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Nio Love

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:41 pm
Normally, the idea of being on a sinking ship would have upset Riley. However, given the choice of swimming to shore or dealing with Sarias some more, she would have chosen the swim anyway. The only thing that unnerved her about the sinking ship was those beautiful, still uneaten turtles that rested on their backs on the deck. The same turtles that were causing the ship to dunk down under the lip of the ocean, in fact.. She gave their beautiful thick craniums one last, wistful look before hopping over the railing and diving into the chilly waters.

They would have been delicious..

Feeling the sharks swimming underneath her made her freeze up defensively, but she relaxed when she watched one of them scoop up a student and carry them safely. As soon as the next one swam by, she'd grabbed onto it's fin and rode it straight to shore.

Or at least, as close as it would allow. The shark lurched and sent her flying headfirst towards the island. Though she normally enjoyed the sensation of flight, it was the sensation of falling that had her curling up into a ball. Upon impact, she rolled twice and unfurled to land in a crouch on her feet. She was covered in sand, which she began to brush off as she straightened out of her crouch.

How rude. She hissed back at the shark, who was long gone before it could ever have heard her. Nevertheless, she took a quick physical inventory and found herself to be unhurt, more or less. Her head still stung with the blow from the table, but otherwise she felt the arrival could have gone much worse. From experience, she knew this to be true.

Walking over to the growing group of students, she barely caught a hint of conversation that made her give pause. Had Carthusia just taken credit for protecting LW during that trip, when it had been Riley who had done so the entire time? That was.. entirely pathetic. She liked Carthusia, or so she had thought.. but things could always change. She moved to put her hand behind Gabrian, once she had found him, and slid to his side. With a quick, private thought, she let him know she had made good on her promise. After all, the others could believe what they like - but Gabrian was a different story.

Glad to see you made it in one piece. I promised you I would look after LW, and I assure you that it was in fact I who made sure she remained unhurt through the entirety of this trip, despite what others might be claiming. I just thought you should know.

She gave him an affectionate mental nudge, and then patted his shoulder before letting him continue to reunite with his friends.

((Profile: Alania ))  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:43 pm
This was why Alessa loathed unnatural forms of transportation, especially when the school was involved. They always seemed to crash!. Alessa had been below deck, feeling ill, when the ship hit the rocks. It didn't take long for the invading water to wash her out onto the deck. The experience left her gasping and reeling. Even if she had been a good swimmer, she would have had no luck fighting it. When she'd finally settled her coughs she felt the boat lurch under her feet. There was only a second of her in the air for her to realize what had happened and then she was in the water again, but this time the ocean. She really hadn't been aiming to drown on this ship, Jack damn it!

Luckily for her, and her shipmates, the squid from before rose up out of the water, lifting her and the others out of the water with one tentacle. Alessa took the opportunity to gasp and catch her breath, lying on her back against the creature's wet skin. That had been just too close for comfort. After a few moments, a little too long after her breath had settled, she forced herself up. Every fiber of her being was shaking terribly. If it wasn't for the adrenalin, she probably wouldn't have been able to get up at all. But stand she did, because the last thing she wanted to do was linger too long and get plunged under the water again. She stumbled her way across the squid's arm and nearly tripped when she finally reached the sand.

"Land, thank Jack," Alessa choked. She swayed a bit where she stood, staring across the beach. First she looked for Jove, because she was supposed to be keeping an eye on him, though she doubted she was very capable in her condition, "Jove...?" She didn't see him just yet. Maybe he was still making his way across the squid. While looking across the beach for him, she spotted some other familiar faces instead.

"Ren, G-Gabe, LW...!" She could barely muster her voice above a normal, conversational level as she stumbled toward them. Her physical state wasn't the only thing catching her voice, "...y-you're alright...!"

(( Profile (AryKeeyara) ))  

Ary Keeyara

Taska Neko

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:53 pm
Sepheran coughed slightly as he approached the beach. Everything had happened so fast, one moment they were happily hacking away the squid for food then next they were thrown out into the ocean like rag dolls.

Luckily the basilisk had managed to find a piece of wood from the boat, which he promptly used to slightly pull himself up on and begin to swim to shore. He could swim, but he was more so worried about Liannan who was luckily unharmed on his shoulders.

Sepheran suffered minor damage, a few scrapes and bruises, and very very wet, but for the most part he was fine. Crawling onto the beach Sepheran threw away his floatation device. Once on safe dry land he began to worry about the others on the boat and if they made if safely, especially Myr. He had lost sight of his friend when they crashed.

First thing first though...he needed to get something to fend off anything that may come at him. He knew better then to go about without a weapon of sorts. When the students began to group around the tables Sepheran made his way there blinking at the items left about...had the teachers been here already? What about Professor Malcolm? Surely they wouldn't leave them here by themselves right?

Well no time to worry. Quickly Sepheran snatched up a bag and selected a Wooden Toy Sword. It wasn't much, but at least it was something right? Now he could set about looking for Myr.

((Profile - Taskaneko))  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:54 pm
(( Tset has her required four posts! Minipet profile is haliekins ))

The first thing that Tsetsiliya felt was warmth, before it faded into sharp cold. The shivers set in as she came to, and cracking a sleepy eye she was relieved to find they had landed somewhere. The vague outlines of students milled about, and she raised herself halfway up off the ground to get a better look around. Many of the students she didn't recognize from her ship; in fact, she was hard pressed to find somebody she had ridden with. There were a few people she did know, but they seemed.. preoccupied. She should not interrupt.

Pushing herself into a standing position, the poludnica felt the chill even moreso. Her teeth chattered and she set her jaw to quiet it. She hated, hated, hated cold. She rubbed her arms with sore fingers - they had clung so hard onto whatever it was she had grabbed before the students were tossed from the boat during the crash. Glancing down, she noticed it was a lone suitcase, now lying cracked open with mysterious clothes spilling out. It made her miss her warm robes, which were now lying on the bottom of the ocean; instead she was wearing some mess of the ball gown that Professor Winter had insisted they wear, now bearing a hem shorn to her knees and other embarrassing tears. Her cheeks went crimson, which dispelled some of the shivering - there was one positive aspect to that.

Tsetsiliya drifted over towards the supply tables, having noticed a few students picking up the backpacks. She grabbed a backpack for herself, before moving down towards the weapons table. Immediately she thought of Christmas Town, and her cowardice on the boat left a bad taste in her mouth.

She would most certainly amend it, that was for certain. She steeled her gaze and considered her weapon carefully. Wood was too easily broken so she moved away from the table leg and tree branch; however the blunt mace caught her eye. She rode the momentary confidence and picked it up. The object slid off the table in her grasp and drooped in her arms, the head planting firmly into the ground.

Her resolution wavered. Perhaps another weapon? Her eye started to slide hopefully towards the weaponry table, but she shook her head. "No, this one." Why did she have to be so stubborn about most everything?

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:54 pm
((Profile is here-- hanyousblood))

It was only natural for such a miserable journey to meet miserable ends, though even Elaphe, for all his grousing and pessimism, could still scarcely comprehend just how bad it really wound up. For a while, he'd thought the worst was over with; getting very-nearly-eaten by a giant squid had seemed rather terrible at the time, and yet... no, he'd been saved from that (however embarrassingly) by the school nurse, landing on the deck with a painful SPLATTERFLOP. His pride suffered a nasty blow, sure, but at least his bones and limbs were still (fairly) intact, right?

He didn't argue with the woman when she ordered them all back to bed, but he didn't sleep. Huddled against a pillow with nothing but his box, the boy remained warily vigilant 'til dawn, and from there, it was just an endless dance of social reclusion. He was lucky enough to be independent on the open water; fishing remained the closest thing to a "pleasure" he managed from day to day, but then--

... Then the ship crashed with force, and suddenly, his almost routine had been ruined all over again. Ironically, he found the reappearance of a certain squid far more alarming as he went crashing into the water, instantly letting out a SHRIEK of horror and grabbing his box (which had smashed against a rock beneath the surface) to make a panicked swim for shore. Only belatedly however, gaping at the wreckage, did two realizations hit.

Number One: His box was no longer a box, it seemed, as something very much living had come toppling out of it. A... turtle? Not a very big one, just a foot long or so with strange coral and algae crusted on its shell, and looking near as dazed as he was...

And Number Two: Nurse Cricket was gone. Suddenly, Elaphe felt a twinge of something like regret coiling up in his stomach. While death seemed like a silly concept to a ghost... there was something very disheartening (somehow) about the loss of their "leader", so to speak-- that, and he'd never expressed a word of gratitude for what happened on the boat.

The boy stood there for a few minutes, just seeming to take it all in. There were other students he recognized from his own boat, some who'd straggled in from different assumedly wrecked crafts, and what seemed like a... camp site? Surely, wrecking here couldn't have been staged, but the destination might've been the same, and thus, sucking in his breath and straightening his back, the Nguruvilu, dizzy turtle still under one arm, finally went to go investigate their new home base.

The knapsack was his first priority, taking a moment to inspect the thing, then look at his... companion... and finally use one strap to loop around its shell so it could flap its flippers and gape outside the pouch. The other strap went over Elaphe's own shoulder, testing the weight, and finding it just adequate enough. From there, he inspected the things that might be weapons, and grabbed the first thing that jumped out at him: a very battered sword hilt.

... All around him, people were reuniting in some form or another, and for a very strange reason, standing away from it, he felt a little... Jack, what was that, jealous? Guilty? But no, he passed it off as the bruising, awkwardly reached behind him to give the dazed turtle a pat on its shell, and went to go find himself a rock to finally sit and catch his breath. You know, by himself. Except not.

This was going to be a long slog through Hell.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:06 pm
(( Definitely have four posts, and my profile is here! ))

One moment Aksaja was reaching for the rope to get back onto the boat, and then quite suddenly everything was chaos. He was almost halfway back up to the deck when something up there shot at the squid and utterly destroyed it. The lightning dragon let go of the rope with one hand to pump a fist into the air in victory - because even if HE hadn't killed it, someone clearly had.

Then he almost instantly regretted that, as the boat HIT SOMETHING. Yelling, Aksaja quickly grabbed back onto the rope with both hands, trying rather grimly to just hold on as they crashed. Jackdammit, why did this suddenly remind him of the stupid TRAIN CRASH on the LAST field trip?!

"DOES EVERYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH TRANSPORT IN THIS PLACE CRASH!??!!!" he yelled, though it was likely no one could hear him. Then everything went black.


When he woke up next, he blinked salt water and sand out of his eyes, pushing up a bit to look about rather blearily. What . . . ? Where . . . ? Shaking his head to try and clear it a little, the lightning dragon got up and half-stumbled toward the supply tent.

Blinking in the dim light within, he figured it was best to grab some supplies while he could, picking up one of the brown knapsacks. Then he frowned at the table of weapons and finally grabbed a rusty pipe figuring that metal would maybe hit harder than something that was wooden. Maybe. Jack, where were they?

Heading back outside, he looked around for anyone from his own boat, or any of the others. Were they all here? It really didn't take him long to spot Sharra and Yaya over near the humming, glowing thing. Oh Jack, what now. "Hey, you guys okay?!" he called, heading that way. He also saw Riley, and a few others gathering over in one area, but bypassed them for the moment with a little wave. This was juuuust great.


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Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:07 pm
Gabrian opened his mouth to say something, but he never got the chance to; Ren took that moment to spin around and throw himself into his arms, leaving the nix feeling horribly confused for just a moment. In fact, he was so caught off guard by the gryphon's actions that he toppled backwards and onto the sandy ground, his arms around the other boil, "Uhm..." he'd been about ready to point out that no matter how much he cared for Ren, he'd opened his arms up for LW, and not him. Again, he never got the chance; he hadn't even managed to sit up entirely when the gryphon decided to kiss him on the lips, causing the nix's brain to effectively shut down for a few moments, so deep was his confusion.

Things were moving too fast for Gabrian's taste; one moment Ren was practically sitting on him and the next he was tackling LW again, "Uhhh..." swiftly deciding he really should kick his mind out of second gear, the demon lifted a hand, touched his lips and then looked at his fingers before redirecting his gaze at the stubborn gryphon, "Did you just kiss me?" he shook his head, apparently deciding that probably wasn't important at the moment, and instead chose to tilt his head to one side, looking very much like a sad, pathetic, dejected little puppy as he sat on the ground.

The expression only lasted for a few beats before he tilted his head towards the other side, squinted at both Ren and LW and then blinked, "MY Puppy. I'm her boilfriend. So she's MY Puppy," a pause, followed by another blink, "Well, given the fact you're currently allowing yourself to have clinging rights on MY ghoulfriend, it's perfectly logical to assume she can be MY Rabbit too, right?" yet a third pause, his tail thumping the ground, which he'd not even bothered to pick himself up from, "You know, I've been thinking. It's kind of... interesting how possessive you are of MY Puppy, when technically, given the fact I'm her boilfriend, I have claiming rights over you, whom are the best friend. Does that mean I get Bunny clinging rights when we find her?" he seemed to pout at this point, apparently still not over the effect the swim had had on him, "I think I need a hug," at this point, he offered LW a dejected, sad little look and would have probably continued on offering it at her had Alessa and Riley not arrived on the spot.

It was technically Riley's hand on his shoulder that first pulled him out of the look he'd been offering LW, and the demon turned to look up at the mind flayer, idly noting in the back of his mind that it was rather strange to be looking UP to her rather than DOWN. Perhaps he should start pondering standing up again, because this was making him feel slightly ridiculous, "Hmmm?" pushing himself up to his feet, Gabrian brushed off his pants, ridding them of the excess sand that clung to them due the fact they were still quite wet, "Thank you so much," he smiled warmly at her, "I really do appreciate it. I'll make it up to you later. Sometime. Anytime; all you need to do is ask," that said though, he quickly moved to catch Alessa in his arms as she stumbled towards them, "Can I have a hug? I need a hug," this was murmured softly, just loud enough for the nagual to hear, and then for good measure, "Please."  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:09 pm
Was she dead? For some reason, Alcie wasn't surprised that their ship had crashed, and that she had blacked out and was laying on some god forsaken beach in the middle of nowhere. No, not surprised at all. Jack damn it, Alcie rubbed her head which seemed to have hit something while they were being tossed around in the ocean. Being able to swim didn't help at all if you were unconscious. She kept her eyes shut trying to regain her senses and perception. Once she opened her eyes, she knew that there would probably be a lot of confusion and possibly panic going on around her. Alcie could tell that there were students moving around nearby and maybe a few still unconscious ones laying beside her.

"Okay, time to get up." Talking to herself, the water demon got up and looked around at her surroundings. Okay, confused students, check. Some unknown island, check. Just what she expected... It was colder than she would have liked and thank goodness she didn't pack any clothes that she was particularly fond of because it seemed like their yacht was gone for good. Her clothes were in particularly bad shape with rips and tears everywhere. It really was a beautiful dress... but now it was just hindering her. And she had managed to lose a heel while she was floating around in the water. Alcie ditched the remaining shoe and decided to go barefoot. That would be more comfortable anyway...

There were a few students that she knew milling about but she was hesitant to approach their groups. Where were the students that were on the same boat as her? Alcie stood on her tip toes and realized that Tset, the kind ghoul that had saved her in the Scarentine auction was near the supply tables.

"Hey Tset! Over here!" Walking quickly over to the supply table, Alcie came up beside the ghoul and grabbed a backpack and the battered sword hilt looked like it would be a good defensive weapon. "Are you alright? Do you know what happened?" She couldn't seem to remember what had happened after Professor Winters had yelled at the students to grab hold of something.

((Alcie has the appropriate number of posts. profile here))  



Tiny Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:15 pm
Mei remained sprawled out on shore, too busy attempting to recall what had happened to even budge from her current spot. Everything had gone black after she heard Ms. Winter's calling about something.. Almost.. Almost there? Placing her hand over her eyes, she nearly growled as the suns rays blinded her. She hated this Isla---Wait! An Island? They were.. On land? LAND! OH SWEET JACK! LAND! Pushing herself into an upright position, her eyes scanned the land for anything familiar. Nothing.. Nothing except the suddenly large group of students suddenly growing larger.. Were they shipwrecked? Had they all become stranded here? What exactly was happening?

Pulling herself up off of the ground, she motioned forward, glancing about the faces she passed. A lot of the students were new to her still.. And she didn't see any of her crew from the Overboard.. At least not yet. Were they okay? She hoped so.. For now, all she could do, was hope for the best. At least most students arrived in fairly decent condition. Most of---all of them seemed to be just as confused as she was.. So questioning them of what happened was out of the question.

Oh well. There was no use dwelling on what had already happened. She might as well jump on the bandwagon and follow after the other students actions in grabbing supplies from the pile of.. Junk? Wow.. Why was it, whenever they were in dire need of items, they ended up with a whole load of nothing useful? Letting out a sigh, she reached for what appeared to be an Empty First Aid Kit, and knapsack from the tent they had located. Maybe this was the time to find people she actually knew?

(( Minipet profile: LividPeas ))  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:31 pm
Once she had appropriately cleared up any miconceptions that could have cropped up for Gabrian, she headed in to the tent nearby. One hand slid into the straps of a backpack as she passed the table filled with them, but she stopped in front of the second table and perused their choice of blunt objects.

Clearly, someone was trying to indicate that they would need weapons. Riley couldn't choose whether she was annoyed at this prospect, or utterly delighted. In the end, as she compared two of them by weighing a wooden bat in one hand, and a blunt mace in the other, she decided delight was the appropriate response. The only problem with attacking someone with blunt weapons was the possible cranial damage. Oh, how she hoped she would be allowed to snack on an attacker if the chance came. Having starved on that boat for so long had certainly brought out some savage tendencies within her.

Riley was a hungry mindflayer. Bring on the buffet.

She put down the bat and swung the mace in her other hand, swiveling it around using her wrist. This will do. She finally decided, swinging it mere inches from Aksaja's head. She brought it down to her side and gave the dragon a half-lidded glance. Sorry. Didn't see you there. She teased.

((My profile was in my first post but since this one is the one where I take the weapon, I'll post again <3 Alania ))  

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:36 pm
Suddenly there was a sort of whistling sound quite near his head. Dammit, what the hell . . . ? Spinning quickly, he found himself staring at Riley, his own metal pipe half-raised as if to return the attack. He let the weapon fall after a moment, though, frowning slightly at her. The lightning dragon was still quite wet and bedraggled looking - and currently without wings or tail.

"Suuure you didn't," he grumbled, eyeing the mace. That thing would probably hurt if she really hit him, so better not complain too much. "So, how was your boat? A giant squid attacked us. Then it came back to life and attacked us again."
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:41 pm
"What?" said Ren, glancing first at Gabrian, whom he was pretty much sitting on, then at LW, standing a few feet behind him. He did not really see an issue with how he had greeted his best friend, who he had been worried was A.) injured, or B.) worse than injured, and Ren did not want to think about what exactly that second option might be.

"...ye-es?" he said, once he had climbed off of the nix and was standing once again with his arms wrapped around LW's shoulders. He cast a quizzical look at Gabrian, brows furrowing in minor confusion. "What's wrong with a hello kiss? I gave one to LW too."

Ren gave LW a squeeze, about to tell the nix he had claiming rights to everyone, but the next words stopped him abruptly. He blinked. Once. Twice. "Erm," said Ren, a confused look on his face. "I'm not...possessive of her." He gave a mild-mannered shrug. "She's my best friend; aren't I allowed to be close to her?"

They were near to the tent now, and Ren could see the table of mismatched - and, dare he say it, rather pathetic looking items. With a frown, he reached out, and,still half hugging the shewolf, took a knapsack and then an old baseball bat,. He weighed it in his hands before shrugging again, turning back to the rest.

"Ren, G-Gabe, LW, y-you're all right!"

"ALESSA!" Ren shouted, dropping his gear to run towards his ghoulfriend. A sense of overwhelming relief washed over him, which rapidly turned into concern when she wavered, Gabrian managing to catch her at the last second. He said something to her that Ren could not hear, but Ren was too preoccupied with figuring out if Alessa was all right to ask what it was. "Alessa, sweetie, baby, are you all right?"

He reached out, cradling her face in his hands. Other than the fact that she looked both bedraggled and exhausted, soaked from the ocean, he could not detect any visible wounds and Ren let out a sigh, taking her hands.

"I'm so happy you're all right," he said, and gave her a kiss, though not a long one. Reaching a hand up, he gently stroked her hair, then kissed her forehead, wiping off a bit of gritty sand from her cheek with his thumb. However, despite the fact that Alessa was all right, there was still one other significant person that he was concerned about.

"Jove?" he asked her worriedly. "Where is Jove? Is he okay? Have you seen him?"

[[ kuromizuki ]]


Dramatic Marshmallow

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:42 pm
Giant squid? That sounds like fun. Her eyes crescented in lieu of a grin, though she did take note of his current ragged state. This made her think that, for once, she had gotten off easy with her boat. She reached out and brushed his wet hair out of his face automatically, coaxing it back as best as she could. Our boat was not nearly as exciting. We did get thrown overboard a few times, but I rather enjoyed that. There were some giant sea turtles.. I would have enjoyed them, as well, had our boat ride not ended so abruptly. She sighed, clearly melancholy over her loss. Her hand rested against the side of Aksaja's skull, lingering there. This would likely be her reaction to anyone with a brain until they were fed, or infused with more FEAR.

What boat were you on? She murmured, while hesitantly pulling her hand away before she accidentally ripped his skull open and feasted on it. Not that it looked like she would do any such thing.. no, of course not~
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:45 pm
Tsetsiliya turned towards Alcyone as the water demoness called out toward her. At the sight of the ghoul she felt a small wave of relief - which was enough to wipe away the blush and allow the shivering to set back in. She approached with a smile, her mace still dragging the ground behind her. The head left a small trail of unearthed dirt and rock as she went.

"Hello Alcyone! I am very much happy to be seeing someone from our ship!" She was very glad to see someone else from the boat - it had arisen the same fear in her as when she was separated from her Krumm Car teammates during the raid some time prior. "I am being alright.. mostly, anyway." She looked down at her shorn dress, still soaked from the unexpected "swim". Alcyone turned the subject towards what had happened, and with that Tsetsiliya again glanced at the other students, still scanning for any faculty or their boat mates. Something about this wasn't settling right with her. At least in the raid, they were given their instructions and shoved on their way. The staff had disappeared willingly. Not to say that that could have been the situation here, but something seemed very amiss.

"I am not being sure." She frowned a little, still scanning the crowd. Unfortunately being short didn't give her much of an advantage in doing so. "I am thinking we may have hit rock? If all of the ships are crashing.." There must have been a reef or outcrop of rock somewhere, but she couldn't be entirely sure. "I am worrying.. there is something not very much right." With a sigh to end her unsuccessful look around, she then turned the conversation back to Alcyone. "You are being alright too, I am hoping?" The ghoul didn't look hurt, but it was always best to ask. The poludnica had managed to hang onto the sash of her dress and had that handy should any impromptu bandages need to be made.

alpha lyrae

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:48 pm
Okay so . . . she was acting kind of weird. Aksaja didn't remember Riley being so touchy-feely before. He fought the urge to back away from her hand on his head, just . . . watching the mindflayer carefully. "I was on the ah . . . 'Overboard'," he answered, shaking head slightly.

The name of the damn boat had certainly come home to him there at the end. Stupid squid. "How about you?"
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