The healers wing was full to bursting, but that wasn't much of a surprise with how the hatching had gone. There were various degrees of injury strewn throughout the cots, healers running here and there to tend to the worst of those that had been attacked. Those with the most life-threatening wounds were stable, it seemed, and now the triage was trickling down to those that had only been slightly maimed rather than completely.

Shar sat on one of the cots closest to the doorway that led back out into the Weyr, one leg elevated on some extra blankets, the other stretched out beside it on the bed. She sat propped up to watch the hustle and bustle, one hand on the small green dragon that was perched on her stomach. Yulaniath's eyes flicked from one healer to the next, watching with interest as they ran around with numbweed, bandages, and sharp, shiny things that were making some of the others in the room squeak with pain.

Out on the Sands Shar had been wrapped and patched as best as she could have been, but they had told her that she'd need more attention after every dragon had hatched. She had managed to get a good sheen on Yulan as well as a decent amount of meat in her belly before the healers had urged them to the ward, and now here they lay, waiting to be seen to for more than a few minutes. So far they had taken the bandages off her back and stitched up one of the deeper ones, as well as re-bandaged them with less bulky gauze and tape. Her leg had been unwrapped and washed, but the healer's apprentice that had been helping her had realized the wound was far too deep for him to deal with alone. There was bone exposed to the air which had prompted him to cover it with a loose cloth after applying a bit more numbweed, and here they sat, waiting for someone to return.

It sure is busy in here, the little green said as she looked at Shar over her shoulder, wonder in her voice. The young woman gave a little hum in reply, turning her gaze to the dragon on her lap. Her dragon. It was still mind-boggling to think about even though this was what she had been preparing for her whole life. Maybe that's why it was so shocking...that it had finally happened. She'd spent almost eighteen years prepping for this moment and now here she sat, a perfectly formed little green whose spirit matched her own.

It is. Your cousins were particularly aggressive, she said, nodding to her leg. But that's how hatchings are sometimes. This is what the healers are here for. Well, this and Threadfall.

The mention of Thread made Yulan's hearts beat a bit faster, her sharp claws kneading the bed beside Shar. She was young, yes, and had some time to go before she could get her taste of firestone and battle, but she was ready. Shar felt the surge of eagerness flood through her as it did through Yulan and it sent a shiver down her spine. Only a few hours into being bonded with another living being and she was no where near used to feeling everything Yulaniath felt. It was overwhelming to say the least, especially since the little dragon didn't seem as nearly as reserved and restricted with her emotions as Shar was.

The little dragon felt Shar's slight surprise and leaned her head up to nudge Shar's hand in apology. Yulan knew her rider wasn't the best when it came to expressing and understanding her emotions but it was definitely something they'd work on with time. It wasn't a priority now, though, so Yulan had to keep a mental eye on her own emotions so as not to overwhelm her rider.

I'm sorry I didn't hatch earlier to keep you from being hurt, but I know you don't mind terribly, Yulan said with a teasing tone to which Shar rolled her eyes. She didn't enjoy being slashed open but the dragon knew that under her nonchalant exterior Shar lived for moments like that. Not getting hurt, but trying to step forward and save someone else. In that case it had been one of her cousins and in all honesty she should have remained back with her friends, but Shar and Yulan both were of the mindset that while rules were good, sometimes they were worth bending or breaking. Yulan and Shar both would have gladly taken any amount of damage if it meant protecting or helping someone else.

Don't be sorry. You hatched when you were supposed to, Shar said in return, reaching out to rub Yulan between her headknobs. The little green closed her eyes with a happy rumble, almost purr-like in how deep it was in her chest. It brought a little smile to Shar's lips as she felt and heard the noise as well as the contentment within her dragon that spread to her like wildfire. The dual-tipped tail twitched as a dragon within the ward gave a creel of pain, though, and a very familiar sensation of protectiveness washed over Shar as Yulan lifted her head, searching for her sibling or cousin that had cried out.

"Easy," Shar murmured, resting her hand on Yulan's neck to calm her. "Not much we can do right now. The healers are working as best as they can." She sent a soothing, calm sensation towards Yulan as she was so used to doing at hatchings, but instead of getting nothing back Yulan gave a sigh and did settle down, reacting to her rider's thoughts. It was still so strange, Shar thought, to be able to see and feel whatever Yulan felt. She had a hard enough time processing her own feelings at times that now to be saddled with another creature's thoughts, hopes, emotions, and everything else was...

Hard. Yulan turned again to look at Shar, eyes a deep blue. I know, SharMine. But don't worry. If this is the hardest part of becoming a rider for you, then you're in luck. I'll help you however I can to understand our emotions...not just mine. Then maybe it won't be so overwhelming to share them together.

I don't need help with that, Shar argued which got her a loud, almost harsh laugh echoing in her head as Yulan trumpted softly in amusement. Shar fell silent, glaring at her companion with slightly red cheeks. She knew that was a lie, but it wasn't something she wanted to talk about, even in the privacy of their own minds. A warm, soothing sensation blanketed her as Yulaniath shifted, moving off her stomach to lay beside her, her head resting on her chest to gaze up at her with fondness.

You do, SharMine. And it's not something to be ashamed of. All emotions are wonderful things! They're not a sign of weakness. In fact, they're a sign of strength. Shar rolled her eyes so hard it almost hurt and it earned her a little slap from one dark wing against her stomach.

"Hey!" she said, turning to look at Yulan again who had raised her head from her chest to look at her square in the eye. She fell silent, though, feeling the comforting embrace turn to one of seriousness and firmness. Her dragon was many, many things, but a pushover was not one of them.

I'm not saying it's something you need to accept now, but you must in time unless you wish to live in discomfort every time I'm happy or sad or anything else that isn't.... She paused and Shar shivered as she felt the dragon's mind rooting through her own, looking for the proper feelings to express what she wanted to say. Sensations of protectiveness, anger, delight, annoyance, and satisfaction rolled over her, all emotions she was very familiar and comfortable with. But then others started to flicker in, ones that she couldn't even name, and she quickly slammed down a mental wall to keep Yulan from prying futher.

That's enough for now, she said firmly which made Yulan give a little hiss. The dragon did settle once more, though, admitting defeat...for the time being. She turned her gaze back to the wing at large, watching as healers bustled here and there once more. Shar let out a little breath and closed her eyes, wondering if she'd ever have peace and quiet in her mind again. No, a little thought told her and she couldn't be quite sure if it was her thought or Yulan's, but she supposed it didn't matter. They were one mind now, one soul in two bodies. They were both driven and thought they knew what was best so of course they'd butt heads at times. She didn't want to admit it, but Yulan was right about one thing. She'd continue to feel discomfort every time Yulan experienced an emotion she wasn't familiar with and that definitely wasn't how she wanted to live her life. It was something they'd have to work on, but it would be a life-long journey, she was sure. It wasn't something like a lesson where she could read about it, review it, do a few practical lessons, and have it mastered.

Shifting a little, Shar closed her eyes and turned her head to rest on the pillow, deciding to nap a bit if the healers weren't coming back any time soon. Hopefully they were tending to others that needed it more - R'iz came to mind for sure - but sitting out with an exposed wound with just a little blanket to cover it couldn't be too healthy. She drifted off slowly, all thoughts of exploring her emotions with Yulan forgotten for now. It was a bridge they'd cross when they came to it, but she felt that for now, there were far more important lessons to start learning.