



FACECLAIM Jodie Sweetin at the age of...

AGE Eighteen

BIRTHDAY August 31, 2041



WAND Pliable 12 inch Pine Hippogriff Talon with a Knobby Shaft
Pine wood: Soft and flexible. Good at healing and charms, making it perfect for light wizards. Enjoy being used creatively and will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives. Sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Hippogriff Feather core: Extremely useful for transfiguration and charms. Useful for those who are emotional due to the strength and usefulness changing depending on emotion.
Pliable: Transfiguration. Easy-going but strong willed.
Knobby Shaft: Earthy and Strong.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Hufflepuff

Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ EE
Alchemy ~ P
Arithmancy ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ O
Divination ~ A
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
Healing ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ A
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
Wandless Magic ~ O
Wandlore Studies ~ A
Wizard Law ~ O

Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ A
Arithmancy ~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Divination ~ A
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
Healing ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ P
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
Wandless Magic ~ O
Wandlore Studies ~ A
Wizard Law ~ O

DREAM JOB Cursebreaker

CURRENT OCCUPATION Cursebreaker aboard Solus *pending


CARING Jade is concerned with how others feel and never wants them to feel bad. She will do everything she can (within reason) to cheer somebody else up.
PRECISE Instead of running around and causing chaos everywhere she goes, Jade tries to do things perfectly. She does not like to make mistakes, especially stupid ones.
TOMBOY Jade typically enjoys activities that are typically more associated with boys than with girls, such as playing sports or climbing tress, instead of playing with makeup or obsessing over clothing.
CAUTIOUS Trusting others is difficult for Jade, mostly because people are not always who they say they are. She does not believe that things are as simple or easy as they seem to be.
QUESTIONING Part of being cautious, Jade questions everything she learns about. She is not very trusting when it comes to others and assumes most people do not know what they are talking about when they say they do.
TRANSPARENT Anyone can see what Jade is thinking or how she is feeling just by looking at her. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and she finds it quite difficult to hide her emotions.

■ Learning new things
■ Her space
■ Sneakers
■ Climbing trees
■ Chips

■ Dark chocolate
■ Injuries
■ People who think they know everything
■ Cleaning
■ Haircuts

■ Cheering others up
■ Learning

■ Hiding her emotions
■ Perfectionism

■ Failing or making mistakes


EARLY CHILDHOOD Jade was born in 2041 to Amanda and August Morris. After leaving the hospital, she was brought home where she lived with both parents, Lucas, and Kaitlyn. After a couple of years, her dad August had moved out. She hadn't seen him much since then.

(2044 - 2045) Amanda and August got divorced. Jade didn't quit understand what was happening and she had a lot of questions, but no one except for Lucas was giving her any answers. Her great grandmother Fiona Porter had also passed away.

(2045 - 2046) Lucas was away for school most of the year, and it left Jade a little lonely.

(2046 - 2047) Amanda had made a new friend named Jacob, and they had been spending a lot of time together and even kissed a few times. The five year old didn't really know how she felt towards him; however, he was always nice to Jade when they saw each other. Over winter break, Lucas stayed in his room for a couple of days. Jade, knowing something was wrong, tried to comfort him, but all he'd do was kick her out. After he and their mum had talked, he apologized to Jade for doing that.

(2047 - 2048 ) Jade had gotten quite comfortable with Jacob and even with his children, more so with Caden than with Marcia.

(2048 - 2049) Jade had started asking her mum for a puppy.

(2049 - 2050) Jade's aunt Kait and her boyfriend Callum had gotten engaged and moved into the flat above Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Jade was pretty excited to be going to the wedding.

(2050 - 2051) Amanda and Jacob had gotten engaged in the summer, so Jade was excited to be attending yet another wedding. In March, she went to her first one, which was Kaitlyn and Callum's. She even got to wear sneakers with her dress, and made friends with a girl named Isolde.

(2051 - 2052) Jade attended her mom and Jacob's wedding in October, and she got to wear sneakers to this wedding as well. Although Isolde did not attend, Jade still had a great time. In December, her family and Jacob's family had moved into a home together.

SCHOOL YEARS (2052 - 2053) Jade had started her first year at Hogwarts, and Lucas had moved out. Prior to starting her first year, however, her mum had gotten her a crup. She wouldn't be able to bring him to school until next year, but she was excited nonetheless. Jade was sorted into Hufflepuff and made the starting Quidditch team as a Beater, which had previously been her brother's position on the same team. She had also joined the Fite Club. In December, she, Marcia and Caden were kidnapped by their uncle's parents on the way home for the holidays. Luckily, her mum and step dad rescued them.

(2053 - 2054) Jade, although still shaken up, was glad that she was able to bring a companion to school this year. Mickey accompanied her everywhere she went, which made her feel much more safe. Jade had made the Quidditch team as a Beater once again, and she had continued her membership in the Fite Club.

(2054 - 2055) Although she did not want to go originally, Jade had attended the Deep Sea Horrors Masquerade and went through the Dungeon Maze with Flynn.

(2055 - 2056) The captainship for the Fite Club was passed down from Mackena to Jade as the older girl needed to focus on exams. Oliver and Arwen had broken up.

(2056 - 2057) Jade started off the year with a shiny new Prefect badge. Matilda had failed her OWLs and had been held back a year, putting her in Jade's year. The two girls had started off on a rather awkward foot, but eventually became friends. Additionally, Jade's friendship with Flora Helen had developed into a stronger one as well. Over the winter holidays, Jade's mum had brought up the idea of her applying as the school's new Wizard Law professor for next year, which Jade did not have a problem with. Once back at school, she and Flynn had started dating.

(2057 - 2058 ) Jade's mum had started teaching Wizard Law. One day, Jade was talked into piercing her ears in the bathroom with Mattie and Cley. Luckily, her piercings did not get infected.

(2058 - 2059) Jade had a relatively quiet year, spending her free time in clubs and with her friends while spending the majority of her time preparing for her NEWT exams.


■ Father: August Morris
■ Mother: Amanda Davis
■ Step Father: Jacob Drage
■ Grandparents: Hunter Morris (†) & Avery Morris (†), Craig Davis & Leanne Davis (†)
■ Brother: Lucas Morris
■ Step Sister: Marcia Drage
■ Step Brother: Caden Drage
■ Uncle: Oliver Davis
■ Aunt: Kaitlyn Davis ♥ Callum Murdoch → Kiera Murdoch
■ Aunt: Sage Morris (†)
■ Aunt: Danielle Morris
■ Aunt: Adrienne Morris (†)
■ Aunt: Chase Morris

■ Riley Catlin → Norah McLarin

■ Flora Helen Norris
■ Matilda Harper
■ Clemont Vachone
■ Isolde Nalson-Lillantine

■ Boyfriend: Flynn Wingrove


■ Arwen Bradbury
■ Fite Club Members (2052 - 2059)
■ Quidditch Players (2052 - 2059)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2059)

■ Crup: Mickey


UPDATED 05/18/2023

■ Updated bio & age

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 01/26/2021