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[Rider] K'srin of Bronze Cyndreth [Approved]

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PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2019 3:10 pm
Name: K'srin [Kasrin], also goes by "Kas"
Age: 45 turns
Nameday: 3530.04.26
Sex: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, heavy male lean
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Trader and Journeyman Glasscrafter
Physical Description: At 5'11", Kas is on the taller side, but by no means towering. He has a lean, elegant build, but is stronger than he looks, capable of surprising feats should he get in any fights. Handsome, certainly, with a pretty face and lovely hair. Medium-long, it has a bit of a wave, and is a rich brown in color. Kas is attractive, and he knows it. He usually sports a charming smile, carefully crafted to be disarming to others. Standing with confidence, he has a strong, sturdy gait and good posture.

Personality: K'srin is a man who is difficult to pin down; while he seems rather superficial and carefree at first glance, perhaps even indulgent and vain, there is an edge beneath the surface that he doesn't try to hide. His true ambitions are known to few, but he does seem charismatic and charming, for all his flaws.

Kas is a confident, almost cocky man. He acts very sure of himself, but is also sure not to underestimate others. He often suspects others of being better than they are, since it's better than the alternative. In general, Kas is socially cautious and mistrusting, even edging on paranoid in some cases. He'd stab many people in the back who think he is their friend--why should he let them do the same to him?

K'srin dislikes those with rank and money, unless they're him. He can be rebellious about authority, but knows when to listen and when to not. He just wants to be the authority. He's extremely ambitious, with a ruthless streak. He does what needs to be done in order to reach his goals. His goals are mostly control and cash. Materialistic, yes, but he'd rather have control than money--he just enjoys some luxuries in life, you know? He enjoys to use those in power, and used to charge them more, when he was a trader. K'srin prefers to wear nice clothing and lives relatively comfortably. Oddly, considering his disposition, he knows when to push and when not to.

Theatrical and dramatic, K'srin will exaggerate for his own amusement. He's just DYING of heat, here, you know--he's practically going to shrivel away into nothing. In general, he acts frivolous and foppish, with a casual, devil-may-care sort of attitude, but he doesn't bother hiding the edge that underlies it. He can be ruthless and cutthroat, particularly in a social way, and is not above using others. As a generally manipulative conman sort, he enjoys twisting words and spreading rumors, if it gets him a step closer to his goals. (Naturally, he's got to be seen as credible for this, so he doesn't take it too far.) He strongly believes that you need to succeed at others' detriment, or the opposite will happen--it's kill or be killed, in his mind.

K'srin is equal parts intelligent and clever. His mind is sharp, but creative and resourceful as well. Observant and perceptive, K'srin is ALWAYS watching, paying attention, sniffing out weakness. He likes having people wrapped around his finger. Checkmate, and all that. He will use any resource he has to his advantage, but shies away from leveraging things like his dragon's hide to directly gain power over another. His appearance, however...he often flirts with others, to say the least, but there is rarely intention beyond bedding them. Flirting to get his way is not above him. He tends to enjoy messing with and manipulating others, and is a bit of a tease.

Deep down, K'srin is afraid of commitment. He's a heartbreaker by nature, but despite the basis of who he is as a person, he's capable of human emotion. He feels protective over those he cares for, and aches when he's useless to help them out of danger. If someone can break through his walls and get him to fall in love, which has only happened once, he will be affectionate and loving, even protective and chivalrous. He can be a bit possessive, but only in that he considers "his" people to be just that--under his protection. He doesn't take kindly to his people being mistreated.

He cares deeply for his weyrmate, even if the dragonless man has been relatively distant, and has a surprisingly soft side around him. Even if his relationship is open, possibly even polyamorous at times, K'srin sticks by his devastated lover through thick and thin, even if it challenges his worldview and brings him distress.

Although he plays by the rules to get his way, K'srin prefers to bend them, just enough not to break them. His nature is rebellious, urging to forgo rules and not listen to others--even be obstinate--but he keeps himself in check. He'll be able to set the rules, someday...so he'll play along for now. As a youth, he was more likely to break rules, but according to others, he has mellowed out. He still has that edge, though--watching, ready to pounce, not the sort to be used. Assertive, in an aggressive way, with a chilly, almost predatory nature, like a prowling feline.

He enjoys thrills, even still. Things must be exciting and challenging to interest him. Most people who attract him are interesting, or else he'll get bored; but once a true, nonsuperficial bond has been forged, nothing can break it, and he is surprisingly loyal. It just...takes a really long time to get there, and he might let you think he's loyal when he's willing to use you.

Positive Trait List Confident, intelligent, protective
Negative Trait List Distrustful, ruthless, manipulative
History: Kasrin was born into a large yet poor family at a minor hold under the thumb of a somewhat corrupt holder. At a young age, he resented his family for their station, only to later realize how unreasonable that was. It wasn't their fault they were nothing more than drudges--it was the holders' faults, for treating unskilled labor so poorly, for giving his family no power. No, it was those born into power that were the real problem, and with a difficult childhood filled with hard work and struggle, Kasrin quickly gained quite a bit of resentment towards those born into their power. As a result, he still hates Lord Holders and even queens and bronzes--but only at more traditional weyrs, where that power matters, and only if they seem corrupt with their power.

Not that Kas hated power, though, oh no. He sought power from a young age, seeking to rise in rank until he had control over everything around him. He realized early on that lofty ideals and ambitions got you nowhere, not without something concrete to work with. His main tool was manipulating others. Subtly, slowly, he'd set the scene and twist the scenario to get what he wanted. But in order to get far, he'd need a skill. He went to the glasscraft hall, where he met a young girl around his age. The two were about 12, but Jiaryai acted like a tired older sister--or even a mother--despite teasing him endlessly. She babied him in a lot of ways, but he tolerated it for her.

Both Jiaryai and Kasrin were skilled, but Kasrin, a natural businessman/salesman, was able to sell their work at higher prices than apprentice work would have usually gone for. Once they hit journeyman, their work was worth even more, and Kasrin could talk it up as if it was the most amazing glass bowl, made by an up-and-coming glasscrafter with skill to surpass a master! He had a way with words, a way with tricking people to spend more money. Sometimes, he stretched the truth a little, even claiming that their work was that of a master. Jiaryai knew a bit about forgery, to help with this.

After becoming journeymen, at around 20, they joined a trade caravan, to better sell wares, both of their own and of others. Jiaryai acted as hired muscle, and Kasrin was finances and sales--but both worked glass as well. Most of the time, they ripped off rich people who were looking for one of a kind masterwork pieces. Kasrin loved things that were thrilling, so at some point, he started embezzling funds from the traders. When he was caught and approached about it by a kindly old man, who had been looking at the records, Jiaryai and Kasrin fled, laughing all the way, pockets lined with marks.

To Western Weyr they went, and both were searched as candidates. Jiaryai Impressed first, and K'srin didn't Impress until he was 24. A massive bronze hatched, unfurling his wings--and then falling directly onto his face. Cyndreth hated his clumsiness, and luckily, he grew out of it. While Cyndreth wished he'd been shelled at High Reaches, where his rank would have mattered, K'srin was grateful that the opposite was true. Imagine, being "born" into power, just like those nasty Lord holders! Despite his status, K'srin remained a bit of a rebellious sort, though he enjoyed the dragonrider life greatly. Naturally, he didn't act out, preferring to sit back and make things fall into place.

Weyrlinghood went well, and Cyndreth began chasing greens, to practice for the "real thing," goldflights. Even if golds held no extra power, they were the way that he could carry on his lineage. Much to his sour regret, Cyndreth has never sired a clutch; but he chases at each goldflight, and will pursue any greens who possess power in the Weyr. Usually, after a flight, K'srin ended up in someone's bed.

He never expected to wake up in one special bluerider's bed. The young man matched K'srin in age, barely thirty turns, as well as wits and ambition. To his thrill and dismay, K'srin fell in love, protective over his newfound love. He was a softer man for those turns, loving his weyrmate dearly.

Western Weyr was not especially prepared for threadfall, and K'srin doubted it'd return. That didn't mean he didn't listen to the rumors, keeping an ear to the ground. When it fell, K'srin and his mate both rose to fight it on dragonback; neither were well prepared--not like High Reaches riders--but they tried their best. His weyrmate's blue took a nasty score to the neck. While the blue got his rider to the weyr, and was able to survive for a few hours, it wasn't long before the weak dragon, drugged to prevent him from betweening, was too far gone to save. The rider had kept his hope; but that hope was dashed, when his dragon died, not even able to between.

K'srin has remained by his side, even for the past two or three turns, after the dragon's death. His mate is a distant man, and most days are difficult--with some harder than others--but he doesn't leave his mate behind.

For a thrillseeker, K'srin can be a bit slow to act, preferring to set up all his pieces before making a move. Most of his pieces involve either Cyndreth siring eggs, or being so exemplary that he had to rise in rank. Naturally, a little bribery or blackmail--where safe to do so--was fine, to get things moving.

-Mother: Mikase
-Father: Rinaros
-Siblings: Mikros (M, +2), Rinasen (M, +1), Karos (F, -2), Inase (F, -4), Romikas (F, -5), Asekinas (M, -7)
-Best Buddy: Jiaryai of ??? ???th
-Weyrmate: Dragonless ???

Name: Cyndreth
Age: 21 turns [Insert Clutch And Date Here - Western Shelled]
Color: Bronze
Size: 45'
Physical Description: A massive, stunning example of a bronze, Cyndreth--like his rider--is handsome, and he knows it. While not the largest bronze in the weyr, Cyndreth gets surprisingly close, measuring a massive 45 feet in length. A muscular, strong-looking dragon with a beefy yet proportionate form, Cyndreth boasts broad wings and sturdy legs. His tail is a bit short, which made him clumsy as a hatchling, but he's since learned to deal with it. Bulky, but not overly so, Cyndreth is nonetheless a shocking sight to any who are unfamiliar with the sheer mass of metallic dragons. His coloring, too, is striking, with starry markings on his golden-bronze wingsails, and a lovely caramel-bronze on his body and wing spurs, broken up only by the shimmering quality of his hide.
Personality: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Cyndreth is large both physically and mentally. Arrogance suits this dragon almost too well. While he is not especially quick to assert his superiority directly, he often hints at it, with condescending comments and snide remarks. Disdainful of others, he often acts extremely superior. But, obviously, Cyndreth isn't driven by emotion, not like all those other dragons! No, no, Cyndreth is a bronze of logic. Cold and calculating, this bronze analyzes situations with ease, and responds in the most logically-appropriate way.

And of course, he's got a great deal of ambition. He almost hates that he was shelled at Western, where his rank grants him little, but has a reluctant fondness for his home. A protective streak, even, if you will. Not that he'd admit to feeling something as foolish as that, but deep down, he wants to keep his Weyr safe, and wouldn't leave unless promised something REALLY shiny. He'll just have to figure out how to gain power the old fashioned way.

Morally, Cyndreth is neutral. Goal-oriented, and somewhat ruthless, but not needlessly cruel. He will protect those he takes under his wing, be it on a personal level or a weyr level. Others need him to hold their hands, or they'll crash and burn, and he's more than happy to lecture them about what they need to do. When he actually cares about someone, he acts more like a grumpy old man than an anime villain, but rest assured, he fills both roles with ease. He tends to view others as inept and inadequate, even those he cares for, with the exception of K'srin. Both males have met their match in the other, with a sharp, ambitious mind to challenge and assist them.

Cyndreth's "edge" is even greater than his rider, at least in terms of overtness. Not an especially nice dragon, but not a cruel one either, Cyndreth is chilly and calculating, willing to do whatever will net him the greatest gain. Every risk must be calculated before he takes it. Luckily, he's a quick thinker, and capable of making split second decisions. When emotions are high, he becomes surprisingly emotional and vicious, known to lash out, even if it ruins his plans. He tries to avoid this.

He is a smug, self-assured dragon, certainly. If he hadn't been bonded to this ambitious, egotistical bronze, K'srin might have hated Cyndreth. As it is, the pair regard each other as trusted partners--there is no one the other would rather have by their side.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: From the free dragon thread!
User Image[/img]  
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2019 9:27 pm



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