Dyson grinned at her summary of his words. "And it is best to be the epitome of both - smart and sly, strong and fast. And of course, no better than to be true Kalona: to embrace your heritage and the power and freedom that comes with it. Kalona himself has given us the tools to be kings - our horns, wings, sharp hooves and other assets. We are beyond the ridiculous ethics that many of the lesser breeds hold themselves to in order to protect one another. What we want, we can take. We do not have to burden ourselves with the unwanted." His words were boastful, but the way he delivered them was with unshaking confidence.

He grinned as his eyes swiveled to the greying skies. "Then hurry home, little Masquerade, to your mother's side." His tail flicked for a moment. "And remember that which we discussed here. This conversation shall not be our last." He gave her a final smile and watched her head home, making a note to himself the direction that she took. Perhaps he would be the one to come find her again when the time was right. She had promise, and he had curried her admiration and favor. Things were going well.