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Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:26 am
Stage 2 - Solo 3

Shadows of the Past

It had been a wonderful morning. Shadiya had stretched her arms far above her head before dancing out of bed with a twirl. Nothing could be more relieving than to see the plains of Sauti outside of her window. There was no more desert sand outside, only glorious grass and trees. Dexurn and she had made it! The thought brought a brilliant smile to her lips as she went to go freshen up.

They had made it and it was fine time that she began to relax. Perhaps it was confidence from having no nightmares – thanks to sleeping with Dexurn – but the girl was tired of having to hide herself. So she had went and danced. The wind girl that she had met, Faamy, was fun and likable so Shadiya held no reserve about dancing with the bard’s music. In fact, she felt like they had held a rather fine performance the night before. Good enough that she had a full money pouch again and a fine room for her and her traveling companion…

Speaking of Dexurn… Shadiya had to wonder…where did he go? Pursing her lips slightly the girl sighed before shaking her head. It was easier to freshen up when he wasn’t here anyways. Slipping out of the silks that normally hugged her curvy shape the girl began to rinse off with the fresh water that was in the bowl before her. It felt so nice to have clean skin again. All that sand had seemingly started slipping into her pores to the point that she felt she was becoming a sand dune herself. Her fingers, long and lithe, seemed to be soft as silk now but before had been red and tinged from the sharp winds that had howled across the sands. Her feet as well…Shadiya glanced down as she stared at the bottom of a raised foot – it was pretty calloused and sore. More so from walking than dancing, for once.

Still, that wasn’t enough to stop her from dancing. Her decision made Shadiya made certain to go explore the inn that she had entertained. Shortly enough she found herself wandering the markets of the small traveling town and delighting in all the strange goods that she had found. This looks different…I wonder if Dexurn would like it? The thought brought a small flush to her lips as she peered through silks and other materials.

There were also strange fruits and drinks that she had never seen before…Shadiya took a whiff of one of the strangely ornate bottles before throwing her head back with a face. Perhaps not this one… Oh how she felt like a child! She was even comfortable to the point that she only loosely wore a scarf wrapped around her head. Honestly in her excitement the girl was oblivious to the blatant stares from those who happened to notice the unusual beauty.

This would look great while dancing. Holding onto several of the silks that she purchased the girl made her way through the market. Her steps were light, but those of others behind her may have been a bit heavier as they easily followed the trail left behind by the poor unsuspecting girl. Perhaps despite behind outside of Oba the girl should have still stayed weary – she’d learn soon enough that not everyone had forgotten her face from the posters that her uncle had spread over a year ago across the desert cities.

It was that night when she approached the stage again that Shadiya let loose. As the music played behind her the girl found herself retelling her story. A joyful beginning with short, quick movements of a young girl full of excitement – something akin to how she even behaved lately. The middle segment showed a transition to mourning, then worry, and then an awakening with movements that strained against the burdens of her past. She was drowning – drowning in emotions and restrictions that were imposed upon her by those who had destroyed the happy family she had so cherished.

It was hard to imagine what was left. But then with violent transitioning of the music the girl found her dance running. Fear and desperation filled her movements as she danced her way across the stage. She had broken her chains, had learned that she still could fly despite her once broken wings, but they didn’t want their prize to get away…faint tears glimmered across the girl’s cheeks as she darted across the stage.

Then as the tense movements came to their conclusion the girl found herself alive again. She was slow, hesitant to explore the world around her, but now it was obvious…she had no more chains. Her future was bright and brilliant…a happy ending for such a sad story. Or at least Shadiya hoped it would prove to become one. She could only pray for the best now that they were out of Oba.

At least her dance had improved. Shadiya beamed as she received tokens from the patrons who had watched her performance. Ignoring some of the more teasing commentary the girl glanced towards her friend, the bard, with a smile. Once again they had achieved that perfect harmony between music and dance.

Just thinking of the melody that her friend filled Shadiya with joy. She had never felt so free! Oba was behind her and Sauti laid before her, a vast country to explore. Here she could find more ways to express the dance that she so loved. Unfortunately for Shadiya those thoughts and feelings were about to become shattered. Terror replaced her joy as she was approached by a male in a cloak. Rather than giving her compliments the male instead approached with a shadow across his features. Despite swerving through the room, soon enough Shadiya found herself backed into a corner of the now mostly empty room. Her heart jumped in her chest as the Oban male pulled the hood of his cloak back. She had seen the glint in his gaze and had tried her best to get away before he could catch her…

Unfortunately for her there was no escaping someone who already had people wrapped around the building. Instead the girl found herself pulled away from her friend and slung over the man’s shoulder. Flailing and screaming she had tried her hardest to get away, but a thud to the back of her head had sent her spiraling down into darkness….

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:02 pm
Stage 2 - Solo 4


Ever since being rescued by Dexurn the fears of being followed had continued to randomly pop up. Even now as Shadiya browsed through the marketplace in a Sauti town, far from the edges of her home country, the girl had started to glance over her shoulder. Was someone there? Had another group found her bounty? Had they spread word that the reward was still active and that the person in question was alive and well? If only those bounty hunters hadn’t found her then she could have been living freely again out in the open. Or perhaps that was her own folly. Had it not been after a performance that the girl was caught? Apparently rumors of a dancer traveling from Oba with her appearance was not the best way to keep her life a secret.

“Are you alright, miss?”

Blinking Shadiya glanced towards the merchant with a light flush, “Oh, yes! Let me just buy those scarves?” At her fingertips danced several silk pieces in the breeze, mostly in colors of indigo and gold the pieces were an attempt to get rid of her Oban colors. That was the last thing she needed to do currently. While she was obviously Oban it may throw off others who couldn’t get a close look to notice her Oban features. Still, while it was easy enough to forgo some clothing her other options were a bit less enjoyable.

For years she had always enjoyed her crimson hair. It was the feature that she had loved the best from her mother. Shadiya had always been so thankful to have inherited it from the cherished woman and the thought of what she was about to do sent her stomach into a knot. Wouldn’t it be easier to loose someone who was focused on a painting of her? If even a few characteristics here and there changed that would be enough to give her time to skirt away.

The only ones she would have to worry about were those who actually knew her face…which included only her uncle and those men. Unless someone else from her past came around, but Shadiya trusted all others. The dancers from the Oban market and her family servants had always protected her and she would continue to believe in them now. So the best way to go…was to lose this main feature.

Sighing, Shadiya just grabbed the required roots before handing over a coin to the merchant. “Thank you.”

“You know how to use those right?”

Her flush returning the girl nodded slowly before shaking her head. However, a few moments later as she watched the merchant grind up the root and then drip the concoction into a bottle for her Shadiya frowned. Was this…really happening? Just a few weeks ago she had arrived in Sauti with such an energy for life. Dexurn had helped her out of that cursed country and she had made so many happy memories in Matori. Her dance was finally on its way to becoming complete…

Then the abduction had occurred. Shivering, Shadiya shook her head at the memory before brushing off more questions of concern from the merchant. “I’m fine thank you.” Taking her purchase with er the girl wandered through the marketplace. Every little thing that she could think of the girl would stop and inspect. Should she get more of these? Or even some of those?

The whole time her heart was in a knot and her brow furrowed into a crease. Nothing it seemed, not even the little children who ran past her with laughter, was enough to truly cast a real smile across the girl’s face today. Hiding after all was a tiresome thing and she had been so glad to get away from it. To find that the shadows welcomed her again? Well that was a new feeling entirely.

It rather…sucked.

Sighing, Shadiya ran a hand through her hair in frustration. “No time to be mopey, Shade!” What would Dexurn think? The thought brought a true blush to her fine features. Ever since being rescued by him the girl couldn’t help thinking also of their reunion. Not only had he followed her and found her, but the man had also kissed her! Of course she had kissed him back, but he had been the one to begin their kiss!

All this time…he had feelings for her. Now that thought actually brought the faintest of smiles to her lips. Perhaps it was okay then to toss away her heritage. After all having Dexurn in her life made it definitely worth everything. Enough light to balance out the darkness. Not that she would admit to such a silly notion, but the Matorian definitely did make her heart feel lighter – if not light enough to actually flutter away from her. Shadiya honestly had no clue about when her feelings for the Matori had even begun. Had they been in hiding all this time? Was it from the first moment she had met him on the road? He had been so shy back then that she had to twist his arm to see her as a person, not a master.

“I suppose things really do change with time.” A light smile did truly cross her lips then. Was there hope for her future yet? As long as Dexurn was by her side then the girl supposed that maybe, just maybe she could allow herself a glimmer of hope. But to hold onto the future was to cut off the past. With a quiet sigh Shadiya reached up to her hair once more. Did she completely cut it or did she just use this? Was there even enough to do the full job?

Some of her precious curls were surely going to have to go…

Shaking her head, Shadiya forced herself to look up. “No moping around.” She had to do this. It was to help her to live her life without anyone trying to take her from Dexurn again! Though…admittedly in the back of her mind the realization was there. One day she would have to go back – maybe not now, but one day for certain she would have to take a step into Oba again.

Just not today.


Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:58 pm
Stage 4 - Solo 5
Haunting Chains?

”Momma, momma look! The little Oban girl had swirled around in an elegant layer of silks and finery. Her long red curls danced around her as they bounced from her shoulders and up into the air. It was like watching a flame dancing on the edge of a candle or even watching as the sun rays ripped across a lake’s surface. There was just so much life and vibrancy to the child.

Everything about her was life…

Sighing, Shadiya stared into the reflection of her own features. It seemed that child’s life truly had belonged to someone else. Where had the Oban girl gone? All that time embraced by her parents while living life in luxury as a noble…even when her uncle had taken over she had stayed so ignorant of the world. Leaving had changed everything – including herself. Now that she had been gone for almost two years the girl could see the difference. A lot still had to change, but at the same time she was happy with it.

What she wasn’t happy with was how she was going to have to change more. At least physically. Sighing, Shadiya reached up to touch one of the crimson strands of hair that lingered across her cheek. She didn’t have to take care of it today, right? Frowning slightly the girl shook her head. No, she would go and burn some stress away first. She would go burn a bright performance one last time before fading into a new life. That would be fine, right? She could dance to her heart’s desire and take home all the things needed to give them a decent foot up for a bit. She could always think about finding a way to provide later as well…dancing wasn’t her only talent right?

I’ll figure it out later…

For now though the dance was most important. Shadiya itched to dance. She hadn’t ventured onto the stage since returning to Sauti and her legs were itching to move. Even on occasion when she walked across the floor of her room or through the marketplace the girl would find herself almost twisting to a dance. Her boy ached to move and to just let go of all the stresses that had bothered her lately. She just had to go do something!

Of course she made certain to leave Dexurn a note – just in case he did come back from training early. The thought made a flush dance across her gentle features. Would he come running through the deserts again to rescue her? A laugh, a mix of the emotions that haunted her lately, escaped from her lips. She was both terrified and thrilled by the idea. While she hated her circumstances that got her captured in the first place and kept her on the run the girl was touched that someone cared so deeply about her. He had risked so much…

Such thoughts stayed with Shadiya as she went to a village a distance to the South. It was a crowded place full of travelers that surely wouldn’t notice anything odd about the crimson haired Oban. That thought gave her confidence as she made her way towards an area where a caravan of dancers entertained. Here was a good spot to earn coin and to finally let loose. Her whole body felt as if it were on fire – this was a moment she missed the most! Raising her arms the girl swirled with her silks and veils until everything became a blur. With the music she twisted and without the music she moved the crowd. Eventually others stopped so that they could watch the stranger with her exotic dances. Shadiya’s movements after all spoke not only of Oban ways, but also of Matorian and Sauti. Tale and even a bit of Zena had been found into her footsteps…eventually one day the rest of Tendaji would work its way into her rhythm. This was what intoxicated her and kept her going. Dancing made her feel so alive and free!

She would dance away the fears and the realities that haunted her still. If only that could work! The very thought stopped her. What was she doing here? How could dance solve this? On the verge of tears, Shadiya left the stage in a whirl. What was she thinking? Surely this was enough coin to keep them afloat for a while, but was it worth the risk?

“I’ll be fine.” She had to repeat the phrase like a mantra. No one was coming to get her – not today. They were deserts away from her….at least she hoped. As it was the girl claimed her earnings and after straightening her scarf blended into the crowd and made certain that when she slipped out it was while no one else was looking. She had learned by now to become warier. Who knew what eyes were watching?

That was the exact reason that she had to be more careful now. The girl refused to even think about letting anyone, especially Dexurn, get injured because of her! But what could she do? She was just a dancer…could she really just run forever? “I…” Shadiya swallowed as she rode the Xaraan back across the plains. She would think on this later for now she would just take the day to relax.

“Another please!” Smiling at her server the girl reached for the cup. The mug felt heavy in her hands, but the warmth that spread through her stomach was so pleasant. How she even managed to end up at a tavern by the end of the night was a mystery, but here she was and there she stayed.

Later she would trudge home and curl up into the bed that she shared with her travel companion. Even if he didn’t come back tonight at least the girl didn’t have to worry about night terrors. The ale made certain of that. She just hoped that in the morning maybe it would help to drain away the rest of her woes. The thought made a bitter laugh leave her lips. If only!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:12 pm
Class Quest - Stage 2 to 3!

[In this quest Shadiya has to make the decision to put aside her desires for dancing and her ties to the past in order to prepare for the future. Since she’s on the run Shadiya is finding that her best choice is to toss away the noble, Oban Shadiya and to instead embrace a new identity. Her desire to be with the one she loves and to love him freely without bringing anymore harm to either of them is helping to fuel this decision. She also is deciding that with this new identity that she will learn to fight.

And once she becomes strong enough then it will become time to face her uncle and to reclaim who she truly is by forcing him out of her life once and for all.]

She had procrastinated long enough.

If there was one thing that Shadiya knew it was that things couldn’t stay still forever. She had made that mistake by thinking that once she left Oba everything would be golden. The appearance of those bounty hunters had said otherwise. Yet, at the same time she had gained something – truth about her feelings for Dexurn and his for her. It was that good which gave her strength. If she had Dexurn by her side then anything was possible. He made her happy and that was a blessing….

So then why was this so hard? As she raised the scissors towards her crimson locks the girl flinched. “I can’t…” It was like she was cutting away her mother’s touch from her life all over again. Was that why it was so hard? She had already turned her back away from a noble life when she left Oba willingly, but there was something about changing herself that had made her stumble. Clothing she could change easily – proof was in the fact that her old finery rested in some marketplace now while dark brown leathers and more Sauti and Tale like clothing decorated her. The only piece she had kept was the golden sash from her mother, but even it was tucked into the bottom of her bag along with the jewelry of the sun.

Many she had actually given away to lead a false trail back towards Oba. She prayed that wherever it went that the trail would keep her pursers occupied for a bit. If they were still chasing her…but after being kidnapped the girl wasn’t so hopeful. The bounty on her head left by her uncle made certain that her life wouldn’t be quite so easy. As much as she had made a delusion with an idea of a new start it seemed that a few more sacrifices would have to be made. If even they worked.

Still, the thought of losing the thing that was her mother’s hurt even more. She had already physically lost her parents, but at the same time her hair had always kept her mother’s memory close. It was the one thing that had connected them and always the servants had commented on her beautiful hair. “It’s just like the lady’s hair, such a beautiful color. Those curls as well. You definitely are going to grow into a beauty just as the lady is, little one.”

In the evenings her mother would place with her hair and put her to sleep after brushing it out. Every night Shadiya would lay in her mother’s lap while the brush worked its magic. Over and over the strokes would calm her until finally she would find herself sleeping in her mother’s embrace. The thought made her heart hurt. Could she really sacrifice such an important thing?

Dexurn…she hadn’t told him either. How would he feel once he saw her? Shadiya sighed before pushing away from the vanity. Perhaps a walk would clear her head. “Honestly…” How would her parents even view her currently? Would her mother be alarmed that she was with a Matori? They had seemed so loving though. Would race really matter to them? It didn’t to Shadiya. She couldn’t see anyone as more important to her than Dexurn and her far away adopted family back in Matori. Eura and those two little troublemakers were truly a family to her.

And Dexurn was so much more.

The thought decorated her cheeks with a light flush. I’m sure mother and father would have loved to meet him. Hadn’t they overcome boundaries of class as well? Even if they were both Obans her father had come from the streets to claim her mother’s heart and finally her hand. “If not then I hope you’ll understand one day.” The soft whisper left her as she glanced upwards towards the heavens. Her parents had understood love far more than she had – even now the thought was strange. How could she love someone? After fearing that such things only tied you down…perhaps living with Eura had taught her something. Love and friendships were not only created to drain you, but rather to help you and to lift you in times of need.

Her uncle had never understood that. He just wanted to abuse others and gain more power. Even to the point of killing -not that she wanted to believe it- his own family to selling off his only niece. I suppose he definitely would never approve of my current decision. That thought was comforting at least. If her uncle never approved of Dexurn then she would be fine with it. The evil man only cherished himself and darker things…love and caring meant nothing to him. So if he hated it then for Shadiya that meant she was doing the right thing.

It made her want to spit on the ground. What a disgusting creature he was. If it wasn’t for him…Shadiya paused and shook her head. What was she to do? Suddenly become strong and protect everyone from him? I never want to be captured again. The thought made her cross her arms tightly around her chest. But all she knew was how to dance…

Suddenly noise reached the girl’s ears. What was that? Metal clanging on metal made the girl turn on her heel. Fighting here? Dashing forward Shadiya slid to a stop with relief as she spotted two people sparring in the distance. So it wasn’t Dexurn who was fighting! “What am I doing?” The girl raised a hand to her forehead before letting out a small laugh. Was she really that paranoid they would come for her?

It truly wasn’t fair. She could see others walking freely in the market and enjoying their lives. Others could have families…the flush on her cheeks deepened. At this rate she couldn’t even settle to figure out her own romance! Was it worth it? All this hesitation to let go of her past? Was hair really worth having to always run and always hide? She had managed to give up clothing and her jewelry…so why not her hair?

Because it wasn’t just her hair that she wanted to hide.

Shadiya knew that dancing was her poison. While it released her feelings and made her happy the girl realized the dangers. She couldn’t dance once she did this. The last thing she needed was for the rumors to encompass a raven haired dancer who knew the same dances as the crimson girl…but holding onto that was only going to bring more trouble. It won’t be for long right? She glanced up and watched as a couple moved through the path.

They seemed so happy and so light.

Not a care in the world…they could be open with themselves and take their time strolling through the market. The thought twisted her heart. She wanted to be able to do that with Dexurn. “I want that.” She didn’t want to be on the run forever. She wanted freedom, was that not why she loved dancing so?

The thought strengthened her. She had someone to become strong for and even more so she had to just do it. If not then she could never truly live life the way that she wanted to. That decided the girl walked back to the same place she had been to the day before and reached out to touch one of the many blades shimmering at the stall. Sure, she was never going to be a full warrior or fighter – but she had to learn. She had to become stronger after all.

Hiding was only a temporary option, but she was not going to let anyone take her so easily again. The dagger that rested at her hip attested to that. So did the locks of crimson hair that fell to the floor with each cut. She would become someone new for now and then one day she would return and claim her true freedom as Shadiya, the fiery dancer from Oba. For now though “Shade” would take a new appearance and while continuing to learn dance in secret would keep her love of dancing secret from the public eye. Both nervousness and excitement danced in her chest as she tilted her head back and let the warm water soak into her hair with its inky tendrils.

She just hoped that Dexurn would be able to recognize her. Because once she left this room the fiery haired beauty with her skirts and dancer wear would be replaced by a raven haired mystery with dark leathers and daggers on her hip. While her stones and gaze wouldn’t change it still was enough to throw someone off. And until she got the strength and the position to claim what was hers the girl would continue to wear such a disguise. So that for the time being she could live in peace and enjoy the life around her. Rather than fleeing the shadows she would face them head on.


Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:48 pm
Stage 3 - Solo 1


“Dodge more!” The man clicked his teeth in frustration as Shadiya once more took a rough kick to the side, “You are a dancer are you not? Why are you trying to be so aggressive?” After he had stopped his attack the Sautian had come forward to offer a hand to the fallen fighter. As she took it the man sighed once more, “Really, Shade.”

“I know.” The girl pouted faintly, “It’s just…I feel like I can’t get stronger unless I start changing tactics. Does it really always have to be diving until I can trip up my enemy?”

“Are you a muscular brute?”

Shadiya frowned and finally after a pause sighed, “No.”

“Then you keep dancing around them.” The man smirked, “I don’t see what the problem is since you tripped up a few of my own men while bouncing around.”

“I suppose.” The dancer rolled her shoulders and let out a breath of relief as the joints popped, “But is it really enough?”

“For you to survive? I would hope so – you aren’t planning on joining the army anytime soon, are you?”


“Then for you to be able to handle yourself should some man try to appraise you or whatever it is you are worried about this is enough.”

Shadiya smiled and shook her head, “If you say so, Tyric. Still, I’d like to train some more.”

So their sparing match continued until later in the evening when the girl found herself walking back alone in the dusk. Her body was sore, but she was thankful. Since her sparring match with Dexurn the girl had started to find an appreciation for fights. It was like a dance where she could feel the energy, but rather than enticing her audience with a story she was forcing an opponent to move along with her. “I’ll have to put some more salve on these bruises.” She murmured quietly as she stopped by a stream to wash up for the evening. While she was proud to be getting more adapt in the battlefield – this time she had only fallen on her a** a few times rather than every ten seconds – the girl was still shy to show Dexurn how hard she was working.

Wouldn’t he worry?

Frowning at the thought Shadiya splashed some of the cold water against her warm skin, “I don’t want him to have to worry about me like that ever again.” The look on his face, the way her own heart had ached when she had been dragged away from his side…it was all something she never wished to experience again. Fighting and disguises then seemed like her best idea.

And she had never felt so free. Leaning back against the grassy shoreline the girl smiled towards the purple sky. Now that she could move without the shadow of her uncle completely dominating her every move the girl was finding a chance to truly enjoys things – including enjoying the way her own heart pattered in her chest at the sight of a certain Matori. It was nice knowing that now she had the freedom to choose to do such a thing. No one from her family would have expected it, but for that Shadiya was thankful. I’m living my own life, mama. Just as you did when you chose papa all those years ago, but I won’t…I won’t have your ending. She would be strong and she trusted Dexurn to protect her as well. Hadn’t he saved her once already?

If not in many other ways as well.

Closing her eyes, Shadiya relaxed and allowed the melody of the swirling creek to take her thoughts away on the evening breeze…

(613 - 2 pnts)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:26 pm

They had traveled through Sauti for days yet the wear of travel never seemed to show on the young dancer. Shadiya’s heart was far too light since receiving her lover’s proposal. Just thinking about the recent events caused her hand to drop to the finger which sported the delicate ring that Dexurn had given her. She had accepted it and now she was his just as he was hers. The thought was enough to give her butterflies still. Who knew that being in love could be so refreshing and so…possible?

As Dexurn prepared camp for the night Shadiya had spent the day looking through the wilderness. Everything had happened so quickly lately that her mind was still spiraling in its attempts to catch up. “Husband and wife.” She repeated the words softly under her breath as she brushed along some trees in search of water. Once a long time ago the dancer had been a child who wanted nothing more, but then her uncle’s interference with her life had caused her to instead flee from marriage. Such a thought created a crease on her delicate brow. It was a strange idea – to be married to the man she truly loved rather than some arranged marriage for her uncle’s gain. Because of her cursed uncle she had almost forgotten what it was like to want to be married. For the longest time the idea had sent shivers down her spine. Yet meeting and being with Dexurn was like a childhood fantasy back to life – such a desire she had long ago forgotten…

She had been barely an apprentice back then.

It was during the days when her father and mother were both vibrant with love and health. The courtyards were always full of fragrant flowers and the fountains bursting with waters that could be used by any in need. Matori slaves were treated as friends rather than workers while other Oban merchants visited through their receiving rooms often. She remembered following along with her nanny when her mother had come over with an intricate parchment in hand.

“Milady, what is the rush?” The Matori servant, Nviua, blinked as the Oban noble seemingly jumped towards them.

“An invitation!” Her mother was flushed with both excitement and nerves, “My youngest cousin has finally been wooed by someone. We are to attend the wedding in a few days, but does that even give us enough time to prepare? I’ll have to find some gift and then we need clothing tailored properly for the occasion…”

“Momma, does that mean a new dress for me?” Shadiya, innocent of the true affairs of such an event, beamed upwards towards her mother.

Laughing her mother simply reached down to pat the head of crimson curls, “Yes, darling. I’ll get you a beautiful dress so that you can amaze your cousins.”

“Wonderful!” Twirling on her heels Shadiya bounced through the courtyards while laughing. It was such a beautiful time of life when the girl could just play and live freely. Formal events for now didn’t scare her since she knew nothing more than seeing the fancy dresses and the tables full of delicious foods. And the music as well! Oh how she loved to watch those veiled dancers dance during celebrations! Such a thought had her swaying her own hips and clapping her hands above her head. Maybe this year she could stay later and actually get to dance rather than being dismissed with the young ones? Oh she could only hope!

From that moment on the next couple of days were a flurry of activity. Shadiya found herself going on errands with her mother and servants to not only pick up gifts, but to also be tailored for new dresses. Standing on tiptoe the girl tried her hardest to keep her spine stiff as a Oban seamstress picked and prodded at the silk dangling from her slim form, “Is…is that enough?”

“Sssh, child I need more pins.”

“Mother at this rate I’ll become a pin cushion.” Shadiya quipped lightly, “Are you certain I’m buying a dress or am I acting as one of the store displays?” At this rate could she even get out of the golden silks which clung to her frame? Though she had to admit they were rather lovely. Golden silks which covered white layers beneath which had intricate beading and embroidery of gold and orange. Even some crimson stiches blended into the pattern here and there. Despite her complaints Shadiya was finding the material lovely too look at. If only her feet weren’t so antsy!

Taking a deep breath, the noble girl counted silently in her mind as the torture continued. If the woman stabbed her one more time she would show her how sharp those needles were! Still she found herself holding her tongue just long enough…eventually the torture would end and the young girl would be dressed in silks that made her feel as if the sunset itself had been captured in the pattern. She was like a blazing flame dancing across the evening skies!

And dance she would. As the days rolled into next week Shadiya found herself traveling with her mother and father across the sands. Shortly enough they would arrive at her cousin’s and the girl would find herself surrounded by a sea of people. There was so much going on! Entertainers moved amongst the crowds while food was being served and gifts being revealed. Bouncing on her feet the girl darted here and there before being reigned in on occasion by both her nanny and mother.

“Calm down, dear. You’ll take all the attention away from the bride and groom at this rate.” Teased her mother as she led them down a row of seats decorated in ribbons and flowers.

“Aww, but momma…I’ve never seen so many people in one gathering before!”

“I know darling, but please for me?”

“Mk. I’ll get to dance more later I suppose.”

“Thank you dear.”

Still, it didn’t even take her mother’s request to quiet Shadiya. Her gaze quickly became caught by the approach of the bride as she walked forward towards her groom. Dressed in layers of elegant silks there was still an innocent air to her cousin who moved towards the man who waited for her with a smile on his lips. It was that which caught Shadiya’s attention the most. That loving look which spoke volumes had her own heart twisting in her chest. Young or not there was something powerful in the way those two glanced at each other. To see how deep their love was as they recited their vows made the girl want to weep.

Was this…was this the love that her parents held for each other? This love which made her mother weep at night while her papa went away for weeks to trade? This same love that she saw her own mother reflecting as obvious memories of her own ceremony danced in her mind? Taking a deep breath Shadiya wished she could forever remember this moment because one day she vowed to become that woman standing next to the man. Not even for the silks or the gold which decorated her cousin, but for the warmth of the obvious love which filled the room.

One day she wanted to become a bride so that her own groom could look at her with such adoration. She wanted to be loved like that. To be held tightly in someone’s arms while they showered her in kisses and warmth. She would find her knight in shining armor and together they would live a love that would span across the ages. Even their children’s children would know stories of it. Shadiya found a smile forming on her lips as she watched the celebrations continue to unfold. She would become that bride one day and be the best wife possible! A companion who would be widely sought after just as her mother was.

She just prayed to the gods that her intended would find her soon and that he could give her all the love which she promised to give him. One day it would happen and it couldn’t happen soon enough for her! Laughing quietly at the thought Shadiya rested against her mother lovingly before enjoying the rest of the ceremony….

And now years later after many hardships the woman found herself slipping into a silk gown of her own. It was different from the Oban colors which shined with fiery radiance, but the teals and golds of her Matori apparel still held a special place in her heart. Her own ‘aunt’ was decorating her hair now with shells and flowers, “Eura.” Shadiya whispered quietly, “Do you believe the spirits can see us?” Her heart was twisting in her chest as she thought about things once more.

“Spirits?” Eura questioned with her hands pausing in their work, “Why do you ask, Shadiya?”

“Just curious.” The Oban forced a small smile, “It’s a silly thought, but I would like to think that my parents are somehow able to see what will happen later today….I wish they could be here.”

“Oh child.” Eura’s hands lowered from the curls of dark hair and rested on her student’s shoulders, “I’m sure that for you their spirits will be delighted. Knowing that their daughter has found such love is the best blessing a parent could ask for. Your mother would be proud, especially.”

Resisting the urge to nod Shadiya’s smile instead just widened, “I suppose you are right. Though I wonder if even they would expect my groom.”

“Years have passed since those days.” Protested Eura with a soft sigh, “Yet they act as if it’s such a strange sight, do they not?”

“Mmmhmm. But I would have it no other way.” Shadiya closed her eyes, “I love him so much. I wouldn’t even care if he was a bit of everything or something completely unknown to us. His soul called out to mine and in the end we survived everything to come this far.”

“Eww are you being romantic again?” In the doorway a small Matori child protested with a pout, “I know it’s the special day and all, but save it for the formalities.”

“Oh Aira. Are you simply just jealous because you wish you could be doing this? I’m sure one day you’ll find your soulmate as well.” Teased Shadiya lightly.

“N-no!” Aira stuck her tongue out, “I’d rather beat the crap out of someone than smooch on them! You can keep your strange romance ideas over there, thanks!” A light flush decorated her cheeks, however, as she turned on her heels. “But seriously hurry up! The time is almost here!”

Shadiya laughed as the young girl scurried away. If there was one thing the girl could do it was to ease a heavy heart. How could one be knotted with worries when she had such a fun family as this? “Thank you so much again Eura for taking in those trouble makers.” To think they had gone from starving thieves to becoming healthy and vibrant children! They were actually given a chance to learn what they wished and to grow without having to throw themselves into dark places for survival. Shadiya was forever thankful that she had managed to find them in the docks that day…even if it had been originally to get back her mother’s necklace.

Eura nodded as she returned to fixing some beads in the Oban’s hair, “I could thank you instead. They’ve definitely lightened up my life.”

“I would say so.” Smiling Shadiya closed her eyes patiently as the Matori moved from decorating her hair and to instead brushing powder across her face. Next she would fix more of her jewelry and then adjust the silks so that they slid effortlessly across the sands when she walked. So much work for such a simple ceremony, but she was glad. It was nice knowing that despite once having lost everything that in its place Shadiya had gained so much more. A family to love her and a man to give her his all. Someone who she could give her whole heart gladly to.

She just wished her parents could see it. Perhaps they are correct. I should remember that spirits can exist. It was a small comfort but as the girl stood with her hair curled and tied back with strings of pearls and flowers Shadiya could imagine her mother’s reaction. The woman would help tighten the sash around her waist and would fix the earrings which chimed in her ears like bells. Her father would sigh softly before reaching out a hand to touch her blushed cheeks.

”Take care daughter. He’s a fortunate man. If he mistreats you remember I’ll be nearby.”

“Oh stop.” Her mother would playfully smack at her husband’s shoulder, “We love you dear. I’m so happy for you.”

Tears came to her eyes at the thought and Shadiya had to force herself to smile once more. They would do something silly like that, wouldn’t they? Her hands trailed down the silk which trailed down along the sands. Anklets decorated her feet, but other than that they were bare. She had wanted to feel the sand beneath her toes as she walked towards Dexurn this afternoon. This was her new home with a family to cherish and it was here she would make her vows. The great ocean could take her wishes to the heavens and from there her parents could be remembered.

Perhaps even in a few days she would make an offering as well in their memory. That would be nice. For now though the girl found her attention focused solely on the Matori who stood at the end of the line of decorative shells and ribbon. Dexurn. No matter what she was so thankful that he had come into her life. Even if she had to suffer that heartbreak and struggle against many powerful forces she would gladly do it again. As long as she could meet him and fall in love over and over.

His smile, his gaze, his everything…it was hers to cherish. He was now her world and she was his. This was their new life, the conclusion to one story but the beginning of an even greater one full of love and happiness. And she was eager to begin it with him as his wife.

Such a thought was enough to make her pick up speed as she moved along the sands and into his awaiting arms…


Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:26 pm

“You used to dance so much before, but why not now?”

“Azui! Sometimes you can’t always ask any question you want!”

“But sis, I wanted to know! I missed Shade’s dancing. It was really pretty and always lightened up my mood.”


Reaching out a hand the Oban placed it on the young Matori girl’s shoulders, “It’s alright, Aira. If Azui is curious then who am I to stop him from asking about it?” Shadiya forced a small smile towards the young boy, “ It has been years since I’ve danced for anyone, hasn’t it?”

Frowning towards his sister, Azui slowly nodded. “It has.” His gaze lowered towards the floor in shame as he continued, “I didn’t think though. Aira is right, what if I offended you?”

Shadiya watched him quietly. Both of the Matori children were dear to her, almost as if they were her own younger siblings, but she had never truly explained herself to either of them. Nor had she danced…it was true she did dance on occasion with Eura, but since having the babies it was rare. She was still even to this day too fearful to truly dance out in an open space were someone else could spot her. It had become such a habit that the woman had even hidden her dancing among her closest friends – including the two standing before her, “Don’t apologize. It’s fine, truly.” Letting go of Aira’s shoulders Shadiya crossed over towards the boy and ruffled his hair, “Honestly, I’m the one who should apologize. You two have been in my life for so long that I should be able to give you an explanation…there’s so much you don’t know about me.”

“Well obviously.” Aira protested as she too came towards her brother to sit on the floor, “You even came back from Sauti with a different appearance! Of course we figured something was up with you! Eura just told us though that it wasn’t somethin’ that we should ask ya about just yet. The time would come she said and I ‘spose it could come eventually…if you ever wanted.”

“She’s not lying.” Chimed in Azui, “Eura warned us that you might have some serious secrets and to behave. I’m sorry once more.”

Raising her arms Shadiya shook her hands at the two children – no now they were apprentices. As she spoke with them the woman was beginning to realize that more and more. The two of them had gone from those little ones she had met years ago and now were turning into fine apprentices. Aira even was developing some curves and was obviously going to be a woman worth chasing to someone in the future while her brother’s intellect had soared beyond others of his age. How had she ignored such a thing? It was prime time that she gave them some credit for their abilities, “No, no. It’s quite alright. Honestly I’m proud you were so patient with me. I’ve been all over the board, haven’t I?”

“Just a bit.” Quipped Aira with a shrug before leaning back on the chaise she had been standing against, “But isn’t that just a part of who you are, Shade? I’m quite used to you doin’ your own thing in that strange world of yours. Without Dexurn we may hafta tied you down a long time ago else ya would have floated away.”

Grinning Azui nodded along with his sister, “But now that you’ve finally realized it can we have some tidbit to go on? We don’t need to know all the information, but we have been worried. You aren’t dying of something terminal are you?” His gaze was sincere and full of worry, “You know I’ve been asking Aunt Eura if I can train in the healing arts…if you needed me to I could look over things for you.”

“Azui! I don’t think she’s dying…. are you?” Blinking Aira glanced towards the Oban woman with worry, “Shade?”

Laughing, Shadiya shook her head. “No, no! I’m fine in that regard. How could I dare to leave all of you behind? You two along with the twins would cause so much chaos without me!” She couldn’t help teasing as she glanced over the pair of siblings once more. She was so glad that Dexurn had agreed to come back to Matori. Perhaps maybe it wasn’t the best of places for him, but the woman was at home here. Eura, Aira, and Azui had made certain of that years ago. Without their help and Dexurn’s love the woman didn’t know what she would have done.

She had been lost in a dark and cruel world. Her uncle had tried to cut her off from all hope and had nearly squashed her spirits. If he had managed to get away with catching her again then she worried what would have been. Would she have become a dead spirit living as a doll without any will of her own? Married to the highest bidder who could lock her up in a chamber in a maze of a mansion for his own pleasure…a tool to gain admiration from other jealous nobles. Or even worse – depending on her uncle’s displeasure with her which surely was high now- she could have just been tossed around as a gift for anyone who helped him climbing to power. Such thoughts sent a chill down her spine. I would have rather taken a dagger to my own throat than live through that! She was so thankful that Dexurn had saved her. Truly without him the girl would have been so lost.

“Shade, are you okay?” Aira had gotten up from the chaise so she could wrap her slender fingers around the other woman’s hands, “Talk to us. Please?” It was a rare moment for the tough tomboy to actually seem so sincere and mature that it took the dancer by surprise. Surely then it was alright. They wouldn’t judge her for her past, right?

Taking a deep breath Shadiya finally nodded, “Alright then. Let’s get comfortable and I’ll serve some tea first.”

“I’ll go get it.” Azui smiled as he backed out of the room and the two women listened as his footsteps disappeared down the hallway.

Setting the table Aira sighed, “Now I know we’re curious, but I was serious. Don’t make yourself sick over any extra details. Just let us know some things, but I ain’t forcin your hand here.”

“I know.” A small smile flickered over the dancers features as she sat down on one of the silk pillows located around the low table. As Azui came back Shadiya arranged the delicate tea cups and placed different leaves in each, “Mint for me and Azui and some of the more exotic leaves for you Aira since that’s your preference.” Graceful as always Shadiya gently raised the teapot of hot water and poured the brew in each cup.

“I love how you do that.” Commented Aira quietly, “Seems so noble and professional. Were you a server in the past?”

“Haha, no.” Shadiya grinned over her steaming cup of tea, “I may have been taught in some classic arts of serving and other household necessities, but I was never a server. I was actually far from that.” She bowed her head, “I know that the Oban nobles ruined a lot for your family and for the longest time I’ve been ashamed to come clean, but actually I come from a house which was once prestigious during the old days. Our family was full of Matori slaves, but my parents never mistreated them – still the deed was there. We had slaves when we should have just made friends.”

“Shade…you think we didn’t guess?”

Blinking the Oban glanced up at Azui who had spoken up, “Wha-what?”

“How could we not guess about something like that? You were far too noble like. We thought maybe at least a merchant’s daughter at the least…”

“Oh.” Shadiya flushed as she stared into her tea sheepishly, “I suppose I wasn’t the best at hiding things, was I?”

“Nope.” Aira chimed in with her brother, “But after everything that happened when we first met I realized you weren’t such a scumbag like others. So we decided to keep you.”

“Keep me, hmm?” Shadiya laughed quietly, “I suppose that’s one way to say it. Thank you both.”

“But how come you aren’t living the life up in Oba anymore?” Aira frowned, “That’s the part we found confusing. Even if you didn’t like the past ways of Oba it didn’t make sense to completely leave your family behind.”

“Ah.” Shadiya stirred her tea thoughtfully, “That’s the thing. My parents are passed away, but let me tell you my story first. Hopefully it won’t be too boring for you two…”

Ever so slowly the dancer took a deep breath and after peeking up at the awaiting faces her story began -

“A long time ago I was born of love, you see. It was obvious to most of Oban society that my parents loved each other dearly. Their love was so much that my father even overcame multiple obstacles to just hold my mother’s hands. As you guessed I am in a way a merchant’s daughter. My father after all was just a simple merchant man who started out as an orphan on the streets. In truth, my noble heritage came from my mother who was one of the more elite in the upper tiers of noble society. Her family, however, had lost money due to bad investments and due to worry about their status among the elite faltered when it came to marriage companions for their daughter. Her beauty had been widely known and she was called a crimson flower of the desert rains. Everything about her was graceful and she was very much in line with what it was like to be an Oban lady. My father met her in the marketplace, the rare occasion that she had snuck off to venture into the real world around her, and fell in love at first sight. Who could blame him? She was an innocent soul who was said to have a bewitching way about her. It was no wonder that her family was drowning in requests for her hand. My father included himself with a plea of his own for her. Of course his status made her family reject him, but after months of determination and hard work her managed to sway their minds with his new financial assets. Mother didn’t mind though she had secretly been rooting for him all along. To the point that even she had messed around with several other suitors and managed to mar their names in the noble households. One I was even told had been revealed to have several mistresses and even had a bad habit of mistreating his slaves…while maybe before such a thing could have been ignored the fact that my mother brought such a side out to the public shamed him. In a way such actions only proved to my father more and more that she was indeed a special gem in the desert.”

Pausing Shadiya raised a cup to her lips and after blowing away some steam took a sip. It was calming to drink something so familiar. Though talking about her family was still bringing an ache to her chest. This tea even was something her mother often recommended when Shadiya was feeling ill or nervous. Always a cup of tea first dear. The warmth should spread throughout your chest and make it easier to breathe. Then you can stand firm and do what needs to be done. Or rest. It’s also good for clearing your mind before sleeping…

Taking a breath Shadiya smiled shyly at the two Matori listening to her, “Shall I continue?”

“Of course! We haven’t even gotten to the true part of this story yet, Shade.” Aira raised a finger towards the woman, “You began this so continue. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone if you end up crying either. Azui can testify to that for me.”

Her brother nodded before reaching out a comforting hand towards Shadiya’s shoulder, “Take your time. We have all afternoon to listen since your little ones are sleeping.”

“Well as you can guess they did get together and for many years they lived happy lives. Even with the scorn of my mother’s family my father stood strong. He was a well-respected man in town who had access to much of the trade. Anything that was requested could be found on his ships and he was also prone to sponsoring treasure hunts for artifacts. You would have enjoyed that Azui. He had found several strange things throughout the years and added them to a collection. I of course was born as their only child and was showered in love. While my father may have been gone for days at a time, even months at one point, I was still aware of his love for me.

However, others were jealous of such happiness. My mother’s brother had wanted to become the family’s heir, but my father stood in his way. He wanted nothing more than to control everything in the house, but once mother moved out to be with my father his power faltered. From that jealousy and thirst for power came many a dark thing…”

Shadiya bowed her head and had to take a few moments to calm her racing heart, “My father…was found dead.” She whispered quietly, “They say he had an attack of the heart after pushing himself on a voyage that was stressful, but anyone had to wonder. What could have suddenly strained him so? I believe my uncle may have poisoned him…but I have no proof.” She confessed while Aira gasped next to her.

“That man is a monster! Please tell me they caught him!”

Shadiya slowly shook her head as her gaze watered, “No one could connect the death with him. And I was only just an apprentice at the time. I was so young that I didn’t understand what was going on with my world. Suddenly all the happiness was fading and my uncle was moving in while my mother became a recluse. Her heart was broken after all and from that her health began to fail…”

She clutched at her cup while the siblings moved closer as if to protect the Oban from her own past, “I only got a few moments with her while my uncle began to take care of the household. He ran everything while my mother was fading away in her bed. Her death came only a year after my father’s. At least I saw that it too broke my uncle a bit. Even if he hadn’t liked what my mother had done it was still his sister….” Shadiya had to take another moment as the Matori siblings pressed against her side comfortingly, “No worries. It’s been years and while the ache is still there I can manage. This is more than I’ve ever told before honestly.” She admitted as she wrapped an arm around each of her dear family members. At least her uncle hadn’t managed to take these from her. Never would he find her in Matori!

“Once my mother passed my uncle took over my family’s assists – including me. While he manipulated my emotions of guilt through lies and intimidation I was helpless to do his whim. My days of freedom and happiness were over. Without my mother’s warmth and my father’s gentle smile to help guide me I fell into despair. Their deaths had been my fault and they would be ashamed of my behavior…such lies kept me from pushing back against his cruelty. Slaves who had been treated kindly before now suffered the whip and I suffered from the locks on the doors to my chambers.

Marriage meetings were set up, basically in an attempt to barter me for even more power. Numb, I watched as male after male appraised me basically and set a price for my uncle. I was prepared to just go and live in whichever way he wanted after all. Then…. I found out more about his doings and even discovered a trove of letters written by my mother during her sickness. She had never blamed me, but rather had showered me with love during our time apart. Such realizations woke me up from my sleep and allowed me to finally fight back and eventually run away for my freedom.

From there I met you two and then Dexurn as well.” Shadiya smiled, “You know most of the story from there. However, a few years after traveling with Dexurn – right before our wedding – I was kidnapped. It was because of that I changed my appearance. It may seem silly but even now I’m wary. What if my uncle finds me?” She smiled sadly, “So I hid my dancing as to stop any rumors from spreading so he can’t track me down again.”

“Shade.” Aira clutched at the woman’s hands, “that’s awful!”

Azui slowly shook his head, “I’m so sorry Shadiya. Thank you for trusting us with your story.”

“But should you allow such an old fart to bother ya?” Protested Aira angrily, “I’ll go find him and shove a blade up where the sun doesn’t shine! I can fight now ya know. I’m not afraid of some stiff old Oban!”

“But I am.” Replied Shadiya quietly, “He may not do much on his own, but his influence reaches far. The last thing I want is for him to hurt any of you or my little ones because of me.” The woman shook her head, “I may miss my dance, but I don’t know if it’s worth the risk.”

Frowning, Aira crossed her arms. “I still don’t like it.” The woman chewed at her bottom lip before jumping up with a smile, “The festival!” Running across the room the girl shifted through a chest of things and came out with a mask of some ocean creature and a long silk outfit, “We were to go tomorrow night and there you can dance! Who would expect you to be there after all in a mask?”


The Matori held out the items towards Shadiya, “Please, Shade? It’ll make me happy to see you being you again.”

“I don’t mind watching the little ones.”

“Azui…” Blinking Shadiya’s gaze watered with tears, “You both are so sweet. Thank you.”

Hugging Shadiya, Aira squeezed tightly. “You’re family. I wouldn’t want you to hide away for the rest of your life. If the old man tries to hurt you or my little cousins I’ll cut him. Don’t worry we’re here for you.”

“Agreed.” Azui nodded firmly as Shadiya began to cry.

“Thank you both…so very much.”

(3133 – 10 pnts)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:08 pm
Class Quest Solo!

[In this quest solo Shadiya is forced to confront her uncle who had tried harming her family. Now that she has the babies to protect she refuses to continue running and hiding. This instead means she will be going to Oba to confront the man and to finally stand against him. No more hiding, no more running, no more cowering…she is going to fight and take back what is hers! This will also result in her shifting back towards her Oban heritage and to also dancing freely as she did long ago.]

He had taken her babies. He had dared to try and touch her children! After all the years of hiding he had somehow gotten wind of her existence in Matori. Had it been her dancing at the festival or her outing with a Yaeli girl in the markets? Either way Shadiya was infuriated. Even if Dexurn and she had both saved their children what would happen next? Would they have to continue to move throughout Tendaji to run away from her past? She had been so scared that day at the beach. Seeing those vile men trying to take her babies had set a fire in her spirit. Never before had the pacifist felt so aggressive. If she ever saw them again then they would get more than a good kick! She could just imagine using the blade to dig into their flesh a bit more. Such a thought made Shadiya clutch at her hands. No, no. I learned to fight to defend, not to become a monster like my uncle. That monster…why couldn’t he just give up on her?

Why did those she love have to suffer for her own family problems?

After placing her little ones to sleep Shadiya had paced the room, “Should I just ask Dexurn to go back to Sauti or Tale?” She ran a hand through a raven lock of hair. No, no…that didn’t seem right either. Her children were too unique in appearance. Now that her uncle knew what they looked like it wouldn’t be simple hiding – they would have to constantly be on the run. She had done that for years already and only the past few had been so peaceful and happy simply because she had hidden herself in such a close place. She had shorn and dyed her hair while also forgoing her dance…

Why had such sacrifices been in vain? All she had wanted was to live a peaceful life with her beloved and raise their children in a happy place. She had forgone so much to avoid conflicts. Was it truly such a bad decision on her part to try and live in a place where she felt at home? To give her children a place to call home rather than wandering forever away from the shadows of her uncle?

A creaking of the door broke Shadiya from her thoughts, “Go take care of him.”

“Aira?” Blinking Shadiya glanced at the Matori who stood before her in battle wear with a blade at her side, “What do you mean?”

“Go take care of him. I know you’re scared, but aren’t you angry? He tried to take Kyril and Koril from you!” The younger woman was vivid, “If it were me I would go and cut anyone who tried to touch Azui!”

“Aira…” Shadiya bit the inside of her cheek before sinking to her knees on the floor, “I can’t fight him. He’s too much.”

“You can’t or you won’t?” The girl placed a hand on her hip angrily, “I knew a woman named Shadiya once! She was a spitfire who stood up for what she believed in. She was so confident and stubborn that she chased a Matori girl through the docks and risked fighting in a shabby place just for a necklace! What happened to her, hmm? She used to dance before crowds and live freely without a worry in the world. You know why? Because she lived for what she believed in. She is the one who taught me that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I tried my hardest and stayed true to myself! Without her I would have never taken up the sword instead I would still be a thief living on the docks barely making it!”

“I…I…” Shadiya blinked through the tears. Had she changed that much? Had fear of her uncle kept her chained even when she was away from him? Just thinking about such things knotted her stomach, “I’m such a fool. You’re right.”

“Alright then!” Aira beamed, “Then let’s get Shadiya ready to go out. I’ll get Dexurn and we’ll go kick some a-“

“No.” Shadiya reached up and grabbed at the Matori’s arm, “This is for me to deal with.”


“I have to do this. Not you, not Dexurn. I refuse to have anyone else hurting because of my own family problems.” Shadiya stood up and dusted off her pants, “I’ll go take care of my uncle, myself. Not as Shade, but as Shadiya D’ialin of Oba.”

She would leave that night and in a week would find herself traveling through harsh sands to finally enter the city that she had once known as home. This time though the girl wasn’t a weak apprentice who wanted to just run away. Now she was a grown woman who stood tall and held a blade at her side. Crimson locks fell in a long braid down her back as the raven hair was no more and silks decorated her in traditional Oban colors. This was who she was and she would show her uncle that she was not going to back down anymore! No more disguises, no more running, no more cowering! He had touched her precious family and for that he would pay.

It would take a bit, but she would find her contacts and from there resolve a few things before confronting him completely…. after all he was a clever man. It wasn’t like she could just use brute strength against him, but speaking with Azui and Aira the other day had reminded Shadiya of a few things. There were loose ends which she could resolve through those memories…

Only a couple of days later….

She followed the familiar path through the city streets. The gate was still there elegant as before while the gardens beyond it lay dead and covered in sands. Without the life of her parents or Shadiya around it seemed the mansion had grown dark and deserted. Was this the life her uncle lived now? Pursing her lips, the woman prayed silently to the gods for protection before going forward.

The gate creaking, Shadiya pushed the metal inwards.

“Milady you can’t do this!” Only a few servants had remained, but Shadiya pushed beyond them, “Please stop!”

“He’s here, correct?” She pressed past those who had tried to stop her. The younger servants had mostly fled with the war’s resolution years ago, and those who had stayed had no home or choice. Her uncle had kept power over many and only those who were bold had fled. As she moved through the grand hall, it seemed as though that her old home was in disarray. What was with this darkness?


Turning at the sound of her voice, Shadiya felt her heart stop. That old cracked voice still resembled the deep voice which had haunted her nightmares for years, “Uncle.” There he stood, but this time she could see that the years had not been kind. Had she truly been on the run constantly from this man? This sickly looking man who relied on a cane to stand?

“You came home.” He grinned before a cough wracked his body, “Seems you came at a bad time.”

“Don’t toy with me uncle. You know what you did. What you continue to do…”

“Which is child?” The noble leaned forward on his cane as he glanced her over, “What have I done so? Besides looking for my lost niece who disappeared without a trace years ago?”

“Uncle. You forced me away! And you dared to hurt my family!”

“Ah. Your family?” The Oban scowled, “You call that a family? You run away from riches and nobility to be with some slave? Then have his children? I was hoping it wasn’t the case but when reports came to me I had to try and see what creatures they were speaking of.”

“Those creatures are my babies. And you shall never touch them again.” Hissed Shadiya threw her teeth as she took a few steps forward, “How dare you even speak of them like that.”

“How dare I?” Her uncle slammed his cane against the ground and suddenly seemed taller and stronger than a few seconds ago, “How dare you! You leave me alone to fall in society by displeasing the man who was supposed to have you as a bride! I look like a fool offering my precious niece to only have her disappear just a night before a wedding. Such actions along with these despicable pleas for peace and freedom for all have destroyed my house! And then you!” He raised a hand accusingly, “Go and sleep with a Matori and raise his children? You shame your ancestors!”

“Uncle!” Shadiya took another heated step forward, “I did what I needed to do! I’m a human, a breathing thing just as the Matori are! I’m not some pawn to be traded off for favors of power. Nor can you dare insult my family. The Matori are far more noble than any of those you call so godly! I would have much rather been born a Matori than have any ties to a disgusting man such as you!” Her heart was racing as the words came from her mouth. What was this change? Seeing him after all these years had originally startled her, but she was no longer the girl who cowered under her uncle’s gaze. She had seen and survived too much! And her family needed her. She needed to be strong for them!

“You’ve ruined yourself, Shadiya.” Hissed her uncle, “You have the foolish blood of that despicable father of yours. It’s ruined you into thinking ridiculous things.” Snapping his fingers figures came from the shadows. Some of them Shadiya recognized from the beach incident and with a curse the woman tried to take a step backwards, “What? Are you not bold now that you have others here with us?” Taunted her uncle, “They’ll chain you up nicely so I can try to figure out what to do with you. Perhaps even we’ll find your children again and see what to do with them as well. If it’s too late for you then that daughter of yours could be a rare prize…not a wife of course as she’s been tainted, but still…”

“Uncle!” Shadiya bit at one of the hands which reached for her, “You coward! I’m not letting you get away with any of this!”

“Oh? What are you planning to do? This may have been your home once, but no longer! This is my residence and you dared to have the guts to wander in? Fool, what could you do by yourself?”

“A lot more than what you would expect!” Shadiya pulled out a dagger and began to dance with those who wanted to try and capture her, “I’m not weak anymore, uncle!”

“Truly? Then let’s see!”

But even Shadiya wasn’t the strongest. She was only one woman verses a crowd of thugs. Clenching her teeth, Shadiya went flying backwards as one connected his fist with her jaw. Yet when she believed things to be going dark the woman blinked in surprise. Someone else had burst into the room with a sword?


“Told you not to leave me behind.” Slamming into one of the Obans the woman let him have it with her blade, “I’m not one to show mercy on hired swords.” There was no true honor in that!

Shadiya glanced up to see her uncle backing away as the thugs were being fought. Yet could she escape the fight? “Aira…”

“I got it, no worries. Get him!”

Running forward Shadiya pushed through the house, “You can’t get away!” Their steps eventually slowed as they got away from the fight. Was it because her uncle felt safer now that he was certain it was back to a one on one situation, “Forfeit Uncle. I’ll show mercy on you, but you must leave my family and me alone.”

“How dare you think I can be intimidated because you brought some Matori to fight for you?”

“She’s my family, Uncle. Not some Matori or some slave or some creature to be stepped on.” Shadiya retorted sharply, “And you should be more worried about me. I found mother’s will days ago. You were in no part supposed to become my caretaker. Nor were you supposed to have this estate.”

“So?” Her uncle smirked, “Years have passed since then. You could have easily forged such a document.”

“You think so?” Shadiya took a step forward, “Then what about this?” She paused and listened. It was quiet for now, but soon there would be even more of a crowd. “I found witnesses, uncle. I found the Matori woman who you used to poison my father. She took her confession to those in power and they are coming for you.”

“You…what?” For once in her life Shadiya saw horror on the man’s face, “Lies!”

“Her name is Nytila. You had an affair with her and then later took her daughter hostage. Eventually she managed to run away with her daughter, but dared not look back. I found her while I was in Matori and we talked.” Shadiya held up a half-empty vial, “I still have remnants from what you gave him. Do you dare to deny this is poison if so then I’m sure you will be fine with a cup of tea and it.”

“Don’t you dare.” Her uncle reached a hand out to try and knock the glass away, “Don’t you dare threaten me child!”

“Child? I doubt she’s a child anymore.” Aira chimed from behind as she wiped her blade clean, “Shadiya is a woman of power and you are the scum who should have been wiped away years ago.”

“You dare-“

“Uncle. I came before the officials did to give you a warning. Since you are my blood I’ll let you run so that you won’t be hanged. My father was an established man who was well beloved. His death will not be forgiven so easily nor will be your other crimes. I have records of all the slaves you kept in secret after the war…. your days reigning here are over. Give it up.”


“Run uncle. Run far.”

Hearing voices in the main hallway the man spat towards the ground before turning to run away. There was a secret tunnel used solely by servants and Shadiya knew it was the one he planned to take. Still, she simply turned away as the vile thing disappeared from her sight.

Blinking in surprise Aira took a few steps forward as if to give chase, “Stop, Aira.”

“But he’s getting away!”

Shadiya shook her head with a small grin, “They’re waiting for him to emerge. Let the officials take care of him.”

“You mean you let him run…for no reason?”

“I wanted him to feel some of that dread and false hope that he once instilled in me.”

“Ouch.” Shaking her head Aira glanced around, “So this is uh…a pretty big place you have here, Shadiya. What do you do now?”

“First, I’ll have you send word to Dexurn that I’m doing well. I want to take care of things here quickly and return to my family.”

“You aren’t going to stay? This is a huge place after all.”

Shadiya smiled, “You think I should? But I much prefer the calm of the ocean life. Plus, once the little ones are older I believe I’ll travel once more and show them the world that Dexurn and I explored.”

“Ah. But still what about this?”

“What do you think? Should I just let it become abandoned?”


“Or perhaps I can use it to help out those who were devastated by Oban nobles long ago. An orphanage or a training place sounds nice…”

Aira nodded happily before reaching forward to grab at Shadiya’s hand, “I’m sure you’ll figure out something amazing. So… do I address you as milady now?” She teased.

“Please don’t.”

“But you’re going to be back up here now? As an Oban not some hide away?”

“Yes, yes. But I’m still Shadiya in the end. “

“I suppose, milady.”


“I’m just kidding!”

Shaking her head Shadiya moved forward, “Come on. I want to explore what has become of my old home and settle some things. It’ll take a while, but eventually this place will be full of warmth and laughter as it once was before.”

But all she wanted to do was rush back to Matori. Back home to her beloved husband and children where she could live her life full of happiness and dance once more…

(277 cool


Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

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