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Mkali Nyoka's heart was sinking every day. Her hard work was slowly going unused and forgotten. It had been ages since she had contact with Nergui, and she had no idea why. What had happened? She had been stuck in these almost unfamiliar lands for quite some time. She has grown accustom to the way things worked here. Had even tracked some nice water areas. She was good at that, she wouldn't lie. It made her cover that much more easy to believe.

Although, her job was slowly becoming just that. Boring. Apart from being stocked by a certain lion.He was growing more attractive everyday. That worried her. She shook her head. Attempting to get the thoughts out of her mind as she walked to her old meeting ground. Wind blew gently in the unforgiving sun.

There was no sign of anything new. No new meet up location. Nothing. She frowned and sat down looking longingly into the distance. What had come of her land? What was going on? Strange things all over, and whispers that made no sense. Nothing was making sense anymore. Everything made her uneasy.

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Chante-peta's day was going just as he expected it. Nothing out of the ordinary, though he was mostly oblivious about things unless he needed to be alert. He was home, and life was good. The sand in his eyes, of course it stung, but it was normal.

'Ack!" Too much sand! A nice gust of wind gave him a face full of sand which required him to stop moving for a moment. He didn't realize he ended up stopping new one of the new lions that had joined in the recent year. Of course, he paid them no mind. Suspicious of them all, perhaps. He sat there for a good couple of minutes trying to get the sand from his eyes.

"Oh come on." He whispered to himself. What a good start to the day! He would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't too busy cleaning them.

Finally, he was able to see again. Blinking, he finally came sight to the female next to him. "Uh... Hi" He said as if nothing happened. She was looking directly at him with a weird look on her face as if to say he was an idiot. That was probably the case, however. He just gave a smile.

"You... okay?" Nyoka asked tilting her head. She hadn't expected to be interrupted with sand in the eye. It happened to the best of them from time to time, she would admit. She welcomed the distraction for the moment. What could be the worse that happened? She returned a half smile. Sadness had eaten at her in the later days. What was this feeling? Hopelessness. She wasn't use to it.

The idea of being forgotten. That was what got her the most. She loved these lands, she decided. She forgot why she was even spying in the first place. All the information she had gathered was probably useless anyways. She had forgot the important things, and didn't have anyone to share them with when it was important.

"Sometimes you gotta blink some extra blinks" She suggested.

"I'm fine" He dismissed her suggestion right way. "Nothing I am not use to." He chuckled to himself. He looked her over and decided maybe she wasn't so bad after all. He eyed her for a moment before shrugging it off. He might have thought she was upset, but didn't care enough to ask. For all he knew, that's what she generally looked like.

"I'm Chante-peta" He introduced himself finally. No reason not to. If she was welcomed into the pride, he had no reason to be suspicious of her. "Don't think we've actually met" he said.

"Mkali Nyoka" She returned. "Though, you may call me Mkali" she added. She'd have only close friends call her Nyoka. Just to keep things different. Most lions were friendly. Friendly for firekin, she guessed. She looked back in the direction she had been glancing to begin with. It was the direction of her home. Or, what use to be her home.

She would eventually come to terms with this silence. Abandon all hope that they were still out there wanting her help. She looked back at the lion, as if maybe he could read her mind. She needed to get herself together.

"Lovely, Isn't it?" She said finally as if she was enjoying the view of the land. Sand, sand, and more sand... Upon more sand. Though, saying it was lovely wasn't a lie. She loved it.

He shrugged. He looked in the direction she was looking. Perhaps it was okay? He wasn't one to lollygag at scenery. That was more something he'd expect from a female.. Which didn't surprise him when she said that. "looks like sand to me." he answered with no real care in the world. He was bored of this interaction, and he'd let her get back to her business.

"I apologize for bugging you." He said with a shake of his mane. "I thank you for letting me clean my eyes next to you" It was all he could really say. That was literally all he did other than spout some random s**t because he so happened to notice she had noticed him. If she hadn't, he would have went about his own work. He had some training to do.

She didn't get up during the whole encounter. She inclined her head. "I don't think this spot was claimed by me." She said with a head tilt. "you had no reason to apologize, or assume it wouldn't be okay." He was odd, or maybe she was odd? "Enjoy your day" She gave a nod at him in an attempt to say goodbye.

"I'll see you around" Unlikely. But it was words that were filled with sand in the air. They were sweet to say, but meant nothing in the end. She cared not for meeting him again. She kept to herself mostly. Though, she needed to establish SOME sort of friends here. Maybe she was going about this all along. She needed to change.

[Finished] [words:1,028]