xxxxxAnnabella Clodagh Sheehanxxxxx
Other Aliases and Nicknames: Annie

Gender: female
Date of Birth: December 21, 2032
Age: 16
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland

Magical Status: Muggleborn Witch
Wand: Lacewood, Leprechaun Hair, Springy and Spiraled Shaft, 10 inches

Blood Type: B-
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red/Ginger
Complexion: Pale and Freckled
Will Stop Growing at: 5'7"
Current Height: Youth is rather lanky, not tall for her age necessarily but slightly above average
Distinguishing Features: Freckles, crooked front teeth (will be corrected with dental work eventually)
General Description: Annie is a red haired, lanky child, with freckles, and bright blue eyes.

Face Claim/Reference Looks: Amybeth McNulty

xxxxxPersonal Information
IMAGINATIVE: Annie is an imaginative individual who sees adventure at every turn. She is always lost in her own thoughts and imagining a world beyond what she sees around her.
PRACTICALLY FEARLESS: While, she can be shy around her peers (thanks to bullying that makes her concerned with being teased or mocked), she is not afraid to approach strangers or adults. Children are cruel but very few adults are cruel to children. From talking to the local drunk when she was seven (before being pulled away by her mother) to attempting to leap across a brook when she was five (which luckily-magically-worked out for her), Annie finds very few things are fear inducing for her.
POSITIVE: Despite being quite cruelly mocked and teased by her peers at times, Annie truly believes people are ultimately good and have good intentions. The logical side of her knows this is not always true, but she believes there is more good than bad and good can and will in the end vanquish evil.
ARTISTIC: Annie likes to draw and paint and is quite talented at such. She also knows how to embroider and hand sew and does so with quite a bit of skill.
CHAMPION FOR JUSTICE: Annie believes in what is right and knows what is wrong. As a result she has caused herself to be the focus of bullies in order to protect others from the same fate. She is unafraid to confront those who are wrong in their actions and praise those who are right.

Fears: Bullies at her school and Death to her imagination.

xxx(1) Active Imagination
xxx(2) Adventurous
xxx(1) Insecure about her looks
xxx(2) Can be sensitive to other's comments even though she knows she shouldn't be.
Favorite Things:
xxx(1) Flowers
xxx(2) Books
xxx(3) Mother Nature
xxx(4) Art
xxx(5) Traveling
Despised Things:
xxx(1) Her current reflection
xxx(2) Being grounded
xxx(3) large dogs/dogs barking
xxx(4) being wrong
xxx(5} getting sick

xxxxxEducation/Training/Professional History
Dream Career: Writer or Artist

xxxCurrently Attending: Hogwarts
xxxxHouse: Hufflepuff
xxxxYear: 6th
xxxxxx↳ Hogwarts Art Club
xxxxxx↳ The Daily Dragon

xxxxxx↳ Art
xxxxxx↳ History of Magic
xxxxxx↳ Charms

xxxxxx↳ Potions
xxxxxx↳ Herbology

xxxxxxO.W.L. Scores

Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Herbology ~ A
Potions ~ A
Transfguration ~ EE

Art ~ O
Divination ~ EE
Healing ~ A
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
Wizard Law ~ EE

xxxxxxN.E.W.T. Scores

Background Information: Annie was born to Alex and Aoife Sheehan. Two muggles who met in university. Her mother, Aoife, was pursuing her education as a dentist and her father was pursuing his Doctorate in Philosophy. It was not particularly romantic how they met, in Annie's opinion, as they met on an online dating site. Alex's and Aoife's first date lasted until the coffee shop they met shooed them out. Three years later the two were married. Two more years and Annie was born.

Life was good until three years after Annie's birth her father passed away from a quite severe case of Pneumonia. Aoife and Annie continued to move forward, as you must in those situations Aoife would say. Aoife continued to teach Annie about her father, encouraged the girls imagination, and is continuously supportive of her.

Aoife eventually remarried an English man named Oliver Hunt. Oliver is a kind husband and engaged stepfather. He is concerned about Annie's current reluctance to go to school which is due to an awful girl named Elizabeth who pulls Annie's hair and calls her an Irish devil.

Oliver and Aoife has spoken to the school to no avail. The last day of school Annie attended before demanding homeschooling, Annie was nine and for over six months, since Aoife and Oliver married and Aoife and Annie moved to Oxford, Annie had endured the meanness of Elizabeth and her friends.
One day Elizabeth brought her pet dog and made it chase Annie up a tree.
While Elizabeth and her friends taunted Annie throwing rocks at her, Annie soon got fed up. When Elizabeth picked up a rather large rock, Annie screamed "Leave me alone!" and threw out her hands. Suddenly all the rocks paused in the air and turned and pelted Elizabeth and her friends.
Elizabeth called her dog off the tree and screamed back as she ran away, "You are an Irish witch! Nothing but bad!" Annie was horrified at the incident and wondered if she had caused the rocks to turn on their thrower. But that would be magic! Maybe she was a witch...

Horrified and intrigued, Annie told her mother and stepfather of the incident (except for the rocks) and demanded to be home schooled. Her parents agreed at this point. Annie has since she was nice been reading up on muggle books of magic trying to find answers to why the rocks turned on their throwers. Annie had decided fairies were looking out for her since she was in their tree. No one could convince her otherwise....

....or no one could except for when a governor from a school called Hogwarts explained that she was a witch and turned two lamps into two swans and a beetle into a button and did the dishes without lifting a hand. Her mother and stepfather took less convincing and were happy at the opportunity for Annie to go to a school to learn. Annie couldn't be some "Irish witch and devil" if around her were witches and wizards.

Annie is actually looking forward to school again (and to not have to see Elizabeth and her stupid friends in the park or out and about).

xxxxxFamilial Connections
Birth Order: Only Child

Extended Family:
xParents: Alex and Aoife Sheehan
xSiblings: None
xOther: Stepfather Oliver Hunt

xxxxxRomantic Preferences
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Relationships:
xxxxxDating: N/A
xxxxxOther Relationships of Importance: Canaan Grey (crush and friend), Jessalyn Prescott (friend), Daily Dragon and Art Club members.
Past Relationships:
xxxxxFormer Boyfriends/Girlfriends: none
xxxxxNon Specified Relationships: N/A

xxxPets: A Long-eared Owl named Freya
xxxLanguage Fluency: English and Gaelic (Fluent in both)
xxxExtra Relevant Skills: Is a good artist and can embroider and sew by hand.
xxxAny Other Important Information: None

Pended By: Weasley 1/3/2019
Accepted By: ~ Dia [4/22/19]
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