1. In metaplots, I like it when.. Something interacting. I really enjoyed how Schnee's first meta plot went. Something where everyone can be involved, in the pride or not. Also didn't effect anyone in the pride that didn't want to participate, and gave a reason for the land to be semi-dangerous. I hope to do something similar to that again, and maybe some snow game based Mega that will allow for unique titles only given out during that sorta thing.

2. In metaplots, I don't like it when.. I don't particularly like rp contests to where people have to give personality, names, backstory for a prize. It doesn't really give much to a meta plot. They also tend to turn people away from them, and Metaplots should be fun to everyone that can join in the pride or those wanting to be part of the pride.

3. The best duration for an ORP is.. 1 week to 2 weeks depending how big the meta plot is. If it's more developed and bigger, I'd say at least a month would be good. Especially if it calls for Multiple rps, when the bird pride was first introduced.

4. The best style of ORP is.. Random Number Generated CYOA style! Like in Schnee's meta plot which allowed anyone to actually find those who were missing. And what Swampies did as well after the fire happened. Gives everyone a fair chance to be a part of it. Maybe something that interacts certain types of characters abilities, like seers.

5. The best duration for a whole metaplot is.. At least a Month if it's a fairly big metaplot. Allowing everyone a chance to participate in it, as well as finish off lose ends here and there. If it's a small Metaplot, then no need for longer than 2 weeks.

6. The best rewards for participating are.. Special edits, Unique one-of-a-Kind titles, Familiars, pre-made prizes.

Other thoughts/opinions: I think that's it.