xxAldrickxxxLee Darien Ryan Ian ColexxxKnappxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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AGE 20 Years Old

BIRTHDAY January 4, 2032



WAND The wand is made of Cedar wood with a Unicorn Tail Hair Core. It is a stiff wand, not flimsy at all. It is 14 inches long.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Gryffindor

Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ D
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Ancient Runes ~ O
Alchemy ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Wandless Magic ~ EE
Wandlore Studies ~ A
Wizard Law ~ O

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ A

Ancient Runes ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Wandless Magic ~ A

DREAM JOB Cursebreaker

CURRENT JOB Cursebreaker *Pending*


Committed/Dependable He wants to get the job done, and will do what it takes to get it finished
Center of Attention Aldrick is the oldest of his siblings, and he remembers when he was an only child. As such, he likes being the center of attention, and people focusing on him
Confident He's not afraid to go and ask questions, or do something someone else doesn't want to do.
Belligerent The oldest sibling, Aldrick has fought his way through growing up, and that's caused him to become a little rough, especially to the siblings.
Competitive Aldrick has pushed himself to be the best (to his family)
Inadvertently Apathetic while all the other traits are true, Aldrick also just doesn't care about things, he just wants the task to be finished.

■ Sports (Archery and Quidditch in particular)
■ Crowds
■ Chocolate
■ Drawing, and artists
■ History

■ Potions
■ Plants
■ unfinished tasks
■ music
■ Non-Humans

■ Focused: Will focus on the task at hand and not delve into the unknown.
■ Leadership: Can encourage a group to get things done and at the same maintain time good relations within the group.

■ impatience: he wants to finish everything, but wants it done yesterday
■ indifference: people can't tell when he's actually passionate about something

■ becoming an only child again


EARLY CHILDHOOD Aldrick is the oldest of his siblings, growing up he always had a younger sibling, having three by time he turned 11. He was friendly to them, and taught them whatever he knew, mostly his sister who was only a few years younger than he was. Sometimes though, he would get jealous and become mean towards them, bullying them into doing what he wanted. As he grew up however, he just started to not care.

Coming from a wizarding family, Aldrick knew that he was a wizard even before he began showing magic. Once he did, he was thrilled. He could finally follow in his family's footsteps, and he would be the first one there and wouldn't have to live up to their expectations. Also, he'd be setting the standards for the family that would follow in the upcoming years. He was thrillwed, and couldn't wait for that day for Hogwarts to start. When he received his letter, he immediately begged his parents to go to get school supplies, and since then, he was trying to read all the books he could about his favorite subject, history of magic.


Aldrick was sorted into Gryffindor, befriended Lizzie and kind of August. He did his work, and survived. Had a decent partner in potions, who did nothing. which was ideal to Aldrick.


Aldrick attended classes, and joined the art club. Where he and Lizzie decided he would color Lizzie's hair whenever Aldrick was bored, a plan that did not go as expected. Other than surviving classes, not much else happened. He survived a second year of Hogwarts, maybe next year would be more eventful.


The electives year. Also the year his kid sister and her friends started, he knew he'd have to keep an eye on them, but it seemed that Lizzie had taken over that roll nicely. At least the little ones had found a good person to follow around and ask their questions to. Lizzie was something else, and Aldrick was starting to realize that. Of course, it was also nice to be able to occasionally help the little ones out with their classes. The only struggle was finding the time to do so, with the electives he had to keep up with August in order to maintain his status as the brightest there was in their year. He would continue to improve his studies, and surpass August, because that was now Aldrick's one goal in life.

Nothing too exciting happened this year, except that Aldrick learned sign language, asked out a cute deaf girl, Jessalyn, and somehow was promoted to the Leader of the Art club for the following year. Good things were happening in Aldrick's life, and he was excited to see what else happened. Of course, there were the note great things, such as that kiss with Lizzie, who was overly dramatic about the whole incident, what was up with that?


Aldrick's OWL year started out great, and by great he started it out by breaking up with a wonderful girl, Jessalyn. He just, couldn't be the one for her. Maybe one day but as he was right now, no she deserved someone better. He went through the rest of the year trying to better himself, and that included studying to better his grades. He had to beat August at his studies. Of course, August did better than Aldrick did, but Aldrick was pretty proud of what he had done for his grades. He had a revelation, that maybe cursebreaking would be a good career for him, he had accidentally taken all the OWLs for it, and done decently at those, why not have a career changes? All in all, a good year, but not nearly as exhausting as the following two years would be.

This was the year that Aldrick would finally get his girl. Through many attempts to ask her out, turns out the best way was straight to her face, Lizzie was his best friend, and now girlfriend. He continued on with his art captaincy, and watched as his brothers grew into being the little wizards they were. Nothing too exciting happened, but it was only sixth year.


Aldrick got Lizzie pregnant. His brother died. He was engaged. The world really had a way of flipping upside down. Yet somehow, he survived. He passed his NEWTs, he made it through (and didn't get killed by Lizzie.


THe First Portion (2050 - 2052)

Aldrick became a father to two beautiful boys, twins. He started his carreer of cursebreaking, doing alot of sketching work for the places they went, and sometimes putting himself in danger, It would all be fine though, he would be successful for the kids.


UPDATED :1/25/21

■ Age, School Year, Scores, what he's been doing

PENDED BY ❝Yukitty❞ 9/8/18
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [12/16/2018]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [03/08/2020]