Sophia squeeked with joy too as Kristan let himself loosen up. She liked this playful side of him, well... she liked every side of him. He had saved her from a monster when he could have walked away, he made her laugh and protected her even though she was injured. Sophia knew she was a little pathetic for a Angeni, her wings were too big for her to show much grace and she was much more fragile to her brothers who where always rough. It didn't help that she seemed to always be sick, her mother had said it was because she was the youngest and she had had such trouble giving birth. Sophia only understood a little of that, but she couldn't help but feel like a burden despite how loved and cared for she was. Yet with Kristan she didn't feel like that.

She giggled as his cheeks flared up with a red colouring, and instinctively she stepped towards him and kisses his cheek before nuzzling him softly. In her herd that was a sign of support and she could only hope that he took it as such. Before today she had never really considered that other herds had other traditions.... or lived in different places.... yet clearly they did.

"Mountains!" She chirped, her tail swishing from side to side with excitment. She had always wanted to see more of the mountains, from the lake you could just see them in the distance; but it would be a while before she would be allowed to see them in person. She had to get stronger first, learn to fly in sever conditions and be able to find her way home on her own. One day. It was her dream to see them.... so she knew she would make it once day, some how. Maybe Kristan could come with her? The thought popped in her mind out of nowhere, but before too long she had the biggest grin on her face imaginable. Could you get to the mountains on hoof?

Sophia's eyes followed the direction Kristan had pointed in..... that way. She looked to Maion for a moment and as soon as he nodded she chirped happily and begun to skip off in that direction, pausing only long enough to turn back to look at Kristan. "Come on slow pup!" She giggled and began skipping again, her feathered wings fluttering happily on her back and head.

Maion smiled and simply watched the interaction between the pair. part of him was sure that destiny had played it hand today... but only time would tell if he was right.

As he watched Sophia happily skip off he glanced over at the young colt, "Shall we join her then?" He asked, a soft smile covering his lips revealing sparkling white teeth that shone as bright as the Moon.