Steal: Chinthliss was happy to be in a body again and to be able to talk to someone that wasn't Kim. She was a good girl, but it was like being stuck only eating one flavour of ice cream of soup or something all the time. It could have been your favorite but it got so old so fast. Chinthliss looked at Agata, apparently Kim's partner's ... partner? Ugh, he had no way to explain the way things were. He was Kim's weapon, and.. what? Surely not just a tool. He pushed the curious nature of his existence to the side and instead looked at Agata. A lovely gal. She was so nice, or so it seemed, for a monster, such as he was. The manticore bowed to Agata and held out his hand again. 'Pleased to meet you, Agata. Shall we take a moment to talk alone without our friends taking up our time?"


Huni: Perhaps the key difference between Chinthliss and Agata (beyond their subspecie) was the nature of their connection to their Hunter-bonded. Agata was possessive, bordering on dependent even, a byproduct of the parasitic nature of her specie. So when Chinthliss suggested they leave their bonded, she looked absolutely horrified. "What? Noooooo, I can't be too far away from Terry!" the melodic sing-song of her voice played down the panic she felt. "He must stay within my line of sight. Kim too! I need them both where I can see them." Because she now sort of saw the Sun as an extension of Terry.


Steal: Chinthliss arched a brow. "I don't mean all the way away from them, I mean just outside of their hearing range." The room wan't huge and he didn't think there was such a thing as being unseen by them. He then smirked. "Kim too? Why Kim?" To himself Kim was there and special but not really to the point where he was terrified if she wan't around. Then again for him he was a bit more scared when she was around. He had no idea what she was thinking half the time, and he was party to her thoughts. "You don't need to worry, anyway, they are right over there talking and probably dealing with the surprise of seeing us."


Huni: Agata gave a breath of relief, "Oh, that's goooood. Yes, out of hearing range seems appropriate for them." She nodded in agreement, "It's just strange now to have arms and legs again. You don't really need them when in the water in my natural form." She took his hand now, waiting for him to lead her expectantly. "Why not Kim? She's important to Terry. Terry is important to me. It's only logical~"


Steal: Chinthliss arched a brow, his arms crossed over his chest. "I guess that makes sense. I guess my more solitary nature makes it seem weird to want to be with someone so much. " He chuckled a bit then sat down. "So anything I need to know about your human?" He was trying to think of what he could talk to her about without saying too much. "I guess Kim is a bit spazzy, she is on a permanent sugar high, and from what I can tell she wasn't always that way. She used to be quiet and scared. It is weird."


Huni: Agata didn't so much as sit down as she lounged, legs folded neatly underneath, arms pressed against her side in mimicry of what her natural form would be like. She would have draped herself over Chinthliss but she didn't want Terry to think she was latching onto someone else. "My bonded has lots of strange ideas running around in his head that he doesn't like to admit he has. Best not to let him know you know." At the manticore's description of Kim, "Is it an act?" Agata asked, "Perhaps she behaves in that way to lure her prey in so she could latch onto them forever and ever?" At least that was the lamprey monster would have done.(edited)


Steal: Chinthliss shook his head, "no, not an act exactly, more like compensation. She is trying to make up for lost time and happiness. Yet she is still very much terrified of all she cares about being snatched away." He seemed to muse a bit working it over in his mind. "She was devastated by her actions to the island, yet also, there was something else under that. I couldn't quite get what it was, but...". He frowned darkly. "I did not like it."


Huni: "Hmmmmm," Agata breathed thought her nose, trying to understand what it was Kim could have been going through. "Terry is constantly worried about making a fool of himself, after a certain... night, it's become even worse." the lamprey monster didn't want to elaborate, but her eyes did narrow in disapproval for the briefest of instances. "Hopefully Kim will think about her actions more? Does she not listen to you enough?" she asked, resting her elbows on the floor so she could prop her chin in her hands. Looking up at the much taller monster.


Steal: Chinthliss sighed a little not asking for elaboration. They shared only what they wished. "Kim, listens only with one ear. She calls me Boss not as an endearment but mockery. I try to warn her of things and she pushes past my words. It is frustrating. Only recently has she started to see me as more than a tool."


Huni: Agata's mouth formed into an O (and given that she was a lamprey, that was a near perfectly circular O) before she placed a comforting hand on the manticore's. "That must be so terrible, to not be listened to and taken for granted. I'm so lucky that Terry humors me and listens to me, usually, and even answers whatever question I have." A beat. "He was initially disappointed to have me as a weapon though."


Steal: Chinthliss arched a brow. "Does he not know the benefits of having you as a weapon? We all have talents that are formed around the needs of our wielders." He sighed. "Kim is learning at least, she is starting to listen and to even try to work with me as a team. Much if it has to do with her near loss of life and the damage she has done. She wishes to be a better being." He took a deep breath. "She is also worried about losing Terry and the few friends she has. Seeing them so hurt has done a better job at breaking through to her than I ever did."


Huni: "He sees me as a means for support," Agata pouted, making sniffling sounds because his honest reaction to her had really hurt her feelings. Of course she had wailed and threw a horrific bawl fest at the time, thankfully she was just making the sounds at this point. "And as much as he pretends he's accepting his lot in life as a supporting character, he actually yearns to be the protagonist of things." She took this moment to rest her head against the manticore as he went on to explain Kim's change, "Hmmm, there is that then. Sometimes the gravity of the situation doesn't become apparent until too late?"


Steal: Chinthliss laughed a bit. "Let him know Kim sees him as the protagonist, and is worried he will go for a harem and leave her behind." The manticore flicked his tail. "He is no supporting character, he is a main character." The manticore actually put his arm around Agata and smiled. "Yes sometimes it does take time, but then, if she learns, if they both get stronger for the things they go through, than we are doing our jobs." He looked at her and smiled. "Hey at least we got a chance to meet."


Huni: Agata hmmm'd, "Terry seems to interpret harems as having all your special creeple being all together at the same time? I don't blame him for wanting a hoard of shiny creeple," she grinned at him, winding her arms around the manticore and claiming him as part of her little hoard. "We'll get stronger for them if they don't." She sounded confident about that aspect of themselves.


Steal: Chinthliss laughed. "Well being together is not bad, but Kim sees them as all... er... 'play toys'. People one.. does more than just have around." He shrugged. "I guess it is something they need to work out." He nodded at Agata. "Of course we will, and I am glad to have this chance to ensure we talked about it and are on the same page, I find it a pleasure to speak to you." He looked at her, eyes confident, and shining.


Huni: "Hmmm, I'm not so sure if Kim seeing Terry as a toy is good for them," she tapped her lips in thought, "Jack knows the poor boil has problems with how he sees himself and how others see him. Why are fleshies so difficult about things like these? They have mouths, they can communicate!" Sometimes Agata had such opinions that she could only share with Terry who dutifully heard her but didn't exactly listen.


Steal: the manticore shook his head. "she doesnt see him as a toy. She sees him as a partner. She also hates harems because see sees them as toyboxes, and humans are just weird. I think they fail to learn how to express themselves." Chinthtliss knew talking to Kim about this stuff was pointless. She didn't hear him.


Huni: "Oh, good," Agata nodded, "I guess I just misunderstood the words." The lamprey sighed over dramatically, "Do you like harems? I think I would have loved to have one if I got to have a body of my own. Rather than just living in Terry's head all the time." Oh she was possessive of the human, in her own special way, but if the opportunity for something better came along, why couldn't she have both?


Steal: Chinthliss laughed. "If I knew for sure what they were, I may. If they are just a group of special shiny people as you say Terry thinks they are, then perhaps it would be a nice thing." The Manticore chuckled. "Even then, if it is what Kimberly thinks they are, it still could be fun." He looked at the lamprey monster and smiled. "Having one's own body and mind is a good thing." He shifted and looked over at the pair still watching them. "I am glad though that they are happy with one another."
