I see..I see..well it always seems like athiests always complain about something. So don't let it get to you. No matter what people say or do, God, the church, and Christians have been persecuted over the decades, so it's really nothing new.

But God let's things happen for a reason. Many people see him as some wrathfull 'Die sinner!!!' type of God. He's a loving father who cares for his children. Problems happen, but God isn't always the cause of it. Everyone has to remember that Satan is running around the world putting his little demons everywhere.

My mother has been going through Breast Cancer. Now, to many people cancer is terrible. But, I belive that God protects those who love him and are faithful. I know this for a fact because:

1.They caught the cancer early.
2.They were able to get the cancer out of her easily.
and finally
3. She has to take kemo(sp?) but it's a newer type of kemo that won't give her heart problems.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes God does let things happen to 'wake people up'. Like all the hurricanes in Lousiana. I belive he did that for a reason. But this is a fallen world, so not everything is caused by God. xP Sure he made everything in the world, but people tend to forget about Satan and blame God for everything.

Sorry if I'm just mindlessly rambleing..debates aren't my cup of tea..xP