The corrupt watched as the woman sagged to the ground and eventually loose conciousness as he pulled the last dregs of energy from her. The purple sphere's floated into to his palm, only to disappear, banished to the negaverse to be utilized as needed.

Exhaustion pulled at him. His shoulder throbbed where that damn princess's magic had impaled him. He'd taken the time to wrap it up. It allowed him to bow out of ballet classes for a few days with a valid excuse beyond 'I am just tired.' The free time though that should have been spent healing up was instead designated to more time prowling the streets. Helio couldn't sit still, no matter how tired he was and the bags under his eyes were traitors to his deep need for rest.

He rubbed at his aching eyes before turning his attention back to the rooftops. His and many other powered entities' own 'highway' of a sort. He scaled the buildings, leaving the narrow aisle between the buildings to the freedom of the night air.

He paused on the roof and carefully stretched out his aching shoulder. His eyes scanned the rooftop world around him, very well aware that if an order member saw him then saw the woman below that they'd quickly put two and two together. A fight was not what he was in the mood for.

So when a chaos signature entered his awareness, Helio was relieved. He had no interest in approaching, he didn't care enough and honestly what he needed to do was keep moving. Staying in one spot too long made him drowsy and he had too much work to do. His own personal quota was a difficult one to maintain, but it was at least something he could do.

SORRY it took me so long to get this up! Life sucks then I was struggling with writing after vaca and starts were just not coming to me. LMK if you want/ need me to change anything!