
User Image
AGE 11
BIRTHDAY October 4, 2047
SIGN Libra ♎
LANGUAGES English, some Latin. Has picked up a bit of French from his Mum’s side but is hardly fluent.
VOICE Same as FC.

FACECLAIM Charlie Rowe
HEIGHT 4 ft 8.5 in.
BUILD Average
Two small moles on his right cheek. One under the far corner of his eye, and then another about an inch or so further directly beneath the first.

WAND 11 and ½ inches, Kingwood w/ Acromantula Silk, inflexible with a knobby shaft. Crafted for him by Wren Winchester. On the head of the wand is a small skull and crow.
FAMILIAR A crow he befriended in the cemetery at the age of nine affectionately named Miss Plum Crowley. Usually just calls her Plum, but reserves Miss Crowley for when she’s being extra cheeky. She enjoys plums, pebbles, shiny objects, and playing in the snow.



ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
You'll learn some of the charms in classes,
but not everything, as you know, has a perfect answer.
An individualistic spirit, an idealist's soul
Ah, I know. Use your thoughtful mind in


YEAR First

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Astronomy Club (2059 - Present)
The Daily Dragon: Writer (2059 - Present)
Dueling Club: Observer (2059 - Present)
Language Club (2059 - Present)
Music Club: Violist (2059 - Present)


Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

DREAM JOB He hasn’t quite settled for himself yet. Maybe a surgeon? His sister is pretty keen on him taking over the mortuary in her stead, though.
CURRENT OCCUPATION Student. Occasional helper in the Payne Family Mortuary and Madame Ursula’s Fortune Shop. "Unpaid Intern", of course.


STRAIGHTFORWARD If there’s one thing growing up in a mortuary taught him, it’s that life is short and so, so easily wasted. As a result, Uriel doesn’t like to dilly-dally or waste his time beating around the metaphorical bush. He believes in honesty above all else for better or worse. As a friend he is truly loyal and wants only the best for others, so he’ll often be the first to call someone out when they’re going too far or need to be brought back down to Earth. This may result in some hurt feelings initially, and for that he’s truly sorry–but he’s prepared to build them back up and send them back out better equipped to try again.

IDEALIST Uriel doesn’t take things at face value, instead preferring to ponder why things are as they are. Surely there has to be a reason when something goes awry, and surely there must be a way to set things right. In the grand scheme of things, the world can’t truly be as bleak as it appears. If people would just take action, would just stand true, everything could work itself out for the better. Uriel is not the type to idly stand by and let misfortune happen–he will do anything in his limited power to set things as they should be, be it through motivating others to reach their potential and provide support from the sidelines, or getting his hands dirty himself. If he comes off as impractical then so be it. At least he has compassion.

OBSERVATIONAL As soon as he was old enough to be quiet and keep his hands to himself, Uriel was dressed up and brought to funerals to learn the family business. Since kids rarely wanted to play with him, there wasn't much else to do besides watch and learn. If he wasn't learning from his parents, he was doing so from his grandmother, or his sister, or her friends. Uriel quickly understood before he could put it into words that if he wanted to do anything, he was best off watching first. Watch and learn. Ask questions. Recognize when it was okay to ask questions or offer to help, and recognize when it was time to shut up, step back, and just observe. As it turned out, Uriel quite liked to learn, and even more-so enjoyed putting his lessons to practice and cementing that knowledge within him. Whether it was music, wandlore, plants, mortuary work, or divination, he approached each task with an open mind and open ears.

WARM Contrary to popular belief, Uriel is not "cold as a corpse". Upon getting to know him one would discover he is a genuinely kind person at his core, patient and welcoming to friendship. He's a good listener that refrains from passing judgment and is someone that can be relied on.

INDIVIDUALISTIC Okay, he gets it. He comes off as a weird kid--graveyards are spooky and black is bleak. The whole talking to ghosts schtick probably hasn't helped his case, but aren't his quirks a good thing? Uriel is quite comfortable with who he is as a person and doesn't plan to compromise himself for anyone or anything. Life's too short to waste it pretending to be something you're not. That being said, he admires those who are also unapologetic in simply being themselves and stray from the dreadfully dull line of "normalcy". Weirdos are more fun, anyway.

LONELY It wasn't often growing up that Uriel was able to spend time with children his own age. Sometimes he got to tag along with his older sister and her friends, or her friends' younger siblings, but it wasn't quite the same as if he had friends of his own. Though occasionally he would try to engage fellow children at the funeral home, those children were never much interested in playing as they were wrapped up in their own lives and grieving. As for his classmates? Well... Children could be cruel. The ghosts at home were welcome company, but it wasn't quite the same as having someone he could physically interact with.

The smell of incense
Coffee, on the rare occasion he’s allowed to have some. His parents told him they’d much prefer he wait until he’s at least 13 to drink it regularly. Until then, tea’s quite nice as well.
Flower Language. He thinks it’s fascinating how people can communicate so many feelings with a single flower, and entire messages with just one bouquet.
Quality time with his family.
Festivals where a bunch of people come together. Times when people are happy and cheerful and make memories and even the ghosts are more lively.

Roses. Besides being allergic they’re just done to death, and he always manages to p***k himself on the thorns no matter how careful.
Half-assed work. If you’re going to do something, put some effort into it. He hates when it’s obvious people don’t care.
His mum’s gumbo. One time, he ate it while he had a stomach bug, and well… He just can’t quite look at it the same anymore.
The smell of open cadavers during embalming. If they smoked it’s absolutely dreadful, enough to make even his dad gag. You never quite get used to the smell.
Labels and quick judgements. Yeah, yeah, he gets it. He’s the creepy funeral home kid that wears nothing but black and makes a habit of talking to ghosts and predicting the future! Spooky! That’s all that matters, right? Not like there’s anything more to him than that, right? People can be so shallow. But you know, it’s just a little bit his own fault. Sometimes it’s just too fun to lean into the role and spook some people. He takes it much less kindly when he sees other people being teased, however.

Eye for detail. Observing people and objects. Good at reading people.
Quite comfortable in his own skin. Has a good sense of humor and is able to laugh at himself, so it’s hard to make him feel insecure.

A little socially awkward from lack of close friendships. Comes off as polite, but distant and a little too formal sometimes.
Has a tendency not to finish things until the last minute; not because he procrastinates, but because he’ll take so much time to make sure it’s as perfect as possible. Nothing frustrates him quite like pouring so much effort into something only to see a glaring flaw after it’s all said and done, and no longer being able to go back and fix it.

To have friends that accept him as he is. Preferably living. Just… Don’t tell Adelaide he said that.
To do his family proud. It’s not a hard task–they always tell him how proud they are, after all. He just wants to continue to do well and make them happy.

Being buried alive. Uriel has extensively researched how to escape such a situation, but the thought still unsettles him.
Being embalmed alive. Can’t plan for that, now can you?


EARLY CHILDHOOD After years of trying to conceive, Theopolis Payne and his wife Aveline all but gave up on children of their own. It was a few short years after the adoption of their daughter, Moira, that Uriel finally came along, a happy blessing to complete their small family.

The Paynes have run a funeral home and mortuary in Winchester for generations. The property lays on a cemetery, peaceful and beautiful and ripe for exploring. On a sunny Summer day Moira and her friend Wren were meant to be watching, little Uriel crawled himself into an open grave. How was he supposed to know there was a hole in the ground? Isn't the floor supposed to be flat? Much to Moira's relief, Uriel's landing was miraculously soft with not a bump or bruise to be had. Fortunately for them after, her friends Nimbus and Eion climbed (fell) down to his rescue. Uriel was more carefully watched outside after that. It helped that the resident ghosts had taken a liking to the little tyke, but even so, Uriel was extra careful where he was going from then on.

As he grew, he watched and learned from his sister and her friends. Nimbus taught him the basics of music theory, so he took up learning to play his grandpa’s old viola. He picked up an interest in wandlore and potions from Wren and enjoyed asking questions as he watched him work. Besides his sister and her boyfriend, nearly all of the older kids in Uriel’s life seemed to have an affinity towards plants, so he managed to learn a thing or two. Wren and Nimbus had younger siblings to spend time with as well, but Uriel didn’t spend much time with them. They were all a little too old, or a little too young for him to properly relate with. Still, he was always nice to them and would join in if asked. It was better than the alternative–like Moira, Uriel didn’t have the easiest time dealing with his classmates in primary school. He wished he could have been homeschooled. It would have been better.

Uriel's best friend growing up was a young ghost named Adelaide. Though she tragically died at the age of 10, she’d been haunting the cemetery for hundreds of years. She was a little impatient, and surprisingly clingy for a ghost, but he liked her all the same. She was also friends with the youngest Siddall, Aria, and the three would occasionally have picnics at Adelaide’s tombstone. Aria’s cooking hurt. How did she manage to make egg salad so spicy? She left this world too soon. Though he can’t recall her voice anymore, Uriel will always remember her smile and her terrifying love of spice. If only Adelaide would forgive her for departing.

As was Payne Tradition, the first time Uriel was brought down to the morgue in their basement was at the age of seven to observe Theo in his work. It started off just by watching the embalming process. Uriel was never scared, but seeing the corpses, and the incisions, and the organs, it all twisted his stomach something fierce at first. He wasn’t asked to get his hands dirty quite yet, but Moira warned with a sweet smile that it would be much sooner than he might think. Only several weeks later, he would accompany his father and sister in the collection of corpses. Uriel remembered the day of the Winchester Massacre well: The emptiness in Sparrow’s eyes as she stared at the aftermath. The stench of smoke, the crumble of fallen ceiling beneath his shoe. Locating each body, some of whom were charred beyond recognition. People he knew, but would never really know. They were a kind family. Uriel didn’t know much at his age, but he knew with certainty not one of them deserved this.

Grandma Ursula sat down with him and Moira shortly after the funeral. Uriel knew that the three of them had a knack for divination more than most, or so they said, but he never really knew what being a seer meant until then. He remembered the evening Moira had her prophecy–they were all at the Winchester Estate, during one of their many parties. Moira was sitting with Uriel and Aria and some of the younger guests, having a simple conversation when she seemed to leave her own body. Her eyes were far away, and though it was her voice and he was too small to remember the words, they didn’t seem like her, a vague premonition of death and unity. Knowing now what it was didn’t sit well with him. If Moira knew this was going to happen, why didn’t she stop it? Even if the Siddalls couldn’t have been saved, shouldn’t they have been able to connect the dots and stop the latest tragedy? It was the only time he had ever seen Moira cry. Ursula explained to him that fate is what it is, and that unfortunately, once it is set in motion it cannot be changed. Uriel rejected such a notion. The future isn’t something that can be set in stone, no matter what any prophecy says. It just can’t. If it ever happened to him one day, which Ursula seemed to think it might, he wanted to be able to prove it wrong.

Uriel learned more and more about the family businesses as he grew, to the point he could perform certain procedures on his own so long as he was supervised. He could stitch a cadaver, knew how to inject the embalming fluids, how to apply the cosmetics, and had a firm handle on human anatomy. Though he was aware learning at such a young age was a little unorthodox, he didn’t mind it. Bonding time with Dad was always welcome, no matter what they were doing. There was one incident though, shortly before his 11th birthday, that they took a cadaver to the embalming table and Uriel was certain he’d seen the old man breathe. Theo didn’t think much of it, but as they were prepping, the man woke up and gave Uriel a freight! As it turned out this wasn’t an entirely uncommon occurrence. Uriel could only imagine what might have happened had he awoken mid-incision. Of course Moira thought it was the funniest thing when he told her. Ah, yes, childhood trauma. Freaking hilarious.

To the surprise of hardly anyone, Uriel received his Hogwarts acceptance letter. Honestly, he was relieved at the prospect of leaving his muggle school. His sister had clearly thrived at Hogwarts, so it stood to reason Uriel would find happiness there as well, right? The only one that hadn’t been happy to hear the news was Adelaide, who was convinced Uriel was no longer going to be her friend now that he would be going off and meeting new kids. He did his best to convince her otherwise, and up until September 1 she seemed better. He didn’t miss that raspberry she blew at him after he said his goodbyes, though. Rude.

Just a few days before he left, Moira and Eion had their twins: Delphi and Dahlia Delacroix. It was a traumatic birth that nearly took his sister's life, but praise the stars, everyone made it out okay. It was difficult to leave his new nieces and recovering sister, especially in her bizarrely emotional state, but Yuri knew she was in safe hands with Eion and their parents until he could see them all again for Yule.

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


RELATIONSHIP STATUS Just a kid with a small crush that’s gone on for maybe four years. No big deal.
CRUSH Sparrow Winchester

Paternal Grandparents Herschel Payne, mortician (muggleborn ghost); Ursula Payne, semi-retired fortune teller (pureblood seer)
Maternal Grandparents Adrien Dupont (halfblood); Nadine Dupont (halfblood)
Parents Theopolis "Theo" Payne, mortician (halfblood); Aveline Payne, funeral director (halfblood)
Adoptive Sister Moira Payne, fortune teller (halfblood seer)

Best Friend Miss Plum Crowley
Practically Family Eion Delacroix, Amilyka Delacroix
Looks up to Wren Winchester, Nimbus Siddall, Aspen Hill, Yukon Knolle
Ghostly Companion Adelaide, a Victorian-era ghost that tragically passed at the age of 10. She’s nice, but scary when she’s angry. She was not happy to hear when Uriel received his Hogwarts acceptance letter.
She was kind, and will be missed Aria Siddall

ENEMIES Sir Abernathy Abernathy the Second of Ender’s Grove – A frankly rude ghost that comes around to haunt the Cemetery occasionally. Sir Abernathy is probably the best source of ghostly gossip in this hemisphere–or so he claims–but Uriel thinks he’s a cold-hearted (metaphorically and literally) elitist with a very annoying sense of ethics. (Mostly because while honorable, Sir Abernathy is also a rules stickler and will report Every Single Thing Uriel does or says to his parents. Not that his parents usually care about all that, but the ONE TIME he stole an extra brownie and sat on Madam St. Aubin’s giant block of a memorial, Sir Abernathy went tattling to his mum about where that brownie had gone, and went blabbing to the whole bloody cemetery about it. What’s he on such a high horse about, anyway? His name is Abernathy Abernathy for Merlin’s sake! Someone could stand to learn some humility.

Robin & Phoebe Winchester, Aella Siddall, Ambrose Winchester-Siddall
Some of the Knapps

xxxFUN FACTSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ALLERGIES Flowers–unfortunate when living in a funeral home. Manages just fine with daily medication, but might sneeze a few times if someone decided to shove them in his face.
HOBBIES Reading medical journals or about ancient history, mingling with the local ghosts, divination, practicing viola in the cemetery

FAVORITE FOOD Scouse with cheese scones, his mum’s Jambalaya, wafer biscuits in their many flavors
FAVORITE CANDY Kit Kat bars. Likes the wide variety, particularly a fan of green tea and mocha.
FAVORITE COLOR Black. But if he had to pick a color… Purples are nice.
FAVORITE ANIMAL He doesn’t have a general favorite, but he’s pretty fond of the animal companions he’s grown up around.
FAVORITE SEASON Winter and Spring

MAIN THEME "Spooky Scary Skeletons" - NateWantsToBattle


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