Prentice Class Affinity solo

Vepkhia sighed and looked at her list one more time. She had come to town to pick up a few things for Eudom as well as herself. Her time here was going to be coming to a close soon, much to her dismay, as she could only stay if she could provide for herself, which was becoming increasingly more difficult. With no real craft or trade to be able to call on, Vepkhia had struggled to make money so instead she had carefully managed her money to be able to stay as long as she had. Unfortunately, there was only so much you could manage with a handful of money and goods left. The young woman couldn’t help but sigh again as she thought about going to the mainland. She had found it nice to be over here, away from what she considered ‘kid gloves’ sometimes. And although Eudom’s demeanor could be prickly she had been enjoying his company, Vep wasn’t sure if he’d say the same about her though. In any case, Vepkhia knew she needed to get out of her own thoughts and get her tasks done. One of which was selling a few things for Eudom, stuff she was pretty sure was common enough that he wouldn’t lose money sending a foreigner to sell it for him. Overall the time at his farm had been instructional. She hadn’t really found what she had been looking for but she did find a lot of knowledge about the wildlife and plants that surrounded the area. So at least now she knew the plants she was selling. As she made her way to the usual vendor, she heard a baby crying off towards her right. Always curious, she looked over and saw a woman trying desperately to soothe a baby. She seemed to be looking at herbs which caused Vepkhia to wonder if the baby was sick. The young girl behind the counter clearly looked lost as if she were just filling in for someone. Vepkhia strained to hear the conversation from afar, it seemed that the child had been having an upset stomach and was starting to not eat as they should. ”You should use this one for that.” She offered, pointing to a plant with soft white flowers towards the end. ”If you grind it up and mix it with some water it will help to soothe the child’s stomach. Are they having diarrhea as well?” Vep asked as she looked over the various plants that had been gathered. ”If so, add in just a little bit of this.” She picked up a hard looking root. ”You’ll want to make sure you grind it well as the texture might be off putting to the baby.” The woman looked at her and nodded in understanding though she did not speak, she purchased the things Vepkhia had shown her and with a brief nod of her head she walked away briskly, hopefully to help the child feel better. The interaction put a smile on her face for the rest of the day, despite her other worries. Perhaps this was something she could do. Not become a doctor by any means but maybe she could make some home remedies to sell, she might run the idea by Eudom and see how he thought it would do in this part of Yael. She would make potions and become an arcanist!

Words: 576