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Vice Captain

Tiny Unicorn

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:01 pm
Evangeline frowned and looked closely at the stranger. “You look…like….” Evangeline gasped. “What’s your name?” Evangeline asked, unable to believe her eyes.

“He looks just like Gorocco if I remember correctly…but Gorocco can’t be here…it’s…impossible” Evangeline thought to herself as she looked at the stranger.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:03 pm
"Wah..uwahh...uuwaaaaaaah!!!!" Azasael slid down the tree. She landed on Raan, who yelped equally loudly. "That hurt, idiot!" he snarled, tugging at her shirtsleeve in order to pull her off him.

Azasael shook her head and stood up. "It's no good, I can't scout the trees for Terra. I have a feeling she's not here anymore." she looked at her zanpakutou worriedly. (Er, I meant sword or something.)

Raan shut his eyes and sighed. "Even if you do find her, what are you going to tell her?" His voice took on a falsetto, imitating his owner's voice. "Oh, oh, oh, Terra! Guess what? I was scouting the trees for your pretty face until I finally found you so let's go to a spa again!"

He glared at her, teeth bared. "You're stupid, you know that? And don't give me that pout. Only sensible people are fit to go adventuring, and they don't look for adventures, fool. The quests just come to them. I've never met anyone as stubborn and determined as you."

Azasael turned away, stalking in the opposite direction. "Scold me all you want, it doesn't have any effect on me. I've never listened to anyone but myself since Ioi died in front of my eyes." she replied curtly, slinging her sword over her back.

Raan tensed, preparing to spring, but decided against it. He would just follow his owner and if trouble ever rose again, he'd just defend her as always with an "I told you so."

"She never learns, does she? Stubborn headed as ever." he growled to himself as he followed Azasael.  

Azasael Leonheart
Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:03 pm
Terra ran towards the group of people, once she arrived she found out they were bandits looking at her, blood lust in their eyes.

"Hey guys, look what came up in this part of the desert, a nice piece of meat." the head bandit said, he has shaggy brown hair with brown eyes, a muscular chest with several scars. legs covered in genie pants and sandals.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:04 pm
"Oh, my apologies. Guess I am a little more tired than I thought, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kaiuke Hakazei." He said with a bow. "What is your name ma'am?" He asked as he straightened up.  


Dangerous Genius

Vice Captain

Tiny Unicorn

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:11 pm
"Oh....” was all Evangeline said.
Clearing her throat, she replied. “I’m Evangeline. Evangeline Leonheart and yes. I came into contact with Gorocco Hakazei”

“So…you can see my aura?” Evangeline asked, remembering what Kaiuke said just now.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:16 pm
"Gorocco Hakazei? I have never heard that name before... Hmm.. nice ring to it though. And it is a pleasure to meet you Mis Evangeline Leonheart." Kaiuke said as he straightened up. "And yes, your aura is pretty easy to pick out. You elves, even living ones, have quite the unique aura. Its easy to tell you apart though."  


Dangerous Genius

Azasael Leonheart
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:31 pm
Raan whined as he stepped on a thorn accidentally. He whined again when he stubbed his paw on a hard rock. He whined yet once more when a flying rock hit him on the head.

"Shut up, you damn wolf! How the hell am I supposed to meditate with you squeaking every second?!" Smoke was billowing around Azasael as she levitated on her cloud, raising her about five feet from the ground.

"I wasn't squeaking, I was whining---!!" Raan protested, as yet another rock targeted his side. "Ow! Alright already, I'm sorry!"

Azasael lifted him up, staring into his eyes. "You've been neglecting your training, wolf boy. Now shape shift and train!" she shook him, then dropped him to the ground.

He could've landed with a thump and refused to obey her orders, but the bonds of love and respect are stronger than disobedience. Obediently, he re-formed as a teenage boy with black hair and green eyes, wielding a sword about as tall as he was.

"Remember to meditate before you train, kid." Azasael looked at him, frowning. "Don't think you can slack off just because you've taken on a wolf form. You're still a weakling, no match for greater armies."

Raan hung his head, eyes downcast. "Azasael, if you wish for me to train as hard as you do, it's because you're trying to force me into following your footsteps, no? I can't become Ioi, no matter how hard you train me."

His owner merely dissipated into thin air, swallowing herself into her own cloud. "Spar with me." She replied, changing the subject as she withdrew her sword from its scabbard. "Let's see how good you've become."  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:33 pm
"Really? So how's mine? Strong, weak? I've never been able to see mine and unique aura, what do you mean by that? " Evangeline asked excitedly.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Unicorn

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:43 pm
Terra glared at the head bandit. He made his way over to her and she stood her ground.

"Aww the girl think she can stand up to me, Lets find out." He said and snarled to her.

Terra stood her ground, glaring at him.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:11 pm
Xoul was confused and at the same time wanted to know how is he related to this things called Nu'sven. He wondered and listened closely to Crimson.

Xoul: "Please explain.."

Crimson: "Alright, i'll explain to you.. If you check the top secret documents of the Avarail Institution, you'll find something I wrote which is about the Nu'sven.. King Glory made it classified for it is not meant to be known publicly, or you, Xoul, will be targeted directly by Lucifer."

Xoul: "Why's that?"

Crimson: "Cause you have the strength to beat him Xoul, you and your friends."

The scenery then changed again into a field, land full of grass, peaceful and nice. Suddenly a noise was heard, explosion and clashes of swords were heard, not coming from around, but above. Xoul looked towards the sky and saw the sky was red as crimson. Xoul looked closely and saw human like creatures with wings flying above the sky fighting each other.

Xoul: "What are those?! They look like humans with wings?!"

Crimson: "Those are, Nu'sven.. Angelic Creatures created by the Gods themselves as a body guard and a soldier of heaven to fight off the Demon God.. Loki.. Of course Loki himself have his own soldiers, they are the demons you encounter, but far more stronger.."

The sky was bloody red, and massive explosions of thunder are heard throughout the land. It was a war like no other. It was the battle of the Gods. A flock of Nu'sven attacking Demons with demonic wings fighting among each other in the air. The scenery then started to change slowly as Crimson began to talk about the history of the battle. The memory lane changes as Crimson explained.

Crimson: "You see, the history books lied about 3 Gods creating Reavalon, they were actually 4. Heimdal, Klyde, Lynn and Loki. 30 years after the creation of Reavalon, Year 30 AS, Loki disagreed to let the Faerun's, also known as the races, Elven, Dwarfen and Human to have free will and are meant to serve and praise them instead. The other 3 Gods disagreed for the Faerun needed to be free and go with their own lives. This discussion made Loki furious and wanted to rule Reavalon for himself. There he created the Demons who some would have demonic wings and stay with Loki as his main army, while some roam the world and create chaos to all of reavalon. Knowing this The 3 God's created the Nu'sven, the angelic creatures granted power to destroy the demons. A war then was set among The Gods, which you see right now. Unfortunately, there was a rule of being a God when Reavalon was created. The Gods shall not interfere whatsoever in the problems of the Faerun's, they must only provide them with shelter and prosperity in land, but never help them in their problems, which included the raid from the Demons. Loki did not obey this rule, and therefore he rebeled, attacking both The Heavens and Reavalon. This is why you see the war only happens in the heaven's. While the Gods and the Nu'sven were fighting the Demons and Loki in Heaven, the raid on Reavalon was intense. The leader of this raid is none other than Lord Xymn. He conquered most of Reavalon from the north, the land of Yuvona coming down towards Vayurath which the humans lived and that's when the they started to slowly perish, eventually pushing them down towards the town of Kleoran. 12 years after the battle have started, Year 42 AS, fate was on our favor. A Nu'sven fell from the heat of battle down towards Sinvad, a town on the border of Yuvona. He was unconscience when found by the town's people. The next day the Nu'sven found himself laying in a bed being treated by a woman named Alyssa, she was the town's medical doctor. The Nu'sven introduced himself, his name was Myh'kael, which was my father. A noise was then heard, explosions and screams. Lord Xymn's demons have raided the Town of Sinvad. Myh'Kael went out and fought the demons, but they were just too much. The towns people including Myh'Kael fled to Uliqora Village which was the last safe point in Yuvona. There Myh'Kael knew, if he left for war back to the Heaven's, no one would be able to stand against this demons. So he made an oath, he would stay and protect the human race, even if it meant exile to the Heavens. He fell in love with Alyssa, and after 5 years of fighting off the demons from attacking Uliqora village, they got married, then having a child, which was me. The battle in the heaven's also ended in a victory of the three God's, demons in the heaven's perish and The Demon God Loki was inprisoned bellow the Babel Tower. The Demons on Reavalon however, continued to raid, for their next goal now, is to obtain the Aria stones and free the Demon God Loki. The God's in the heaven and the Nu'sven were not to interfere, for the rule of life still applies. The very next year, Xymn himself led an army to conquer Uliqora village after seeing 5 years of failure. Xymn wanted to take this matters to his own hands. The only way to get to the Babel Tower is to pass over Vayurath and Wingard. The night of Year 46 AD, Uliqora's defences was breached. The towns people were force to flee towards Vayurath. Myh'Kael told Alyssa to run with the child and gave him his pendant. He told her, to keep the baby safe, for he might be the person who will save the human race. Myh'Kael then turn around into the burning flare of battle to try and stop Xymn. The battle was a lose, and Yuvona, after 5 years, has finally been conqured by Xymn. From that day, the humans were in a pinch, fleeing from one town to the other and after 24 long years, a man with the name of Crimson Leonheart, stood up and challenged Xymn, subduing him. The name Crimson was given by my father Myh'Kael, as a memorial of the battle of the gods, the heavens was as red as Crimson. That is how you are related to the Nu'sven. That is how you got your powers, skills and agility. You are an Angelic Human."

The scene then started to change back into the battlefield in Kleoran, and at the distance, Lord Xymn was there standing on his stance aimming his sword at Xoul.

Crimson: "Now this is your final test, you are the only one who can defeat Lucifer and his demon army, you, your friends and of course your loyal knights. Awake your Nu'sven in you Xoul, and you will be able to release a power so great, that it can vanquish any demons granted by the Gods themselves."

Xoul stood shock and suddenly Xymn started to attack him, Xoul took out his katana and managed to block it, yet he was being pushed into a pinch. He was getting attacked and couldnt counter back, Xymn was alot stronger than he is. Xoul then got kicked in an open area and was thrown into the air landing on the ground spitting blood.

Xoul: "*Sigh* *Cough* How... how can I awaken my Nu'sven.."

Crimson: "You.. must pact with a demon, absorbing their energy into yours, giving your angelical strength, power and agility. Only the heir of a half Nu'sven is able to do this.. Pact with your demon Xoul, your thoughts is Azure's thoughts.."

Xoul stood up from the ground and saw Xymn was headed his way, he knew he couldnt take anymore blows from him. He had to pact with Azure, somehow or its the end of him.

Xoul: "*Cough* Azure.. can you do this..?"

Azure: "Anytime you're ready Xoul.."

Xoul smiled at Azure and stood straight having Azure beside him, he then called out to the heaven's shouting.

Xoul: "Hear me!! I am Xoul Leonheart!! I will defeat you!! Xymn!!"

Xoul's Aura started to show, his eyes was glowing light grey and Azure was shinning in bright light. Xoul then pointed his sword at Xymn who was running towards him.

Xoul: "I will.. be stronger.. Over Soul!!!"

A bright dark and white light, spherical, was surrounding Xoul. The light slowly subdued and there Xoul was seen, a different person. He has pacted with Azure. His face was clearly seen, half demonic, one eye was glowing purple. His look was deadly and un-asuring. Xoul felt stronger, angelic and demonic powers running into his veins.

Crimson: "Excelent..."

Xoul and Azure: "Prepare yourself, I'm not holding back.."  

Xoul Leonheart

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:20 pm
When the bandit closed the distance between Him and Terra he put his hand to her chin and lifted her head. She immediately grabbed his arm, with anger in her eyes, freezing his entire arm and flung him to the ground with a ice dagger in her hand, with the point of the blade as his throat. "Make one movement and you are all dead." she said deadly.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:21 pm
Raan ducked as the flying star shaped knives flew past his head. "Tch--!!" he hissed. "She's so strong...after she meditates..." Azasael yelled out.

"Watch yourself, focus, eyes on the enemy! Don't you dare to lose your concentration just because you think I've not weakened from several hours of sparring!" She scolded, running towards him and plunging her sword at his chest. "I will kill you if you do not focus."

Raan blinked, amazed that he'd actually managed to block off her attack. "I'm sorry, Aoyaki." he said, swallowing. "Shut up! Prepare to die!" she kicked him, sending him flying into a tree. He hit it with an agonizing thump, and lay on the ground, blood streaming from his forehead.

"What did I tell you?" she hissed, beads of sweat dripping down from her forehead. Her chest heaved as she panted. "Don't lose your concentration, fool. Your opponent will not hesitate to kill you when they get the chance." He staggered a little as he tried to stand up, then collapsed to his knees.

"I-I can't, Aoyaki. It hurts." he clutched his forehead, where several little knife gashes lay open, blood flowing out. Azasael sighed and sheathed her sword. "Fine. Let me clean those for you."

Raan grabbed her shoulders, pushing his face close to hers. "Aoyaki. Why are you so nice to me? I don't deserve this!" He was close to tears, with the blood still streaming down his face. Azasael answered by hugging him.

"I thought I told you to shut up." she replied, running her hands through his hair. "I chose you for you, idiot." Raan shut his eyes, hugging her tightly. Somehow, his wounds didn't hurt anymore.

Aoyaki pulled away, hands on his shoulders, eyes lowered. He leaned closer and covered her lips with his own. Several seconds later, he felt her hugging him again.  

Mindless Eating Machine


Dangerous Genius

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:25 pm
"Your aura? It is strong for being a spirit.... and I have spent many years training to sense peoples auras. Spirits are the most difficult to detect though." Kaiuke said with a small chuckle at the questions flying at him.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:36 pm
"Spirit? No...I mean as a person, a human, an elf....I …” Evangeline sighed.
“Oh never mind.” Evangeline said softly.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Unicorn


Dangerous Genius

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:43 pm
"Hmm? Are you saying your not a spirit Lady Evangeline?" Kaiuke said with a confused look now on his face. His black fox ears drooped slightly as he cocked his eyebrows. He wasn't sure what to make of this. His senses told him that she was a spirit but she seemed to protest at this assumption.  
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