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Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:39 pm
Requirements for successful birth sad these must be completed before your child(ren) will be born)
Must wait a time period of two months
Must have two visits to the facilities doctors X
Journal entry from Parent
3 play dates XXX
PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:07 am
Unfinished Roleplay
Kaleb was walking around the park, bored out of his mind. Vincent no longer lived with them, so the older spawn wasn't much use when it came to entertainment. He was too busy buying thingd and looking for a steady job to be able to spend time with his younger brother. Joshua was worse. The boy seemed to put himself into a self-induced coma at random times. When he was awake, he spoke extensively of a kingdom only he and Nataya could go to. Kaleb, personally, thought his oldest brother had lost it. Joshua spoke of Nataya, too--but Kaleb hadn't seen much of the older fae--well, ever. In fact, he didn't think he'd ever met her.

She might have been part of Joshua's imaginary world. Which was pretty bad--even Kaleb had more experience than an imaginary girlfriend. Yes, he decided as he walked, his older brother had definitely lost it; and while his brother was easy to tease, it wasn't as entertaining as it used to be.

He needed to meet someone.

Lileram walked slowly through the park, her movements slow and unhurried as she ran her fingers through her hair, preening. Not that she needed it, though. She was perfect, after all, and that included perfect hair. With teendom now upon her, she was finally able to go off on her own, unchaparoned and ready to show off how awesome she was without Daddy rolling his eyes at her. He did that a lot now, lately; roll his eyes and grumble. He said he was concerned for her, but that was just silly. Lera was the best there ever was at everything; what did he have to worry about ? A smile tugged at the girl's lips as she stretched, back popping in the process.

Today was just her kind of day: perfect. It wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too cold; the sun offered just enough warmth to counter the autumnal breeze that went through the park. Now, if only she had someone to share her awesome with. After all, being perfect just didn't do any good if you had no one to share it with.

Blue eyes fell on a familiar form, and her brain took a moment to try and put a name to the face. She'd only seen the boy once before, and it'd been a pretty brief meeting, but hey, company was company.

"Lera!" Kaleb was delighted to see her, even if he had only seen her once before. He hurried over to her, grinning. After all, she was pretty, and female! While he didn't always count gender as a plus when it came to relationships, it definitely was in Lera's case. He studied her a moment, before intentionally brushing his hand against her. "Hey," he said. "Nice to see you again."

He might not have known her well, but she was pretty--and female--and that made her fair game, yeah? "You look nice."

Lera grinned, her monsteresque hands clapping together at the compliment. "Thank you! Lera knows." Her voice hummed with content; she always loved when someone appreciated how pretty she was. "You look good yourself." Not as good as her, mind you, but she needn't point that out. In her view, it was pretty matter-of-fact; no need to restate it. She tucked some of her hair between one earwing before flashing a fanged smile.

"How has Kaleb been?" she asked; people tended to like it when she showed interest in their daily lives, so she figured Kaleb would appreciate it. That, and she was curious.


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:29 pm
Appointment 1
Another day, another appointment. This one made him curious though seeing the age, gender, and mix of the spawn that was coming to visit today. A teenage male lust spawn, sounded promising Aden thought to himself as he headed for the front gates, lighting up a cigarette the moment he'd made it outside. He needed to sneak in his little bad habbit when he was able to do so, which normally meant between apointments and tasks sent to him from the Boss. He was the head of the actual medical doctors in the Labs so having this habbit really bad of him... but he just couldn't help it. Everyone had a vice... though he supposed that he had a few of them himself. At least he still looked pretty credible standing next to the demons of this place.

Leaning against the wrought iron gate that kept things both out and in Aden lit up and took a long drag off his cigarette, not long now and his patient would be arriving. He could only hope that he wasn't coming due to some sort of injury, while he was rather good at patching the spawn back together when they got themselves into trouble, or hurt themselves due to their own stress, he would prefer happier reasons behind meetings. He supposed that he would see soon enough.

Kaleb was almost nervous about visiting the facility. He had been there a few times, for lessons about his angelic parent, and because his mother worked there as a teacher. He had heard bad things, he had heard good things. He wasn't sure what to believe. He had heard that someone in the facility could grant wishes--and Kaleb had a tall order. He wanted a baby. He had wanted one since his girlfriend of a day or so had found out she was pregnant.

He knew his mother thought he was too young, too immature--but Kaleb thought he could handle it. He had successfully gotten a job at the local flowershop, like he had wanted. Kaleb knew it probably wouldn't be a long lasting job (and he wasn't sure he wanted to be, since he was only making half of what Vincent was).

Once he got to the gates, he looked around. He spotted Aden and flashed the man a smile. "Um, hello," he said. "I'm Kaleb, and er--I'm here for an appointment?" He hadn't expected the doctor to be so...handsome. That was for sure.

Aden turned toward the voice talking to him and gave a smile, well now this was quite nice he thought to himself, "Welcome, cutie. My name is Aden Boggs, I will be the one you have your appointment with today. Give me just a moment to get the gate unlocked." He said as he got out his keys, unlocked it, and then pulled the heavy gate opened for Kaleb. Once the spawn was inside he pushed it closed again, looked back and forth to make sure nobody passing by was looking this way, and locked it once more. He had to be on the look out for possible trouble since there was plenty of it out there when it came to this place.

Turning his attention back to Kaleb he took a step closer, seeming to be inspecting him, then gave a whistle, "Well now, I think you have to be the first lust spawn that I have ever seen without tentacles." That was quite interesting, to think that one of them would be able to free himself of that symbiot that J'her seemed to have passed down to most of her children. Krijio would be rather interested by such a thing for sure, "Come on then, we will head for medical ward and on the way you can tell me why you are here today." He didn't seem ill and Aden didn't see any signs of any wounds so all signs were pointing toward this being a good appointment! Something the doctor was rather grateful for.

Kaleb blushed and shrugged. "I've never met any other lust kid without tentacles," he agreed. Every other one he'd met had them, even Elisabetta and Bentley! He still was getting adjusted to the idea that the doctor seeing him was male--handsome, and didn't seem that old. He had always thought of doctors as old and senile. Aden definitely wasn't.

"Er. Someone told me about people here being able to do a donor pregnancy thinger," he started awkwardly. "My ex girlfriend lost our baby a while ago," due to sheer stupidity, but of course Kaleb was too generous and kind to mention that, "and I've--well. I've wanted one ever since. It's true, right? My brother Vincent said people here helped his friend Marcy's friend--I don't remember her name. Then there's those babies who only seem to have fathers. How does that work?"

He certainly was inquisitive. "So, ah--you're the doctor here? I expected the doctors here to be scientists or something. Mom works here as a teacher and all."

Aden gave the boy a glance at the mention of the boy's ex having lost their baby, "I am sorry to hear that, it's quite sad news indeed." He murmured, reaching out to pat the young man on the shoulder. At the mention of the donor pregnancy he gave a nod, "It's a relatively new proceedure but yes, it's true. So far only the girl you mentioned, Temperance is her name, has done so and had a healthy baby boy through the process." He explained, then chuckled when there was mention of the babies out there that had only one father.

"Ahh, yes. There are quite a few babies born of two men from the Labs. Thus far it's been done through magic, that is one option laid out before you though it normally involves a price. It seems that is important when it comes to magic." He told the boy, just so he was aware that if he wanted to go that route that there would be something required of him. Not that Aden could say exactly what that was, he could point Kaleb in the right direction though if he decided that he were so interested.

"Price? I didn't bring any money or anything," Kaleb looked slightly nervous. "And I don't have a boyfriend or anything," no no, he was positively single. Painfully single. Just like those single wrapped brownies everyone wanted two of. "I think I'm interested in the donor thing," he added with more certainty. "Vincent told me all about the baby he met there at the farm. And it couldn't hurt to have a baby that's half angel or something..."

"Can you tell me more about that? There's no magical prices to that, is there? I don't think I have any sort of magic..." He shrugged. He didn't have anything that'd interest any sort of wizard, he figured.

"Oh, no. Not money. I couldn't really begin to explain, you would need to talk to the Boss or to Luthor, both of them are in charge of the magical aspect of the place." He said, not really sure at all what those prices might be, he'd never asked for anything before even when he'd been tempted after his heartbreak. He gave a nod of his head, "Alright, I will bring you to where my computer is, you can look through the donors, and we can go from there." As he said this they arrived in the general Medical Ward, there was a desk to one side, a bunch of cabinets, a fridge, and to the other side a bunch of cots separated from each other by curtains.

"Here, you can sit here." He said, motioning to the rolling desk chair behind the desk where Aden was often seen napping before he leaned over and set to work putting in his password and opened up the files for the angels and demons, "Here you go, you can browse the demons if you are curious but the angel's files are in this section here." He said, moving the cursor over that set of files. He was getting used to the whole computer thing rather slowly, that was more Krijio's thing, but it did help. Better then the mess of files that had been Aden's systems before other man signed up to his his assistant... among other things.

He gave a smile to the boy, "Naw, there is no price when it comes to normal experiments in this place. It's something that the Boss is more then happy to see done." The man seemed to be so interested in the spawn and all that they could do, eager to see the bounderies of science and magic pushed as far as they could go.

Kaleb followed Aden, blinking. "Not money?" he repeated. He wondered what it would cost, then. Maybe belongings or something important. One could never know with magical folk. He'd learned that when speaking with his cousins. "Cool!"

He sat down in the chair indicated, almost tempted to spin in it. No, no, he was here to prove he was mature enough to raise a baby. Not to spin in a rolling chair. He studied each demon before wrinkling his nose, shaking his head. "None of them seem particularly friendly." Some of them looked frightening, even.

Aden couldn't help but to chuckle, "Yeah, they don't really like it but a lot of them aren't so bad. Seriki there is a flirt, Enki is all talk, and Coatl... well... he is just as lazy as they come." He said, giving a smile. He'd met all of the demons and he really hadn't met any that were to frightening and only one of them was kept in the dungeon... funny enough though she wasn't alone since she had an angel down there with her of all things.

"Tahariel, huh? That's a fun choice. She is quite... cheerful for sure." She talked a lot, squealing and clapping, always seeming to be moving, and always seen hanging out with the pride demon. He gave a smile, "Well then, we will see about getting things underway then to get this experiment going." He said, giving Kaleb's hair a gentle ruffle.

"Vincent's part greed, and his friend's part envy. I suppose those sins aren't quite so scary, but they aren't very pretty--greed is, but she--" Kaleb hesitated, shaking his head. "Liberality," he explained, pointing to himsef. "It'd give the kid a complex or something."

He paused and smiled. "She looks friendly," he said, oblivious to Aden's hesitation. "And cheerful too? Excellent! Maybe I'll be able to meet her someday." He mused, considering this. "Alright, let's go. Er. Mom said your boss guy's pretty scary. Do I have to meet him, too?"

"Yeah, there is always a chance of it though more then likely she will be with Enki. She's become a rather terrible fangirl of his, following him around all day, feeding his ego, and otherwise doing things that one shouldn't do with a Pride Demon of all things." He said with a laugh. He found it rather amusing himself but he knew that it was only making Enki's already massive ego that much worse. If that were at all possible.

"Eh? The Boss? Naw, he doesn't seem to interested of late in meeting with people. I think that he caught a flu or something, he seems a bit out of it." He said, sounding a bit worried really. He lifted a hand then, waving it off, "But that is neither here nor there, instead let's keep our attention on more cheerful things, like future babies." He said, sure that the boy didn't care about Vampy's illness since he seemed scared of him instead.

"Is Eniki the pride demon then?" Kaleb asked curiously. "I know some pride kids. Lera and that one...she's a bit annoying, pink hair? Kinda loud. I babysat her once. Lera's nice, though." She kind of scared Kaleb, but she was nice. The liberality spawn frowned slightly in concern. "He's sick?" he asked. "Oh. I hope he feels better soon."

"Right! Future babies. Is there any way to make sure it's a certain gender or what not? My brother and his fiancee just had a boy, so...I'd really like to have a girl."

Aden gave a smile, "That is nice of you to say, I will pass the sentiment along when I next talk to him." He didn't know if the Boss would care that much about anything that anyone said if it weren't Almas saying it but kind words were still something useful for when someone was ill. There was always the chance that would help him to perk up.

"A specific gender? Yeah, we could see about that, yes." He said, giving a smile, "So you're wanting a daughter then? That would be cute though I am sure that she will be quite the handful." He said in a joking manner before he opened up some more files for him to look over, "You need to fill this out, it's a consent form for the various proceedures. We will have do some work to help you toward your goal, provided that you are wanting to carry. If not there are ways that your child can be born in the same manner that the first generation spawn are."

Kaleb took the consent form and started filling it out thoughtfully. "What kind of procedures will there be?" he asked. "I think I'll carry it," he added. "I don't lke the idea of a baby being born in a test tube, or like the ones in Kyle XY." He made a face, shaking his head.

After a while of silence (not including the sounds of pen scribbling on paper coming from Kaleb), he was finished with the form. He handed it back to Aden. "Now what?" he asked. "Will it hurt?" he asked. "Needles and such? I've seen this kind of thing on tv."

"Alright, if you are wanting to carry be sure to fill out all of these papers then." He said, leaning against the desk and gave him the time he needed to fill things out. Once done he took the papers back to read them over before giving a shake of his head, "Perhaps the pin p***k amount of pain from the needles but no real pain, there will be drugs given to you to make sure you don't feel anything." He reassured him, giving him a smile, "Those on my team are all hand picked and talented. Not to mention that I will be in charge of everything that happens between now and when you head home with your baby. So there is nothing to worry about."

"Now, how about we take a walk and talk about the various steps that we will be taking?" He asked, offering the boy a hand up.

Kaleb nodded, taking Aden's hand. He blushed. "Alright." He was quite pleased there wouldn't be any pain. He was rather bad at taking pain, and he knew it. He had used to bawl when he'd trip and get scraped up. He might not have known Aden, but something about the older man made him trust him.

Aden gave Kaleb's hand a squeeze before he started out of the medical ward so that they could go on their walk. There was much for them to talk about, a lot to plan, this wouldn't be as easy as with Temperance she was female, and certainly not as easy as when it was done through magical means. In fact a lot of what would happen it would be the first time it was done in practice instead of just a theory and plan for when the day came. This one would require a lot of extra supervision to make sure that things went well but Aden was confident in his own skills but also those of his team.'
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:44 pm


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:20 pm
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