Prompt 4: The Reservoir
The Destiny City Reservoir opened about two years ago and is an easy escape from the big city. It’s a five minute drive outside of the Eastern side of town and features clear water and sandy beaches--although, the sand here is notorious for squeaking when you step on it. It’s a hot spot for all fun summer activities, but it’s been in the news for mysterious reports of some strange, aquatic monster. Some accounts say they’ve spotted a twenty foot long, snake like creature capable of rearing a long neck high above the water. It’s hard to tell if the videos are doctored, but there are too many rumors to dismiss easily. Something strange might be lurking deep in the water. Or it’s just a hoax to get people out to the Reservoir!

But…Sometimes, people feel like something is grabbing their ankle, even if they are just wading in the shallow end. In the deeper parts of the water, it gets a little more intense: something has been said to grab onto ankles and pull. People have been warned about dangerous pranks, but so far no one has been caught. In the shallow end, anyone unfortunate enough to be targeted may feel themselves being knocked off their feet and tugged into the water; anyone in deep water may feel a firm grip on their ankle, tugging them lower and lower. Somehow, anyone it targets is freed--either by wriggling and fighting, or because someone intervenes and pulls the would-be victim up. No one has drowned in the lake. Yet. It's impossible to see who, or what, is doing this, but it usually gives up after one failed attempt. Usually.

While you may find yourself harassed by the supposed cryptid, or see something visibly odd in the distance, you cannot take any pictures of the creature. Who knows if you’re even being attacked by the cryptid–or just another youma?

Vaylin had heard rumors of the supposed monster in the reservoir, an artificial lake the humans had made for recreational swimming and laying on the sand. She admittedly did not understand the purpose of such activities namely the laying down in the sand, at least with the swimming she could the physical benefits that would bring but what did the humans get out of laying around. She also knew some humans namely the human children built miniature architecture out the sand, she also did not see the purpose of this as surely the sand buildings would crumble in a short period but then again she supposed if her job had taught her nothing else it was that human children rarely if ever acted on logic or long term thinking they were driving purely by emotion and an over abundance of energy that they spent with wanton disregard. But all of that aside she was less interested in the leisure activities of human than the threat she had heard was menacing such beach goers. There was talk of a monster in the lake. She had to assume it was a Youma but she couldn't be certain until she got a better look.

She wanted to research it, and if it became necessary and she had the opportunity to eliminate it as a threat not only to the humans but potentially to the Vanguard as well. An unknown quantity like this was a threat to their operations, especially if it wasn't a youma but some unrelated monster. Then not even the members of the Vanguard who stayed with the Commodore would be safe from an attack by this thing. No she needed to know what it was.

She walked along the beach scanning for clues long after the last of the humans had packed up and gone home. The sun was almost past the horizon and darkness cloaked the alien girl's movements. Taking off her boots and setting them aside in the sand so that she would not get them wet the girl waded ankle deep into the water trying see if she could see any movement or any trail of the creature. But before she could even see it something slimly had wrapped around her ankle and tugged her deeper into the water with great force. She was quickly pulled under water.

The sudden water around her stung her eyes and burned her lungs as oxygen exited her body replace with water. She tried to see what had grabbed her it was a tentacle like appendage but she could not make out the body of the creature. She felt around her belt desperate for her knife. After a bit of a struggle she managed to find it and turn it on illuminating the dark water with its glow. She slashed the appendage that was dragging her deeper under the water causing it to shudder and go numb. She thrashed her way out of it's grip and swam for the surface like her life depended on it which it very well could have. She made it shore her clothes dripping wet as she couched up water and struggled for a breath. She looked back at the water thankful whatever that monster was it was not following her onto land she would definitely need to make a report about this.