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Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:36 am
This sort of thing normally wasn't Isiah's style. At least the choice of decoration. Among all these different kinds of Kitsu, he was in his element, being the extrovert that he was. He didn't think his companion equally would be, but he'd been surprised when he asked Yu if he'd like to go and the other male hadn't hesitated in saying yes. Yu never came off as the kind who would enjoy any kind of social gathering of more than two Kitsu.

Yu, in fact, was quite excited to see what kinds of Kitsu this type of gathering would attract. He'd not been to any kind of party or festival since he'd moved out on his own, not wanting to just show up on his own and wander around lost without a buddy to bounce off of. Now he had a buddy to bounce off of. A buddy who was much better at socializing then he was. Maybe if he kept his mouth shut and watched Isiah work, he could get some pointers on how to properly interact with others.

The two males deposited their flowers, both tulips from Yu's gardens, and mingled in with the crowd. For the moment, they stuck together, Yu simply watching the others while Isiah was looking for the most interesting of the bunch who seemed like they'd be fun to talk to.


Ella had a white rose. A rose for elegance and white because it reminded her of the snows all around her home. She loved the cold and snow, but than that was expected with a surname like Frost and parents who both represented winter in some shape or form. Still, it was nice to be surrounded by flowers and colors every once in a while. So she had not hesitated in planning for her attendance, going out of her way to choose a dress that wasn't white or blue but brown and yellow like a sunflower. No better flower existed to herald in the new season than the cheerful color of a sunflower. At least in her opinion.

It also made her easy to spot in a crowd and Ella did enjoy being noticed by others. She so rarely seemed to see anyone but her family and the cook, it was nice when someone new paid her some attention. If only she could manage to avoid any family members in the process who may have followed behind her, that would be lovely. Aurene was such a buzzkill.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:36 am
There was quite a large and exquisite variety of flowers from all over, they were quite lovely Aurene noted as she examined the decor. They didn't get quite the variety where they lived. Only certain flowers could grow up there after all. Aurene was already a bit uncomfortable with the heat. She'd always had an affinity for the cold but then again most of her family did. It was certainly a bit warmer down here. Taking a breath to compost herself she continued forward.

Aurene followed not to far behind Ella, much to her sister's dismay. Having chosen a more jeweled pallet for her own dress that matched the coat she usually wore. Aurene had her hair semi tied up with braids for the day changing her hairstyle a little. she had to look a bit more elegant it was a party after all. She'd even left her staff and axolotl behind at home.

At least Ella was easy enough to see in her bright yellow. her gaze fell upon her sister's bright attire. Aurene delicately placed her blue rose in the vase and proceeded gracefully to where Ella was coming up beside her sister. Ella, Aurene was fully aware loved being the center of attention.

"You're dress is lovely Ella."


Harriet sighed a little, she wasn't really into big parties but it was a good place to sample out some of her baking. she'd learned as much as she could from her grandma and she'f quite well mastered it. she had a fair sized basket with a golden chrysanthemum on top as an offering. Harriet's grandmother grew all sorts of flowers around the back of the bakery.

Harriet breathed, best behavior, she mentally berated herself. She had to be good. It'd look bad if she lost her temper here, not that anyone had done anything yet. Best Work face, she reminded herself. she was surrounded by kitsu she didn't know. She approached the vase and slipped the golden flower inside. Harriet glanced to the Kitsu behind her, a friend and apprentice of sorts

"Now, let's see if we can drum up some business Jacinta."

The quiet kitsu behind Harriet nodded, as she placed a green Marigold from her hair into the vase, her large angelic wings gracefully folded at her side while some of the markings feathers glowed softly. Amethyst eyes glanced from behind her mask across the kitsu already in attendance. Jaci was actually looking forward to learning how others threw parties and maybe bringing it back to her siblings for their festival in a few months.


Lazulum watched from a far distance hiding behind some boxes nearby for a while. Why were there so many Kitsu here? He poked his head. There was never any water to hide in? he'd picked up a dandilon since it seemed everyone from where he was hiding was putting a flower into the vases as they entered. This was a flower right?

he quietly waited for a break in the large amount of kitsu entering. Glancing back and forth when there was no one for a moment Lazu snuck as fast as he could into the gala depositing his flower and then dashing to the nearest set of curtains to hide behind them. He was only here because he wanted to talk to someone.

Sometimes though he wished he hadn't' left home. It was really scary with all these people around. Taking a few deep breaths he peeked out looking for a certain kitsu, hopefully no one else noticed him sneak in.  

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:46 pm
Ella was oblivious to the fact she was being followed. Or was she? She made no signs that she was aware of her sister being behind her, nor had paid attention at home to anyone else possibly getting ready for it. Her family didn't need to know about her whereabouts all the time, after all. What kind of trouble could she possibly get into? She barely had any friends outside her siblings. She'd not seen their governess since she'd left their employment. Rosetta had always felt like she was the only one in the house who really understood her and didn't lecture her about everything she did. "Don't talk to strange Kitsu, Ella." "Always take your staff when you leave home, Ella." She made a sound in her throat as all the usual warnings popped into her head.

But than a real, familiar voice came to her ears and her head whipped around, so fast the strands of hair hanging over her ears smacked her in the face.

"Thank you. So is yours." Though no smile touched her lips, she managed to keep her voice civil and polite, despite how much she was harrumphing in her head over Aurene having followed her out. Ella just wanted to have a little fun on her own, without someone breathing down her neck about it.


Isiah was wandering around the crowds, Yu following not too far behind, not looking for anyone or anything in particular. How could he, he barely knew anyone other than the Kitsu following behind him and the odd person here or there that he did business with, whether for his art or errands for Yu. There was no end to the errands he would do for the other male for letting him stay in his spare room while he worked out his own situation. He'd go all the way to the next town if that was what he wished!

As for Yu, he did not wish anyone to go that far away on his behalf. What he needed he could get in the town or from the forest. And if he couldn't, well he'd just live without it. It was no big deal.

After a little while of following the blonde head around, Yu tapped Isiah on the shoulder and beckoned with a head nod back a different way. Something had caught his eye.

"Hello, Harriet," he greeted, walking up to where she had settled, a friendly smile on his face. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you are taking advantage of the crowd."  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:41 am
While the two guys just simple took tulips from the garden, nao pulled over the meaning of what she should bring. It couldn't be too much and had to be just enough. As she puzzled over it for a while as she drank some tea. You couldn't simply enter a party without proper thought. After a bit of thinking, and a smidgen of over thinking Nao settled on flowering sage and sweet Woodruff each flower holding a different meaning.

They would do, Pleased with her choice she set out after the two. not that she really wanted to go but Yu was always persuasive. She'd just stay on the outskirts and watch. She wasn't really interested in the party as it was.

She entered the gala and placed the two flowers, minding her manners and headed toward the outskirts bypassing most of the kitsu and avoiding the dance floor. Nao made sure to take note all who were present. A lot seemed related as some families started conjugating. She saw Yu and Isiah talking to a pair of kitsu, one carrying a basket of most likely baked goods. Not that it was any of her concern anyway.


Aurene smiled back at her sister, she knew why Ella wasn't smiling back, they were sisters after all. She could imagine how displeased, Ella was with her presence. One of them had to have a level head and not get too carried away. Apparently their aunt did that all the time, though it did help sometimes.

Civil as always, they were both taught to be. Aurene liked parties too, but she was always a bit more careful. "The floral decor is lovely isn't it?" Aurene now that she got a better chance to look after having caught up with Ella "what kind of flowers do you think some of them are?" she brushed some of her loose hair back behind her ears.


Harriet wandered around for a bit trying to drum up interest for her goods. before heading back to her table As she did she noticed one of her regulars. A familiar face, it was one of her regulars. he'd been buying more increasingly. Not that she minded it was good for business "Hello Yu." Harriet said politely.

"Of course large events like this are the best for it, what about you?" she smiled being polite and striking up some simple conversation "Want some of your usual?" Yu was always polite and looked out for others, she could at least try to be polite to him he had given her no reason to be otherwise especially when she was working. Harriet hadn't noticed a familiar kitsu walk up behind Yu, one she wanted nothing to do with.

Jaci gave a polite bow of greeting to yu and his friend. She did recognize the kitsu covered in rainbow paint markings as the one Harriet had fought with not that long ago. She gave Isiah an amused smile Harriet hadn't noticed him yet while speaking to one of her regulars.  

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:16 pm
Despite what her sister always though, Ella did not get too carried away. Her fun was all on the surface, it wasn't like she was ever going to go back home with any of the handsome Kitsu who approached her when she left home in search of a something new and fresh to do. She was very in the moment. She didn't want anything but a handsome boy to fawn over her for a little bit. Just a few hours, at best. She didn't want anything concrete, nothing that would get her into trouble. Was not interested in anything else, really, even if her family would have been okay with it as some others were.

Her family always accused her of not being cautious enough when she went out. She was plenty cautious! One could enjoy themselves and be cautious!

"Very lovely," Ella said, almost absentmindedly, as her eyes roamed the crowds. Looking for anyone familiar to help her deal with her sister's civil small talk. She felt like she was at some formal ball, commenting on the dresses of the other ladies and the wine. "All kinds?" She loved flowers as much as the next, but expect her to remember the exact names of all of them and you were asking a lot. She'd never been a very good student. "Hey, there's a punch fountain. My throat is parched after that long walk." She made her way over there, knowing full well Aurene was going to follow her, anyway.


Yu returned the greeting to Jaci with a nod of his head. He'd been seeing her at the shop more recently and thought little of it. She seemed to be an apprentice of sorts, learning from Harriet with how the two were here together. Harriet always was very business focused. He wasn't the least bit surprised she had used this opportunity to share her goods. Though it was more than likely she was trying to sell them. He wasn't sure about the moral choice of picking a party such as this to do that, but he equally wasn't about to stop her. If he could. Harriet always seemed to be the sort to just do what she wanted, anyway.

"I was convinced to get out of my personal space," Yu answered, jabbing a paw in Isiah's direction. The blonde haired Kitsu merely grinned, clearly pleased with his work in doing just that. It was good to get out every once in a while, Yu agreed.

Did he want some of his usual? Why not? Holding out his paw, he whispered "Sneak it."


While the two had their conversation, Isiah once more took a moment to look around him. He'd never seen so many in one place before. So many colors to their fur, so many different outfits, just so much going on in one space. And so many flowers. All he could smell was flowers, with the hint of the food underneath. He equally was not going to stop Harriet from doing as she pleased, he didn't really care that much.

His brown eyes stopped on her companion, just as colorful as the whole gathering of Kitsu and flowers was. He noted the smile she gave him and returned it with one of his usual grins, no hint of a tease or a smirk anywhere in it. Just friendly. Unlike Harriet, Jaci seemed reasonable. He was betting she was remembering every single encounter he had ever had with her employer. Such anger he had never seen in a Kitsu before. By her polite tone right now, either she was ignoring him or hadn't noticed he was there. Understandable. He didn't stand out like others did. Even his rainbow patterns were pretty faded.

"Are you along for the learning experience?" Isiah asked Jaci.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:43 pm
Lazulum, curled himself behind the tapestry looking around anxiously. A bright yellow dress caught his eye... oh there was Ella, but she was surrounded by kitsu. one looked like her, her sister? Lazulum hadn't seen any of Ella's family but knew of them. How was he ever gonna get her attention? This entire place was filling up a lot too, and there was dancing starting. she also moved to the over crowed punch table. Lazulum started looking around from his hiding place.

He should stay here, yes? Why had he bothered coming then? He never did like crowded places. And this was the most kitsu he'd ever seen in once place aside from his small family of six including himself and his two parents.

Maybe if, he hid under the table... Lazu darted from the wall and dived under the table taking deep breaths to calm his nerves if only a little. This was so scary. He curled up into a small ball so he wasn't visible to anyone as he waited for that person to show up. As he could see a bright yellow dress draw nearer to the table he tugged on the bottom a few times Shyly without looking.


"Oh that sounds good, perhaps I'll join you latter." Well she supposed that was enough, small torture for her sister for a while. Aurene chuckled lightly, to herself. She'd made her presence to Ella know and mildly annoyed her with small talk. Though there was a crowd Aurene could usually keep an eye on where things were going quite well. she also didn't need to be attached to Ella at the hip to keep her out of trouble. If Ella ever did have trouble Aurene would be there.

Aurene couldn't help getting distracted eyeing the tables full of sweets. they looked so good. Maybe she would just take a small peak and still keep and eye on Ella. She would definitely was not going to stuff her face full of chocolate.


Jaci smiled and nodded. She pulled out a misshapen candy with some carvings and etchings that made it somewhat unidentifiable. Jaci's first attempt had not gone well at all but she'd been really pleased it had come out with some sort of flavor relative to what it had been supposed to. Harriet had said it was a good first try too. the shape didn't hold at all however it seemed to taste alright.

Jaci held out the candy offering it to Isiah curious if he wanted to try it.


Harriet was smiling "Of course, you're one of my best customers." she said offering him a taiyaki from her basket. she'd learned to make them some time ago. She loved her traditional sweets but she wasn't against making things from elsewhere. it brought a lot of customers over too.

Harriet's vein did pop a little when she realized Yu had elbowed a familiar kitsu beside him. It was the jerk from a few days ago. Harriet hadn't realized they had been friends. Harriet was about to say something else to a kitsu who had come by them but they left so fast, she hadn't needed too.

"Fancy seeing you here." she said to Isiah obviously straining to smile. he'd been speaking to Jaci while she'd been talking to yu.

Something seemed to happen and her attention shifted, as the crowd seemed to gather around the hostess. what was that about harriet wondered, though she'd get around to seeing it eventually.  

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:59 pm
Yu hadn't meant it to seem as sly as maybe it did to anyone looking at them. When an unfamiliar voice spoke near him, he gave a bit of a start, jerking his paw back towards his body in shame. But it was just a server. Offering them small food on a platter. He looked at the tray for a while without touching anything, waving it away with a polite nod of his head. Honestly, the thought of a delicious pastry was more tempting to him right now. So when the server had left, with Isiah quickly grabbing a few bits of cheese before the Kitsu could get away, Yu returned to where his attention had been on previously.

"Oh! Taiyaki! A little piece of home. I always appreciate the gesture." He took a bite from it just as an announcement went on behind him. He turned in time to catch the brilliant transformation and introduction of a small group of butterfly winged Kitsu. He wasn't quite sure what was going on. Had they been gifted with wings? That would be something, to suddenly have a pair of wings on your back. He, personally, liked his four paws on the ground.

As his grey eyes were trailing back to the group he was with, Yu caught sight of a familiar blue cap. Well, that was an even more surprising occurrence. He hardly thought this sort of scene was to Naoto's taste. The guy seemed just as awkward and introverted as he himself was. But, seeing as everyone around him was now distracted elsewhere, maybe he should pop over and say hi.

Making sure Isiah knew where he was going, Yu finished his pastry and made his way over, uttering a few apologies to anyone he got too close to.

"Did you follow me or is this a secret side of you?"


Isiah was continuing to not pay Harriet much attention. Jaci had offered him a little something and the way to a man's heart was through food, wasn't it? At least that's what he'd always heard. He couldn't argue with it. Who didn't love food? And from such a nice Kitsu as Jaci. He bet there was nothing in that basket of Harriet's for him. Suit herself.

Popping the last cheese block in his mouth, the Tenku accepted the misshapen lump, feeling rather touched at being a test subject for it. Looks were deceiving, he wouldn't judge it on how weird it looked. From what he'd seen looking in bakeries and doing a bit with Yu himself, the presentation of something was the hard part. You really needed a steady hand for the fine details.

"Aw, why thank you, Jaci." He put it to his lips and took a bite, chewing slowly before stuffing the rest in his mouth. It was good. It looked really weird, but there was a certain charm to that fact. He gave her a thumbs up as he chewed and as best of a smile as he could do while his cheeks were moving.

And then the other one spoke. Brown eyes moved in Harriet's direction, finally acknowledging that she existed. Which he wasn't doing out of spite. Just amusement of her doing much the same.

"Oh. You're here, too. I'm sorry, I didn't notice. Fancy meeting you here, too. Isn't this too formal for you? I could be right at home right now, for all you know." And he grinned widely, his eyes giving a twinkle of mischief.


Oh. Good. Aurene wasn't going to tail her around all night. That was splendid news for Ella. Not even their own parents didn't hover that much over them as Aurene always seemed to with her. She was not going to get into trouble! She wasn't that dumb!

"Don't let me stop you from enjoying yourself," Ella said as politely as she could over her shoulder, knowing full well her sister would understand the double meaning there. Let her enjoy some part of the night. What kind of trouble was Aurene expecting her to get into in a group this big? There was always someone looking in her direction.

So she got some punch and moved closer to the food tables, reaching out for something when she felt a tug at her skirt. Thinking she'd snagged it on something, she put her glass on the table and bent down, searching for some pointy part sticking out. Only to find something alive under the table.

"Oh!" she breathed, giving a start, crouching down closer so all four paws were on the ground, now. "Lazulum? That looks like you, but I didn't think parties were your thing."  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:21 pm
Oh, his ears perked for a moment, he'd finally gotten her attention. Just as soon as he realized though where he was, Lazulum blushed embarrassed. The Blue kitsu retreated further under the table curling himself into a ball. Parties were definitely not his thing there were just too many kitsu and more kitsu just kept coming. He'd gotten her attention but he hadn't thought that far ahead, he wasn't sure what to do next. He was most likely going to have to wait for everyone to leave in order to sneak out himself.

What a dilemma he'd gotten himself into? He was a bit hungry though, but that would requite him to leave underneath the table. he could smell the food but... Didn't' want to chance anyone else seeing him.


Naoto continued to watch the party goes and make mental notes. she also took note how many families were all together at the point, an announcement broke up the party for a bit as the host brought some new kitsu to the gala. that was certainly worth noting with displeasure another type of winged kitsu that might try and carry her off.

At a party like this she'd honestly hoped not to be noticed, it really wasn't her thing and the longer she spent here the more exasperated she felt. She sighed, she should just leave. Course no sooner had she thought that and begun to leave someone she knew came up to her.

Yu always made it hard to stay centered, he was too unpredictable making it near impossible to gauge what he was about to say. Maybe if she could make a quick escape. She coughed uncomfortably as he said something quite unsettling.

"No, I was just leaving Please enjoy the festivities."


Jaci held her smile in anticipation as she waited for Isiah to try it. she breathed a sign of relief when he gave her the thumbs up. Despite it's misshapen nature it seemed it was alright taste wise. She just had to get the shape right. then she could proudly show her two siblings! Oh there it went, the two had finally acknowledged each other, that was going to set off some problems. Maybe she'd do like Yu did and go examine the pasties from this party too. she did quite like research. Jaci waved to harriet as she slipped over to the table to get a look at the sweet confections.

Harriet smiled knowing he'd liked it. She enjoyed learning how to make. she waved good bye as he started to leave. Jaci had been keeping the cretin busy It's not that she hadn't noticed him but he'd managed to get a word in first. She did her best to keep her face looking positive but she was almost ready to hit him with her basket if there weren't so many people around.

She was about to speak to Jaci and hoping to ignore Isiah. Jaci however had conveniently started making her way to the confection table . Wha? Jaci was gonna leave Harriet here with HIM?! Nooooo! she didn't want to be alone with his pain in the a**. He mad her so MAD all the time.

"Maybe if you'd rather be home that's a sign" she said doing to best to force a smile. She wanted to throw something at him so badly.  

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

Hoshi Lockhart


Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 5:20 pm
Ah. He'd gone and said something wrong, again. Yu quickly put his paws up in what he hoped was a show of peace. Naoto was such a hard Kitsu to talk to. Yu could never predict how he was going to respond.

"I apologize," he said quickly, hoping he could convince the other to stay. It seemed like such a calm party, everyone should be able to find something about it to enjoy, right? And it was a chance for them to talk more. They had such a rocky start, but they seemed to get along fine. When he wasn't saying weird things. No one else reacted as much to the things he said, not like this, anyway. He wanted to cultivate what little friendship he thought he could sense between them. He liked making friends. "I was glad to see you agreed to give it a chance, but if you think it best to leave, I won't stop you."


"Aw, Lazu~" Ella cooed, almost like she was talking to a shy kit or a scared animal. Which neither was very far off from the truth, the only lie being he clearly wasn't a kit but a full grown adult. His home life must be quieter than hers for him to behave this way. She could never imagine any of her siblings growing up this timid. She crawled in further under the table, tucking her tails in around her body so no one stepped on them by mistake while getting food. For a brief moment she sat there, staring at the legs of the Kitsu on the other side of this private little world she now found herself in. She'd fully expected to mingle, maybe meet a cute male to spend the party with until it ended and they went their separate ways. But than, she guessed that wasn't too far off the truth, either. Lazulum was anything but hideous. As difficult as it was for her to think of him in the same way as she did other males. He didn't inspire in her a desire to flirt. Just to hug and protect him.

So here she was, crouched under the table, wrapped up in her tails, and keeping a respectful distance from him. She tilted her head slightly as she looked at him, not quite sure what to do or say.

"Like being in a blanket or pillow fort, isn't it? Kinda cozy, in a way. You ever make those when you were younger?"


"Mm, maybe I feel perfectly at home here." Isiah did, in a way. Not being surrounded by so many flowers and statues and beautiful scenery, no. That wasn't his style, no matter how much the pastel rainbows on his tails and wings might convince you otherwise. No, being around all the Kitsu, that felt like home to him. He enjoyed being surrounded by so many different folks, all having conversations around him. All the different colors of their fur. This sure as hell beat being home by himself, shut away from the world like a disgraced child.

Isiah smiled sweetly at Harriet, now able to give her his fully attention. Oh, he was full aware how much she'd want to smack him with something. Such a quick temper on this one. Oh, he was no stranger to pissing others off, whether he be on purpose or not. With Harriet, definitely on purpose. Yu and Jaci always got his sweet side. She tended to get the spicy. It was like a game, to see how mad he could get her.

"I'm guessing you have nothing in that basket you'd be willing to share with me, right?" he asked, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief.  
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