The scene was pure chaos. And normally, the gnomes would have appreciated chaos, but this time, things were different. This time, they had been given a sense of authority over the event. This time, it was almost like they were in charge. (They weren't, really, but gnomes were easy to manipulate.) They had so many responsibilities and functions, and sure, a few of them were sacrificed for the greater good, but it had seemed that greater good was truly worth it this time. At least, until something had happened to that DAMN PUNCH!

"I watched it as long as I could!" Oliver cried, as Brutus bent him over his knee and continued to spank him. "I had to go to the bathroom SOMETIME! Why couldn't any of you have noticed?!? Why is it always my fault? MY BOTTOM HUUUURRRTTSS!!"

"Stop your crying and take it like a man!" The gruff, ninja-like gnome huffed out as he laid one final spank and then shoved Oliver to the side. "Now, what are we going to do with this mess? I ain't cleaning it up."

"Who cares," Dr. Love sighed wistfully. "Did you see how many couples hooked up just because of that punch? There was so much love in the air tonight." He twirled in place and his wings fluttered uselessly behind him. "It was such a wonderful success!"

"SUCCESS?" Sticks screeched out. "This party won't be a success until it all comes crashing down in flames! HAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!" There were already sticks of dynamite in his diaper, waiting for the perfect moment.

Lucky was nowhere to be seen. No, that was a lie, Lucky was very easily seen - he was the poor gnome that had fallen into the punch, ruining Scarentine's for everyone. Or perhaps he had saved it..?

Finally, a tall (by gnome standards of course), broad looking fellow with a very long beard and a very large diaper stormed by to the five gnomes in charge, and squatted down to their level. One had to wonder if the man was really a gnome, or just a dwarf who liked to be around people smaller than him.


The five gnomes quailed as they looked up at their supervisor, and Oliver's diaper seemed to sag slightly in response. The large 'gnome' stood up, and whistled for a fleet of cupidly-dressed gnomes, who swooped in from the rafters, the windows, and even under the up-turned tables. They lined up military style, saluted him with a simultaneous "SIR!" and rose up their bows to him.

"All righ' men, yeh know what to do. Choose a target, aim, and end their sufferin' once 'n fer all! ARCHERS, AIM!"

The gnomes pulled arrows out of their holsters, plucked their bows and aimed at the student body. Each one seemed to have a different target, as their arrows pointed in all directions - including those directions not seen by the naked eye from their vantage point.

"Ready.. and... FIRE!"

The arrows went flying, every which way. Each and every student, teacher, and even minipet would feel the slightest of pinches as an arrow pierced it's target, before disappearing - and with it left all of the status effects that the punch, and other arrows had caused. Once their job was complete, they re-sheathed their arrows behind them, turned on their heel, and marched out of the event for good.

The large gnome turned and glared down at the five, before rubbing his nose with his thumb and gesturing with his chin. "Get them all out of here." He commanded. And when yer done.. make this place shine." He stormed out of the room, his footsteps shaking the ground where he moved. He left five very frightened looking gnomes in his wake, and they stood frozen for a moment as they assessed the task they had been given.

Until Oliver left out a whimper.

"All right, you heard the man. GET TO WORK!" Brutus snapped out of it first and took charge, shuffling the rest of the gnomes away. Each of them spread out into the crowd, and began herding the very confused students out of the ballroom like cattle.

"Party's over!" Brutus called out. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!"

Sticks was disappointed that they wouldn't get to blow up the room after all. As he yelled at students to get out, he threw a firecracker into a garbage can, and walked away as it exploded, never looking back. He was too cool to look back at an explosion. And now, they could all say that Scarentine's did, indeed, end with a bang.

((The Scarentine's Event is now over! All status effects have been eliminated except for the initial one that plagued the students before they had gotten here. Your student is now disoriented and confused, but they are immediately herded out of the room.))

((Except Merope. He got to stay and clean up.))