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All stories start somewhere, Iksagyarjerit's wasn't the only one. She had had a family once. It seemed like a dream now, something she had almost forgotten. Her daughter so far away. Foreign, forgotten. This, where she was now, felt more real to her than that previous life. It felt cold to think that, but she couldn't turn back to her old life. She had left it in the dust. A memory, A dream, behind her. She had not told Bevroren about such life that she had. She could not bare to tell him. It was a secret she was going to take to the grave. He wouldn't understand, she felt.

Her life was so different now, then it was back when she was young. Mistakes were made. Bad choices haunted her. Now she felt free. It was nothing more than a bad dream. She looked over to her new mate. Gave him a loving smile. Sadness within her eyes, but she hid them well. Maybe one day she would see her daughter. But then what? It was almost fear that she would meet her one day. She hoped her daughter forgot about her. Yes. That was best.

The smell of spring was in the air. Warm, yet cold at the same time. A depressing mood set, yet happy all in one. The sky was clear of any cloud, adding more to the less depressing side. The sound of leaves speaking with each gust passing by. It was peaceful sound. A sound that could never get old. The rocks echoed and repeating the sounds of the leaves louder back at them.

Bevroren Heuvel
"What's on your mind, Iksagyarjerit?" Bevroren asked concerned. Something had been bothering her of late, and he didn't know what to do about it. There was something she was hiding from him, but he wouldn't openly ask her about it. It was for her to tell him when she was ready. If she never was, he'd accept that too. "You look rather sad today." He said with a smile

What could he do to make her feel better. All he wanted was for her happiness. He wasn't sure that she knew that. He wanted to let her know, without being annoying about it of course. He raised a brow at her. Her silence was sadness. It was something he couldn't fix, and that was what made him sad sometimes. But he would smile and show her that nothing was wrong. He needed to be her solid ground when she was not solid herself.

She gave him a smile. She wasn't hiding it as well as she thought she had been. "Just wondering what the future will hold for us." She lied. Well, it wasn't completely a lie. She rubbed her head against the side of his chin and under. "There is much to think about now." She added. "Do not worry about me." She said with a soothing voice.

Perhaps it wouldn't reassure him like she hoped, but it was what she could do to try to get him off the subject. "We aren't as young as we once were." She said with a laugh. They were not old, but not young either. She moved away from him after a few moments. "I mean, how are we to care for little ones if we are old?!" She said jokingly.

Bevroren Heuvel
He eyed her and chuckled, returning her affection before she moved away from him. "Well, you tell me?!" he said with a hint of joking to his voice. "You handle the little cubs more than I do. I'll be lost in cubs, unsure what to do!" He hadn't been around cubs at all. He didn't know what to do with them. Didn't know if he would be a good father. Though he was always reassured that he'd be the perfect father.

"We'll figure it out when it happens" He said with a chuckle. "There is no point dwelling over something that has yet to come." with that, he grabbed some loose leaves with four toes and tossed them at her the best he could. Of course it didn't work, but it at least got her to laugh at his stupid personality.

There was something peaceful about his words. She would try not to think about anything but the now. It would make things go a little better, and he'd not ask her questions she could not tell him. He was too kind for his own good. Perhaps that was why he become a healer. She looked into his cream eyes and smiled. "Thank you."

She was unsure of what to say other then that. He was her everything, and he amazed her every day. She laughed at him as he tried to toss leaves at her. They fell upon her toes, didn't make it too far. With that, she pushed him with her paw and started running down the hill they were on top of. This life was real, the previous life was over and done with. It didn't exist anymore.

She was not that lioness.

Bevroren Heuvel
"Waaah!" He said as she took off running. He gave a moment before he followed behind her. She was mysterious in her own way, and he couldn't help but wanting to know more about her. She refused to tell him much about the life before he met. He wanted to know what happened to her, but couldn't ask. There were things that were meant not to be spoken.

The day was lovely, and he should enjoy it. The leaves fell from the tree above him. Leaves falling all around him with every gust of wind. He looked up at the tree above, smiling and looking back at the lioness running, slowly, away from him. He finally started to chase after her.

Slowly, walking at first, then picking up his feet as he went. The soft thump on the ground as each foot hit the ground. It was a soft sort of comforting sound. The wind adding to it, giving each moment a little beat of music. This was the life that mattered. Right here. With her.


[1,021 words, not including name titles]