congratulations, dreamer!
    you now have the honor of completing the the learning path challenge. to complete this most excellent quest and unlock the powers that lie within, you must complete these requirements.
  • three threads where Kim interacts with other visitors, learning more about other ashdown and magic.
  • a thread where Kim and another visitor find themselves in other ashdown only to be trapped by something. (tag in whaler when you are prepared!)
  • a thread in which Kim and the other visitor escape from their imprisonment using a mechanic provided.

    in exchange, your character will unlock:

    GUIDING FEET - Kim now has the ability to get in and out of other ashdown at will. Any time they want to travel there (or leave) a spectral trail of footprints will appear on the ground that lead them to the nearest avenue that lets them cross over.

    have fun, and let us know when you've completed your requirements!
