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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:33 pm
He had pretty eyes. She couldn't help but note that when he opened them. "Hi." she replied, fidgeting with the ring on her finger as she leaned back, pulling her hands away so he could sit up. When he looked over her, she looked down at herself, flushing and pressing her legs closer together with embarrassment.

"I um....yeah. I just was wondering if you remembered how we got here..." she murmured quietly, cautiously moving to get up as she pulled her shirt down further to keep him from being able to see more of her skin than he'd already been able to. It didn't work.

Instead, Cass started going through drawers...

the first one she opened was immediately shut again, her face burning red. She'd heard stories about- but why did he have - she didn't even want to know wh-


On the top of the dresser (which was very interesting after that top drawer dfjalkdsf), she found a pair of IDs with pictures on them, looking at them, then looking at herself in the mirror. Well, she looked kind of like the one....

she turned to the man in (her?) bed, holding up the other one to compare the two.

"So you're Marcus Hasan?" she looked at the other one. 'Cassandra Hasan'. "Huh, my name is Hasan too......"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:51 pm

Rin's eyes shot around the room between bouts of keeping an eye on him. She didn't recognise any of it. But it was neat and orderly. She liked that, apparently; so it must be hers.

"I don't even remember drinking!" She scolded at the insinuation. "That doesn't even explain anything; like why.. why you, why here, why do I remember nothing?"


Cluttered Hunter


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:56 pm
"I don't know!" He told her, getting rather frustrated with questions he couldn't answer. "I just woke up, and I don't remember anything. All I can think of is that I drank too much....or we were both drugged." He paused, looking around the tidy room. It was at least a well kept room, which he appreciated, and the girl wasn't bad on the eyes either. He at least had taste to not go with some piece of trash.

Still, he wasn't going to give her a shining gold star just yet. If they didn't remember anything, he had to ask.

"You don't do drugs or something, do you?" She could have drugged them both, or maybe she convinced him to try some. Who knows, but it was the only other option he could think of to explain his memory loss. That or they both had something heavy hit their heads at the same time and yet also have time to undress and go under the covers. Drugs seemed more likely, and since he didn't see any needle marks on his arms, he was guessing it was her.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:01 pm

"What?!" Her tone was that of scandal. "I should be asking you that. You probably drugged me. I'm like." She paused to look down the front of her covers. "I'm ******** hot as s**t. What the ******** would I need drugs for? You probably couldn't resist and drugged me or something."


Cluttered Hunter


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:04 pm
Ofelia woke up face down on a wooden floor, covered by several cardboard boxes that she'd likely knocked over in her sleep. Her whole body ached and she didn't know why, she was surrounded by boxes she didn't know what had in them, and the vision on the left side of her face was really...dark. Like there was something covering her eye or -

- . . .or maybe she didn't even have an eye there. A quick touch of the spot revealed a socket and the young woman felt herself recoil in horror as she fought back the urge to scream. Screaming wasn't going to help anything when she was in a room she didn't know and in a place she didn't know.

The worst part was probably not knowing who she was either but for some reason she felt like she could roll with that. There was someone out there that had to know who she was, right? She could hear the sounds of people's voices somewhat off, the door to the room she was in very much open, and finally moving from laying on her stomach she pushed up to resting on her knees.

Man, this was going to be a great day.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:09 pm
"Hey, I don't know. You could have just wanted a fun time last night. Normal thrills weren't enough for you or something like that. I certainly don't look like I do drugs." Not that he had a mirror on him, but looking at himself, he didn't look haggard from drugs or had some questionable marks on him. "I don't look like a sleaze-bag." He said, though his statement didn't sound all that confident. He certainly hoped he wasn't.

Thinking about it, he couldn't see much anyways, and looked around before slowly moving towards the bed. "I can't really see much. Do I have glasses or contacts?" He rubbed at his eyes a moment to see if the blurring was due to just waking up, but looking across the room, he noticed it was indeed blurry.


Romantic Exhibitionist


Cluttered Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:15 pm

"You've certainly got a druggies reasoning down pat," She pointed out irritably before he continued and she was thrown full force into a huff again, "And I DO?! I am a ******** goddess and my body proves it. Cept I'm missing an arm entirely, but still. That's not a drug thing. ******** was willing to look for glasses once he was ready to apologise.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:19 pm
He focused on her am, which he hadn't noticed when she had the sheets covering her before and had dropped them to mention her hot body - which meant he was looking other places than arms. When she pointed it out, he gestured in the missing arm's direction. "Hey, you could have lost it shooting up. Can't go pointing fingers at me when you can't really explain it." Apologizes were not coming anytime soon.

He decided he should probably go. Find his contacts or whatever and clothes and just leave. Moving to the side of the bed he was at, he noticed the odd glasses and went for them, putting them on and blinking. Yup. These were his. Everything was much more clear. He then started to look around for some clothes, and noticed there were none on the floor. The place was more than just spotless, but lacked the line of clothes usually associated with frantic undressing.

He continued to look around, and then paused. "I can't find my clothes." It was her room, so she should know where that stuff was.


Romantic Exhibitionist


Cluttered Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:39 pm

"I don't think that's even a thing." She snorted, "Besides, if I did I'd have marks on my other arm but I don't." She waved her remaining arm at him which in turn dropped the covers completely, "See?! Nothing. Your logic is flawed."

But now that he mentioned clothes... she looked... and spun around on the bed and continued to look, "What the ********? Mine are gone too. Are we nudists or something?"
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:44 pm
He woke up, feeling extremely confused. Why was he lying inside what looked like some sort of homage to a 1990's sci-fi movie? And how did he even know what?

Wait a second-

- Who was he?

He stood up, shakily, head swimming, and propped one hand against a strange plastic cylinder. There was nothing inside it, but to one side was another person. Some guy, Asian perhaps. They seemed still passed out or worse. A thousand scenarios ran into his head. This was a hostage situation. This was an experiment gone wrong. This was something possibly worse.

Shakily, with trepidation, he made his way to the door. It was abandoned in the hallway, the bright white lights giving off a strange, clinical vibe. He half-expected zombies to come out of any corner, and quickly scrambled to look for ammo. Crap! No ammo. Wait, what kind of person was he if he didn't even have ammo - why was he wearing a lab coat? Was he the one who had created all of this? He couldn't be one of those disposable character types of he had just woken up right? Ammo, exit, he had to find first, both.

Near the exit was a fire hazard case with an axe inside. What it was doing there was another story, it would have to do. Thankfully the exit wasn't too hard to find considering that, well, there were bright lit signs that said EXIT, though the entire rest of the way was still abandoned. He passed by two more doors that slid open immediately when he walked close to them and finally into-

- Sunlight.

Still noone outside. He tensed, grabbing tightly onto his axe, looking around nervously. Clatter. A noise. Someone, possibly something, walking into one of the nearby buildings. Logic dictated during these sort of zombie survival situations that he was supposed to head the other way, but what kind of main character would he be if he didn't solve these sort of situations. He wasn't a disposable character waiting to die okay, he was going to get to the root of the situation, dammit!

For a second, he simply placed his back, nervously, outside the door, listening to the sounds from inside. He peered through one of the narrow windows. Chattering, and then, what seemed like normal conversation. He squinted. Indeed, there were people simply talking left and right in a small hallway. Everyone looked confused. Noone looked like a zombie. He waited a little longer, just hovering outside the exit, five, ten minutes, of waiting and listening to conversations. It confirmed at least another theory of his that this had happened to everyone. So okay, he wasn't the main character after all in a sea of zombies, but this was even better. This was like, murder mystery quality.

Maybe, just maybe he was the one who was supposed to solve it all. Wait. Better not get ahead of himself. Better check himself for ID, to make sure he wasn't the final ultimate villain or something. He checked his pockets, which yielded two gum wrappers, a bunch of coins, and what looked like a deck of playing cards, and then the other, a wallet with absolutely nothing inside. Well great, now what? As he placed everything back in his pocket with a sign, something jangled. Something around his neck - tied on a lanyard - around his neck. A card of some sort. An unfamiliar face, but the card clearly read "TOP SECRET ID" in bold red. Beneath it was a bunch of numbers that made no sense, a barcode, and then underneath that was some company called STARK ENTERPRISES. And then a little below that:

Name: Tony Stark The God of Everything



Okay then.

He was clearly the God of Everything, and he was here to save them. Okay then. He wasn't actually too sure what to make with this newfound information and power, but if the TOP SECRET ID card proved to provide all the answers he needed, then he would have to do and show the rest of his strange world he created that he was a benevolent god.

The doors to the dormitory hallway slammed open, as a scrawny, messy excuse of a man sauntered in wearing a labcoat, a fire hazard axe slung over one shoulder. For a second before the doors closed, the sunlight from outside framed his figure just so, creating a halo of light all around him.

"I have arrived to rescue you!" Yes, that sounded like something that the God of Everything would say. He considered his options, raising his key card. "Do not fear, mere mortals, for I am the God of Everything. It even says so on my ID." He held up his lanyard, showing anyone his proof. Wait a second, if he was the God of Everything, did that mean there were other gods? This was possible too. "I now call out to anyone else who is also possibly a god. I think we're like, in Heaven, or Valhalla or something, so you should check your IDs or wallets for your names for important information. You know, your god names."

Yes, this is for everyone


Magical Incubator


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 pm
"Hey. I'm wearing boxers. I don't think nudist own boxers when going to bed." Though now that he thought about it, wearing boxers meant he either put them on after or they didn't get far. Well, that was disappointing, but at least he was assured that protection wouldn't be the next question he asked.

Seeing as neither of them could find clothes, he moved to the dresser and opened it, looking at a bunch of sweaters. Yeahhhhh, no. He needed a shirt. What did this girl think? That they were going to get snowed in, but then again, what was the weather like outside?

He opened the next drawer to see a bunch of t-shirts, and picked out a black one with some heavy metal band on the front. "I'll just have to borrow this until you can find my clothes. I'm sure I didn't walk here naked." He told her, holding it against himself and hoping it fit. It looked rather large so he tried it on and then went to look for some pants. Girl pants, he assumed, as he opened another drawer and hoped he wouldn't have his balls crushed by the jeans he attempted to wear.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 pm
He wasn't entirely certain why, but for some reason the guy who burst into the room gave off the strangest aura of someone who very definitely needed to be punched in the face.

How odd, thought the short blonde haired young man, and shrugged, digging around in his pockets for some form of I.D.

"I didn't realize Heaven was so...anticlimactic."


Dramatic Marshmallow


Cluttered Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:55 pm

"HEY!" Rin lept from the bed to try and stop the man in 'her' room, "QUIT STEALING MY s**t. I never gave you permission!"
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:57 pm
The small blonde nearly shrieked as a sudden slamming open of doors broke the murmurs of the crowd. A bright light shone through, looking much like sunlight, and sillouetted a scruffy man in a lab coat. He claimed to be God. Or at least the God Of Everything.

The young man's brows kit together, giving the stranger a look that bordered on disbelief and irritation. Was he crazy? Or just stupid?

Or was he really a God of Everything?

Upon asking them all of they were Gods and to look for their IDs for their God Names, the blonde patted his pajama pockets softly. Nothing. He checked the front pocket of his orange hoodie. He found a pack of Hubba Bubba Bubblegum in Strawberry Flavour.

. . .


"I don't got any ID." He raised his hand as if in a classroom. "I don't remember what room I came out of neither..." The southern boy's mouth twisted sheepishly. Wait, why was he even humouring this lunatic? This SO wasn't heaven!

"Wait, are you damned loco?!" He amended with a now sassy expression.



Sarcastic Hunter


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:58 pm
He glared at her before standing straight. "Then tell me where my clothes are and I'll leave with them. I didn't come here without clothes, I know that much." Actually, he didn't, but he was relying on assumptions to help him not walk out of here naked.

"If I leave here without them, then you're stealing. I don't think I'll be coming back anyways, sweetheart. At least give me a pair of pants." He noticed there were shoes at the door. He was pretty sure one set of those were his.

"It's your room so you tell me where you hid them."
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