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Tags: Role Playing, Mercenary, Technomancy, Magic, We are the champions, deal with it 

Reply Black Company
From the Cradle to the Grave.( Sea of Stars... Pending. ) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 19 20 21 22 [>] [>>] [»|]

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[ KB ]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:32 am
-The Cradle-

The Cradle is a pinnacle of achievement, a space station looming casually in the constant fall of orbit. Like a star overhead it twinkles, the combination of white and steel gleaming in the dawn, unfettered by spacial debris or the scars of battle. Here the angel hovers ever-watchful of it's charge, the heart of battle thrumming deep at it's core. Like the creations of blood-spilling perfection it too is designed to be the shield of life, and the sword of wholesomeness. Oh yes, passionate and secure, aweful and destructive, the cradle is home to both astounding measures of raising life and dealing death. Like an angel it spreads itself vastly in a somewhat cross-shape, an eerie semblance of spread wings being found in the clusters of batteries that descend from these 'arms'.

Though ornate, the Cradle serves a very practical purpose. It serves firstly as the main docking bay for the combined forces of KB and Tegral's vast fleets in the region, as well as a factory for their astounding creations. Using raw materials gathered from the infinite unknowns, they can easily manage to keep up the qeue of droids used in many battles. As such, the Cradle proves itself a very capable resource, able to perform advanced repairs and supply replenishments. Though it serves a secondary function as a light shipyard, the Cradle is first and foremost a holding area with dry and wetdock, as well as enough combative batteries to defend the vessels nestled in it's protective wings.

Twisting corridors, access hatches, and other such store-rooms aside, the Cradle is relatively compact and built in a very straightforward manner. The main database for the station keeps updated maps cycling through service droids, and they are often seen buzzing, marching, or rolling through the halls or service-bays. Though it may seem very easy to get lost inside the station, it is built for some level of comfort, and a map leading to the main areas of visitation is generally just a few meters away.

Areas of note include, but are not limited to:

The Garden of Eden

It is said that at the start of mankind, he was forever denied access to that mystical place of perfection many still seek today. Denied their perfect garden on earth, a second was built in space, beyond the domain of the devil and defiant in the grace of God. This second Eden, formed with the same name, is a close second to perfect tranquility and unmeasurable beauty, guarded in turn by a flaming sword forever to mimic that legend of old.

The Garden of Eden is located near the relative 'top' of the Cradle. The ceiling is comprised of a large glass-like dome, with cross-sections of support running throughout the structure. A sort of broad web-design of gold-painted metal runs through the dome of glass, allowing for breaks in the vastness of space without really disrupting the ever-romantic view of the stars. The cold vacuum beyond seems quelled by the overall mood of the place, leaving only the perfection of glittering beads of light. On the outside of the Cradle are a pair of large blast doors, the two of which can be activated in times of threat to seal away the Garden. The first pair closes horizontally, their interlocking teeth holding them tight together, and serve as the the thicker and more protective of the two. The secondary shell closes vertically atop the first, designed to keep back most primary damages and attack runs with it's impressive shield array and turrets.

Main Ballroom - The main ballroom of the Cradle is located within Eden, on the side located nearer to space and the edge of the station. There the view afforded by the stars is maximized, designed to serve as part of the setting incoporated therein. Most of the ballroom is colored beige or gold, themed slightly towards a mixture of greek and european. Large square tiles form the base design of the floor, the round floor's outer ring inset with a thick band of jade-flecked grey stone. Pillars rise from floor to ceiling before blending seamlessly into the beams there, forming a crescent that opens into the Garden, and flows inwards towards the ballroom stage. The ballroom itself opens into the Garden without junction, leaving the dress-shoes of the dancers to step from the waxed floor and into the plush grass as they skip from their formal fun and into an excited game of tag.

The Garden - Tag seems to be a game suited to the Garden, as a great variety of greenery is abundant. Flowers of every color are awash in the bushes and trees, adding a splash of exotic colors to the green of leaves and the browns of tree-trunks. The paths that weave throughout the garden are made of smaller white stones, set into the constant grass that seems to grow in every place. The paths themselves are few, leading from the main doors towards the ballroom and deep into the Garden towards the monuement there. Elsewhere visitors are encouraged to follow the winding maze of grass-paths that are set into the garden, inspired to be lost within the constant peacefulness of the place. A few birds are also present in the Garden, flittering about with their soft songs and colors that mix with the flowers. Numerous small streams and pools can be found in the Garden flowing with cool, clear water. Trickling over smoothed stones and forming in sand-bottomed areas they seem quite inviting, and a couple are even rumored to be heated to a nice warm temperature.

The Monuement - Somewhere hidden within the Garden is a large obsidian obilisk, set at a slight angle and chiseled into what seems to be a large spike-like shape. It is surrounded by a large disc of slightly-raised pale stone, the path leading from it weaving off into the greens. The stone itself is smooth and polished, with a set of words emblazed on the front in a stark contrast of hellish flaming orange. Though the font is small it is still clear, the words of the writer left for whatever reason. They read as follows:

Free me;
Sleeping angels


Will - A large section of the Cradle, 'Creation' refers to the relative 'back' of the station. Nestled many levels below, machines constantly work to build more of themselves. here massive factories churn out droids in a constant motion, as well as smelt and forge the raw meterials needed to do so. A rear dock and main bay is part of Creation, in which a harvestor and several immense haulers can be found. Their stripmining efforts are always being unloaded into the station and consequently the bi-products of design are being hauled off into the depths of space. Legions of military-grade as well as industrial droids are formed and packaged, or simply given orders mere moments after their completion and QC tests. Advanced robotics and a programming divisions work from their labs on-site to elaborate and customize as needed. The number of different designs in the Cradle database is quite extensive, though only a few are given priority status at a time. Infamous models include the Tegral unit, as well as the crablike Drone unit, the S7 aerial combat unit, and the multi-application Kay-Bee unit.

Imagination - Located near the main factories is an extension of Creation, though it is still part of the same division. Here the advanced labs run in neat and tidy order, silenced save for the soft thrum of ventilation shafts. Unlike the thunderous factories overhead, here the workers work in silence with the upmost precision and attention. Imagination is the advanced reseach and testing labs for both the robotic and biological applications of KB's projects. Many creatures are housed within cells here, monstrosities and mis-creations suffering at the hands of their creators. Never given a chance to see that which is taken for granted, these tortured souls spend their entirity loathesome and bitter. Here lay the mistakes of God, and shrouded in secrecy they learn to forever hate Him, to forever wonder why they are punished for His mistakes. The creations of Imagination often prove to be exciting and wonderful, whilst also others are destructive and horrible. It is the double-sided coin of paradox located within the Cradle that stands on edge, the third unspoken and non-existant edge of indecision keeping their efforts worthwhile.

Wings of Light

The Wings of Light refer to the 'arms' of the station that extend out either side of its cross-esque shape. They serve both as a primary solar-panel location and a docking bay. Across the upper ridge and slanted down along the wing-like shapes of each station are thousands of panels, each greedily absorbing the energy found in the rays of light that they bask in. Hidden beneath these large slanted covers are wetdocks for a variety of ship designs, ranging from light vessels to dreadnoughts. Vessels small enough to are encouraged to bay beneath the solar panels, where a variety of batteries and service-droids can be found. Smaller bays are located along the station arms to house small vessels such as fighters, shuttles, and small frigates. In addition to serving as the main docking area of the station, each wing of the station includes inumerable fighters for protection purposes, as well as hard-pointed turrets designed for anti-captial ship use. Smaller turrets are manned from locations along the ridges of the wings, and shield-projectors are located along the main top baseline.

Haziel Wing - The fighter squadron named after the celestial Haziel is comprised of S7 fighters. This wing is specially orientated and trained for precise attack runs, and the members of the squad are known for their fearsome bravery. The Angels of the West as they are sometimes renowned, are said to be unflinching in both loyalty and holy vengeance. They fight to the last, pulling damaged fighters from unimaginable depths and against indisciminate odds. The Angels of the West will fight until the last fighter is slag, and even then their munitions will continue to fight for them. Their ghosts are said to reside within the Garden of Eden protecting the sanctuary there.

Telleniel Wing - Named after yet another celestial, the Telleniel squadron fighters serve as a couterpart to the stations droid fighters. Part bomber, part shield, the fighters are designed for long-hauls. Deflector shields are mounted as part of their core design , the projectors of which are augmented for multi-directional strength. The bomber is capable of funneling the power from its other functions into the shields, then adjust the size and placement of said shield at will. This allows of course for the bomber to keep itself shielded during attack runs, or to 'throw' its shields onto other craft, for either defending them or punting them. A common tactic is having the Telleniel wing fly paired with Haziel wing, shields coordinated into a massive wall that tempts a daring attack run on a target, before loosing a barrage of fire and breaking away. Cousins of the Haziel wing pilots and equally notorius, Telleniel ghosts are said to reside within the main ballroom, forever dancing in constant starlight.

Hive - The Hive consists of the droid fighters housed within the Cradle. Stripping back such unneccesary devices as life-support or ejection methods, extra room is made for weapons. These droid fighters are linked to each other, consequently linked to the hive mind that lives within the Cradle. These droids serve as the mainstay of the Cradle's fighter forces, launching major assaults on incoming enemy forces, or doing routine sweeps and patrols of nearby sectors. With no semblance of self and no method of discrimination, the Hive is more of one unit than it is its countless extensions. Each bit of information relayed via the drones is accumulated into the ever-growing Hive, leaving the pseudo AI an impressive holder of over one billion different tactics.

Sword of Flames

Located near the bottom of the cross that is the Cradle, lays the famed sword made to vanguard the garden gate. In truth the 'sword' is a massive cannon, built into the superstructure of the Cradle. Pointed ominously towards the planet that lays below it, the shutter at the very base seems much like that of a dead volcano. It has the feel of being long since null, of the great power within snuffed out by time. Still there is that notion of it rousing once more, of just what could become if the giant decided to wake. What level of destruction could be loosed from the station with this mighty weapon? Perhaps it will never be known, but forever the thought lingers... what if...

The Throne

Within the Cradle lays the Throne, a bridge dedicated to the leaders of the army which serves and lives within the complex. Here every possible database can be accessed, and all orders are relayed. It is a busy, stern, and ultimately stoic place to be. The only slight hint at personal choice is the seat centered in the middle of the room, a simple command chair with panels added to allow direct access via the leading general. Panels in this area are accessed via touch-holographics, saving space and energy by activating automatically when a user comes to the station, and otherwise being absent.

Energy system controls are located down and to the front, facing away from the command console. In a relative pit secluded from the bridge, the chairs slide down their respective beams and lock into place dangling above the direct power feed. Here the users can easily access all forms of power and route them as neccesary, whilst keeping a personal eye on both the stream and the computer systems.

Communications and relevant stations regarding those procedures are located to the right of the command console, slightly to the back. Here all manner of comms can be sent, recieved, codes cracked and others encrypted, as well as jamming and scanning. This system is a relay for fleet control during non-combat situations, charting courses and setting up a plethra of schedules for the docking bays and droids.

Located to the left of the command console is the weapons control and fleet control during times of trouble. There, weapon systems and shield systems are monitored and activated. Fleet targets are given priority and direct access to the Hive is present. It is a junction of screens, seats, and constant chatter.

R&D is also present on the command deck, located front and right with a smaller booth. There the project leads can set up displays or review information, whilst being present for briefings and having more direct access to Cradle systems.

The Plague

The plagues of God lay collected here, afflictions of every kind being mixed and changed, viral weaponry advanced and reformed. It is an offshoot of Creation, a place even they do not dare to set foot in. It is unwholesome decay, it is the rot of the Almighty, it is the power to let loose horror upon those who would test His might. Countless passages run throughout the cube-like structure, pocketed behind the Cradle as to not appear a blemish, as is the inside of this area. Biological creatures are denied access entirely, and the drones that work with the materials personally have their data relayed before being melted down completely. Due to the nature of the honey-combed structure extreme security measures are taken to assure that the fruits of their labors aren't accidently released into the station. This is incorporated by a series of system codes and manual locks that seperate the section from the station. It is in fact a mobile addition to the station, capable of being removed if need be. Thusly, it is an entirely different area, one that functions entirely to replenish the munitions of units such as Basaran, whilst also servicing more dubious markets.

The Town of New Enid

Despite having vast recreational facilities and residential areas on board the station, an extra effort has been made towards hospitality. Enter New Enid, a town of sorts located in the Cradle out of the way from most major facilities as to keep the place busy, but not swamped with traffic. Named after a town that can found in ruins somewhere in the Black Company realm the revised Enid clings to the very same prosperous ideals. Here in New Enid houses are relatively small in comparison to what one might expect, but can range from one bedroom to three-bedroom apartment-esque buildings.

New Enid itself seems to be a dusty urban area, with a relaxed building style that fiercely goes against the Cradle's militant structure. Here the residential part of the city is tiered, appearing as though the houses are built on a large hill or mountain of sorts. Each tier is complimented by numberable sets of stairways, so essentially the second level building's sidewalks land right atop the first levels' roofs, soundlessly of course. Most of the buildings seem to show signs of being lax in technology, favoring more traditional styles of clothing and other means. Due to the multiple entryways and exitways from this cavernous area to the Cradle, disapearing into the mountain through a blast door may very well bring you back into the 'Real' station.

In contrast to appearance, New Enid is a highly advanced technological wonder. Multiple levels of overlapping holographic displays mingle with complex weather patterns, lighting systems, ventilation and heating systems. Nearly every form of weather and image is possible to be made in New Enid, though the town generally sees sunny days. The buildings themselves are similar technologically, rather stoic in design and utilarian. This aspect is readily changed with a few quick commands to the console located in each home, easily changing the squared off modern interior to that of a victorian household, complete with both auditory, optical, and tactile senses. Imagination is the key to design within New Enid, and the sky's the limit.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:34 am
-The Grave-

Located beneathe the clouds on the planet of green and blue, is a small keep and adjacent mass driver dedicated to The Cradle. The mass-driver is the more notable of the two structures, a three-mile long runway that arcs upwards steeply. Massive support beams slough into the ground, curving upwards to form a base which holds the concrete runway up. From the mass-driver any space-capable vehicle that requires launch-assistance can take off and reach the Cradle, when launched at the right time. The pair are in a cleared section of forest that lays near the coastline, the mass-driver running from the mainland out towards the ocean. Though every piece is located inland, the ocean is the last thing seen before the sky when launching. The position near the ocean allows for oceanic forces to move as well.

The keep itself is rather small and nondescript, acting as a resupply point for things such as munitions and fuel. From there vessels can land and take off, or be stored within the landing bays. SAM sites and pillboxes dot the surrounding landscape, protecting most of the keep and it's mass driver from attack. For any further attacks the fighter wing located on the base can be sent into the air, or support can be ordered from the Cradle.

Mass Driver - The mass driver is a long strip of concrete that reaches far ahead before curving upwards. Located near the keep and respective bays are several slabs that can be raised to act as thruster blast shields. Once locked in place craft are clear for launch, at which point thrusters ignite and they begin their ride. Optimal speed is assured by nearly any form of craft before beginning the arc, at which point the pilots have a broad, scoping view of the sky above, the glittering sea, and the rolling hills and forests. The grade of the arc is steep, and by the end of the curve the vessel is usually pointing straight up into space. Often first trips on the mass-driver are intense, as the G's seem to increase with a weighty feeling, though no actual damage is sustained.

The Grave - The Grave has earned it's title for the ship that lays next to the mass-driver, overseeing it protectively. Though the hull is fractured and twisted, scorching plates torn asunder, there is evidence of the giant ship being new. Having plowed into the earth with extreme prejudice, the name HERITAGE can barely be seen painted on its side in bold, strong font. Those of the crew that survived the wreckage now serve the Grave, overseeing operations for prepping craft. The few with the aptitude to take flight do so to protect it, and to protect the fallen dreadnought and its secrets.

On-site craft dedicated to measures employed by the Grave include a few different designs readied for atmospheric combat, though there are a few more worthy of note. Having been heavily augmented by the technical divisions of KB and Tegral's labs, as well as reviewed by mages capable in extra-dimensional magics, the aircraft are capable of holding otherwise impossible munitions.

Su-47: Already an amazing aircraft by all measure, the augmentations towards ammo carried makes the Su-47 a perfect example of aerial combat. With forward-angled wings and four seperate missile launchers, the Su-47 is capable of dishing out a heavy barrage even under the strain of 30mm gunfire. The main cannon is the source of a stream of lead capable of tearing apart most forms of armor.

To compliment the intense weaponry of the craft is it's nearly unbeatable speed. Barrelling through the skies at a dizzying speed beyond Mach 2, the Su-47 retains it's amazing manueverbility during almost any imaginable angle. With present technology adding to the mastered craft of old, this wing of four is considered nothing short of demons in the sky.

User Image

- In addition, the Grave has recently been suplemented with a contingency of F22's.

[ KB ]

[ KB ]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:37 am
Some notable droids on the Cradle include:


The multi-function Kay-Bee unit is a popular seller, and serves numerous uses. Ranging from tiny recon or service droids to the larger translators, the Kay-Bee production line always guarantees that the product will be both funtional, and adorable! Though there are many versions of the Kay-Bee unit, the Cradle only houses a few different types.

The first type is a small little droid not much bigger than the average computer mouse. This droid is painted yellow with black zig-zagged stripes, and has a small, soft blue hover port near the back. Little legs protrude from beneath the droid, designed to manipulate flowers as the interior of the droid interchanges appropriate chemicals.

The second is the Kay-Bee Hopper, a little frog-like droid about the size of a soccerball. This unit has little suction pads on the ends of it's four feet and uses said pads to climb along walls and glass. At the bottom of ball-shape is a little spinning washer, and at the top a single green eye softly glows, revolving about the dome-shaped head as the thing cleans. A programming quirk present in the Hopper makes it like water, and it can often be found sitting in pools or streams with only the glass dome and eye above water.


Proven on a variety of occasions is the Tegral unit's ferocity. Despite having the emotional sectors of programming removed, the unit still seems to have a natural penchant for violence. Sporting a sonic cannon and a plasma cannon in the arms, as well as a capable combat processor and scanning aptitude, the Tegral unit compliments itself further with a pair of PEZ-sliding launch-racks, firing munitions capable of pushing back foes that tower over their humanoid form.

Special note should be taken to regard the fact that the Tegral model was updated late into its production. Afterwards, micro AG shields were fitted into the design, drawing from the main power supply. Though this limits the unit to shorter battles it provides a good defence against common energies. These models can be discerned by checking the internal mechanisms, where the MAG is clearly located.


The crablike drone used as a mainstay of ground forces is of course present on the Cradle both as an enforcer and as a defensive measure against boarding action. The insectoid frame isn't designed for CQC, and so often the Tegral unit tackles hallways whilst the Drones protect flight bays or the outer shell of the Cradle. With no need of oxygen and firm spearlike tips on their legs, the Drones can often scurry across the Cradle hull to unleash their bolts of energy. This unit is explained in further detail in the Profiles section of the guild.


The Seraphim Seven, or S7, is a fighter designed to cover the aerial missions and sorties in both space and atmospheric settings. Shaped in the usual fighter-jet manner, the engines are located in the aft section. The S7 is a fast vessel, spurred forwards by the pilot despite the constant threat of overwhelming the vessel. Though shields and hull are minimal as to allow for the highest level of manueverability and evasion, the S7 is known to sustain damages exceeding that of other units and continue onward. Standard weapons include an upgraded pair of energy cannons similar to those mounted on the Drones. These are larger more destructive versions, mounted on either wing and linked to fire together. Also located on the wing are a missile-rack each, shifting between dumbfire HE rockets and the smaller tracking rockets.

Note should be taken that at the behest of overzealous pilots, the Haziel Wing's S7s were resdesigned. Their weapons were strengthened and re-aligned as to fire sloughs of glowing white energy in addition to the pulse fire, and the entire fighter was made to continue systems use despite heavy damages. Hardwired into each piece of the fighter is a program that activates after heavy damage, forcing the remaining parts to act towards the predetermined goal despite the cost on the vessel.

Drone Fighter:
The Drone Fighter shares a nigh-carbon copy design of the original S7, though the cockpit and life support systems have been stripped and replaced with scanners and a relay device. This device allows constant access to the Hive mind, whilst the extra scanning parameters allow for the unit to continue to soak up information like a sponge. Working together in perfect unison, each unit is merely an extension of the Hive. Friendly fire and such are merely calculated expenditures, and often the fighters seem to take odd actions, only to prove their effect worthy later. Glitches can sometimes be found in Hive fighters, such as spinning in circles or sputtering gibberish into open comms.


The Acolyte bomber is a favorite amongst both Telleniel wingmen and droid squadrons. The multi-locational shield projectors allow for unlimited tactical applications for the Hive, whilst the Telleniel wings use them to assist their comrads. Much more compact then the S7, the Acolyte is designed witht he wings set forwards in a sharp angle. The thrusters at the back allow for steady accumulation at speed, whilst shields block debris and let the bomber ride inertia. Having no real anti-fighter or smaller attack weapons, the Acolyte instead carries an impressive armnament in it's wings. Located in the munitions racks within the wings and chassis are homing missiles, dumbfire tactical nukes, cluster rockets, viral weaponry, and high-grade deep-pulse incidinary missiles. These munitions are loaded into eight firing chambers each of which is located attached to the wings in sets of mirroring two.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:02 am
New World Scripture

Come ye drunken whores of the land
Come and be free of sin
Come, be clean
Cleansed in light
Cleansed of the seed of man
By the grace of God may your worth be revealed
Come ye dirty, secret royalty
Eden awaits

New World Scripture
First Book of Calling and Culling verse 1.

[ KB ]


PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:41 pm
Somewhere deep in the Garden, a girl lay quietly on the soft, plush grass that lightly tickled her bare neck. She had no memory of her past, only convinced that she was on the verge of death before KB saved her. Now her purpose is to serve KB, though a part of her still wants to know who she was. She does remembers one thing, Tyrsais. Not knowing who this person was, just the name. Figuring it was the only clue she had, she decided to try and find out more about him.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:01 pm
The Garden was of course a popular section of the station, often used as a place of recreation or relaxation. With all the people milling about constantly chatting and laughing, the young man hardly seemed to make note of anyone in particular. He was reviewing the dance floor casually, and though it was his time off, he was still holding a straight posture as he moved from pillar to pillar, gazing up on occasion to the star-speckled depths of space.

Commander Sarin seemed nearly haunted by the beauty there, his often stern features softening as he regarded the starlight. He was young for his position, a captain, though there were hardly any insignias to mark him as such. His uniform was crisp and black, embroidered with gold on the collar and cuffs, though not excessively. His black hair seemed to slash starkly against his pale features and cool blue eyes, swept downwards like a greaser of old. Obviously crewcuts weren't a demand.

[ KB ]


PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:48 pm
Hashii rolled over onto her stomach lazily, propping up on her elbows and resting her head on her hands, kicking her feet back and forth like a teenage girl writing in her diary. Her wings stretched out to full length before resuming their pose and fluttering a little, as the machinery keeping them attached to her back silently squeaked. She gazed off at the beautiful garden, watching the birds flap around the flowers before flying off to their nests. Looking up for a moment, she thought the only thing that could make this place picture perfect would be an endless blue sky with funny shaped clouds, but instead there was just cold, empty space. Thought she didn't know it, Hashii use to be shy and cute about everything. Now she was more zombie like.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:08 am
Finding that all was indeed in order in the main ballroom, the commander took it upon himself to indulge in the niceties offered by the nature-inclined place. His inspection of course wasn't part of his formal duties, and yet he held a personal attachment to the place, a need to protect his home and to make sure that things were kept peaceful. Smirking to himself at the thought of children running amongst the ferns, he stepped off the polished tiled floor of the ballroom and into the soft green grass.

Whe soles of his shoes left little imprints in the spongy green, though such weren't deep enough to disturb the landscape for long. He crossed the first bit of rolling hill before his feet touched upon the white stones of the path. There his shoes clicked against the stones with each step, crunching them slightly beneathe the weight of his tall, broad form. He decided that today he would follow the path for awhile.

In due time he had come to cross Hashii, his gaze drifting over her as he passed. He was inquisitive as to the angelics that were on board The Cradle, most of which had been forwarded towards one of the two angelic fighter wings. To have so many mythical figures, celestials, on board the station at once... it was both inspiring, and a bit disturbing. He felt as if he was constantly being watched by them, unclean in the face of all they stood for.

Had stood for, he reminded himself. The mechanical additions to their forms had rendered that dream of service gone, and replaced with with a new, albeit equally zealous, quest for absolute peace. He sighed softly to himself as he stopped, carelessly looking at her outspread wings. He seemed a bit dazed, lost deep in his thoughts.

[ KB ]


PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:13 pm
Though the presence of the commander was obvious, Hashii continued staring off nonchalantly, figuring this man was just a passerby and would soon be on his way. She was sure it wouldn't be someone she knew since she only had connections to two people, KB and Joozu. Everyone else, she thought, was just a part of KBs Army and would either die in battle or come back only to lose their life another day, so best not to become attached to any of them.

When the man refused to leave his spot, Hashii shifted her eyes over to him, the rest of herself still in it's pose. She analyzed him thoroughly, having already lost most of her past memory she now feared to forget anything else in her life. However, she couldn't quite tell what exactly it was that made him stay there, which made her curious and her normally blank face now had a puzzled look on it. Though she wanted to ask him what kept him fixated in that spot, she decided to just be quiet and observe.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:00 pm
It was a few drawn moments before Sarin finnaly noticed he'd been spotted. Upon realization of such an embarassing detail he seemed to jolt back into his former stature. A slight twitch and a pose even straighter than before as he spun on his heel, twisting the stones beneath his feet as he began to walk away briskly.

All the while he chastised himself for such silly behaviour, surely unbecoming of his title. Hopefully none of his crew were in the Garden, lest they see what appeared to be little more than the Captain gawking at a pretty girl.

KB would likely return to the station eventually, unless of course destroyed on the surface.

[ KB ]


PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:23 pm
His sudden actions surprised Hashii a little, but only enough for her to turn her head and watch him walk quickly away. This confused her even further. Did I do something wrong? She always was curious as to what went on in the human mind, if in fact he was even human. A small part of her was wanting to follow after him and question what just happened, but she lacked the boldness to do so. Though she was a bit lonely and had nothing better to do at the moment...
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:34 pm
Sarin would continue along the path hurriedly, essentially walking off the moment. He was of course unaware that Hashii was debating with herself, even as he broke off the trodden path and followed one of the green grass trails. The cuffs of his uniform grazed gently against the leaves of plants as he moved along the narrow path he'd chosen, his eyes flashing back and forth.

The Garden always sort of made him twitchy. As a child born in space, he wasn't quite used to being utterly surrounded by so much... foilage.

[ KB ]


PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:07 pm
Finally making up her mind, Hashii arose to her feet in a robotic sort of way, looking somewhat like a little kid getting up after a fall. Once on her feet, her wings spread out again and flap once before she kicks off the ground and soars up into the air, looking much more graceful than before. She flys in the direction she saw Sarin leave, as her eyes scan nearly every inch in the area as not to miss him. Once she spots him she lands down gently a few feet in front of him so he wouldn't walk into her. She stands up straight with her feet together and her arms dangling at her side, in a very plain pose, then cocks her head to the side and asks simply, "Why?" She didn't notice how unpolite she may have seemed, appearing like a little kid again, curious to know about life.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:33 pm
A slight tingle in the spine caused Sarin's hairs to raise on the back of his head, inspiring a brief look over the shoulder. Behind him he found only the familiar shroud of greenery, broken on occasion by tufts of taller grass or blotches of vibrant color. His eyes narrowed on the stuff, his human vision unable to pierce the darkness there.

He'd no idea of Hashii flitting by overhead, and so it was quite a surprise when he turned to see he rstanding right in front of him. His eyes widened as he jumped back slightly, his hands raising instinctively into a loosely defensive stance. "Ah-!" He caught himself, his brief yell severed by the realization of wwho stood before him. Taking a moment to compose himself, he only vaguely heard her question, though he clearly had no chance of understanding it.

"Huh? Why? ... Why what?" He asked, his head tilting only slightly as he regarded her. He had the priveledge of retaining nearly all of his humanity, and thus the ramblings of some of the mechanically inclined sometimes lead him astray.

[ KB ]

Cole Eastcott

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:17 pm
Silent as the whisper of owl's wings in the night, the Plague hums to life. Inside, wheels were turning, nerves were firing, and a sinister intent was forming itself from mere thought to factual reality.

In the Garden however, non of this was readily apparent. The only outward hint that the massive engines of waste far below had begun to churn was a single spider-like bot slipping into the greenery.  
Black Company

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