
Halloween had been fun in the house. Between the haunted garden display and the performance of Sweeney Todd by the other residents, it had been a rather fulfilling holiday of fun. Croyez even managed to scare quite a few people (with the intention of pure fun, of course) and found that it was actually quite fun. Now she could see why people loved it so much.

Now, though, the place was back to its original state. And, frankly, Croyez enjoyed it most that way; especially her spring. After much hard work, it was back to its glorious state of pristine beauty. She took great pride in that fact. The shimmering surface of the water made it much easier to see herself in, especially when she put jewelry on herself. Yaruka had even given her a beautiful headpiece of pearl strands that clipped to her hair with silver lilly flowers.

However, something had changed about the nymph. She now noticed how quiet it always was in her spring...how most of the people stayed within the house or went to their own destinations of choice...how empty it seemed after Halloween had passed and the lines of people had stopped coming. For the first time in her existance, she felt....lonely. Not even her beautiful reflection could bring her company or happiness.

For now, the little nymph swam listlessly in the rippling waters of her home, her fluid dancing performed only for the koi fish that lived with her in the spring. They were her only audience. Even Lorn, it seemed, had gone missing. Jorend, Yaruka's son, was so withdrawn into himself that it seemed he too had disappeared. She felt truly alone.

Heaving the heaviest sigh she ever had, she sank to the soft mossy bottom of the spring and curled herself amongst her tendrils, holding onto her orb of origin. Her heart ached and even the koi fish seemed to cry for her.