I like bits and pieces of my church.
Don't get me wrong, there is a great fellowship, but only among the early service people (you know - the older people). The second service (younger) people do have a fellowship, but it's not as close as the early service fellowship.
My family has been going to the same church for almost it's whole life (and this weekend is its 75th anniversary), so that's why I still go. My whole family is really involved in my church, so we have tight friendships with many of the people.
My youth group, however, needs a lot of work. There's no fellowship among us - only the little cliques. I've made friends with a few people, but I'm not really involved in any of the cliques. And our youth group is really going downhill - sex, swearing, drugs, and drinking are typical conversations among the other youth. Not to mention the Sunday school is dull. I've switched to the adult Sunday school class because those people are much more interesting (and my dad is definitely a better teacher).
But the services for the youth on Wednesday nights are a lot better, my youth pastor teaches those as well, but he does much better with the Wednesday night services than the Sunday school ones. The conversation during the Wednesday services isn't much better then on Sunday - and there's many more people.
All in all, my church is great, but the youth group is heading in the wrong way.