xxxxC L E M O N TxxxI S H M A H E LxxxV A C H O N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Cley is fine. Preferred really

              AGE 15

              BIRTHDAY 26 April 2041

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11in, Willow, Fox fur, Supple with a spiral shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Getting closer to figuring it out...

              FACECLAIM Early to mid teens-Tyrel Jackson Williams [x]
              Late teens to adult- Nathan Stewart-Jarrett [x]

              LANGUAGES English and moderate French

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Wtichcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Ravenclaw

            YEAR Fifth

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            HONORS Honors Recieved

            SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Photo prop

            DREAM JOB Owning a bookstore

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ NONCHALANT Cley is rather used to going with the flow of whatever next big thing his parents threw themselves into. It takes allot to get him to lose his cool or focus.
            ◊ PASSIVE With being used mostly as a prop for his parents, he’s gotten good at letting things wash over them without actually taking any of it to heart. It also helps with hiding disappointment.
            ◊ INNOVATIVE Having parents who can and have drop or pick up anything at the flip of a coin has made Cley rather inventive. He enjoys learning and picking apart just about anything put in front of him. It’s definitely helped a time or two when things inexplicably fall apart at different galas or charity functions.
            ◊ SELF-CONSCIOUS Being under the scrutiny of not just his parents but whomever they deem important has made him vastly uncomfortable in his own skin. He tends to stray from people’s eyesights and whenever he is talking to someone he’s anxious that he’s boring them or constantly saying the wrong thing.
            ◊ MODEST In hand with his self-conscious behavior, Cley doesn’t think much of the things he’s good at. Sure he can name all the lakes on Jupiter or create paper cranes but can it help with the starving children in Honduras? He doesn’t think so.
            ◊ INQUISITIVE Cley enjoys puzzles and challenges and when bored at functions and when not under his parent’s gaze will occasionally create some for himself to do. He also enjoys learning about just about anything that catches his eye. His wikipedia search history is a massive black hole and he’s rather ok with that.

                Puzzles of any kind
                Visiting his grandparents
                Imagining things
                Chocolate and peanut butter

                Peanut butter by itself
                Galas or really anything that requires allot of people and a suit
                When his parent forget something important to him
                Group discussions



                Disregards his own feelings

                The polar ice caps completely melting
                His parents having another kid

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Clemont was born to rather auspicious parents who were never quite satisfied with what they were given. As children they had never truly wanted for anything and now as adults they worked jobs they were good at and got paid moderately well. But somehow they garnered some sort of “itch.” First they went on trips, then they started investing in different businesses, and it was when they were planning yet another gala that Jacqueline fell pregnant with Cley. At first they were a bit unsure what to do with him seeing as they hadn’t exactly planned on being parents. They toted him around to all their various events and after hearing so often of how adorable and well-behaved and how much more money people were willing to part with when faced with a cute child did they hand Cley his first job as a professional prop. Cley doesn’t think his parents are bad people per se; for all their selfish wants they do go above and beyond for any charities they were apart of. They were just sort of sucky parents. The one good thing they did do, besides not having other kids, was allow him to spend time with his grandparents whenever they wanted “Jackie and Vincent Time” from days to occasionally weeks on end. His grandparents had moved from France about a year after his birth to be closer to him and it was possibly the only reason he hadn’t lost it just yet. When he got his letter to Hogwarts-and thankfully not Beauxbatons much to his grandmother’s consternation-he was anxious at having to be around so many new people but mostly relieved that he would be missing a bulk of his parent’s social events.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Vincent and Jacquline Vashone
                Grandparents - Maneul and Tatienne Vachone; Micah and Elisaie Shaw

                None just yet

            ENEMIES None
            PETS He wanted a cat but was given a bearded screech owl named Tomas

        xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        UPDATED 2/7/2021 xxx
        UPDATES MADExxx
        (recent update)xxxxxx
        (recent update)

        PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 02/07/2021xxx
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