There was much about his friend that was odd and strained and Ahm felt he had a good handle on just what the cause was; when Chaya seemed to accept that he'd said what he meant and meant what he said, the grue was pleased and also determined to not accept apologies - or even thanks - that were unnecessary. He waved his free hand, grinning broad and relaxed. "None of that. You're you and you don't need to thank me for not being stupid." Ahm leaned over so he could clink his can against Fang's. "I got your back."

And that was pretty much the end of what he had to say about that.

As to the subject of gaming, the Grue warmed further, his tail twitching as he considered his (their) favorites and whether or not they might be good for group play. "Spinecraft, Hunters Vs Horsemen, Werercraft, TF, Portal. We've been known to play a few rounds of Trance Dance Revolution from time to time. Nahm and I'll play just about anything at least once. What about you?"

Of course he'd also played various games that were single-player (like Fatal Fantasy or Chrono Tripper) but those weren't nearly so fun as games that could be played with another.
