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[NRP] Benedict & Mewmouse's Journal Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Dangerous Nerd

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:41 pm
Invasion of the little people
Benedict and Martin PD  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:40 pm
A Brief Study on John Christopher Dullard

John Christopher Dullard, if ever there was a name fitting a man more, I have yet to hear it. He is a common, bumbling oaf of a man, only looking to better his position in the world. Needless to say, like most men, Mr. Dullard goes about this by any means necessary within the confines of the law. I suppose that's one note to his character; he's never knowingly broken the law. Of course, his knowledge is very limited, despite his profession.

That is one matter that still baffles me to this day. How does a man of Mr. Dullard's character become a Private Investigator for the Meteor's Cradle Police Department? I once thought money, but that was proven to be false as he has little to none to his name. What salary he does make from his occupation, he throws to the hounds at the track in hopes of winning big. I have given up educating him on the odds of winning, though I suppose he is most upset with we after I refused to use my inherent abilities to help him win. That is, by any logical conclusion, against the rules of the track. You may say, "Aha! But he did try to break the law!" I assure you I'd mentioned "knowingly" for a reason. After that little incident, I led the poor Mr. Dullard to a large, posted sign of the rules. He spent the next hour reading and trying to memorize them. He hasn't taken me since, so he has at least retained a bit of it.

Despite his lacking in the intelligence area, Mr. Dullard is a kind man, as most fools are. As a trainer, he is a terrible strategist, but kind enough outside of battle that I dare not say he mistreats me. All the same, I would much rather be left to my own devices. Or, if I must have a trainer, I wish to be traded to Mr. Dullard's partner, Mr. Epstein. We are a much more fitting pair. I'm sure Martin would be happy enough with the decision as well.  


Dangerous Nerd


Dangerous Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:44 pm
Stone in the Wall

It was just another Jane Doe murder case we had been working when I found it, the star, obviously. Mr. Epstein and I had already figured out the who, the how, and most of the why, while the other officers were still routing around in the old how. I had lost interest in the whole case and began to wander about the old house, noting how much in poor care it had been over the last decade. The victim didn't live here, but then, no one other than the random transient had in quite some time. Judging by the dust that had gathered, I would say 8 years, maximum.

I had adjourned to the private study when I heard a low humming from inside a wall. How fitting that I found it there, really. I suppose whatever person is sending these, has a sense of humor of sorts. I pressed an ear to the wall, where I pinpointed the sound, and, as suspected, the noise grew. Conveniently, there was a hole at the bottom of the baseboard large enough for me to reach my arm inside. Now, before you as why I would do such a thing as reach inside a hole in an abandoned house that could possibly be filled with all sorts of vermin, let me assure you that it wasn't. Apparently, whatever was making the humming, had scared off what critters lived in the walls.

I reached in; the temperature around the object fluctuated randomly. Very interesting. My fingers closed around a hard object, almost felt like stone. As I withdrew it from the wall and began looking at it, however, it crumbled into dust. The dust then vanished into nothing. Very strange. I would need to file this for later evaluation.

Nigh minutes later, as I wandered back down stair, I began to feel very tired. Was it that star-shaped object I'd picked up moments later? Had I been such a fool to allow myself to be drugged?

"Martin," I thought, not knowing why my thoughts suddenly brought to him as I neared my trainer, concern in his eyes. "Benedict" was the last I heard before falling in that darkness called sleep.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:59 pm
The Game Is Afoot!
(Martin & Benedict meet up with Bast)

The snow was long since grey from people walking through it and the grit of the city settling on the mounds sitting about. Not that Martin had noticed, or cared. He was still bright eyed at everything he saw, tail in near constant motion as he trudged down the steps of the building and looked down the streets keeping "busy" as he was told to do by an exasperated Peabody. Apparently he was a bit too energetic for crime scenes, plus he had a stuffy nose that made his nose currently useless to the detective when it came to hunting down clues.

The sniffles bothered him more than anything, he didn't like the feeling and was constantly attempting to suck up the drips to make them stop. He had a feeling it was the constant sniff coming from him that had him banished from Peabody's presence currently.

Benedict had been kicked out of the house, banished due to the incessant snuffling of a certain Lillipup boy. The Abra often felt like the other child’s keeper. He always had to keep an eye on him, so he wouldn’t foul anything up. Today seemed much more dull than usual. The bleak streets around the flat only mirrored Benedict’s bored mood. Without their trainers’ cases or Peabody’s experiments, he was undoubtedly going to have a rough go of today. And of course, it was all Martin’s fault.

Benedict’s normal, blank expression, did not lend any clues to his annoyance at being sent away. Instead, he silently followed his shorter companion down the stairs and wherever he was planning on going. If he knew Martin, he’d probably head for the park. Despite having changed into a humanoid of sorts, the dog in him still loved to play just as before. Fetch? Fantastic. Belly rubs? Amazing. It had amused Benedict slightly when they’d first gone through the ordeal, but now it was all rather predictable. He needed excitement and the Lillipup was definitely not that.

Martin was rather oblivious to his companions unhappiness with being sent off with him. Peabody was well aware of where the Lillipup would choose to go, as he usually did and so hadn't bothered to ask where they would be. He'd merely waved them off after begrudgingly giving Benedict some money after an exasperated noise from John had prompted him to do so. It was still strange to him to have to provide money for the pair.

With another loud snuffle Martin dragged the sleeve of his sweater over his nose catching an insistent drip that wouldn't suck up, and without paying close attention to where he was going, started to step off the curbing, only to blink and pause a moment to look both ways a sharp (and recent) reminder from Peabody coming to mind.

Once it was clear he scampered across the street and into the park with a bark of delight bounded off towards the playground equipment he'd recently learned of...only to frown in dismay. It was...not there! Why? Where was it?!

"Beeenddddeeeediiiiiiccccctttt!!!" his stuffy nosed whine echoed across the mostly empty park. "Where's all da swings ad slides?" he looked and sounded truly dejected at this point, tail and ears drooping. He didn't realize the city was using the poor weather to replace equipment that needed it...which was most of it.

The Abra boy followed closely behind. Instead of walking across the street like the other boy, he simply teleported to the other side before the Lillipup even made it half way across. No sense in being in harm’s way when it could just as easily be avoided.

An exasperated sigh escaped Benedict at the question, “You didn’t pay attention. Why should I be surprised? The city is replacing most of the equipment; it was hazardous to little imbeciles’ safety. They were not paying attention to all the cracks in the wood and their own weight. Not to mention, their parents and guardians would never keep their eyes on them. Needless to say, if one were to become injured, it was the city to blame, not the inept adult.” He huffed again, keeping a flat tone as he merely explained the whole ordeal. Well, he felt he was stating the obvious, but he’d come to realize most were fairly oblivious to the obvious.

Martin sighed as he listened to Benedict's explanation another dejected sigh coming from him. That's right he recalled John mentioning it the other day, but he'd thought enough time had passed the new things would be up by now! Obviously, he had no concept of the true passage of time.

There was a sigh from him as he started off down a path instead, kicking at a rock as he went hands jammed into his pant pockets, another grumble as the rock he kicked went skittering off into a bush and out of sight.

A hint of a mutter, possibly a swear word came from the boy and one could only thank Peabody for the picked up colorful language if that was the case (and it was) as he kicked at the bushes a bit.

"I'm boooooooooooored!" he huffed a little as he walked along. He hadn't felt boredom before but now he was...and he wasn't liking it. There was a sneeze from him suddenly and once again his arm swiped over his nose his sniffling temporarily over since he could breathe like normal just now.

Benedict & Bast:
“Ugh, do you mind?” Came a very annoyed voice from the bushes that Martin was harassing.

Benedict’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the area the disembodied voice came from. By the sound of it, it was a young girl, probably their age. She definitely thought highly of herself, whomever she was. He could tell just by the way she addressed them. And she had to be up to no good. There were no other children around and she was hiding in the bushes, not unlike a common thug. He tensed under his large Inverness Cape.

A lithe Meowth girl emerged from the bushes, the rock Martin had kicked in one hand, a small scratch from where it appeared to have hit her on her right knee. She exited on to the path just as Martin sneezed and wiped it on his sleeve, a disgusted look on her face. “That is so gross. I can’t believe you just did that… even after you assaulted me with this!” She thrust the rock forward, almost punching the Lillipup boy with it. “I’d say you owe me some compensation for the recent… trauma you’ve caused me.” She hissed and crossed her arms. He cat-like ears were pinned flat against her head. She had absolutely no sympathy for dogs.

Benedict kept quiet and observed the girl. Martin hadn’t hurt her; that mark on her knee was self-inflicted. The scratches were all wrong. Had she indeed been hit by the rock, there’d be more of a indentation and bruising around the injury. He’d pondered what her game was briefly until she offered up the information. A slight smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. Too easy.

“Ey! What’re you smilin’ ‘bout?” she shouted. “Yer buddy here, jus’ hit me with this rock! I wouldn’ be smilin’ if I were you. What if I call the cops? Huh?” She stamped her left foot, wincing as her weight was shifted.

Oh, she wasn’t bad, but far from a challenge for Benedict. At least this little exercise in deduction would alleviate his boredom for a few moments. Still, he remained silent; interested to see what other information she was willingly going to give him.

Martin sniffled a little even at the surprise of the girl popping out onto the path in front of them and he stared at her a moment. She was a cat! and was like the two of them. His ears perked a little, and his tail began to wag some. This was better, this was less boring!

Though, his ears drooped again. He'd kicked it at her and hurt her? That hadn't been his intentions at all, and it mortified him to see the injury.

"I...I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he panicked slightly, this was new territory for him. "Compensation?" he turned to Benedict with a confused look. What in the world was she going on about? Turning back to her, he frowned some. She wanted something but what? All he had on himself...was...well his sweater. Which he began pulling off of him the slightly garishly striped thing held out to her as he stood there in his short sleeves and shivered at the cold air seeping into his body.

"This is all I have." well it was true. he hadn't been given the money. Hadn't noticed Peabody hand it to Benedict either. He sneezed again and snuffled hard making a face at the stuff that filled his mouth and swallowed it down. This having a cold thing was wretched!

But it was her mentioning the police that made his ears lay back a little. "Oh....don't do that. Peabody and John won't like if the Inspector has to be involved with this...they see him enough for work..." his voice was a quiet plead.

Benedict & Bast:
“Ew, no.” Bastet recoiled at the offer of Martin’s sweater. “That’s disgusting, why would I want that? I need actual compensation, you know, money? I’ll need a few dollars for bandages and probably another few for disinfectant.” She was beginning to think both of the boys were a bit… slow. Sure they were boys, but Lorne looked like a freaking genius compared to these two. The Abra one was starting to make her a bit uneasy though, she felt like he was studying her.

Her eyes went wide and her ears shot forward. “The Inspector? What, you know that guy?” There was suddenly worry in her voice. “What’re you two, like junior cops ‘r somethin’?!”

Benedict had her figured out. She was just a common criminal… well maybe not so common. She was rather young and she was a changed Pokemon like himself and Martin. But, her motives were far too common. Still, though, she was giving him all the information he needed and he was remaining silent. Perhaps there was some use to Martin afterall.

He shrugged and pulled his sweater back on though it was already cooled off from his body heat and he’d lost plenty so he shivered again as he felt the familiar material slide against him as he got it down and against his jeans again to trap the body heat in proper. He probably should have put on a heavier coat but he’d forgotten it back at the flat and by the time anyone had noticed it was too late. Still he was warmer already and generally warm enough with just the sweater.

He shrugged a little at the mention of money however a sheepish smile on his face. “Sorry I don’t have any money. We’re just waiting for our…” well trainers didn’t fit well anymore did it? Peabody’s face looked pinched when that term was used, and parents wasn’t it either. “…associates. They’re probably talking to the Inspector now.” There was a nod at the question. “Of course we know him….Peabody Epstein and John Dullard are who we’re waiting for.” He stared at her a moment a note of pride in his voice. He knew they were well known for what they did and he was quite proud of that. “If it’s money you want, them come along with me. John should have some!” and he reached out then for the girls hand and curled a hand around her wrist hanging on tightly and gave a light tug. “He’ll even make sure your knee is okay won’t he Benny?” he beamed at his friend then, slipping into the realm of names he should not ever call the other…

Benedict & Bast:
Fear shot through the feline as her wrist was grabbed. She tried to wrench it free, but much to her dismay, he had a strong grip on her and she couldn’t break it. She started to panic and squirm. “No, let me go! Let me go you filthy boy!”

Benedict winched at the pet name that Martin tended to use when he was excited. “Martin,” he nearly snarled, “that’s not my name. I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t make me constantly remind of this simple fact.” He pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes and rubbed as if he was getting a headache caused by the Lillipup. Regardless of what Martin was doing to annoy him, though, Benedict didn’t let his eyes off the girl. She was in a compromising position at this point and she may try something drastic, especially now that Martin had a hold of her.

His voice sent a shiver up Bast’s spine, causing the ridge of fur on her back and neck to stand on end. There was something very commanding in his voice. It would be something she’d probably find useful in an underling, but she was obviously not going to proposition these two for a spot in her group. They were two sides of a coin; law verses criminal. This was even worse than she had originally thought. “Please let me go, I don’t want to see your friends ‘r anythin’!” her voice was pleading at this point. She would do anything to get away from the situation at this point.

An eyebrow raise was Benedict’s response to Bastet’s plea. “Oh, no, we need to take you to our associates. You said it yourself, you needed medical attention; luckily, one of our compatriots is quite versed in first aid.” He directed his attention to Martin at this point, clasping his hands behind his back. “Come along, Martin, I do believe we need to head back with Miss…”

“I ain’t givin’ you dirty cops my name!” She spat, clinching her free hand.

“Well,” Benedict cleared his throat, “I suppose your name is of no import to us currently anyway, so let us get you to our flat. Lead the way, Martin.”

“Not filthy. Peabody makes me shower every day thank you. I’ve just got a cold.” He snuffled again unhappily at the reminder of being sick. Sick yes, filthy, far from! This hurt his feelings slightly, but he hid it well enough, keeping his hold on the girl.

Though his ears lost their perk at the snappish tone in Benedict’s voice and he whined just a little bit at the others unhappy voice. “Sorry Benedict…I forgot again…” he sounded so sheepish and contrite before he cleared his throat some. His friend would get over his annoyance soon enough, especially if he left him alone for awhile once home, he knew that much.

Martin’s fingers almost let go…almost. They retained their hold for the moment though once Benedict began to talk again, strengthening his resolve to get her to John. “He’s right, John’ll fix you right up, and give you money to pay you for my being a pain…” he started to walk then, disregarding the fact the feline didn’t want to come with them, letting her lag behind as she wished, though his grasp didn’t waver as he marched along.

Though he blinked a little and looked over his shoulder at her. “We’re not cops. We’re just…well us. Benedict is smart enough to be an investigator like Peabody though! He see’s things even Peabody doesn’t at times, he’s brilliant!”

Benedict & Bastet:
“It’s not so much that I’m brilliant, as that others aren’t observant.” Benedict stated simply as he followed behind the other two, preventing any easy escape routes for Bastet. He stayed far enough back, however, on the off chance that she would lash out.

Bast planted her heals in the much, amounting to nothing but creating ruts in the path. Martin was far stronger than she was heavy. On any other day she’d praise her figure, but right now she wished she weighed as much as a Snorlax. Her free hand began pushing and pulling at Martin’s. “Let. Me. Go! Or… or else!” She wasn’t really sure what the “or else” would be at this moment, but she’d think of something. She was pretty good at coming up with punishments.

Benedict, called her bluff, tough, “Or else, what? Miss, you are in no position to try and assert yourself. I’m sorry, but we are taking you in.”

At this, something in Bast snapped, “Oh like HELL you are!” She flexed her claws on her free hand and dug them into Martin’s hand.

“I still say you’re brilliant Benedict, I’ve seen you figure out things that even Peabody had been stumped on and we both know he’s pretty smart too.” Martin was becoming more knowledgeable on the fact that while Peabody didn’t know everything, Benedict seemed to. It was an interesting contrast between human and poke-child.

Martin was oblivious to the fact that Bast had dug in her heels and was not wanting to go with him, he was wanting to make sure she was okay in the end, she’d been so insistent before, so for a change of mind to come about so suddenly, made him think she was hurt worse than she knew, and she was behaving irrationally. She needed to see John!

It wasn’t until he felt the claws in his hand that Martin yelped in pain and his grip faltered clutching his hand to his chest eying the spots of blood welling up on his hand and he couldn’t help but let out a rather annoyed growl. “What’dya have to go and do that for!?”

Benedict & Bast:
As soon as the chance arose, Bast broke free and bolted in a direction that was opposite either boy. This pretty much resulted in her running towards an alley on the other side of the street. She didn’t even bother to look both ways or anything. Luckily, she had the reflexes of a cat and managed to dodge an oncoming car, making it safely to the other side. Her leg was obviously not hurting her.

“Martin! The game is afoot!” Benedict had a mad smile on his face as he began to chase after Bast. He too narrowly dodged a car, though his way was far less harrowing; he simply teleported to the opposite side of the street. It was almost like he had given her a head start just for a bit of fun.

Bast was fast, though, faster than Benedict, on foot at least. It was also handy that she knew this city and it’s alleys. Benedict knew them too, however, and he was hot on her trail. She would try to lose him around a corner, but he’d just find a different route. It was quite the game of cat and mouse… though the roles were a bit off. She only had one other choice, she thought, she may be able to lose them on higher ground.

Bouncing off one wall to grab a hold of a fire escape’s ladder on the opposite building down one alley gave her a little bit of a break, she hoped. She knew dogs weren’t very good climbers, but she wasn’t really sure about the other boy following her. He seemed to be keeping up with her pretty well. “Oh well,” she thought, “Just climb now and we’ll figure out the next bit later.”

Martin ran after the two of them, darting behind a car before the next rush began, keeping a sharp eye on the pair as they made their mad dash ahead of him. He wished he could smell proper right now, that would make it a lot easier to keep track of them! Still he was keeping up well enough minus the slight wheezing from his cold making it hard to breathe. He ignored it and pushed himself, not wanting to lose the girl who’d injured him.

Skidding around a corner he looked around, where was she? Tilting his head back his jaw dropped. “BENEDICT! She’s climbing!” running for a trash can he knocked it over and pushed it to the base of a fire escape and began a rapid climb after jumping for, and grasping the lowest rung. All the park time had come in handy! Pulling himself up the ladder quickly he ran across the short stretch before moving up to the next landing, and so on. She was going to run out of running room once she reached the roof he wagered!

Benedict & Bast:
“I know; I can see her!” Benedict had already been watching her assent with narrowed eyes. He did not like where she was taking this and was honestly debating on letting her go. She was just a simple con artist, after all, not worth this much hassle.

He blinked when Martin kicked over the trash bin and began climbing up after. “Martin,” he muttered under his breath as the other climbed. It was not within earshot of anyone, but he wished the Lillipup would just think for once. Why was she going up to the rooftops? Dogs don’t climb and surely cannot land on their feet all the time. With a half annoyed sigh, he teleported to the bottom level of the fire escape and began the climb upward after the other two.

It was windy and far colder on the rooftop. Bast was instantly regretting her current decision. Regardless, she hurried over to the other side of the roof and peered over. No much but a long drop on this side. She cursed in one breath and took a quick glance behind her. “Something… something… come on….” She searched all over, trying to find something she could use to her advantage… or escape. Grinning, she spotted something; now time to get the boys off her trail.

She spun around and headed for one of the ledges closer to the fire escape, hoping that the dog would be the first one up… or the first one to come after her up here at least. She had a feeling the other one would be too smart for her next trick.

Of course he was continuing the pursuit doggedly, not giving up. After all he’d been the one assaulted physically, not Benedict. Not to mention insulted more than the other. It had grown quite personal with her harming him, and he wanted to stop her! His eyes narrowed a little as he assessed the situation a bit, wishing he knew a better way to stop her than chasing her like a fool over the rooftops.

He reached the top of the ladders and he felt the fur on him whipping in the wind, his fingers tightening on the metal. “It’s over! You’re out of places to run!” his body continued up the last few inches of ladder, feet planting firmly on the rooftop as he started towards her intent on capture. He was mad!

Benedict & Bast:
“Then come and get me! Or are you some scaredy dog!” a venomous grin crossing her lips. She was playing a dangerous game at this point and if it didn’t go according to her plans, she may end up seriously hurt… or worse. But she tried not to think about it. She had to have faith in the dog’s blind rage at this point. He sure looked mad.

Benedict wasn’t rushing up the ladder at this point; he was trying to visualize the layout of this particular building and the ones surrounding it. He knew he had seen the blueprints and had “filed them away” somewhere in his mind. He just had to find it. So, he took a quick pause and shut his eyes, thinking. Surely Martin wouldn’t get into too much trouble up there, right?

Martin hesitated by the ladder, something felt slightly off about this whole thing, and it might have just been the fact he was up on a roof that was doing it, but no…he thought it was something else. Still, he didn’t like being taunted like that and so he despite taking a breath to calm down, took off after the feline anyhow. Though he was making sure to stay away from that ledge a bit, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t fall over…or be pulled over his luck! “What are you stupid or something climbing around on that ledge? Come back up here on the flat roof where it’s safer, honestly!” Now, he sounded exasperated!

He turned away a moment however, looking for Benedict, where in blazes was he? Sure was taking his sweet time with getting up here, especially when Martin knew he could just teleport himself up here. But no, apparently he wasn’t climbing today. This irked Martin a little too. Seemed the Lilipup was currently in an all around bad mood thanks to the Meowth girl here.

Benedict & Bast:
“Scaredy dog! Scaredy dog!” Bast taunted, inching closer to the edge. “Come an’ get me!” At this point she blew a raspberry at Martin. Despite her taunting, she was getting a little worried… and irritated. The dog was being smart and staying away from her and the ledge. So much for this plan. At least she had a general idea of where the other one was, since he kept looking back towards the way they’d all come up.

Oh she was annoying! Martin grumbled and came closer to the ledge intent on grabbing her before she somehow toppled and fell. That was the last thing he wanted to see after all! So with a huff he pushed the sleeves of his sweater up his arms as he moved even closer, hands reaching. “Come off the ledge before you fall…I don’t want to see you splattered on the ground you know.” Annoying yes…wanted dead hardly! He glanced down as he got closer, distracted in that moment by Benedict still down there doing…whatever it was he was doing and he sighed. Fine. He’d get her down off this building by himself. “I’m not a scaredy dog you stupid cat!”

Benedict & Bast:
As he reached for her, Bast danced out of the way quickly and ran for the ledge she’d originally looked at. It just so happened that at this point, Benedict popped his head over the edge, eyes narrowing at the cat as she beamed at the two, giving them a rather rude gesture. “G’bye, boys!” And with that she hopped off the ledge.

Bastet managed to grab a hold of a laundry line that was strung between the two buildings as she fell. The speed of her fall combined with her weight, however, caused the line to snap. Still, it slowed her descent enough for her inherent cat-like abilities to kick in. She swung to a window ledge and clung to it for a brief moment before letting herself drop the last few feet to the ground.

Benedict did not seem concerned in the slightest and took his time finishing his assent to the rooftop, then over to the ledge Bast had just jumped from. “What a boringly ordinary waste she turned out to be.” He sighed. “And here I thought she’d be of some mild entertainment.” He shoved his hands in his pants pockets as he watched the Meowth girl land neatly on the pavement and skitter out of sight.

Martin gaped not at the rude gesture, but at her leaping off the ledge so suddenly, his fingers grasping at thin air as she grabbed hold of the line. He couldn’t help but gasp in worry as the line broke, worried she’d be hurt. She’d been rude sure, but it didn’t mean she deserved injury, or possibly worse!

So when she managed to land he did breathe a sigh of relief, and he pushed the arms on his sleeves down, suddenly looking and sounding tired. “I’m sorry we can’t all entertain you Benedict.” The words were…flat. Martin pushed past his friend and moved towards the fire escape, and began the arduous climb back down, the lack of adrenaline making it seem like it was taking much longer to get down than it had to get up.

Back in the alley he looked around. Which way had they come from? This way he thought…..and so he started off in what he believed to be the right direction. It was in any case, the opposite one the girl had taken, so all the better in his opinion!

"We should head back before they come looking for us, and we get into trouble."again. being the unspoken thought.

Benedict merely watched Martin and the Lillipup headed back to the fire escape. He met him at the bottom, having teleported down. The other boy walked right past him again and again, Benedict looked on. It wasn’t until Martin started heading the wrong way that either said anything more.

“Hey,” Benedict caught up to Martin with little trouble and pulled lightly on his sleeve. A weird sensation washed over the Abra as he held his hand there briefly. He looked curiously at his hand, but after more silence, dropped it to his side and looked at the other boy. “It’s this way.” And he headed back in the direction he knew the flat to be. “Come along, Martin. As you so deftly put it, we should head back before they come looking for us.”

Surprise. There really was no other word for the feeling that Martin had right then as the other tugged on his sleeve. It was very probably the first time the other had ever touched him in any way, of his own free will. Martin bouncing around being a pest…or John and Peabody scooting them into one another as they moved about didn’t count. No…this was the first time the Abra had deliberately touched him in any way, and it was not lost on Martin who couldn’t help but stare at those fingers with some level of fascination.

Looking up at the other walking away he took a moment longer to process and began to follow behind, sniffling again as he did so. At least he’d been able to run while sick and no hard time breathing, that wouldn’t have been fun he was aware. No, just his ever running nose. He stayed a few paces behind the other, not even bothering to keep a look out for the girl even though she’d come this way he thought. Maybe not. Maybe he was too muddled just then. He was awfully worn out from that sprint after her and his hand was starting to ache a little from where she’d injured him. He pulled the sleeves over his fingers and clamped down on the cuffs to keep his fingers inside the sleeves so they would hopefully warm. It gave him something else to think about anyhow.  


Dangerous Nerd

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