do you really think you'll have a chance to live? Being afraid and being alive aren't the same things... you have to let go." She flapped her large wings harder, leaving his side and heading into the air.

*Stopping, Kenjin glared at the demon who had been near him.* "Don't you think I haven't tried that? Don't you think I haven't tried not being afraid? You don't know my very well, no one does. If you knew me, my family and what My mother went through you'd understand!" He alsmost shouted before his large wings opened and he shot toward the skies heading toward the distant cliffs where his memories seemed to draw him.

*Landing near teh edge of teh rocks he looked down at the far ground below. His wings stiffly closed at his sides as if held by an invisible Rope. His blue eyes pinned upon the small speck of grass that grew strangely in one spot upon the rocky, dry ground below him.* "It could end here..." He muttered to himself as his eyes closed and a rush of memories flooded his mind. His ears rang with screams and shouts. Shaking his body crashed to the ground under teh pressure that was suddenly upon his mind.*

Laying on her back, on a small cliff above him, Mika watched teh angelic as he fell to teh ground, though not off teh cliff. "You know, not only would you be an angelic, which is bad enough on its own, but you would be bloody stupid if you killed yourself. Falling from grace is easy, but it's never worth it." she told him, as she turned her head back up towards the perfect blue sky. "Besides, if you do hurt yourself, you'll hurt me in the process, and I know that's never what an angel wants. You all care about everyone, and if you killed a bug, you'd probably cry for a month, followed by a year of mourning." she said with a giggle, though she was entirely serious.

Finially she sighed, rolling back onto her feet and shaking the dust from her body. Mika floated to the ground and laid next to the angel speaking quietly to him, though she looked straight ahead. "You don't want this."

*He barely heard a word that the demon was saying, but he did hear something, some parts broke through the tormentive screaming that filled his ears.* "Hurt you? How would I be hurting you? As far as I know we aren't connected in any, shape or form. Plus you know not of what i am. A Necromancer. I tend to scar off just about anything that live, I kill the grass and trees whenever I remain near them too long. As for teh flies. They die the instant they touch my hide. So what would it matter if I just died right here where the memories draw me? Not like anyone would care."

*Sadness and loneliness laced his soft voice as he stared at nothing, but the backs of his eye lids. He didn't need to really open his eyes to see that she was there. He coudl feel the presence of her, but barely wanted to show he knew. Shifting his bulk a bit he rolled to where his hooves were tucked underneath him. His ears falling back a little in an attempt to close out the screams that shattered just about all his sanity. All the while, wondering what the demon really wanted and why she was hanging around him as she was...*

Mika looked at him unsure if he was serious about no one caring if he died. Seeing that he was, she set aside her demoness inside her and laid her head on his shoulder. "Well I would." she told him as she watched the sky above them. She knew the only reason she cared was because of her sister... demon or not she couldn't handle losing someone, even if she didn't know them.

*An eye cracked open a bit as if to look over at her, but as it was he couldn't really see her without moving his own head to the side a little. An ears perked up a little as if he wasn't believeing what he was hearing. Was it that someone actually cared for him? Even for what he was and what happened to many things around him? The thoughts swarmed his mind as he closed his eye again. Slowly shoving himself back to his hooves. Soon turning his head toward the Demon.* "Would you really?" he asked tilting his head to the side. "Because the last I knew, besides my aunt Kishan who's a Demon as well. Demons didn't really care about their counter balance too much."

*He was a bit confused about what was going on.. From what his aunt had always told him that demons hated angels. Though he was family to her, she had a small hatred toward him... Could she have been wrong? Could demons actually care for more then just their own kind? Time would tell he supposed as he continued watched the Demoness beside him.* "By the way, my name's Kenjin... Jr.. Though the 'Jr' part is a little over rated if you ask me..."

Caught off balance from Kenjin pulling away from her, Mika shook her head after she stood as well, freeing the dust from her body. She wanted to nod, in answering to his question, but stopped herself, leaving it unanswered. "I'm Mika Koda. Most horses just call me Mika though." she told him, looking back to the drop off where they had been on only moments before. When she looked back at him, she decided to let go, like she had told him he needed to. Maybe she had found someone who would understand.

She walked to him, and looked in his eyes, unjudging. "Walk with me?" she asked nodding back the way she had flown[sp?] from.

*Kenjin too looked back at teh cliff edge where hs had once been, befre looking back at Mika.* "That's a nice name. Nicer then mine." He said, muttering the last part to himself more or less. *His ears perked up a bit as she asked him to walk with her. He noded, eyes closing for a moment as if in though.* "Sure, I'll walk with you." *Still saddened about the memories that still haunted his mind, they seemed far more distant now as if the precense of Mika was driving them away.*

Mika nodded back to him and began to walk with him at her side. "You seemed confused earlier... like maybe you weren't sure what a demon was doing talking to you. I doubt you would understand unless you know a few things about me." she said before letting out a light sigh, remembering.

"When I was just two weeks old, me and my twin sister Tabi were told by our father to leave our home and find our own cave. My mother didn't seem to care, but I knew my older sister Leah did. She helped us find a cave, though she couldn't stay with us. Leah was practically forced to be my parents slave and punching bag. That didn't stop her from helping us though. One day when me and Tabi were out looking for food in the dead of winter, we heard a whip-like sound and we immediatly knew there was an adult demon nearby. I tried to be quiet, sneaking into some brush as Tabi tried to get in after me, but she wasn't quick enough and the demon got her."

Mika forced back the tears she could feel stinging her eyes but she just kept walking. "I knew she was gone once he had her, but I thought maybe it wasn't too late. I got out of the brush after he had gone, and tried to nudge her to her feet. The demon came back, after hearing me, and I let out a loud cry trying to wake her before I got snatched up too. Finially, I left her, running back to my cave, away from the danger. I haven't seen any of my sisters since, with the exception of Leah. And I only got back in touch with her again about a month ago." As she finished Mika looked over at him, unsure what she would see in his face. Pity? Fear? More pain? Looking back to the ground she spoke again, quietly. "That's why I care. I don't want anyone else to die when I could have done something to prevent it."

*Kenjin looked at Mika, with worry and a hint of pity, but most of all, sadness blanketed his face like a shroud of fog upon the lands.* "It reminds me of what my mother said about her brother. The one I'm named after, but instead of demons, it was humans that were his down fall. He was thrown off that very cliff we were at, after he had been pelted by many stones. My mother was forced to watch, to listen, to feel his pain, being that they were twins and they are connected in some way. She saw them throw her brother over, all that remains of his memory is a small patch of grass where his body hit the ground so many years ago." He explained, not in so mych detail, but he felt it was best not to.

*His pace was slow as they walked, his head sagging a little as she soon shook away the thoughts and memories that plagued him, turning to what was present. He looked at Mika, feeling that maybe fate had a way to bringing to torn souls together to possibly make one.. But for all he knew fate was against him and all. He hoped that maybe he and Mika could be friends and protect eachother from the shadows that almost all haunting pasts leave. To torment the mind until the body throws itself into oblivion that he would say was death within a living body, or more commonly put... Insanity.*

Mika smiled for a moment, not at what he said, but for what he didn't say. She let it pass quickly as she let his story sink in. How odd, she thought that Kenjin and I, two opposites, somehow share the same story. Maybe not in past events but in present pain. She looked over at him, her mouth showing concern. "Don't worry about me. I have never been hurt. I never allowed it. And you're not your uncle, Kenjin. You and he do not share the same fate. I won't let anything happen to you." she told him, hoping that their strength together would be enough if humans ever came after him.

*Giving a small nod he knew that she was right. that he and the Kenjin before him were not teh same, even if their colors matched perfectly. Lifting his head up he looked at Mika.* "You're right, my uncle and I are different. If we had been the same, I wouldn't still be standing here." He stated with a little more confidence, but not much. *For a moment he walked silently, thinking over that Mika had said about not letting him share the fate that had befallen his uncle he nodded again looking over at her.* "Lets hope teh humans forget about me, if not then it will be a fight for life." Says softly, ears falling back. "Then again, I wouldn't want you getting harmed by them, As for my mother, she's already suffered for my welfar. I hope that maybe I can get her to stop, so I can fight my own battles and over come what the humans claim me to be." *Shaking his head again, he lost his train of thought, He just hoped that Mika didn't see him as a weakling, a colt. He was trying to beome more then what he was, really trying to escape his nut shell of a life that she had cracked for him. A small crack, but a crak none the less.*





PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:15 pm
Angels and Demons
Part 2...

Mika giggled slightly. "I thought I was the one looking out for you, not the other way around." she said, though she thought it was nice that someone cared about her too. Suddenly, she felt like she couldn't hold still and she stopped, pushing her wings free as she looked over at Kenjin. "Come on!" she said before galloping forward and with a single flap of her wings, flew into the air. She circled a couple times, waiting for Kenjin to join her in the skies. Unsure of how she had befriended him so easily, yet he was the only real friend she believed she had. Even Triveni, who had once looked after her after Leah abandoned her, hadn't been around in a long time. Shrugging this off, she looked down again, seeing Kenjin still on the ground.

*A chuckle came from Kenjin, as he watched Mika take off into the sky. Shaking his head his large white wings opened at his sides and soon he was air born. Wings caressing the air about him he rose swiflt to loop around her befor coming to her side, a wings length away to that he didn't hit her.* "Friends look out for one another." he said looking at her with a smile, "Besides, it would dive me to darkness if something were to happen to you." *There was truth in his words, his vice held a seriousness, just as his eyes were. He would throw himself off the cliff is anything happened to Mika, she was the only one who understood him. More then his parents, namely his father, ever did. With a swift beat of his wings, Kenjin soared toward the clouds above and toward the moon that sluggishly moved across the sky.*

Mika smiled at him and shook her head. "Don't let anything that has to do with me drag you down, Kenjin. You deserve more than that." she told him as she tried to catch up, moving faster with the help of her wings. "Besides, you need to live your life how you want it lived. If you want to be happy, then do something that keeps you there. I know it's hard.... trust me on that one." she said her mind drifting, knowingly. "But you just have to move on. Good things do happen Kenjin." She smiled brightly at him, something she never did, before turning into a backflip through a cloud just below her.

*Kenjin hovered where he had come to a halt. He watched Mika vanish into the cloud that was below them, smilng he watched the cloud for a moment before weaving from side to side a bit.* "Perhaps I already have." He muttered before pulling his wings in a bit and dove toward the cloud.* "Maybe I have found something that will make me happy." *Still weaving from side to side he soon burst from teh cloud's bottom with his wings flared out again to stop his decent. he looked around for Mika, wondering where she had gone. Feeling that maybe, just maybe his life wasn't meaningless after all.*

Mika stayed to the right hand under-side of the cloud and looked to her left as Kenjin burst through it. Stifling a laugh, she flew around the cloud's side, and laid on top of it, though still beating her wings to stay afloat, as she looked down at him. "Looking for something?" she asked finially letting herself laugh. She jumped off the cloud, racing past him and diving to earth, turning at the last moment so she didn't hit the ground. She 'ran' a few inches above the earth for a few moments before turning back and flying in place by his side. "And what's that?" she asked breathlessly as she continued to smile at him.

*Kenjin smiled as he watched her dive and soon return to where he was. His mind temperarily blank as he watched her, he barely heard her say anything. Shaking the blankness from his mind he looked at her.* "Hmm?" was all he said not quite hearing her question because of the sound of prehaps his heart in his ears. "What was what?" *Soon it struck him, it must have been what he had said not too long ago.* "Oh, that.." He said with a blush that seemed to consume his creamy coat. "I think Maybe I have found something that will keep me sane enough to live a normal life then the haunting images that try to drive me insane from day to day." He didn't know if he should just come out and tell her that it was she that was making him happy to be alive or save it for a better time and better place then here in the clouds.*

Mika laughed and landed once again on the cloud, looking down on him. "Flying makes me happy too." she lied but hid it with a smile. "But, then again, maybe that's because if you flew where I used to live, you were likely to die." she told him. "My family had this weird superstition that if you were flying in the sky, a horse would come and zap everyone with bolts of lightning or freeze them or something. So if anyone flew, they'd kill you so only one was hurt, not the whole family." she explained with a laugh. "I know how terrible it sounds, but at least no one was stupid enough to fly there."

*With a beat of his wings he seened to hover just infront of her. His nose not too far away...* "Sounds like a place to die for." He chuckled closing his eyes for a moment. "I too love to fly, My sister Nova and I strangely grew up while flying through a cloud. If nova hadn't been my sister I would have asked if she would ahve been my mate, but that's just silly to have a family member as a mate." He seened to sigh. "But I'm happy for her, she's got a loving Mate and adoring children. Sems my sisters have already beaten me to the punch. I was last born and last... Well Last in everything." He laughed, accidently pulling his wings in and dropped down a few feet before opening then again. Soon bringing himself back up to her level. "But I have a feeling it will all change in time. I'm sure Fate will kick me square in the rear when I find someone to bond with... If i haven't already." He said looking over at mika, all way over friendly like, but it soon vanishs to be just a smile. "But I'm not one to rush head long into things ilke most others." Mutters looking away a little.

"Don't worry, my sister Leah and her best friend Triveni both have mates... I'm last too. Which is fairly understandable considering they're both regular horses, not demons. Though both of their mates are demons." she said with a laugh. She had never thought about it before but now that she did, it was fairly funny. Mika's smile left her for a moment, thinking she had misread him all day and he had another, but she summoned her smile to come back before she looked over at him. "Oh, yeah? Didn't know you had someone, Kenjin." she said with a short laugh. "Who's the lucky mare?" she asked nudging him playfully.

*Not really thinking of what he was saying Kenjin just blurted it right out...* "I'm looking at her." He said watching Mika. "The most beautiful Mare I've met upon the plains I call home. One who loves flying." He seemed to stop as he caught himself, his coat showing a deeper red now. "I... I..." He muttered. "I meant what I said." *Looking away a little he wondered what she woudl think of him now.*

Mika's heart skipped a beat upon hearing this, unsure if he was serious. She looked over at him only to find that he was watching her as well, and she smiled at him, her blush hidden by her dark hair. She flew down to the ground and waited for him to join her; she didn't want to get too close while they were still in the air, but she felt alive for once in her life. Maybe I shouldn't tell other people to live their lives, and instead start to live mine... she thought once she got her bearings back.

*Kenjin dove after Mika and soon landed upon the ground just before her. His eyes watching her, his head lowering a little watching her. His wings folding neatly upon his back like a strange white cape.* "You seem surprised." He said watching her, tilting his head to one side a little. "I hope I didn't say anything wrong."

Mika shook her head, smiling at him. "Surprised... yes. Demons and angels just don't go together. I used to know why but I don't think I do anymore. You're the only one who gets me, Kenjin." When she was done talking she smiled and looked at the ground, embarassed. Okay, so it was exactly what I was thinking, but did I have to say it out loud??? she thought as her eyes watched the ground under her hooves.

*Kenjin just watched her before stepping forward to drop his head down to where she had hers before speaking.* "I don't see you as a demon, but someone who cares for others. If you ask me, I'd say we are more a like then one would think. Despite the differances we show on the outside. I feel that fate as drawn our souls to one another,." He whispered hoping he was making sense. *To his mind he didn't quite understand himself, but he couldn't really explain how he felt. He cared for her, more then he had anyone else in his life aside from his sister. Steppuing forward he brought his nose to hers for a moment before pulling away as to not make her uncomfortible.*

Mika raised her eyes up to look into his, knowing he meant what he said. Smiling, she stepped to his side to put her head under his. I love you too Kenjin... she thought as she stood by his side, finially feeling safe. I feel like I'm finially home...
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:05 pm
Owner's Note

Hello there Well renivations on the second page are complete I think. xD I hope it's better, then again I may have to redo it again... Maybe not. I think it's better now. ^_^





PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:41 pm
Winter Fun...
Has only just begun

Snow ever white body blended with the newly fallen snow of winter. Christmas was coming, along with lots of other things the natives liked to do. They had learned such behavior from their fellow brethren, who had come from the great ship of which Snow had seen only once when she was a filly. Now, she knew better, and knew them to be bad, asthey killed the natives for land, and tried to tame the spirit of the land. The wild horse. She shuddered. Two-leggers were good.. But not if they carried that dreaded boom stick.
The lily white snow was cold, and she was happy to finally lay eyes on her namesake. It had been a long hard summer, and she was happy to have the cool feel of the crush of snow under her hoof. Smiling, she jumped into the air. For the first time in years.

*Snow, it was something new to teh not even a true year old stallion as he looked about the area where his mother and brother lived. It was strange, really strange, cold and at times really, really wet. Stepping almost afraid of it, Lucifer noticed his mother jumping about the cold, wet stuff as if it were water in a mud puddle. Shaking his white head, his grey/silver mane tossing about his neck, Lucifer bounced closer.* "What is this stuff Mother?" he asked all foalishly. "I've never seen it before.

*Shadow lay beneath a large show covered pine, thinging he would be safe from the cold that grasped the plain. He watched the snow as it covered his home like a blanket. Standing, the black stallion stepped out into it to join his family and possibly have a little fun in the process of it all. This was a fun time of year, but still dangerous. Food was more scarce and Shadow, one of the cimarron herd had retreated to the native lands in hjopes of better feeding.*

Snow looked at her son, and gave him a kind smile. Good Heavens! He was afraid of the white coldness! She gave a giggle, and smiled warmly. She felt like a filly again, and winter did that too her sometimes. It just happened that way, she wasnt sure why. She laughed, a full-hearted, loving, ever so happy laugh.
"WHy my son! Surely you know snow when you see it?" She said, not even thinking about him not being a winter old yet. She looked over her shoulder, at the other someone approaching. Bounding over to him, she gave a n** on the ever so lovely Shadow's mane.
"Hello there my love!"

Tor hardly opened his eyes when the coldness fell over the grey eyelids. He had come to not really care about what went on around him. He had isolated himself from everyone, and had taken great care in staying steps away from the humans. The patch of grass around him was dead, but this time, it had nothing to do with him. The coldness was the perpitrator.

*Lucifer looked at his mother with serious eyes. He wondered if she even remember that he hadn't seen a winter yet. Shaking his head and what snow that lay hidden upon his white back. Lucifer looked over at his father as he came out to join his mother in her foalish fralicking.* "Mother, I..." He didn't know how to really explain it. "You do know that this is my first winter." *Half muttering the son of the healing mare looked over toward his twin brother who seemed well content in not joining the family. Was he still mad at their parents because of the secrets they had kept from them for their safety? Lucifer's head hung a little feeling that his brother still held a grudge against it, Lucifer could only wish there was a way to switch places, letting Tor be the healer and he be the death maker.*

*Skiding to a stop, Shadow nipped at Snow's mane playfully as his black back seemed peppered with white from the tree he had been under.* "Good day to you my beloved. It seems that the change of seasons has changed you." He said nuzzling against her. "Who is Tor? He still angry with us?" he asked in a whisper as to not alert his sons, watching Lucifer for a moment before looking over toward the grey patch he presumed was Tor.

Snow's smile fell. Her mood seemed to change all-together. Wow.. She had forgotten her boys had not seen winter yet. She felt ashamed, then the talk of her other son, the one who wouldnt speak to her, nor anyone else.. He hadnt said a word to her in three weeks, and she was begining to be very hurt by it. He no longer hugged her, or nuzzled. He would snap, and tell her to go away.. "I.He wont let me talk to him.."

Tor shook his mane, allowing it to fall over his newly opened eyes. The chocolate orbs stared at the family, and he knew, that by the way they looked at him, each one had a thought of him. He wished they would get him out of their heads, like he had done with them.

*shaking his head, Lucifer stepped over toward his brother. He wasn't one to let him remain all alone like that. Even if he was Lucifer's polar opposite. Standing before his brother, he lowered his head and lovingly nuzzled his head against Tor's gray coat.* "Hello brother." Lucifer said softly before pulling his body around and lay near his brother. *Lucifer had always loved his brother, even after he found out what they were. He didn't care, his brother was his brother no matter what was to happen to them. Green orbs watched his brother for a reaction as she laid close to his twin to share body heat within the cold.* "And don't tell me to go away brother, because you know I won't. Never have and never will."

*Shadow could only frown as his head sank a bit. Eyes watching the show upon the ground. He had to find a way to show Tor that they all were family, no matter what happened. Shaking his head he nuzzled agaisnt Snow in a comforting way.* "Things will work out in time. He can't stay mad at us forever." Shadow said trying to ease Snow's worried mind, not knowing if it would help or not.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:45 pm





PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:47 am
Back story of the Alicorn
Part two

This is where my Alicorn's Story will come in once he's been released. ^_^
But fornow, enjoy the species back story. Once I have completed it that is. xD
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:04 am
Owner's Notes
Horse info has been updated to a point.
Raya and Artemis grew to more beutiful then they were in the last stage. ^_^ Thanks Rae.
Ali Story is coming along slowly, will be done if I can get past my writters block. >.<
Fires Light's intro will be posted momentarily as soon as I can fix up a couple other things
I believe that is all... If not then I'll add it here....





PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:18 am
A new place and a New face

*It was colder then Fires Light remembered when she fell asleep back home. The air had a real chill to it and it was making her wings clatter against her sides. Her eyes opened slowly to look around her new fridged surroundings. But... The question was, where was she? This place was new, she'd seen snow before, but not this much... At home it only snowed Christmas eve and new years. That was it. This was all new, so much snow and very little heat....*  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:47 am
Burning of the Native Camp
Meeting of Shade and Poison Sting
Part 1

Shade: *prances around poison her mane and tail aflame* Interesting...

Poison: *Glares at the mare prancing around him. His acidic tail twitching behind him.* What are you looking at bright eyes?

Shade: *bares her fangs in a sadistic grin* You boney butt.

Poison: *Snorted at Shade as his tail twitching in a 'whatever' way.* Well you can just talk to my boney butt cause I'm outta here. *Starts walking off seeming to want nothing to do with the mare that was/had been walking around him.*

Shade: *cackles and stalks after a deer her glowing horn dimming for the moment to help her hunt*

Poison: *Snorts looking back at the mare before leaping into the shadows an all that could be seen were the bright acidic purple color of his mane and tail. The poison symbol on his flank was glowing an eerie purple as well... He seemed to be up to something, and it wasn't a good something.*

Shade: *leaps apon the deer holding it''s neck in her jaws and watches him for a moment then wonders off afew feet twitching her flaming tail while dragging the deer's body*

Poison: You do know that all that fat will go to your hips right? *He asked watching from where he scratched his black side agaisnt a tree.* But don't take my word for it. Your hips are already fat from whatever you've eatten anyways. *Turns to walk in a different direction at a low unhurried pace, wanting to hear her response.*

Shade: Who said i'm eating it all right now anyway, besides i can just run it off. *shakes her flaming mane* Now run along and play in the woods little colt.

*Poison snickered from where he was walking, that soon was an eerie call that seemed to shatter teh mourning silence. Venomous eyes looked back at teh mare.* "You talking to me? Or your shadow? Or perhaps that little imaginary foal that's prancing around you calling out 'Momma'." *Poison grinned as he turned around looking back at Shade. purple eyes watching the mare, his chest shuddering a little as a silent laugh crept through him as he thought back at what he had said.*

The mare aanorted and pawed the earth flames sparking to life under her hooves, she wasn't angry though. She dropped her kill and moved twoards him like a predator. "You know you might be the only creature to have stood up to me and not back down... your a brave stallion, i like that." She turned away again her tail brushing a tree catching the dry wood aflame.

*A grin crossed Poison's face as he watched Shade light a tree into a blaze. His own purple tail twitched behinf him as the fire light danced across his dark eyes.* "Brave? Most have called it stupidity. Normally I'd call your complement an insult, but right now, I'll leave it as ehat it is." *Stepping out of his path, Poison turned and walked past the flaming tree, his tail swishing as the flames seemed to hiss as an acid like substance escaped the strands.* "Besides, why would a Mare scare me? Not like there's anything that special about you. Even if you can cause fires with a flick of your tail. Big deal."

"i wouldn't call you stupid," shakes her horned head "the stupid ones are those that think they are stronger than everybody else, even i know that there are creatures within this world that could beat me." She tosse dthe deer onto her back and turned to look at him, "some consider my abilities scarey for the most part, my flames harm when i will them to." Twitching he tail the mare watched Posion, "I'm NightShade, may i bestowed the honor of knowing your name?"

"I too know that there are things out there that could do me in. But I won't go without putting up a fight before falling." He said stepping within a few feet of teh mare. "If you wish to know, It's Poison Sting, Poison for short if you please." *A small grin came across his face as he looked at teh deer that was drapped over Shade's back.* "You going to eat that whole thing yourself? Or share it with someone?" he asked sneezing lightly at teh over welming scent of blood.

"it's a pleasure Poison," she looked to the deer drapped across her back. "I'll eat it over time, but i don't have anybody 'special' if thats what you mean." She shook her coat slightly her mane and taill suddenly lost their flames falling into place in a cascade of brighht blue.

*Poison snorted lightly as he watched her mane and tail lose its flames and fall like a cascading waterfall. Shaking his head he looked away as his vibrent purple mane lay bold against his black neck.* "Suit yourself. Hope it doesn't rot on you while it waits to be eaten." *Turning the stallion stepped forward to walk away once more. His bold tail swishing behind him as he went the poison symbol once more clowing an eerie lighter shade of purple as he went.* "Oh and it was a pleasure to meet you Shade. Lets hope no one takes you for weak." *With an odd smile he kept going wondering what had gotten into him.*

She laughed "did you want some Poison? I'll behappy to share you just didn't seem like the kind to eat meat." She tossed it lightly to the ground and cleaned the blood from her ebony coat. She was watching him silently now wondering what his answer would be.

"Appearances are what one would think they were. Normal I seem, but you don't know me as well as one would think." He stated looking back at Shade. "The most I can catch are always rodents and rabbits. And they tend to get stuck in my teeth more then fill my stomach." Poison snorted as she turned to look back. "But if you really don't mind sharing, I'll take a leg. You need more then I ever would." *Turning completely around, Poison walked toward the deer before grabbing a hind leg and tore it from the carcase with a good hunk of meat along with it. Dragging that of he laid himself down to tear hunks off before almost swallowing them whole.*

"No, apperances aren't always as they seem." She watched him meander off with a leg. She ripped into the carcasses neck, "help yourself to it, i'm a pretty good hunter." She stamped a hand hoof and yanked off another hunk of flesh.

*Yanking off another hunk of meat he tossed it into the air before catching it again and eats it before answering Shade.* "It's not like I'm going to be hanging around you too much. Would make others think we were a mated pare." He said in slight disgust of teh word. "Which in this case, I don't think I would mind. As long as nothing bothers me from purging this plain of human existance." He snorted a more disguted look upon his face at teh mention of humans. *He hated the species and wished them gone from teh face of the earth. Natives and pale skins.*

Shade shook her head wildly and pawed the eart fire in her eyes "..humans." the word came out in a low growl and the mare tossed her mane wildly. "*&^% things killed my herd every one of them," she kept pawing at the earth flames sparking again.

*Chewing on a small bone he spat it out as she watched the flames rise up again. A sneer crossed his face as he seemed a little happier about all this.* "They killed off your herd too huh? What about the horses that live with the humans? YOu have sympathies for them?" he asked wondering, wondering if this mare shared his veiws of burning the plains flat and killig off everything in sight, or that just happened to get in the way.*

"i've meet afew, but never took a liking to any of them. I did right after i arrived in his place stay with a human girl and her mares but i left that place the same day and havn't gone back." She shook herself "i care nothing for the two-leggers and nothing for their horses."

"So you wouldn't care if this human girl and her mares burnt to death in a fire I plan on setting?" He asked standing and stepping closer to Shade. "One to purge teh plain of the human race and all those that get in teh way of it."

Shade laughed "I wouldn't care, set fire to the plains if you so wish i have no love for those creatures... nor the creatures that bind themselves to them." She shook herself wildly and snorted baring ehr fangs in a deep growl for a moment.





PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:37 am
Burning of the Native Camp
The meeting of Shade and Poison Sting
Part 2

*Poison's smile seemed to widen as he hauled himself up off the ground toan walked around Shade. Watching her anger as he talked about killing the native and pale skins. He really wondered if this mare actually did care for this 'girl'. But he didn't press the subject.* "If you hate them that much, Iam I assuming that you are willing to help me start the fire once this acursed winter season has ended?" He asked stopping before her.

Shade wasn't angry at the thought of him setting the field afire, her mind was replaying the murder of her herd over and over in her mind. She shook herself wildly then looekd to him. "I'll help you if you want it," she tossed her mane the glowing two toned eyes watching him.

*Poison, grined as his eyes narrowed at the thought of the females help.* "Good. We'll start with this young human's home. You can torch her enclosure to start teh blaze. How woudl you like that? Trap that two legged and those idiotic animals that call themselves mares." *He seemed to be egging Shade on, seeing if she'd crack, but everything appeared to be going his way. The way to distruction.*

She watched him for a moment "Fine, i'll start it if you wish, she shook herself again. The mare was watching him quietly now but one could still see the rage in her eyes, nightmares were known for their rage and Shade was no exception.

*A cold chuckle came from the Stallion as he turned toward where the natives were living for the winter.* "Then lets go. While the rage is still hot." He stated soon jutting off toward the native encampment. *He looked back once and a while to see if the mare was there, then forward again, dodging snow bound trees before soon coming to the native camp. He noticed a young blonde headed human tending to a sickly looking mare. One that looked on her last leg.* "Here's the chance, that sickly mare will be diversion enough." Poison muttered to himself more then anyone else.*

"Easy. Easy Kisha." The young human cooed as she placed a blanket over Kisha who lay in the snow. Her wings shuddering a little. "It's going to be alight. YOu'll make it through this. I know you can." The human said as she looked up and around with her only good eye. *The human seemed to be either looking out for danger or looking for something. Who could tell with the blanket of worry that coated her face as she looked back down at the mare.*

Shade's mane caught fire again, now it was spreaidng down her body to her hooves. She pawed at the eart and the groudn opened letting out horses amde of blue flames arise from the ground bellow. She looked to Poison then to her minions "Lets go my pretties..." with the snap her her tail she took off and the herd of blue flames creatures followed her.

*A laugh rose from Poison as he soon followed behind Shade as she and her minions dashed toward the human and her animal. His eyes glowing within the flames of the fires that were about to begin. The fun was about the begin and the chaos was about to uprise.* "Now this is what I call fun."

*The human looked up from Kisha as she heard the sounds of hooves coming toward her and her mother's camp. Looking around, Sevti caught sight of Shade. She looked angry.. Really angry for that matter.* "Shade?" she muttered standing and backing away. "What's teh matter Shade?" Sevti shouted as she noticed Kisha try and pull herself up upon her hooves. *Sevti watching hin horror as Kisha rose to defend her home, rearing and wings spread to her sides, Kisha looked more like Kishan then herself.* "Kisha! Run!" Sevti shouted running forward to push at Kisha to get her to turn around and flee. She could feel teh heat that was coming and wished Kisha not to be caught in it.*

Watching the scene with anger, Mika flew above the native village, watching over Kenjin's mother and the human who was taking care of her. She had never met the mare, but she was the only female angelic within, and she was sick as Kenjin had told her. She saw as the two horses ran towards the village, and she swooped down, landing in front of the pair, ready to fight them if need be. Lowering her head, teal flames danced in her eyes as she waited for them, her whip-like tail snapping in the air.

Shade roared, the sound echoed through the chilly air, she lowered her horn aiming for Kisha's soft belly. Shade's mind was engulfed i nthe flames of old memories and no longer her own. Around her the flaming minions galloped through houses their flames attacking the skins setting them ablaze.


*Sevti got in between Shade and Kisha, even if Kisha was bent one protection her home, her family from what was happening. She hadn't noticed That another had come down between them, an unlikely friend at least. Wings beating furiously trying to kick up something to blind Shade.* "Go Kisha. Run" Sevti shouted as she stood infront of Kisha with her arms spread at her sides acting as a sheild. "Go Kisha, you children will need you." Sevti muttered as she looked at teh demon that was standing before her.

*Poison stood off to the side looking around at teh mayhem that he was causing with Shade's help. Smiling he whipped around spraying acid at the flames looking to spread teh fired even more. From the homes to the trees.* "Burn!" He roared, rearing upon his hind legs. *He had yet to see the demon that came to the human's aide.*

Shade's eyes spotted the female land and she growled louder, she turned suddenly twoards the mare but still her head whipped around to slam the human away. She galloped at Mika hooves pounding the eart flames leaping out form under them, her eyes blazed with an eternal hatred "die human lover!" Shade's roar echoed in the burning village and her fangs gleamed like daggers in a black night.

Mika snorted at the black mare as she headed towards her and the mare she was working to protect. In anger, she flew up into the air and readied herself to kick the mare in the head, where her hooves were waiting. Without looking back at the angelic mare, she spoke to her. "Kisha, go. I don't want you getting hurt. Just go, now!" She looked over at the poisonous stallion, wanting to go get him out of the village before he deystroyed it, but she waited until she took care of the mare.

*The wind knocked out of her, Sevti lay gasping upon the ground where she was thrown. Her head spun from hte sudden force and impact. She heard the calls of horses and people fleeing teh blaze. Sitting up she groaned soon pulling herself up to stagger over toward Kisha.*

*Kisha looked up at teh mare that was helping them. Her pained eyes watching the damonic as she helped.* "How? How did you know my name?" Kisha shouted before looking at her owner and nudged teh human upon her back before pushing off the ground. *Looking down she watched her home burn to the ground. Wondering what could have caused all this... This chaos. It was to be a nice holiday and now.. Everything was ruined.*

*Poison looked up at the winged mares that were in teh sky. One carrying a young human. His deep hatred grew as she reared again charging toward Shade, to stop not far from her, glaring up at the winged ones.* "Figures that something would come and try to save this place. HOw should we deal with it?" he hissed looking at the enraged Shade.

She watched Poison near them form the corner of her eye, bunching her muscles up Shade suddenly moved low to the ground then in an impressive display in power she rocketed herself upwords. Her fangs gleamed as she opened her mouth aiming for Mika's exposed neck.

Mika's eyes narrowed as she heard the mare lunge from the ground where she had just recently been. Moving her head to face her once again, she beat her wings fast before feeling the sharpness of the mare's teeth cut through her right foreleg. She watched the mare land back onto the ground before she dove down, headed for her belly. "You think you can deystroy this village, and now me, you wingless pathetic horse!?" she yelled in the seconds she had before she reached the mare.

*Kisha watched as ehr wings tried to keep her bulk above the ground. Diving she troed kicking at the attacking Mare, but soon found herself off balance for a moment. She regained herself before dropping to the ground. Gaining height above them she looked around trying to find her sisters, her children. They had to be there somewhere. If not in the village, then somewhere safe. She hoped.*

*Poison watched Shade attack the mare as he soon advanced into the village and headed to spread the flames even more. Hoping to cause more Chaos then was already rising to more then max.*

Shade raised her head the spiraling glowing horn apon her ehad pointed at the attacking demon, "c'mon then! attack me i dare you!" Shade's sadistic grin stretched her muzzel.

*Circling back to where Shade was still... Fighting with the airborn Mare he swung around hoping to throw acid at teh mare and try to bring her down. Trying to make the fight more fair, well fair enough so he could get his licks in too. The heat from the fires and the sounds that had shattered the night air were music to his ears, gloreous music.*

*Kisha had fled with her human upon her back. Hoping, praying that the others had gotten out quickly and safely. Mainly Sevti's mother adn her own sisters. There was so much at stake here, her home and family. Plus the rest of the families around. Collapsing out in teh opened plain she lay panting her wings folded in disaray a worried human looking her over making sure that she was alright. Sleep called to Kisha's mind more then anything else. That phantom voice calling her to sleep, as it had so long ago.*

Mika winced as she was hit on her wounded foreleg with Poison's acid, just before she felt her horns hit through the stallions flesh. Dazed at first, she was unsure of where exactly she hit him, but she pulled her horns out and shook the blood from her head before looking back down at him.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:14 am
Burning of the Native Camp
Left alone...
Part 3

*Poison was nearly knocked off his hooves as he felt the horns of the demonic slice into his flank. A harsh whinny tore from his throat as she staggered around to rear over the mare.* "That was a bad mistake." He hissed coming down aiming to kick at teh mare's head even if blood stained his flank and covered the danger symbol on his flank that was pulsing gently.* "A very bad mistake."

Mika ignored the stallion, instead her eyes searched for the black mare who helped destroy the village. Soon she realized that the mare must have fled for she was nowhere to be found. "Oh did I?" she asked looking back to the poison stallion. "I seriously doubt that. You're the one bleeding, not me." she said indicating to his flank which was still bleeding profusly compared to her own wound which had stopped after his poison had hit, which had somehow cauterized her wound, even if it brought great pain with it.

*Snapping at teh air, Poison looked about noticing that Shade had vanished. Hissing slightly he pawed at the ground. His flank hurt greatly and it seemed to slow him down as well. head lowering, ears falling back he glared at teh mare.* "You should die with teh rest of this filthy pest. Then again, I though Demonics had no love for humans, why come to their aide?"

Mika chuckled, shaking her head. "I have no love for humans, so I suppose you have me pegged. I'm not here for them. Apparantly wingless horses are absent of any wit because if you had any you would know why I am here." she said eyeing his leg. "Now, I think you should leave before you are unable to walk or breathe." she said lowering her head to the stallion, as blood dripped down her forehead.

*Poison backde away from teh demonic mare and glowered at her, His ears still back against his skull as he watched the village burn.* "Whatever your here for it's too late. The village is burning and your pets have fled leaving you here to go with it. Have a happy death." Poison hissed turning quick, acid spraying from his tail as he went and soon fleed into the shdows, half limping as he went.*

Mika snorted as he left before turning back to the burning village. Angry at first, she let fear take hold as she beat her wings, sending her upwards. "Kisha!!" she yelled, flying over the village unsure of where she went. Finially, she let herself drop in the village's center and she ran through it, ignoring the pain in her leg, hoping to find Kisha somewhere alive. If she dies, I will never forgive myself, even if Kenjin can.

*Kisha lay a far distance away from the burning camp. Her human still at her side, her good eye watching teh smoke curl up toward the sky. This was not what she had in mind for a holiday, not at all. Kisha soon shifted to get her hooves under her belly, her head turned toward home. Or what had been home. A frantic call came from her as she hoped her sisters and children had fled to safety. Shaking her head she nuzzled against her stunned human looking for comfort.*

Finding her search useless, she again rose to the skies, and instead, searched the plains outside of the encampment. Finially, she spotted what looked like a human in the distance, and flying nearer, she saw Kisha laying back to the village. "Kisha!" she yelled before she dived down, landing by her side. "Are you alright?" she asked looking her over carefully.

*Kisha looked up at teh demon before making sure that her human was alright with the strange new mare so near.* "Yea, I'm alright, for one still healing. I don't think I'll ever give birth again." Kisha sighed shaking her head again. "How did you know my name anyways? Because I've never seen you before..."

Mika looked back down to the angelic mare, almost shocked at the question or herself, though she wasn't sure which. She bowed deeply, "My apologies Kisha. I'm Mika. I.. I know your son, Kenjin. I haven't seen him in a few days but he told me about you and quite frankly, I didn't want you getting hurt." she explained. It made little sense to her, but she said it anyways hoping that somehow Kisha would understand.

*Kisha looked at Mika as she spoke and nodded calmly, even for teh condition she was in.* "I understand and I thank you for the attempt to save my home. It won't be a good season this year. Nearly everything was distroyed in that blaze. And I fear that teh humans may starve if the food runs out." Sadness came over Kisha before she sighed. "But I'm glad that my son has met a kind mare like you."

"I'm not kind. Demoness, remember?" she stated clearly looking down at them. "Besides, my sister once spoke of a cave where another demoness is said to live, in the jungle, and instead she found a stallion of the winter. He may be able to save your village."

*Kisha looked at Mika with a quizical eye before shaking her head laughing a little.* "Right, demoness. I;ll remember that." Kisha chuckled lightly. *Her ears perked up as she heard something that may save her home.* "stallion of winter? But... It's winter now, where would we find him?" She asked tilting her head to one side while also struggling to get ot her hooves.

Mika shook her head and looked at the ground. "He used to live in that cave to be sheltered from the summer and fall seasons. But now, its his time, and he could be anywhere." she explained. She released her wings from her sides, and beat them quickly, thrusting her to the sky. "I guess we just search. I from the skies, and you from the ground. You need to save your energy."

*Shaking the snow from her coat, Kisha nodded, not going to argue with the demoness that could kill her easily if crossed the wrong way. She found that out from Kishan her own sister.* "Alright, but don't let us slow you down. We must make haste if the village is to be saved."

Mika dived down and stood next to Kisha, her hot breath turning cold as it hit the icy air. "Give me the girl. Then you can't slow me down." she said nodding to the girl who was taking care of the angelic mare back in the village. I can't believe I'm about to help a human. Muchless a human that would probably like to kill Kenjin if given the chance. she thought angrily, though she tried not to show it.

*Kisha looked at Mika before looking at her human who was somewhat hidding behind her as if scared of this demon. Before long she had nudged Sevti over toward Mika. Whickering softly trying to ease the human's nerves.* "Take care of her. She's cared for me, my sisters and children well." Kisha stated watching Sevti.

*Sevti listened to the whickers and whinnies of the horses talking to each other. She worried that when Kisha stood she would fall again. But she managed. Soon she found herself being nudged over toward the demon. Looking from both she somewhat understood what was going on. Petting the demoness Mare she pulled herself upon its back holding on to teh mares mane with a hand as she looked at Kisha still with worry.*





PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 12:24 pm
Burning of the Native Camp
Hunt of the Winter Stallion
Part 4

Mika helped the human climb up her and nudged her soflty to make sure she was okay before turning back to Kisha. "We'll check the cave first, and figure something out from there. I'm sure he won't be there, but that's the last place he was known to reside." She turned to the forest and began to run towards it and the cave within, looking back constantly to be sure Kisha was keeping up.

*Kisha noded at the demon as she headed after her. A careful eye remaining on the human who rode upon Mika's back. Her own wings folded at her sides as she followed Mika. A time or two she had to slow down to catch her breath before racing off again. Being ill and running at this place must not be good. But she did her best to keep up, even if her legs threatened to let go from under her.*

*Standing upon the peak above the cave inwhich he resided in, a icy blue stallions stood looking out over the snow covered plain. His deep purple eyes noticed the smoke in the disance, but didn't move as it was none if his business of what was going on. His stormy grey tail and mane twitched a little in the winds as his body seemed to fade out for a moment before returning. Winter Star stood watching the chaos as if it were just an every day thing.*

Mika burst through the first line of trees, ducking when need be and hoping that Kisha was alright behind her, as well as the human that was trusted to her by the mare. Soon, she slowed, unable to see three feet ahead of her in the darkness. She suddenly felt colder and knew they were getting close. "Kisha, you okay?" she asked, looking into the darkness.

*Kisha staggered a little panting and soon leaned against a tree. Her coat was sleak with sweat as if she had been running for miles no end.* "I'll be alright. Just gotta catch my breath." She panted, her head sagging a little. "Keep going without me. I'm not going anywhere." Kisha insisted thinking back to her home that was stil ablaze.

*Leaping from the peak and dashing down teh side of the mountain, the winter stallion came to a snowy halt near teh mares. His eyes watching them before his body seemed to vanish within a gust of snow flakes.* "What brings you both to this p[lace?" asked a sort of disembodied voice as the icy stallion collected himself behind the pair, still watching them as another gust of wind threatened to blow him about again.*

Mika turned to Kisha seeing she was in no condition to go anywhere. Nudging the human from her back she spoke to Kisha. "I'll take care of this, and when you're ready go back." She turned and walked towards the icy stallion that appeared so suddenly. "We need your help. There is a village that is burning... with your help we can stop it." She wasn't sure what exactly she would do if he said no, but it wouldn't be violent. From what her sister said, he could vanish without a trace if he wished.

*Star watched the mares and the apparent human that was with them. He watched silently until he was approached by the demon mare and snorted lightly.* "I watched the blaze from above, it's none of my concern to what happens there. Why should I extort my abilities to put out a blaze that will burn itself out in time?" he questioned remaining still.

*Kisha remained still as she watched, her human at her side. She nudged Sevti a little before stepping away from the tree and turned to head back before the human froze to death in the cold. Her pace was slower then she had arrived in and was taking her time getting out of the darkness.*

Mika understood exactly where he was coming from, at first she wasn't sure what she was doing either. "Because otherwise everyone left in that village could die. And not just the ones who will die in the fire you didn't help put out, but the people that will die of starvation because their food and shelter is gone. Please.."

*Winter stepped back for a moment as if considering what was at stake. Before seeimg to vanish into a flurry of snow that swirlled up over the tree tops.* "I will hel this one time because you asked so kindly. But don't make this an every day occurance." Hissed Star's disemboded voice as the sky started to cloud up and snow started to fall again but soon turned to rain as it reached the village.*

Mika smiled and raced out of the forest running after the snow. Once she cleared the forest she shot her wings out, gliding over the air to the village. Along the way she saw Kisha but she passed her quickly and she soon came to a stop at the front of the village, which was now steaming instead of burning. "Thank you!!" she yelled to the sky, not really sure who she was yelling to anymore.

*Star appeared behind Mika as teh clouds vanished from over head. Snorting a little he watched the demon for a moment before speaking.* "Don't mention it, but as I said before. Don't make it an every day thing. Because this is a one time only deal." *Soon he vanished again blowing past Mika and into the distance.*

*Kisha looked forward, watching the clouds advance on her home and the flames were doused. Making her human get on her back she ran to make it to be beside Mika looking over her home.* "So much will have to rebuild and... Well a lot of work has to be done." She sighed lowering her head.* "You going to stay and help.. Mika?" Kisha asked looking at the demoness.

Mika nodded to the snow as it was carried away before turning to look at Kisha. She shook her head, staring at the ground. "I doubt it. I was told that the natives don't like Kenjin much... and where I need to be right now, is with him. Besides, if they don't like an angel, I doubt they would have any patience for me." she said as she stared at her hooves. "But it was nice to meet you Kisha. And I'll be around if you ever need me." Mika decided she was done with all the mushyness and without another word, she nodded to Kisha, and then turned, flying off.

*Kisha watched Mika fly away before she could say anything more. But teh demon was right, the natives weren't too happy about Kenjin, or her very own twin sister Kishan. Shaking her head, Kisha stepped into the village to survey the damage and hope to start cleaning up the mess.*

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