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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Candidate] Kaiator [Approved]

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Otherworldly Plague

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:01 am
Name: Kaiator
Age: 23.
Nameday: 3552.13.27
Sex: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Gay.
Craft: Beastcraft.
Rank: Journeyman.
Location: High Reaches Weyr.
Physical Description:
Kaiator is one of the more lean members of his family, leaning more to the svelte side despite the life of physical labor he's grown accustomed to--he's built like a runner, which may or may not have something to do with the fact that he does an awful lot of escaping from bad situations. He stands at roughly 6'1" and holds himself with a particularly elegant kind of poise, seemingly relaxed and confident regardless of what's going on around him. His hair is a deep caramel color with bright blond tones from being partially bleached by the sun, and it's loose and wavy, usually kept buzzed around the back and sides with a longer top that barely brushes his eyebrows when suitably swept to the side. His eyes are a deep violet, and his skin is rather nicely tanned, speckled with a few small white scars that were merely the results of occupational hazards.
His features are rather aesthetically appealing, with a strong nose, delicately arched eyebrows, long eyelashes, and soft lips--his cheekbones are prominent, and his face overall has somewhat of a sharper heart-shape. To put it bluntly, he's pretty, and he knows it. He's sustained a bit of damage as a result of his dubious lifestyle, however. At the corners of his mouth, a deep scar stretches out from either side to about the middle of his cheeks, effectively ruining his dimples; if it looks like his face was quite literally cut open at some point, that's because it was. While the healers did an excellent job patching him up, the scars are still considerable, and he finds it difficult to open his mouth too widely or to make particularly exaggerated expressions.

Although it's not in excellent shape at this point, his clothing is brightly-colored and revealing, but functional despite its tendencies toward low cuts in all the right places--he makes sure he can, at the very least, move well in what he wears, just in case something goes wrong and he needs to get somewhere fast. He's fond of equally bright sashes tied neatly around his waist, usually made of some form of silky, swishy fabric that he can fiddle with when he gets bored or distracted. Generally, his sleeves are either rolled up or cut off at the elbow in order to make it easier for him to work with his hands, and Kaiator is very particular about keeping his hands free of any kind of obstructions. His fingers are thin and somewhat bony, and he's missing his left pinky, with a jagged scar curling around to the outside edge of his hand. Even down a digit as he is, he's remarkably quick with his hands, and seems to have little trouble working around the damage.

Kaiator is always on the move, trying his best to find the most favorable position to be in so that he can make just the right waves. He's intensely focused on increasing his own standing, and constantly seeks out opportunities to do just that, even if it means stepping on a few toes--as long as they don't belong to anyone of higher rank or with the right connections, that is. He's extremely driven and ambitious, and is, somewhat surprisingly, not averse to putting in the hard work that achieving his goals may require; his own personal sense of pride doesn't let him do anything less, and he refuses to have his 'good' name attached to any kind of shoddy work. Beyond that, good results will surely get him more favor--so why not put the proper amount of effort in? Kaiator has little issue with doing dirty work, so long as it comes to a favorable end for him. He can quickly become agitated and aggressive if the proposed return is less than expected, delayed, or doesn't happen at all, and is not above trying to exact some kind of petty revenge when he believes he's been slighted.
He doesn't pretend that anything in this world comes without a price tag attached, and he's prepared to earn what he can in order to pay it, working tirelessly in order to make absolutely certain that he won't come up short in the end. He doesn't offer many of his own services for free, or at least not genuinely free--he'll always come back later for a favor of some kind, and has trouble accepting (or understanding) true generosity. People are always looking for a return on their investments, and Kaiator doesn't trust almost anyone enough to readily believe that they're not out for something at the end of the day. The notion that some people aren't aiming to throw others under the bus for their own gain is a strange concept to him, and as a result, he's always on the lookout for any traps laid by his competition--even if there aren't really any there at all.

He's a smooth talker with a noted tendency to suck up to authority figures or people with friends in high places; Kaiator is a flatterer in every sense of the word, and isn't above greasing palms to get where he wants to go if need be. He can be somewhat of a yes-man to those in charge, and can usually be found doing everything he can to ensure he gets appropriately noticed for his efforts. He has little qualms with fighting or demeaning his competition, however, and sees it as a necessary part of climbing the proverbial ladder; if he's going to rise to the top, he has to make it there before anyone else, and Kaiator is absolutely determined to make sure he gets there.
He thinks very highly of himself, and despite his ridiculously stringent standards for his associates, he thinks just as highly of those few he holds in any kind of esteem--why wouldn't he surround himself with the best how he deserves, after all? Kaiator absolutely spoils his close companions, wanting to ensure that they get the same kind of comfort and security that he's after. If they're good enough to make the cut, they're just as worthy of the finest things as he is, and he's determined to get them that chance. What good is being on top if you're the only one up there, anyway? While he'd like to say he wants someone else up there with him for the express purpose of having a scapegoat if he needs it, he's more afraid of being alone with himself than anything else. Even if he doesn't trust most people, the thought of having nothing and no one to distract himself from his thoughts is terrifying.

Kaiator fully recognizes that he's done some less than savory things in his time to get to where he is, even if he hasn't gotten all that far. He's still proud of his own progress, considering what he's done to be simply stepping stones on his path to eventual ascension--he's not sure how long it's going to take, but nothing is going to shake him off of his goals. Kaiator is nothing if not persistent, and once he sets his mind on something, nothing short of permanent negative consequences will make him let it go. He's good at thinking on his feet and is strongly self-sufficient, which makes it easy for him to handle any rough situations that come his way; he knows how to handle himself and how to walk that very careful line between shrewd and conniving, which has helped him far more than it's hurt him. However, his pride makes it hard for him to admit when he's made a mistake, and he'll often make matters significantly worse for himself by trying to cover up his problems before anyone else can notice.
He's a loudmouthed brat with something of a superiority complex and far too much self-confidence, but at the end of the day, Kaiator genuinely just wants to live in comfort without having to worry about money or where his next meal is coming from. Independence is of the utmost importance to him, and while he's alright with the idea of working for or with someone, the thought of being dependent on them is reprehensible. Aside from being truly alone, having to rely on someone is one of his greatest fears, and Kaiator will do anything in his power to ensure that doesn't happen. He's afraid of the consequences of opening up to someone--what he might have to do if they leave, if they grow to hate him or decide they're better off without him. All the same, he's lonely at his core, not sure how to go about being known for who he is in order to be loved for who he is.

He's a strong-willed individual who doesn't compromise for much when it comes to personal matters, reasoning that if he sets such high standards for himself, he won't be able to be disappointed by those that fail to meet them. If he knew he had no reason to get his hopes up in the first place, it's fine if he gets disappointed. Underneath the surface, Kaiator finds his isolation, self-imposed or otherwise, a distasteful but necessary part of his life--it allows him to focus more on the people that matter, giving him more time to provide for them where he can. He looks after himself first and foremost, but when it comes to those few he's close to, it's not for strictly selfish reasons--if he can't make sure he's in good enough shape to take care of his loved ones as they deserve, how can he ensure they are given every bit of the best?
Once Kaiator's decided that he has reasons enough to care for a person, he's staunchly protective and prone to bending over backwards for them. He wants to protect those he's grown to love, in part because he desperately wants them to stick around, but also because they're more than worthy of his defense. His end goal is not to bring only himself up to stable, comfortable living--he'd still be alone at the end of the day, then, and what good is that?
Those that manage to get close enough to him are some of the few that can influence his decisions, and he listens to them more intently than anyone else; what they think matters to him the most, and he takes very little issue with taking their concerns and opinions to heart. Kaiator can easily be influenced for good or bad by this inner circle; although he aspires for independence as much as possible, he doesn't see their influence as a kind of dependency, and will hold on to them fiercely over almost everything else.

His family was good to him, enough to ensure that he wouldn't doubt the people he's been around the longest, but growing up in Nabol made it difficult for him to just accept people for what they present on the surface and nothing more. He knows it's not an excellent way to go about life outside of the hold, but it's the best way to prevent himself from getting hurt any more than he already has.
It's difficult to get Kaiator to be completely comfortable with people enough to show them more of who he genuinely is underneath all the layers of smooth talking and careful maneuvering, but if it's successfully managed, he's something of a far cry from what most people would expect. He's a much softer individual than he presents, desperate to find his own place in the a world that's seemed stacked against him from the start, even if some of it was by his own doing. His dream is simple enough--to be able to live without worry with his closest companions similarly enjoying the comfort he's earned. His pride dictates that he work for his own security, and he can't see many other ways to reach his goal than through his own effort; accepting help is much too close to him admitting his own weakness for him to comfortably stomach, but Kaiator realizes that he can't do everything alone, no matter how much he'd like to try.
Kaiator wants to be safe and secure above all else, and the decisions he makes to keep himself on that path often include shutting out other people whether he likes it or not. He's afraid of finally opening himself up to someone only to be let down, and the thought of building his life around someone else's presence only to have them vanish is horrific--but he knows full well he'd set himself up for just that, even with the potential consequences hanging in clear view. He wants to avoid being truly alone far more than he's afraid of being hurt, and he has little choice but to stomach the fear in order to keep others at his side.

Positive Trait List Adaptable, cunning, sociable, discreet, diligent, persistent, brave.
Negative Trait List Smug, vindictive, rude, prideful, petty, selfish, brash.

The middle child of a moderately respected family of beastcrafters in Nabol Hold, Kaiator resented the drudgery of his prospective life almost from the start. He wasn't forced into beastcrafting--quite the opposite, in fact, but he saw few other options that were at the very least attainable. His family's work was needed, to be sure, although Kaiator didn't think it was enough for him. It wasn't long before he began turning his free time toward dreaming of something better, picturing a bright future replete with wealth and status. While his family wasn't destitute, they weren't very well off, either, and the ever-looming threat of poverty made eking out a living in Nabol all the more stressful--it wasn't difficult to start putting quite a bit of stock in those idle fantasies, enough to where Kaiator began hunting for a way to change it all for the better.
When he became a Journeyman at age 21 and things felt as though they were becoming set in stone, he decided he couldn't just lie down and accept his lot in life. He wanted more out of life, not just for himself, but for his family as well, although he knew full well he couldn't just drag them all down that same path he'd been eying just yet. No, he'd bring them up after him, ensuring that they'd never worry about anything again--before he could do that, though, he had to lift himself out of the dirt and dung his family was buried in.

So he took action.

Before he could get ahead, he had to get his connections in order. When he was done working for the day, Kaiator drifted from his home every night, consorting with 'friends' in dangerous places--he made himself useful, made himself a familiar face, and things went smoothly at first. He learned how to gloss over slights, ingratiate himself to the right people, and say the right thing at the right time in live fire testing, knowing full well that any mistakes could cost him dearly. To his credit, Kaiator proved to be skilled at this careful navigation, and even better at making sure his family knew little of his late-night escapades. He played the game well for someone without much experience at all, but even the best players make mistakes sometimes.
Kaiator had taken up a few roles in the night--gambler, sometimes runner, often handler of convenient information--and all of them had their place. He maintained this balance for two turns, delicately tying together both halves of his double life and keeping those closest to him none the wiser for it. With the profits he earned from his dubious work, he was able to make sure his family's stability, sometimes doing even better than that when all his careful positioning paid off, but as the days went by, Kaiator was forced to confront the fact that he'd also managed to put himself smack dab in the middle of a considerable problem.

A few of his gambling 'buddies' had developed some bad blood between them due to one too many games gone conveniently wrong, and his information on both sides was in high enough demand for threats to start flying at him--neither side appreciated his attempts at silence, but were even less thrilled about the fact that he wasn't working exclusively, more or less forced or no. One of his clients caught him first, resulting in Kaiator losing his left pinky and having his face sliced up, citing his loose lips as half the problem; battered and bleeding, he retreated to his home, where he did everything he could to hide the fact that he'd been doing anything even remotely like what he'd genuinely been. Suspicious, but far too preoccupied with his injuries to argue much at the time, his family quickly took him back in, and he waited in abject horror for the other shoe to drop.
A month later, it did.
Having successfully dealt with their new rivals in the meantime, the thugs Kaiator had been working with decided to pay him a visit to discuss his treachery. Unfortunately for him, they made a point to do this during the day when he was at home, shattering the division he'd kept up for so long--now, his family knew everything, and his once-benefactors had come to collect compensation for the damages he'd caused them by working both sides. They meant to take this in a very literal sense, demanding payments from the family to make up for it; Kaiator tried his best to talk his way out of this as well, but it didn't make enough of a difference to matter in the end. His family had to pay up, and money grew tighter than ever as they struggled to balance the collection payments on top of all their other expenses.

Kaiator, largely ostracized from his own family for his actions, quickly began trying to think of something, anything to fix the mess he'd dragged everyone into. He began committing petty theft, managing to stay unnoticed and avoiding capture through sheer luck--that, and the fact that he rarely stole anything of significant value all at once. He went for whatever he could take to help them get by, from food to necessities and sometimes simply money--everything mattered in the end, and he was desperate to do anything he could to earn back his family's trust.
Unfortunately for him, he'd started gaining attention again, and knew he'd have to stop before he got caught. He was nearing the end of his rope, with fewer and fewer options to try and make things better; honest work would only go so far when you were going against dishonest folk, and he didn't fancy his chances with regards to bringing any officials into the matter. What could he do? Nothing had worked out how it was supposed to, and now everything had gone straight to hell.

The appearance of a dragonrider complicated things. Being Searched was the last thing on his mind, but the more he thought about it, the more appealing the idea seemed--if he became a rider himself, he could come back with a dragon and protect his family properly, not to mention the prestige inherent in such a title. Although the threat of Thread wasn't inconsequential, protecting Pern was admittedly fairly far down his list of priorities; but they weren't asking for a long-winded explanation of his motivations. All they needed from him was a 'yes,' and everything would change all over again.
Holding on for dear life, he went between, and High Reaches Weyr unfolded beneath him when they slipped out of the darkness.

Other: he's a jerk but he WILL get better over time i promise you

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? not required!
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? yeap!
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? nop!  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:06 pm

I'm looking for that little kernel that will help Kaiator to become better later - and also for that sliver of goodness that a dragonet will latch onto. They are empathic creatures, and need some level of the same from their future riders. It is difficult to match them otherwise.

Overall, he reads well, but I do need that hint.


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:41 pm
howdy! went into him a lil more on the personality section to hopefully bring more of that through
he's very. basically how i think of him is as this guy who will do just about anything for his family and the people he's close to, but his reasons are kind of layered. on the surface, there's the selfish ones--that he needs people around to do things for him, to use if needed, but. that's not really it. underneath that, there's more of his actual motives--he doesn't want to be the only one doing well, because then that means he's leaving behind the people he cares about. he reflects a lot of them in his motivations and desires, genuinely; he's particularly taken his family's desire for security to heart, but he's blended it with his own sense of ambition in a way that. kinda doesn't work quite so well. :'v
he has the potential to grow and improve if he opens himself up to others and works through how self-sufficient he's made himself, as well as how it's hard for him to trust people, but he's gotta get through that first.

lemme know if he needs some more tweaking!

Mr Cheri
(also if quoting you for adjustments ain't cool just thwap me djdktjgj)
PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:41 pm


Shy Mage

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