“Probably a smart idea.” There was safety in numbers, which was not where they were at, and they had been gone quite a while. Unfortunately, there was nobody here to miss her if suddenly she went missing; at home, maybe… but at the village. At best people might notice the smaller numbers but as for who was now gone; none would know her name or face, except for him.

Oh well, didn’t matter much. “You go back first,” Maya nodded her head in the direction of the other signatures. “I’ll follow after.” This way nobody could accuse him of being out here plotting with some Page. “Take it easy” She brought a finger to her brow and offered a mock salute before turning her attention towards one of the moss-covered trees.

Large roots jut up and out of the ground and it was there she sat until the Corrupt was far enough in the distance that she felt confident enough that nobody would suspect them of nefarious deeds or wrongdoings. Whatever happened, happened. So long as they somehow found a way to get out of here she didn’t care.
