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Cubi - Dark

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Name: Kirin
Age: 1
Gender: Male
Bonder: Sora Akasha
Cubi: n/a
Appearance: With short and edgy black hair and black eyes, not the dark brown kind of black that normal people have but the black kind of black, Kirin looks like any 15 year old guy, and is often seen as one. He looks somewhat like Sora so that they are usually seen as a brother and sister. Actually, he looks more like a human than Sora. Like Sora, he usually wears second-hand clothes that are dirty and torn but most of them actually fit him. Also contrary to Sora, he usually keeps a clean appearance, which lets others see his face, which closely resembles his bonder's (it's not as pale though), and tries to get Sora to keep her face clean too. However, it's not exactly easy to keep an energetic little kid clean when you live on the streets. He carries a shoulder bag filled with his and Sora's worldly possessions, which is really just the bare essentials and whatever they find lying around (first-aid kit, spare food, some money, change of clothes, flashlight and spare batteries, two pairs of goggles). On his back, Kirin has a small, black mark that looks like it's supposed to picture a butterfly with tattered wings. It lies right in between his shoulder blades, on the spine. The mark is a bit circular in shape, with a diameter of 3 in., because of the way that the ends of the wings arch over and nearly touch at the top, the bottom does so too but to a lesser extent. It's most intriguing aspect is that it changes with the phases of the moon, more of the mark can be seen when less of the moon is seen (ex: during the full moon, none of the mark can be seen. during a no moon, all of the mark can be seen). On the top and bottom of this mark are more black marks that weave in and out of each other, always traveling either up or down his spine. The marks all seem to form a line that travels from his spinal cord to his tailbone. As they near the end, the marks all come together to form a thin line. On the top, the marks have formed a single line by the base of his neck, which he can usually hide with his hair. On the bottom, the marks form a line from the small of his back to the end of his tailbone. They branch out when they reach the butterfly mark, surrounding it with what seems to be another pair of tattered wings, which are also filled with marks that seem to surround the butterfly mark, that stretch as far as his shoulder blades. When he uses his ability, the marks start to spread over his body, the more of his power he uses at a time, the more the marks spread. The marks also spread when he is enraged, but that could just be because he's about to use his power. He always makes sure that the marks remain hidden so he can pass as a human, which means that he won't use his abilities unless absolutely necessary and he always wears a shirt. For the same reason, he'd prefer to stay in the shadows so that people don't see that his eyes are pure black.
Abilities: Kirin has the ability to control shadows. He can solidify it to form weapons and shields. He can also surround himself with it and use it as armor. At the moment, he doesn't have precise control over the shadows because of lack of practice, but he's working on it now thanks to being forced into a duel competition.
History: Kirin can't remember a single thing from before being bonded, which he often finds frustrating. He has been bonded to Sora for a little more than a year, although his bonder believes otherwise. He leaves Sora to believe that they were bonded only half a year ago because it gives an excuse as to why she can't remember anything, she wrongly believes that bonding made her lose her memory. As a result, he lies about their meeting, saying that he met Sora while she was badly injured on the street. A plausible explanation, that also gives another reason to why she might have lost her memory when she finds out that bonders don't lose their memory. To him, anything is better than the real reason why. During his time as Sora's cubi, Kirin has acted as her protector and guardian. He makes sure that she doesn't get hurt and stays out of trouble, trying his best to make sure that she gets enough to eat and whatnot. Because the two are like brother and sister in both manner and looks, Kirin usually masquerades as Sora's human brother to attract less attention. He further tries to hide the fact that he is a cubi by not to using his abilities. Of course, the disguise fails when he encounters other cubis who are interested in him, but it usually works on those who don't have cubis and even those who do have cubis but aren't interested enough to know whether or not he's a cubi. Although, even if everyone around him knew that he was a cubi, Kirin would still prefer not to reveal what he can do. He usually takes on odd jobs to help make ends meet, only resorting to even minor stealing as a last resort. Neither he nor Sora have been in any duels, legal or illegal.
Other: Because he has been living on the streets with his bonder, as well as running into a number of rough spots during his travels, Kirin has become quite adept at fighting with and without his powers. His unchanged form closely resembles Sora's for some reason, minus her unnatural paleness. He is fiercely loyal to his bonder, and will attack anyone who threatens her. The bond between the two is very strong and connecting each other using the mental link is second-nature to both of them. Kirin is usually connected to Sora 24/7, even when asleep, to make sure that she is safe and sound. The only time that he isn't watching over her is when he can't (ex: knocked unconscious) at which times Sora will know that something is wrong with him and will try to maintain their connection. Kirin has the ability to limit what he lets Sora see when they are connected, enabling him to hide his more disturbing thoughts.

As the story progresses, I'll update the profile.