Name: Rahimar
Age: 24
Nameday: 3552.02.22
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Opportunistic
Craft: Entertainer -- Firespinner
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Rahim stands a solid 6'4", with a very built, muscular frame. His skin is a dark olive tone, with tattoos that have been designed up and down his arms, back, and chest. It's easy to tell he was brought up to look good, and he has absolutely no problem showing off for any who might want to gape. His hair is thick, dark black, and just long enough to run fingers through it. It comes down past his shoulders, but is usually tied up or tied back--especially when performing. His skin does have some burns and scars, as well as multiple piercings; some easily seen, others hidden that only certain lovers can discover. With a bit of scruff, dark purple eyes, and thick brows, he's well aware he's a good looking individual... and has no problem using it to his advantage. Watch out. Breaking hearts isn't something he's afraid to do.

Personality: Rahimar doesn't just walk--he struts. He's the sort of man who would make anyone believe he's the man, and best believe he knows it. Perhaps the first thing people might notice about Rahimar is his oozing confidence and swagger. His arrogance is absolute and he truly believes there isn't anything he can't get himself out of. There is no doubt that he'll find a proper dragon, now that he's a Candidate; and he is certain that he'll rise right to the top once he's found his match. His arrogance does make him a rather fearless individual. While he's not the sort to back down from a fight, he's also not afraid to jump in when something needs doing.

If a job needs to be done right, Rahimar is the man to do it. He's a hard-worker, and when he gives his word, you can bet it will get done. He's not the sort to shirk responsibility and he finds pleasure in a hard days work. Work hard, play hard, is his motto--and he does both with relish. No task is too big, no setback too upending. Things could be going wrong around him, and this man will find some way to tackle the problem, even if he goes down with it. He's not afraid of Thread like some are. It's a horrible thing, and the devastation it causes is certain--but he wants to fight it. It might cost him his beautiful face, his limbs, and his life--but he'd rather be up there, fighting with fire, than on the ground simply playing with it.

Rahimar is an assertive individual. He won't hesitate to speak his mind, and he certainly won't shy away from any conversation. If he has something to say, he'll say it, come heck or highwater. He's not afraid to say hello to someone new, or ask a person well-out-of-his-league (as if there's anyone who is, ha!) for a dance or a date. He's happy to chat up all the wallflowers, just to get to know them; or input his opinion in a conversation he wasn't part of in the first place. In a crowd of followers, Rahimar is happy to take the lead and wrangle those around him into order. Unfortunately, his assertive nature can cross the line into being too bossy.

Honestly, Rahimar doesn't care to be told what to do. By anyone. He'll follow those in command, but he'll object if he disagrees. He'll also try to fight his way to the top of whatever-chain he feels he's dangling from. He wants to be the alpha in the room; he wants to be the one leading and making decisions. He likes to be in charge, likes others following his orders, and ultimately, likes to be boss. And why shouldn't he? He's clever enough, capable, and certain of himself.

Unfortunately, Rahimar's self-assurance, paired with his arrogance, can mean he's careless in both word and deed. He might be unaffected by telling a fellow weyrling they're being an idiot, or need to pick up the slack; but he can hurt feelings, particularly those who might be more or less a bit sensitive. He sees no problem in breaking hearts. If something doesn't work for him, he'll get himself out of the situation, and if those around him have a problem with it, so be it. He can be careless of others feelings, simply because it doesn't occur to him that they might be more easily wounded. And if they are hurt, he simply assumes they'll get over it. Life isn't easy, and he figures he's not doing anyone any favors playing games, or sugar-coating things. He's not necessarily a soft man, though it's possible he could learn to be.

Positive Trait List Fearless, Assertive, Reliable
Negative Trait List Arrogant, Careless, Dominant

History: Rahimar was born in a traveling caravan to a single-mother who passed away from a wasting illness the healers couldn't touch. His father was unknown and could have been any number of men his mother entertained. So it was, the young boy was cared for generally by the Caravan, like man of the other youth. The group of Holdless went from Hold to Hold, selling and bartering with those they'd come across. While they certainly had some craftsmen in their group, they were known more for their entertainments. It wasn't just singing, but dancing, tumbling, contortionist displays, fire-spinning, acrobatics, and even aerial displays on ropes and silks.

For all the freedom he had been born into, it wasn't an easy life to live.

There were good Turns and bad Turns. Sometimes there was much to go around, and other times they all but starved. There were politics and drama within the caravan itself, not to mention so many love-triangles it would have made a silvered Courtesan's head spin. Everyone was expected to contribute, and those who didn't, were often abandoned by the group. For Rahimar, it was all he knew.

Stability wasn't something he understood, but he knew those at the top had it. Instead of sleeping in makeshift tents, the leaders of the group got to sleep in their own colored wagons. Marks ruled, and those at the top would always get the largest cuts of pay and the best luxuries. Those at the top had also once done some of the most extreme acts. In a world full of backstabbing an dramatics, Rahimar wanted, above all else, to be at the top. Wallflowers didn't get far in the entertainment business, and as he had no interest in being a thief, or worse, getting left behind the next time the Caravan packed up, the boy set his heart to flourish.

It helped that he always had a bold spirit. He threw himself into the work he was assigned, and always enjoyed the limelight. As a youth he focused on tumbling and acrobatics, but as the Turns passed, and he shot up in both height and strength, he found new areas of expertise. He added firespinning to his acts, and slowly began to rise up the ranks, politically, of he Caravan.

Life wasn't easy, but what more could he ask for?

He had the stars overhead at night, applause during his performance, and as he aged, eager companionship. There was a lot of travel involved, a lot of long hours, and many setbacks and injuries--but the world wasn't meant to be easy. Season after season, Rahimar kept his eye on the prize. More marks, more skills, more luxuries, more sway within the troupe. But around his twentieth Turn, everything came to a screeching halt.

Thread returned.

His caravan was devastated. Some had been able to take up shelter in the hold, but many others were too far out to make it back in time. Dragons from High Reaches eventually came to fight, but they were battle scarred and warn down from the relentlessness of the cause. Too many riders were unprepared, or knew the first thing of flaming or how to fight. It was madness.

The days that followed were numbing. A month after First Fall, Rahimar found himself Searched by a Western blue. He didn't hesitate to accept the offer.

The past few Turns as a Candidate have been well-spent. While before he simply wanted to try to do something about the devastation that now rained upon the planet, he's also found a life rich with possibility. Even if he doesn't Impress, he might still find a way to procure a bit of rank or opportunity within Western Weyr. There are luxuries the Weyr gives him that he never thought possible to earn while in his troupe--and quite frankly, he likes it.

He has no doubt he'll find his match, whether at Western or High Reaches, and eagerly awaits the day he might find His.

Other: He has a blue flit named Sparks, who has a tendency to bite and bristle.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No