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Grumpy Paw

Fuzzy Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:41 pm
Girls are better!
Kapienga'magugu (little weed)
Username: Soarin`
Personality: She's an overly cautious cub that for the most part is afraid of the world and the things in it. But sometimes she can rally up her courage and confidence to allow herself to be more brave. She loves both her parents and siblings dearly and would be lost without them. She often enjoys playing in the safety of her den and when she's older would very much be a home body because of her cautious personality.
Prompt: #1
RP response
The sun hadn’t really been out much for the little lion cub to leave her den so often. Day after day she’s watch her momma slumbering at the back of the cave- sometimes thrown into fits of pain. She’d dig the floor with her claws and grit her teeth wishing it would go away then suddenly like nothing ever happened she would be quite and restful again. The little cub just assumed it was a bad dream; she had those all the time. She would be out chasing something then a storm would come and she’d be trapped in it- her own paws would grit the floor as she tried to stay afloat then sudden her pain would soon be over and she would open her eyes and see her den. She often wished momma would open her eyes and see the den- her dreams only seamed to be getting worse and worse. Could dreams make a lioness bleed in ones sleep? Sometimes the little cub was wary about falling asleep. Would she bleed too? Can dreams hurt you?

Her tail twitched inside the cave wumpfhing back and forth as if she was a dog. Momma wasn’t inside the cave, she had said she was going out hunting. She crawled towards the mouth of the cave wary of the rain that had plagued the pride for sometime, but too her luck it was sunny. It explained why momma had been so eager to leave the cave. She poked her nose out just enough so her whiskers poked out of the entrance. She didn’t want to get stuck in the rain. It was scary. But with a confident tingle she poked her head out further- her whiskers sensed nothing but sunshine for the whole day. It still didn’t mean she didn’t have fear of leaving the cave- she was still only a cub; but when was she going to get another pretty day like this to play outside? And maybe just maybe she could find momma and watch her hunt. She never did get to see anything other then her bad dreams inside the cave.

One by one she pushed her pawpads into the cool dirt that surrounded the cave, she now just had her tail to go. Could she do it? Could she be brave like all her mommas and daddys? That was strange having more then one, she thought to herself questioningly as the tip of her fluff made it out of the dark den. But she supposed everyone had two mommas and daddys; she hadn’t really left the cave much so she couldn’t have known it was abnormal. What did she care though about worldly things? She was only a cub. The only thing on her mind was to catch up with momma and watch her skills in action. She had to learn how to hunt! She wanted to provide for her family one day too! She nodded her head and crept up behind some tall grass. She was pretending to be a mighty huntress- like both her mommas, even if she had never seen any of them in action. It was just a childs way of glorifying ones parent- something she was very good at.

She was about to creep from one bush to the next when something in the distance caught her eye. It looked like her momma and her poppa. From this distance she couldn’t tell what they were carrying. ‘Must be dinner time!’ She squeaked and dropped down as low as she could. She would stalk them and pounce them proving she was the best huntress out of all the cubs. Paw after paw and closer and closer until she was one bush away, one pawstep from pouncing them both. It was then she saw her other mother. She was slung out on poppas back and she was sleeping. She suddenly popped up from where she was hiding concerned for her mother more then her little game.

“Why is momma sleeping?”

She didn’t know it was because she was sick. She thought she had just fallen asleep while hunting- strange as that might have been to the cub, she really didn’t know HOW hunting worked so she accepted it at face value.

“Is sleeping part of hunting? Is that how adult lions hunt?”

She came closer to her mother and nudged her then with haste fell down onto the ground and pretended to nap. She wanted to be a great huntress like momma! If only she had known that momma was really sick and not hunting. But for now it was best that she didn’t know. Why take the fun out of childhood. Being an adult was stressful enough as it is, why ruin what little happy moments she would have. Her daddy looked down with a serious face and nudged her small tummy with a forced smile. The cub didn’t know the difference and licked at his maw.

“I’m being a good huntress aren’t I daddy?”

She looked at him with her big green eyes pleading for her fathers affection. He sighed and looked at her not knowing what to say. He wanted to tell her everything- about momma being sick. He wanted to tell her to cherish her moments with her. That he was worried that she might die of her sickness. But what would the cub understand of death if he told her. He sighed and licked her back with his large warm sandpapery tongue.

“Yes you’re the best little huntress in the world.”

The truth would come when she was old enough to understand it.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:29 am
Qinisela (persistent/obstinate):
Username: Ameh
Personality: Qinisela will take after Emm a lot in size and activity level. While he may not have the dramatic feelings his biological mother gets of fatigue, he will enjoy lazing around with her and doing nothing, as if she is his role model. While he is small and lacks energy, he does have a strong mind and won't refrain from voicing them (unless he's sleeping); in a way, this makes him spoiled. With all the love, attention, and care coming from his parents and the extra parents, Qinisela will see love as something to be shared and kept amongst more than just one other; he won't be a player, but rather can strike up affection with others easily, and would love to keep seeing those he is fond of everyday - as in ask them to travel with him/live with him. Even though he is small, he would think nothing of it because of all the love and support he gets.
Likes: Family, laying around, large rocks or fields of soft grass to lay on.
Dislikes: Not much! Other than the occasional argument from someone who won't stand down (since he will be pretty stubborn if someone opposes his view), Qinisela will be either neutral or like many things.
How he feels about family/life: From what I can tell, he will love each family member equally, even though he likes to be similar to Emm. It doesn't matter whether a mate or his biological father is around or not or doing everything that contributes to his raising; he will freely give his unconditional love, respect, and attention to all four unless something develops through rp. If he sees that the lives of others are different, he won't care that much, or he will just have curiosity for the different parental structures.
Interesting things: Because he is used to moving in a large group, he will only be comfortable if there are many others around him. If left alone, he may start to get scared and not know what to do with himself.
Any plot ideas?: I'd like him to develop either a similar family dynamic when he gets older, or something different than the mother-father or single-parent thing.



Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:04 pm
Girls are better!
Name (and meaning!) Zabuni Nafsi (tender soul in swahili)
Username: Kaisanti
Personality: Quiet and shy around strangers but bubbly and fun when with her close friends. She loves all her parents though does find the teasing and taunts difficult to handle. Not even realising that her situation wasn't the norm until she began to socialise with other cubs, the cruelty all young ones are capable off is hard for her to bear, making her more withdrawn than she would naturally have been. It takes some years for her to regain her balance, but she never stops loving all her family and is utterly devoted to them.
Prompt: 2
RP response Curling her tail round her paws, the young cub trembled, slim frame curled up tight under the bush. Tucking her head against her short, stubby forelegs she couldn't hold them in any more. Body shaking as great heartbroken sobs trembled through her. Why.... why did they say such nasty things? Why did they call her names? Mom and Dad loved her... they did! She knew they did! They had too.... The tiny, pleading voice in her mind begged desperately. Ears pressing back against pale fur, vivid green eyes squeezed shut tight as a sharp pain pierced her heart. Tears matted white fur, streaking down thin cheeks to decorate the dust at her paws.

"M-mom...... Dad..... where are you.. where are you..."

Darkness surged forwards, sweeping through her, tainting everything as it flooded her chest with a deep, searing tightness and burned at her eyes. Limbs trembled with the force of the grief that overwhelmed her, forcing tiny paws to dig into the ground, clutching at the earth as the darkness threatened to drag her spinning into the depths of despair.

"M-mom.... I love you.. please, please, I love you..... say they are wrong.. please! They have to be wrong! You love me! You and daddy both love me! You said so... Papa and Mama love me too!! You told me, you promised! Please.... please.... "

Curling up in a tight little ball, body shaking with the force of her heart wrenching sobs, the tiny cub trembled and cried. Breath escaping in strained gasps as a high, pain-filled keening slipped from parted maw. White fur streaked with muck from the brush, rocking slowly, back and forth, back and forth. So alone, so very alone with the sounds of childish taunts and sneering adult voices echoing in her ears.

"Your mom doesn't love your dad, your mom doesn't love you. You're weird, your family is weird. No one loves you... you aren't good enough for your mom, you made her go with that rogue. That filthy rogue. It's your fault you know, it's all your fault. It has always been your fault. If only you hadn't been born your mom wouldn't be sick! You did that to her, you hurt her. You made her ill. Stealing her life. Selfish! You're so selfish! Selfish child. Disgusting child."

Gasping,the pain in her chest a living, breathing thing fighting to get out, she panted harshly, unable to catch her breath, unable to see as tears streamed from closed eyes. Yet even behind the lids the voices remained, echoing, taunting, tearing, cruel, hateful, jelaous.

"Why don't you live with dad like the others? What did I do wrong? Please mom.. tell me what I did... why are you sick, Im sorry.. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I beg you, please forgive me."

*Note: I hope its ok and not weird sounding. I'm adopted rl and went through almost this exact scenario while growing up, so its kind of personal to me.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:28 pm
Girls are better!
Safi (Swahili, meaning bright)
Username: Satsurashi
Personality: Safi is an active, energetic, playful cub, and it’s because of this that she has such a hard time relating to her biological mother Emm'ahlie. She’s very close with her family and always will be, but the fact that her mother always seems to be tired and sleeping worries Safi, who doesn‘t understand why this happens. Of all her large family, Safi probably feels most connected with her biological father Velius, since the two of them look almost identical. As the cub grows, Safi will figure out that it’s not Emm'ahlie’s fault she can’t always play with her daughter, but as a cub Safi won’t get it and, as a result, come to view Xixilli as her “real” mother. In fact, there will be times when she will even resent her biological mother a little, since she doesn’t really understand her problems.

Safi will end up being kind of a bully to other cubs, out of her jealousy for them having a “normal” family but also as an outlet for her emotional issues concerning her family and Emm'ahlie's sickness. Her own siblings are exempt from this, since she feels they‘re in the same spot she is, but if an unrelated cub ever tries to tease her about her odd family situation, watch out! Safi isn’t particularly clever, so she makes up for it by being strong-handed. She’s much more likely to give another cub a good swat for being called names than think up a clever retort. But dually, if she ever hears her siblings being taunted, she’s equally as likely to defend them, even the males of the litter. If there’s one thing Safi can’t stand, it’s having her loved ones get picked on.
Prompt: 1
RP response Mama Emm'ahlie had never been this bad before. Safi was hiding, thinking this as she watched Mama Xixilli and Papa Canicus carrying her back to the den. Mama Emm looked so small and frail compared to Canicus, a full grown healthy lion, and even Xixilli, who was naturally a tad smaller than Emm anyway, being a cheeton. Safi admired them both, but also feared that sad limpness in her other mother. She watched as they passed her hiding place behind a large rock, peering out with nervous, bright green eyes. They didn’t seem to notice her, perhaps occupied with what they were doing. As they went by, Safi could see Emm'ahlie’s tail dragging behind them limply in the dust.

Stepping out from behind the rock, Safi followed at a distance behind her family. She didn’t know where her siblings were, but she was suddenly very conscious of other eyes watching them. Not far off was another cub Safi knew, a brown boy named Daudi, watching her parents go by brazenly. Safi changed her course and headed toward where he was sitting.

“What happened to your mom?” Daudi asked, not unkindly. He was just curious, as she supposed was fair, since she herself hadn’t known what was going on, either. But she pretended she did, because she didn’t like to admit she didn’t really know what was happening. Safi’s personal motto since birth had been to never admit she was wrong or didn’t know something, unless there was a chance it could improve the situation. And Safi didn’t see how it could right now.

“She’s not my mom.” Safi told the cub firmly, snorting, “Mama Xixi is my mom. Mama Emm just helps take care of us.” She knew this wasn’t true, but her fear made her suddenly and irrationally want to put distance between herself and her biological mother. And after all, hadn’t it been Xixi who ran and played with Safi, when Mama Emm couldn’t? Maybe Mama Emm didn’t because she didn’t really want to?

“You don’t look anything like that cheeton!” Daudi protested, as Safi had sort of expected he would. After all, it made sense. Safi knew that Emm'ahlie was her real mother even if she didn’t act like it, and it was hard for cubs that weren’t in her family to understand that. Still, Safi wasn’t good at sorting out her complex feelings in her head. Scared, confused, betrayed, and angry all battled as she tried to make sense of things. Surely it wasn’t Mama Emm’s fault that she was sick? But then, whenever other lions got sick, they eventually got better. So why didn’t Mama Emm?

Safi dealt with this in the only way she knew how. By taking it out on others.

“Shut up, you stupid jerk!” Safi growled, and before Daudi could say anything she’d cuffed the back of his head with one heavily-aimed forepaw. It didn’t matter that he really didn’t deserve it; Safi’s inner turmoil about her family life had to be released somehow, and this was the only way she knew. The cub, who had not at all been expecting to be assaulted, yelped with surprise and took off at a run, with Safi chasing him.

“You’re crazy!” Daudi called over his shoulder, still running, “You’re crazy and your family is a bunch of weirdos!”

CHOMP. With a surge of speed, Safi had caught up with him and bit his tail. She hated what he said worse than anything else, and so in her mind he deserved that. The cub yowled with pain, even though Safi hadn’t drawn blood from her bite. Surely it still hurt, though.

“I’m telling my dad!” Daudi cried, running off once Safi had let go. She didn’t chase after him this time, but she did hold her ground and leer in his direction in case he should look back, which he did. After that he kept running.

“We’re not weird,” Safi said to herself, scuffing her paws in the dust. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, so she closed them so anyone watching couldn’t see. That cub didn’t know anything about her family, but she still felt stung by his words, because she herself felt deep down that they might be true. Things weren’t normal in her family. One of her moms was sick and might not be getting better. Safi knew without daring to think it that lions who got sick and never got better could sometimes die.

Now the tears came, and were impossible to hold back. No, Mama Emm was not going to die. She might not like Safi, or might not want to play with her, but she wouldn‘t die. These thoughts were oddly easier for Safi to accept than something like death, because the end result of these would be that Mama Emm was still around. Safi couldn‘t deny that even if her biological mother wasn‘t normal, Safi still loved her deeply, just like the rest of her family.

The cub sat and cried, alone, until she was ready to get up and return home.



PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:32 pm
I liek dragonflies!
Name (And meaning!): Azayo (Combination of Azaan, Strength, and Ayo, happiness)
Username: AriyaLauna
How many SoA's do you have? -0-

Personality: Azayo will be a lion's lion. All tumbles, challenges, and do-overs, as a cub he will likely be in a constant state of dirt and scrapes. While not overtly rebellious, trouble probably will not be something hard for him to find. He's too curious, too much of a lion, and too apt to get caught up in being the strongest, fastest, coolest... pick a masculine "-est"... to always remember his boundaries.

But he will be loyal, always returning to the sanctuary of home after a hard's day of play, and always honest about what did and didn't happen. He will get caught up in the fun of the moment, and there may be time where he will not risk his masculinity to show his care of his family. At his core though is family, and that is where he will return, ever loyal, ever protective, and sometimes even cuddly.

How would you RP them?
"What, you think you're better than me?" The attitude his friend showed was nothing knew, in appearance as if about ready to attack.

But Azayo knew the core of it. He jumped up with a proud huffing, pulling out his chest to look bigger, but then deflating to talk. "I can climb that tree so fast, you'll think my dad was a squirrel!"

"Come on, squirrel-boy, let's prove it!"

The tree they'd picked was an impossible climb, and the boys scampered up only to fall and redo, squealing insults and advice at turns. Presently though, Azayo made a painful tumble and the other fell at his side, upholding his friend's honor before he had to call quits by sniffing disdainfully at the tree. "I'm bored with this. Let's go scare the girls."

Azayo stood woozily, shaking his head in an attempt to make the ringing stop. "You made my sister cry last time."

"Oh, her, she's just some girl. Girls do that kind of thing. It's stupid to care about that. Come on, 'fore it's too late."

Azayo puffed, hesitated by taking one step as if going to go forward, then bound past his friend. "Sii-iis, I think I broke my head, can you look?" Couldn't admit to his friend how much that tumble had hurt, couldn't let his friend make her cry, but he could admit it to her, and still look good because his friend would just think he was trying to protect her. Win-win, perfection!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:38 pm
Girls are better!
Natsumi 'Ziya
"Summer glow."

Username: Doodle p***s
Prompt: 2
RP responseShe huffed, her little tail flicked behind her, annoyance was clear and the generally happy cubs face. There had been a couple of new cubs with her usual friends, these guys seemed to be jerks. Her fur was ruffled, and dirty, it was clear she'd been crying at some point, but the small scratches here and there were the tale-tale signs that she'd been in a scuffle.

So what she had two mommies and a daddy! She had more love than they'd ever know she thought with a scowl, there wasnt anything wrong with being different..was there? She shook her head violently, of course not! Her momma's loved her and her daddy too..but he wasnt her real daddy was he, her ears flattened lightly as she lowered her head and hunched up her shoulders. But he came around now and then right? It meant he loved them too..but would he love them if he had other cubs? This worried her, but it hadnt ever before, not until those new cubs and their cruel words she huffed, eyes sparkling with fresh tears.

One of her friends came up to her, and nudged her shoulder lightly. "You okay Ziya?" he asked gently, he'd come in late and had sent the lot away. He was an older cub, but he liked the feisty little ivory cub, he sat beside her. "Ignore those losers, they dont know what they're talking about." He said, he only had one parent and others didnt understand that much either.

"Go away." She said in a huff, she didnt want to be upset anymore. "Just GO AWAY!" She said as she rose to her paws, ready to run but he put a paw on her shoulder. "No. Stop it." His tone was firmer than she'd ever heard it before. "Do you love your family?" her head bobbed up and down frantically. "And they love you right?" she nodded again. "Then who cares?" He said.

"I dont want anyone to think badly about my family. Theyre wonderful!" She exclaimed, heart racing. "Then dont listen, because thats how they hurt your family, is by hurting you." He replied, she gave a faint smile. "Your to smart." She said with a sigh, she now felt silly, and she was sure her parents wouldnt be happy to have found her in a fight over this. She chewed her bottom lip, sheepishly. "Walk me home?" she asked, and rose to her paws, starting home to her wonderful two mommies and a daddy family.

Name:: Uaithne'Bahadur "Green Bold"
Username: Doodle p***s
Personality: Spunky, feisty and generally a good guy. Protective of his siblings, specially his sisters, though seems to want to protect his mothers even more.
Likes: Sun bathing, getting into trouble(for now), telling stories to Emm'ahlie while shes resting.
Dislikes: Others picking on them, being dirty, fishing, and thorns.
How he feels about family/life: He sees nothing wrong with his family, and he figures if anyone else does, then its exactly that, their problem not his.
Interesting things:He doesnt like to be dirty! Bath time is a favorite pastime for him. He enjoys spending time with his more sickly mother, telling her stories and bringing her flowers. A little on the flamboyant side of things.
Any plot ideas?: I think he might either, be a surrogate for a female couple or be the femme one in a male female couple.

Doodle Penis

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Moonlit Monkey

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:11 pm
Name (and meaning!): Akinshiju It means Valor Awakes. In this context it is his mission statement in life.
Username: Moonlit Monkey
Personality: Queer Warrior (Not an insult or a slur but a term used to describe someone that transcends gender and 'normitivity')
Likes: Fun, breaking stereotypes, fishing, others like him, arguing, being different, shaking other people's perception on life.
Dislikes: Intolerance, stereotyping, and normitivity
How he feels about family/life: He believes that his family is perfectly fine the way it is; abnormality in his life is a positive thing. When he's older he hopes that he can have as equally as 'abnormal' as the one he's growing up in.
Interesting things: He'll act effeminate sometimes to throw others off but he has the muscle and skill to defend himself if it comes to that.
Any plot ideas?: I'm thinking that he's like the protector of the family and the agitator of those around him. He doesn't look for a fight but they most of the time come looking for him. The rouge lands can be a tough place and he would protect them at any cost. Maybe something to combat that?


I liek dragonflies!
Name (And meaning!): Akinshiju It means Valor Awakes. In this context it is his mission statement in life.
Username: Moonlit Monkey
How many SoA's do you have? 2- 1 Africa and 1 Asia.
Personality: Queer Warrior (Not an insult or a slur but a term used to describe someone that transcends gender and 'normitivity')
How would you RP them? hates that there is a stigma of normitivity that is pressed upon everyone from birth. He is very well aware that his family is "abnormal" and instead of trying to justify it as being just as functional as any of the others he revels in the difference and enjoys the hell out of it. Others would dare to be jealous if they could ever swallow their own intolerance for difference.

I know they're both basically the same but I really think that this personality would fit in amazingly with this family. I know that I havn't been around a lot lately but I'm going to be now since I got a new car and less hours at work. heart  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:58 pm
Name (and meaning!): Ochi'zahir (Shining Laughter)
Username: Pales
Personality: He is curious and loves to laugh. He enjoys finding things out and seeing why things are the way they are, he will drive most of his family insane with constant questioning of 'why', 'what', 'where' and yet more 'why'. He doesn't like to see sadness and will go out of his way to cheer others up whenever he sees sadness by either being silly or by trying to offer (sometimes ridiculous) solution to the issue that had saddened them. Sometimes he will get fascinated with the idea of just simply moving or walking and just not stopping because it just feels right to roam and learn about his world that way instead of just sitting and listening to parents and elder. He wants to see the wonders of the world with his own eyes.
Likes: Exploration, Stories, Laughter, Asking questions, Getting to know the world around him.
Dislikes: Any sadness, being restrained and unallowed to explore, not having questions answered.
How he feels about family/life: He's a very loving and passionate little cub and as such he adores his family and family life even if it feels like it keeps him 'trapped' sometimes but he still loves them! He doesn't want to see any of them suffer or hurt so he will do what he can to save them from any pain if he can some might observe that his family is his biggest weakness since hurting them would somehow hurt him as well. Despite how much he loves his family or close he may be to some of the family members he still wants to roam away from them and do his own thing.
Interesting things:
+ He has a bit of a wanderlust which could lead him to getting lost or seperated from his family if he doesn't watch what he is doing. The wanderlust stems from his desire to explore and see everything. He wishes to see the unseen and discover the undiscovered.
+ Bravery beyond measure. He is perhaps a little too brave and that could lead to him getting hurt or into undue trouble. Sometimes his lack of fear is a little unnerving especially since it leads to him trying just about anything and everything even if it ends with him short of dying.
+ Believes he's good luck! Having so much green on and around him and probably surviving a few good falls he believes he is good luck and will attribute it to the greenery upon him and inherent in much of his family. He and his family are very lucky!
Any plot ideas?:
Plot Idea #1: He is proven wrong about his luck and is seriously injured or some other misfortune befalls him for his foolhardy behavior.
Plot Idea #2: When he is older he meets someone that either joins him in his wandering or manages to get him to settle down just long enough to enjoy his current surroundings.
Plot Idea #3: Someone gets him to see that life is not all sunshine and rainbows. Be it through harsh means or gradually opening his eyes to the truth over time.
Plot Idea #4: He gets lost and has to find his way back to his family safely.


Demonic Gatekeeper


PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:36 am
Name (and meaning!): Kuno ("clan, family")
Username: MoonRazor
Personality: The most important thing in the world for Kuno is his family. Almost overly protective of his parents, and especially his siblings, he does everything in his power to avoid having to see them hurt or upset, and when he does, he will turn the world itself upside down to find a way to make things right.

Family will always mean more to him by far than anything else, including any friends he might make outside, and if he was forced to pick, it would be his family every time and without the slightest hesitation. Although he does not see himself as the family's protector, or anything that could be taken as a self-proclaimed label, he does watch over them unconsciously, and often finds it difficult to function in their absence as his mind will inevitably wonder as to whether or not each and every single one of them is safe.

Because of his desire to keep everybody safe, Kuno will often see to it that somebody (most likely him) takes charge of the situation, and will often take it upon himself to make decisions for his siblings or his parents - ones that he believes will benefit them. Authoritative and confident when the situation calls for it, he can easily step into the role of leader and will do so with little hesitation if he feels that it is required of him.

As such, however, he can become unintentionally pushy and stubborn, sometimes making decisions for others that they may not necessarily agree with, and refusing to back down until he has been thoroughly convinced otherwise.
Likes: Little things - they're easier to keep safe. Flowers - they smell nice, and they look nice when he picks them for his moms and his sisters to wear.
Dislikes: Nighttime - he is convinced that evil is much more likely to be at work in the dark. Snakes - he thinks they're sly, two-faced little bastards who lie too much for their own good and do nothing other than waste sapce.
How he feels about family/life: He loves his family life. The more the merrier, he says, although sometimes it does stress him out having to make sure that each and every single one of them is safe and sound and happy. Just being told so won't do - he'll have to see it for himself.
Interesting things: Kuno is very superstitious. Liekvery. VERY. So he'll probably pick up and carry around some good-luck charms, invent little rituals for himself, avoid certain things just because they "look shady," and stuff like that. Yea, he's a cutie. d:
Any plot ideas?: Ooh, yush 8D
- When he gets older (maybe adol/adult), I'd like to have him fall in love with a girl who will eventually realize that she just can't stand to share him with his family and who will give him an ultimatum: her, or his family, at which point he will (of course) pick his family and have his heart broken by her leaving him.
- Then, of course, eventually a mate who will be willing to share his affections with the rest of his family
- Maybe a snake familiar? Just for the sake of it. xDD
- But, of course, before that, a snakey plot that will prompt his intense hatred for adders.
- Some bad luck at night to confirm his superstitions that nighttime = evil time
- Maybe some sort of... journey or something that he feels is his duty that will take him reluctantly away from home for a while and teach him to be less dependent on his family?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:48 am
Name (and meaning!): Mwamba ('Rock' in swahili)
Username: Kaisanti
Personality: Mwamba certainly lives up to his name. As a cub he is short and stubby, pudgier than his siblings, though perhaps 'pebble' fits more than 'rock'. But as he grows, he proves himself worthy of the name. A large lion when full grown, he has the perfect health that his mother lacks, strong of body and mind he is a steady, gentle-hearted guy. A true gentle giant. He becomes his mother's helper, staying with her when she rests, catching her when she collapses out on hunts, and carries her easily along his broad back during the in-between times. He is devoted to his family and always has been. Even as a cub, he saw the love his mother and her mates shared, though he knew th male that was his father wa snot really one of the 'family', Velius was still a good lion in Mwamba's eyes.He understood that there were reasons beyond himself that accounted for his father's lack of presence, and with his other mother and father always around, he never felt lacking in affection. Their family simply was and it worked for them. He knew, as he grew, that others though them strange, but then, he thought those others strange also.. so that was ok.
Likes: Being with family, stories in the evening with the sun setting, cooling swims in the river.
Dislikes: Anyone who talks down about his family, mid-day heat and crickets. (They buzz in his ears and drive him nuts)
How he feels about family/life: He adores them, knows they are unusual, but it works for them and hes content with that. He will also defend all his family members to the death.
Interesting things: Despite his size and strength, Mwamba actually aspires to be a healer.. but he is terribly clumsy with his paws and not very talented in that area at all. This need to aid others comes from watching his mother suffer from her condition every day, and being powerless to aid her outside of offering his strength to her.
Any plot ideas?: He wants desperately to find someone to teach him how to heal, but sadly, he will never be successful as a healer, instead, I want the lioness to be able to gently coax him into using his true gifts to help others in a way only he can. To use his size and strength to protect and help those weaker than most. He's not a fighter, so he will need to find someone to train him into the role of guard, which he will find a personal challenge, being as he is all power and no finesse. He is also terribly awkward around youngsters, afraid he will hurt them, so I'd love to find a few cubs to befriend him and prove to him they aren't entirely made of glass.


Allied Recalibrator

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:32 pm
Name (and meaning!): Berhanu - Light
Username: Sabra Knight
Personality: Light hearted and gentle it takes a lot to bring Berhanu down. When other’s are down he’ll be the optimistic one that always tries to make them feel better. Sometimes he may be rather dense about things, not to mention a little clumsy and secretly easily scared. He is very dedicated to his family and one day hopes to have a big family of his own.
Likes: Napping (especially next to his mother), soaking up the sunlight, cuddling, watching and listening to others.
Dislikes: Being alone, seeing others upset, yelling, fighting, 'creepy crawlers', and ghosts.
How he feels about family/life: He loves having more then two parents and each of his siblings are treasured by him. He may have seen other couples that are normal, but still it doesn’t register that it’s his family that’s different from the norm. He loves everyone equally and it would take an extreme push for him to be distrustful or angry with another.
Interesting things: -He can’t sleep well unless there’s someone else sleeping next to him.
-He gets scared easily, just tell him a scary story and the boy will stay up for hours afterwards and stick to someone. Though he may never admit it out loud it’s obvious that to him there’s scary things out there in the night.
-He’s inherited his mother’s sleeping habits - though he may get better as he gets older, but as a cub you can often find him sleeping.
Any plot ideas?:
-I want him to have a couple of cubhood friends, one that stays with him while another one separates from the group which starts his wake up to reality.
-Because of his family situation Berhanu doesn‘t understand that it‘s the norm for most lions to only take one mate. So I think it would be an interesting plot for him to fall in love with several felines (he doesn’t care what species). But then when they start liking him back he’ll forget to mention his family situation/his views to them until later and so he’ll have some angry females/males on his tail. Of course he’ll blame himself for their pain and retreat inside himself into a slight depression.
-For someone who can help him to recover from his depression, preferably a good friend of his that understands him.
-More trouble with love (maybe a female tricks him only to have his cubs and leave) until he realizes that it was his friend(that helped him recover probably) that has stood beside of him this whole time. Though he always saw them more as a sibling, Berhanu will begin to realize that maybe he loved them all along.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:00 pm
Girls are better!
Name (and meaning!) Lile Lily
Username: Remove
Personality: Lile is a normal cub, she adores her family and believes it is perfectly normal for a cub to have more then one mother. She loves her mothers more then she could ever explain and of course the rest of the family as well but this girl is her mothers daughter. She loves to play and is generally an altogether normal cub. She is very empathetic cub, she enjoys being around others and most of all she loves cheering others up and making others happy.
Prompt: 1
RP response Lile had always adored her family, her mother especially. What daughter didn't look up and adore her mother? It wasn't normal for her to be laying down so much and she smelt different. Lile knew something was wrong with her, she knew the day her mother got ill just because she acted differently even if it was in those small ways.

Lile had of course tried to ignore the fact that something was wrong, she had played with her sister and brothers chasing them, play fighting the usual but of course her mother was constantly in her thoughts. She knew something was wrong and she was so worried but none of the others had said anything, were they not worried? Maybe she was worrying over nothing and actually her mother was just... no it wasn't right. Her mother loved to play with them!

However she had seen her mother be carried back and though it was a few days ago, she hadn't said a word. What would she say? She had been reassured that she was okay and they wouldn't lie to her would they? Instead Lile today had decided to do something different. As worried as she was she wasn't one to pry and instead she wanted to make her mother happy. If her mother couldn't come out to play maybe she could go to her! She wandered around for a while until she found what it was she was looking for. There was a flower, a beautiful blue flower. Lile carefully pulled it from the bush before trotting back to the den.

She wandered in and ran over to her mother, a large smile on her face. She attempted to call out but no words were audible with a flower in her mouth! She ran over and placed it at her mother's paws before rubbing up beside her.

"Love you mother!" She smiled up at her. Her mother would be okay, after all no mother would ever leave her daughter right?



Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:54 pm
-JUDGING! Winners will be announced soonish.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:49 pm
After looking over these for the last few days and thinking a lot about both the family and the cubs and the entries I made my way through and picked out the ones that I enjoyed the most and would really fit into the family. It was a very hard choice because all of you truthfully put out a wonderful personality and a wonderful idea for each of the cubs and I've finally come down too the winnars!

For the Newbie contest!: AriyaLauna!
For the Boy Contest!: MoonRazor!
And finally for the Female Contest!: Kaisanti

Thank you everyone for trying for these three cubs! You really made it diffcult to pick! I will post them to be certed ASAP! I can't wait to get some RP with you guys and if you want some send me a PM! I'd really enjoy it!


Mega Streaker

Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:51 pm
Congrats, everyone! :3  
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