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Solace Light's Tome: Azrael, Lord Darkness Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Solace Light

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:03 pm
Shop Roleplay

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
Anisa watched from the front desk of the library as kids rushed back and forth in the isles, probably playing tag. She knew she should be stopping them and telling them to follow the rules, but she just couldn't seem to make herself say the words. Her vibrant blue eyes were far away, seeing things that no one else could.

A few months before, she sat in a waiting room the the hospital, waiting for the results of her daughter's surgery. For years now her daughter's eyesight had been worsening. Every day it was harder for her to see, everything getting blurry and out of focus. When she was much younger her husband, Lilith's father, had died in a car accident. He was a lawyer, so he knew what he had to do and had left them a rather large life insurance policy.

Though she wished her husband hadn't died, she couldn't help but be glad he had left them behind so much money. Without it there would have been no possible way she could ever have paid for all of these surgeries. This was around the seventh one already, and Anisa prayed to any God or Goddess that would listen.

She didn't really believe in God, for she was Wiccan, but right now that didn't seem to matter. She prayed to anyone out there who could possibly listen. Every though, every moment of her life was filled with worry over her daughter. Lilith was only thirteen years old, she didn't deserve to have her eyesight taken away. If that wasn't enough, it was a viscious cancer that was causing it.

So young and in the dawn of life, Lilith didn't deserve everything she was going through. As she waited she thought of all the possible outcomes of the surgery, but it wasn't long before she Saw how this day would end.

In a vision that was just as real as the uncomfortable chair she sat on, she was standing in the outpatient corridor of the hospital, watching as her daughter was wheeled to her in a hospital bed. Around her eyes were white bandaging, and behind her walked a doctor with a forlorn expression. It all seemed to go in slow motion as he walked towards her, telling her that the surgery hadn't worked, and that there was nothing more they could do for her daughter.

The vision slowly cleared, and her eyesight came back to her as tears of sadness trickled down her cheeks. From a very young age she been both cursed and blessed with an Inner Sight. Every so often she would get visions of the future, of things that had not yet hapenned. Over the years she had also learned to control them, to bring them on, but she only did so when it was absolutely necessary.

Her visions weren't always peaceful like this one. A majority of the time they were painful, for every emotion and feeling that the people in her visions went through, she felt it as well. If they were in pain, she was in pain. If they died, it felt like she experienced a little death of her own.

So when the surgery was over and the doctor told her it wasn't a success, she was already expecting it. She didn't cry again, she had learned to hide her feelings ever since her husband had passed away.

The memory faded away, and once more she was in the library that was her full time job. Lilith was at school, a special one for blind kids where everything was in brail and the teachers were much kinder and more patient than the normal ones. Anisa was glad that the women were so kind, she doubted she would be able to handle leaving her daughter alone if she was left with anyone else.

Already it was so hard leaving her every day, but she made sure to work during the day so that she could be there when Lilith was brought home from the bus. Every day she waited at the bus stop so that she could lead her back into the little two bedroom apartment that the two of them lived in.

The children continued to run back and forth between the isles, but still she didn't pay any attention. To full of thoughts of Lilith was her brain, and as hard as she tried, the worries would never go away. Finally her blue eyes looked to the clock and she let out a little sigh. It was time to go home.

Very quickly she clocked out, and nearly dashed out the door. Like usual she got in her little car and quickly drove home. She parked in her designated spot and walked to the bus stop down the street. When she could see the large yellow bus clunking down the street, her spirits rose and she waited until it stopped and out came her daughter.

She ran right up to it and took her hand, guiding her down the steep stairs. Once on solid ground she asked how she was doing, and about her day. Lilith didn't like being treated like a baby, but Anisa couldn't help it, she loved the girl far too much.

That evening when her daughter was safely in bed and the baby sitter was on the couch, she locked the door behind her and went out to her car. A few days before she had gone to her Sisters, begging for help. They gave her a single name with an address underneath: Martel.

She didn't know how this person could possibly help her daughter, but right now she was willing to try just about everything. She followed the directions she had got off the computer until she came to a large cathedral that looked quite old, though still very beautiful. In it's shadow was a place that gave her bone-deep chills that travelled up her spine.

The place was dark, very dark, and the smell of sulphur filled her nose, making her gag and almost wretch. Despite it's wicked appearance, the place drew her in, and she knew this is where she needed to go. No Visions claimed her, but she didn't need them, the feeling that traveled through her body was enough.

There were few people around, but the ones that she did see didn't seem to see the place. She was quite sure it was invisible to them, and she wondered why she was able to see it and others weren't. Taking a deep breath she came to the front door, noticing that the windows shuddered, making it impossible to see inside. Very gingerly she took the claw-handed door knocker into her hand, like it was something poisonous, and made two large 'bangs' on the door before stepping back.

Martel (romantic wishes)
It was a very long time before anyone answered the door, and that might have been by design; anyone undetermined would have left ages before one sepulchral syllable made it to Anisa's ears. The voice was female, deep and raspy, breathing audibly with a dry rattle; the voice said, agonizingly slow, "Do you have an appointment?"

Regardless, the door slid open, pulled back into the darkness of the shop. The person on the other door was... frightening, to say the least. Her gray eyes were cloudy and dead, her cheeks emaciated, her eyes sunken into her skull. Straw-colored hair, tatty and lank, lay sloppily across her forehead and spilled down her back; a wool sweater hung haphazardly over her bony shoulders, and around her neck hung a silver cross on a delicate, filagree chain. She pursed her cracked lips, ran her tongue over the lower with a hungry look in her eye, as if she were a predator sizing up a meal. The blond woman stalked forward, smooth and slow like a cat, with an unnerving focus in her blank stare.

"I see you do," said Martel. She stood barely three inches from Anisa now, and the faint hint of decay, sulfurous and overwhelming, surrounded the pair of them like a blanket. Her breath was worse, scented of sage and burnt offerings. Whoever this woman was, she was not human; she had the air of an otherworldly being. More than that, she was monstrous.

Slowly, she backed away. "Come in," she said, but it was not a polite request. The skeletal woman with her lank hair and ratty clothes was commanding Anisa to enter the dark, dusty shop. There was no introduction; perhaps Martel knew one would not be needed. She turned her back on the other woman and stalked deeper into the shop, stopping before a bookshelf and standing there like a marionette whose strings had been cut.

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
Anisa was sure that no one was going to answer the door, but she stood there reguardless of how long it took. She wouldn't wait forever of course, because she only had the babysitter until morning, but she would wait hours and hours if she had to. For the moment she busied herself by looking at her surroundings, continuous chills running up and down her spine from how creepy everything seemed.

Looking at her, one would not expect such a young and beautiful woman to be hanging around such a dismal location. She was thirty years old, but most said she still looked sixteen. Her daughter Lilith was thirteen, and most assumed that they were sisters rather than mother and daughter. Though thirty was not at all old, she didn't look her age. She was rather thin with supple breasts and a tiny waist, her hair a deep brown with natural honey highlights. Vivid blue eyes hung behind her bangs.

When a voice finally spoke, she jumped in shock, barely stifling a screamed that tried to escape from between her lips. The voice sounded ancient, and if she admitted it to herself, both rather creepy and eerie. "Y-yes, I h-have an ap-ppointment!" she said loudly, the stutter she had when she was a child returning with her fear and nervousness. It had been a long time since she had stuttered, and she tried her best to calm down. It wouldn't do good to let this person know how afraid she was.

Suddenly the door opened and she jumped back with an audible gasp. It seemed that despite her trying to put up a brave front, it really wasn't going to work. Really it didn't matter what these people thought of her, this was all about saving her daughter's life at any cost. Life without Lilith was not a life at all, and if she had to, she would sacrifice herself to save her only child. Of course she loved her husband, and she missed him dearly, but it didn't compare to the love she felt towards her daughter, not even close. Anisa doubted there was anything in the world that compared to a mother's love.

At first all she saw was darkness, but as her eyesight adjusted it took all of her strength not to let out a wail of fear. The woman looked like a living skeleton that still had it's skin, her eyes gray and fogged over like she had cataracts. She looked ancient, and her thin blonde hair looked as if it would fly away at any moment, even from the most gentle of breezes. Something was... off, about this woman, and Anisa had an inkling that she wasn't what she appeared, that she wasn't..... human.

When the woman drew close and spoke, and it was again hard to keep herself from gagging, the smell emanating from her mouth being most horrible. It smelled of death and mold, of decay and rotting corpses. Anisa didn't know how anyone could let themselves get in such a state, whether she was human or not. She herself bathed every day and always made sure to look her best even though she wasn't trying to look good for anyone anymore except her daughter. When Lilith was around she tried her hardest to put on a happy face despite the girl not being able to see, but she knew the child was good at picking up on vibes, and it wouldn't be good to clue her in on how miserable she really was.

When the woman, or rather, creature, asked her to come in, she nodded nervously and followed her warily inside. The darkness here was overwhelming, and it was worse than normal darkness, more sinister. She couldn't even see her hand two inches in front of her face, nor the being she was supposed to be following. Instead she used her hearing and sense of smell to assess where she was; her scent of rotting was very hard to miss, and she guessed she wasn't that far away from how strongly the scent reached her nose. If she wanted she could force herself to have a quick Vision, but she was afraid of what she would See, and witheld it for now.

It wasn't long before the scent was so strong that she felt suddenly faint, and she froze in her tracks knowing the woman must not be very far. Everything was shrouded in darkness, and her heart beat rapidly in her chest. Dear Goddess, why did her Sisters have to tell her of this place, what were they hoping to accomplish? Suddenly she believed that they were tricking her, and that this was all just some horrid joke to frighten ten years off of her life. No, they wouldn't do that to her, she had to believe that. They loved Lilith, and wanted her to live, and they must've known that whoever these people were they could help save her life. "W-what n-now?" she spoke quietly, her voice barely above a whisper, but she knew the woman could hear her just fine.

Martel (romantic wishes)
Anisa's physical aspects were lost on Martel; the woman seemed to have no care for the physical aspects of life. It was strange, almost as if she saw the world through a gray haze. She stood there, one knobby hand spread across the spines of a bookshelf, her head turned at an extremely awkward angle towards the client-to-be without a single indication of how painful such a position had to be. As if uninterested, she returned her gaze to the books on the shelves.

"I am not complete," she said, almost to herself. Her hands traced the spine of the book, lightly: then her nails dug in and tore leather even as they broke away from her fingertips, leaving bloody streaks.

If she felt pain, Martel did not recognize it.

Then, and only then, did she return her gaze to the woman. "I am Martel di Desvignes... I am a demonologist. You are Anisa Hale... a librarian of little consequence. Where we go from here, that is for you to say." A bitter smile, resembling more of a death's-head rictus than a true expression of emotion, and she said, "My wish... is your command."

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
The woman before her was utterly frightening, that much was easy to say. Before now she had never come across someone who looked so close to death. It felt like an aura of malice hung about her, and Anisa didn't like the feel of it, not at all.

When she spoke of being incomplete she gave the creature a confused expression, not sure how to answer. Was she supposed to say something, or just leave it alone? For now she chose to leave it alone, deciding that anything that came out of her mouth right now would probably be offensive.

Dear Goddess, what the hell was she doing here? Anisa was nearly frozen to the spot, shivers running constantly up and down her spine. She was cold, so very, very cold. And afraid. Yes, very afraid. This woman scared her, and she feared what would come next. The feeling was made stronger when the woman spoke all of her information, seemingly knowing everything about her.

No, that shouldn't be right. Her sisters had given her the name and address just the previous day, she hadn't made the appointment until early that morning, it wasn't possible that this woman knew everything about her, there had been no one to tell her.

The Demonologist part didn't register with her until a few moments later, and she suddenly felt nauseased. So this is where they sent her, to someone associated with the devil, someone who made deals with demons and creatures of both dark and shadow.

Anisa was a being of the Light, she believed in a beautiful Goddess who brought about the seasons, that gave the earth the rain that was it's life, who loved her children. This woman was the opposite.

For a long while she was silent, debating about what she should do. Should she associate with this woman if it was possible she could save her daughter? Obviously her sisters had sent her here for that reason, to save the life of a child. Her child. Her only daughter.

"I'll do anything you want," she said finally, surprised at how solid, firm, and confident her voice sounded, much more than she truly felt inside. "Anything and everything."

Martel (romantic wishes)
"For what point," asked Martel as she pulled a book from the shelf. "For what purpose?" She dropped it on its spine to the desk, watched the pages fall open. "Literomancy tells one many things, but it cannot tell intent, for intent is silent." Her grey eyes looked to the page for the briefest of moments before returning to Anisa's face.

A crooked smile, exposing weirdly perfect teeth. It looked... vicious. Frightening, like the woman had been starving but had just spotted the perfect meal. "I cannot make demands if I do not know what it is you want, Anisa."

Somehow her posture indicated that such familiarities were not to be used with Martel. It was all right for the summoner to use her client's first name, but Anisa could not claim the same.

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
Martel was most definitely giving Anisa the creeps. She was so odd, so.... alien. Usually old women were sweet and caring, but she was just frightening, like the monsters you learn about in fairy tales when you were children. If she had to guess, Anisa would say that Martel wasn't human, but rather something dark hiding in a human's skin.

She wondered if she was right about that, and if the poor woman whose skin she was wearing was still in there somewhere. Or maybe she was the true owner of this body, and she was just crazy. Probably the latter.

"M-my daughter, my d-daughter Lilith," she piped, angry with herself for loosing her calm. Her voice sounded rather high pitched and scared, and she didn't like that. "She's dying, s-she has cancer, and its k-killing her. A-already she can't see, and t-they say she has only years left t-to live. I c-can't live without my daughter, I would rather d-die."

As she said it she knew it was true to her very core. She loved her husband, very much so, but after he died she got over it, learned to live without him. Lilith was all she had left, even imaging life without her was a life not worth living. If Lilith died, she refused to think of when, she knew she would follow soon after.

She wasn't sure if she believed in Hell, and she knew that in the bible it said that if you committed suicide that's where you were going, but she would take that risk without a moment's doubt or hesitation. Already she had the dangerous cocktail of chemicals that would end her life stashed away safely.

"She h-has to live, I'll do whatever it t-takes to save her life, even if it means g-giving away my own."
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:07 pm

Martel (romantic wishes)
"We all only have years left to live," said Martel dispassionately. "We all die." Unspoken: in fact, I already have.

She brushed the lank strands of hair behind one ear. "Well. I suggest you start looking." With a vicious, unfeeling smile, she shoved the book off the desk; it thumped on the ground, open to a particular entry.

Azrael, Lord of Darkness.

Martel turned back to the books, picked up a cleaning rag, and started to clean away her own blood from the shelves.

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
Anisa wanted to say something about that remark, but she held her tongue, knowing it would get them nowhere, plus it would likely just piss Martel off. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Without this wicked woman's help her daughter would die a slow and painful death, and she couldn't have that.

Things almost seemed to go in slow motion as the crooked woman pushed a large and ancient-looking book from the desk. Her eyes followed it as it fell slowly, landing with a 'thud' that seemed far too loud for something that size.

Slowly, very slowly, she walked towards the book, her eyes constantly darting to Martel, making sure that this wasn't a trap and that the woman wouldn't attack her. When the skin of her hand touched the leatherbound outside, she let out a wail of fear, and her eyes glazed over, seeing things very far away, from another time entirely.

A vision had taken her, and everything within it was just as real as the floor she stood on back in her body. She was in a dark room, the details of which were very vague and blurry. From this vantage point she watched a woman crouched down in a pitiful ball on the floor. The woman looked frightened, and Anisa couldn't help but go over to try and console her.

What she saw shocked her: It was she who layed there, her clothes torn, her skin burned and blackened in places. Tears streamed down her face when the second Anisa turned to look up at her. All the feelings the vision-Anisa felt coursed through her body. Their fear was the same. Their pain was the same, their sadness was the same.

It was hard to look away, but she knew she must, visions always came for a reason, to teach her, to inform her of the future. She suddenly realized Martel was there, and that there was a shadow in the dark room that wasn't quite right. This shadow was darker, a blacker shade than the rest of the room.

Glowing eyes looked at her from within, both beautiful and terrible, young yet ancient. A dark chuckle echoed from the shadow, but before she could see what was inside the vision ended, and she was once again in front of the book, except that now she was laying on the floor, her body soaked with sweat.

She didn't know what the vision meant, but she knew that she had to be careful, that they were dealing with dark forces not meant for humans to take part in. She almost left right then, but Lilith's beautiful face filled her head and she knew she must persevere.

Very carefull she took the book into her hands, holding it gingerly like it was something poisonous. The title of this particular entry was Azrael, Lord of Darkness. The name made her shiver for reasons unknown.

Being a librarian she was a very fast reader, and her eyes darted back and forth across the page, taking in all that Martel wanted her to learn. It was some time later, minutes perhaps, or even hours, that she read the last line. She didn't know how much time had passed, but as she finished she closed the leather-bound book with a diffinitive 'thud.'

She looked up at Martel with vivid blue eyes that seemed to have aged a hundred years. They were beautiful eyes, but sad, so very sad. Her skin was pale, dark circles under both eyes. "You...." she said softly, letting it trail off. "You want to call upon this, this Demon, the Demon of Shadow, to save my daughter...?"

Martel (romantic wishes)
"I desire to summon nothing," said Martel. Sometime during Anisa's reading of the book, she had begun to clean. She was polishing a mirror, her bleeding fingers leaving streaks; then she'd go back and wipe them off, leaving new streaks behind her. It seemed rather pointless. "If I had my way, you'd all be dead." Her smile, when it came, was blade-thin.

Then she shrugged and set down the cleaning rag. "What do you want to do? Tell me, and I'll make the commands."

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
There were so many things she wanted to tell the woman before her, but she held her tongue. She wanted to tell her how cruel she was, that she had no right to treat people the way she did despite how her life must be. Hell, her life was absolutely miserable, but did she go around treating people like s**t? No.

Always she wore the happy mask that came to her so naturally. What did it do to let people know just how miserable you were, or to take out your anger on them? All it did was make people feel sorry for you, or get angry with you, even develop a hate for you like Anisa was starting to develop for Martel.

The woman had made it obvious she didn't care about the life of an innocent child. A child who had only lived thirteen years of life. A child with dirty blonde hair the same color as her fathers, but the vivid blue eyes of her mother. A child that loved to read, and to write poetry. A child who would sit at the open livingroom window so that the wind would blow in her face and the scent of flowers would fill her nostrils. A beautiful child.

Those thoughts filled her head, and she knew what she must do. With the book still in her hands she stood up slowly so that she was standing quite firmly. She set the book down and looked the crazy old woman directly in the eyes that so resembled the sunken pits of a naked skull. When she spoke her voice was strong, and commanding, filled with the power of a young Seeress in the full flower of her years.

"Summon him them! Bring this Demon to our plane and bind him to me like it says in the book! I don't care about the cost, you can have all my damn money if that's what you want. All I want is for my daughter to live. I'll make the deal, you just do the Summoning."

Martel (romantic wishes)
Martel shook her head.

"You think me cruel?" She laughed, tilting her head back. This laugh was strange, painful to hear. "That is well. I am. But you - you are foolish."

The woman didn't elaborate. She took the book, shelved it. "You think me old. You are wrong." Leaning in, her face came within inches of Anisa's, her eyes so painfully, painfully empty. Whatever spirit possessed Martel, it didn't care for her mind; it didn't possess the 'windows of the soul', just the locomotion of the body. "I am thirty-two years old," said Martel, her bleeding fingers caressing the side of Anisa's face, tracing contours--the soft cheek, the thick chestnut hair. Bloody smears showed where her fingers had touched.

And then she smiled. "Write your contract," she said, gesturing to the desk. A blank piece of parchment, a black feather quill, an ink pot, all arranged next to a half-sheet with a contract with Martel written upon it. "You agree, of course, to show my proteges how your bargain goes. You also agree, of course, to obey the whims of our record-keeper in recording the happenings of your deal, no matter how trivial or embarrassing they seem." A dark head peered over a bookshelf, waved sheepishly. It was a pretty Asian woman, who quickly disappeared behind the racks.

"Sign," commanded Martel. "Or it ends here."

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
Anisa nearly cried out when Martel spoke. Somehow the woman knew what she had been thinking, for she was quite sure that she hadn't spoken any of her thoughts out loud. Her laugh was wicked and cruel, and the sound of it sent shivers up her spine that had nothing to do with how cold it was in the dark house.

To hear that the woman was only thirty-two years old, then feel her bone-sharp fingertips scrape against her hair and cheek, she couldn't help but let out a wail of fear. Taking a few steps back, she tried her hardest to get away from the woman in the small space, not wanting to be so close to the horrifying creature that was Martel.

When she pointed down at the desk she looked to see an empty sheet of paper that looked more like the old fashioned parchment people used to use way back when. Next to it were a black feather and a little pot of ink. Anisa was a little surprised that they were doing things so old fashioned, nowadays contracts were typically typed up on the computer.

Why she was noticing such trivial things she didn't know, but she shook her head to clear her thoughts and went over to the desk. She wasn't quite sure what the contract needed to consist of, so she started off with what Martel demanded of her: That she would show her assistants, or protegees as she had called them, how the bargain goes and that she would allow their record-keeper to record all the happenings of their deal.

After that she supposed she should write of what she demanded of the Demon they were going to be summoning. She started off with what she wanted of the Demon. She wrote that it was to heal her daughter of the rapid cancer that was slowly killing her, as well as giving her back the eyesight she had lost so many years before. At the end of her demands she put that Lilith was to be kept healthy until the day she died, or else the deal would break.

Next she wrote what she would give the Demon in return of his healing. She didn't really know what Demons wanted, but she offered her services, any service he mite require, no matter how small or large it mite be. She would complete any task that he would give her, and complete it to the best of her abilities. Perhaps a Demon did need a Seeress to get things done that they couldn't, she could only hope.

When she was finished she looked things over a few times, making sure that she didn't leave anything out of the deal, anything that the Demon could use to weasle out of things. With a few revisions and last minute crossing outs, she was sure she had made a very tight and binding contract. She didn't need Martel to tell her that the deal would be bound with blood, so she pricked the tip of her finger with the quill, signing her name in her crimson blood.

Martel (romantic wishes)
Martel laughed again, rolling her grey eyes. "So dramatic!" She picked up the quill and signed her name at the bottom of both contracts, sprinkled blotter over the wet ink, and then put both of them in the drawer of the desk and locked it. Walking over to the shelf, she pulled a thin book from the shelf - it seemed to be leather bound. "Here," she said, holding out the tome. "When you return with our book, you'll pay us for our services. Hae-min!"

The Asian woman popped up again. "Ye?"

"Anisa Hale, a librarian of little consequence, is borrowing the Marquis's book. You know the one."

"Ye," she said again, "The one bound in human skin, yes?" And she vanished again.

Martel nodded with a tiny smirk. "Pages forty-six to fifty. Return it by this time next week."

Anisa Kale (Solace Light)
Anisa didn't like that Martel kept putting her down, but she just kept her mouth shut, biding her time until she could leave, which she felt would be here soon.

When it looked like she was soon going to be dismissed, she let out a sigh of relief, ready to take the ancient looking book then get the hell out of there. She held out her hand expectantly, but they dropped when the other woman said it was bound in human skin.

She couldn't help but gag, and she quickly rushed to the little trashcan next to the desk and wretched repeatedly into the waste bin. The entire time she had been here she had felt sick, but hearing this disgusting statement was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Again and again she vomited into the little trashcan until all she had left was a burning stomach acid that was intent on leaving her body. When that was gone as well she wiped her mouth on her sleeve, clearing her throat loudly.

Discreetly she took a cloth out of her little purse, refusing to touch the book with her bare hands, knowing she would See something if her skin hapenned to touch it. She wrapped it securely in the cloth and stuck it under her arm for safe keeping. For a long while she looked at Martel with hate-filled eyes, and when she spoke her voice was as cold and hard as steel.

"Thank you for your services, I honestly hope that I won't have to see you after I return your book." With that she turned and left the eerie household. Once outside it was like a weight was lifted from her shoulders, and she could finally take a full breathe that wasn't tinged with horror and fear.

This was it, this was when she would be able to save her daughter's life. The thought made her feel like she could fly despite the dreary surroundings, and she quickly rushed to her car. She set the book down carefully in the passenger seat of her little car, and she revved the engine a few times to get it started.

When the car was finally warmed up, she sped out of her parking space and raced down the street, not caring if she was going over the speed limit or not stopping at stop signs or red lights. Her Sight was powerful enough to warn her of cops or anything that could get her in trouble, so she trusted her instict and sped home, ready to do whatever it took to save the life of her only child.

Solace Light

Summoners' Tomes

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