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Tags: Sailor, Moon, Scouts, Breedables, Senshi 

Reply ♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥
[B] Gathering Storm [Faustite/Noctua/Alrakis]

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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:41 am
It was all so surreal, this powering up thing. Sure, weird stuff had been happening to him more frequently the past two months, but nothing to the measure of near absurd as him being actively involved. There were more important things to do in life. He had plans for his career, his daily life, and maybe, quite possibly, something cropping up on the romantic scale. This whole senshi business had not been part of what he had envisioned for himself, but it looked like life had thrown him a severe curve-ball. One that he was still trying to accommodate and understand.

Destiny City was a curious city. So much happened but Rowan tended to either ignore it or wave the goings-on as the result of gangs or troubled kids. Now he knew better. His eyes had been opened up. Going out on Patrols as Alrakis were enlightening, and the new senshi found himself taking time to seek out places he’d never been. With the improved speed, power, and the feeling that he was invincible, nothing felt off limits. Even places he normally would have strayed far from, he found himself drawn to out of curiosity.

The cold of the night, as winter began to take its hold of the city, pushed the senshi to seek out a more interior area to search. Though the cold didn’t seem to bite at exposed skin as much as he remembered, it was still uncomfortable to deal with. Tucking his hands in robe-like sleeves only did so much. An abandoned warehouse, with some broken windows, but a sound looking structure proved a respite from the windy air outside. Non-broken panes sometimes shuttered under a heavy gust, but Alrakis didn’t pay them much heed as he navigated over broken glass and metal.

The warehouse had obviously been something big during its hay-day. It lacked any tell-tale signs of what sort of factory it had been, but it was obviously still used by some. Bits of garbage was strewn everywhere, much of it cans or bottles of beer or alcohol. Graffiti tags were spray painted everywhere from floors to walls. Alrakis stopped to look at once piece of graffiti that could almost be said to be a piece of art. The face of some sort of demon or devil stared out across the room. A forked tongue slithered from its mouth, eyes a similar color to Alrakis's own. Black hair, blue skin with an almost snake-like appearance. “Curious. Someone has an interesting sense of creativity.” He ran a hand along the tongue of the art before turning away to explore the warehouse further.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:17 pm
Smoke unknown to him cloyed his nose and mouth. A spreading cacophany tainted the air bitter-dark — he tasted tragedy, sampled vitriol. The darkness belied more parts of a memory unasked for, unwanted. The dim expanse belied the fragments of it broken upon the rocks of consciousness, where the half-youma's mind looped back to cold retribution skewered through his-not-his chest. Pale-dark fingers spread over the wound, expectant of blood and heat. Of passion. Of ardor. Of determination spreading outward past death. He felt a glamour dropped, unreturned. He felt yearning and satisfaction and pain and hate and mystery. Misery. Mediocrity.

Inhibition ran from his bones here. It pooled ineffectually on the floor and he stepped out of it — a simple distance from hindrance and half-measures.

He felt real now. Blisteringly, unfailingly, uncompromisingly real. A rare whole. An undivided self. All of it born from the rotten aftermath of a warehouse, where lives met and ended and began anew. His-not-his warehouse. His-not-his memory. The lot of it burned bitter cold in his chest, were her star-pointed skewer left its invisible design. Copper and moondust and smog and the sea each tainted the air in their own rights, but his nose still remembered the scent of wicking flames — the singeing cinders of senshi magic. He hadn't forgotten, even if he couldn't call the memory lived by his own hand.

But he owned it nonetheless. Faustite straightened in his bolstered certainty. He regarded the wretched, feral thing before him with pupilless eyes, with pity suspended and compassion exempt. His mouth tugged in a twitch of derision. She was a thing of unchecked torment, looking for bodies to drag down in her wicked dance. Chased as she was by invisible torments, she buckled and bent beneath her banal, self-inflicted torture. He knew not who she called commander. He didn't care.

Whoever they were — if they ever existed — they weren't here now.

"Dreamer," he spoke, the words smoldering on his tongue from his own borrowed ire. "Even now, you're nothing. You're all livewire and lightning. You're running in purposeless directions, chasing insipid shadows. Trawling the sea for a thing to call monster. Tell me — what good are you like this? What can you accomplish when you only tear yourself apart?" She looked the very same mess as he found him, twice now, with nerves alight andd fingers frayed in wretched, fruitless searches. She never slept. She never ate. The rail-thin senshi never once earned her place among their broken ilk. Faustite took a sharp breath as he stepped toward her, and old fire seared his lungs.

A saccharine spark in the distance caught his mind, and Faustite lingered with unspoken words on his breath. Memory pushed him against his own boundaries. He gestured further into the darkness. "Focus your ire. Pick a target. Me or it. Remake yourself out of blood."

I feel too hot.

"No one will want you until you've killed away your weaknesses."

u up next
nothing. happened.


Garbage Cat


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 6:14 pm

nothing. happened.

The world around Noctua vanished and the reappeared with dizzying suddenness. She tossed herself back down, already weak knees turning to water beneath her. While there was no smoke to usurp the air in her lungs, the sudden shifting of placement stunned her into punishing breathlessness. The ground met her cheek with cruel cold and she lay there, uselessly opening and closing her mouth in search of air. It took several long moments of gasping on the ground, eyes wide and unblinking at the ceiling as she gasped for air for her senses to return to her and once she did, they were overloaded with the saccharine sweetness that turned her stomach. She sucked in a long, loud breath of air, mouth shaped like a bruised "O". Her head swiveled on the concrete ground, bright blue eyes searching the darkness for the source of the sickeningly good feeling that cloyed at her nerves.

She found him, standing too close to them to have missed their arrival and the scene that they were causing. What a picture this would have made. A monster and his burnt skeleton, both locked in a battle that neither could win and would never end. They would tear each other apart in the meantime.

Noctua crawled to her feet, refusing to rely on the Captain before her for stability. Twig-thin fingers reached out and curled wickedly around Faustite's jaw, her nails digging into the tender flesh of his throat. She found his eyes again, focusing them despite the exhaustion and confusion that threatened to pull her through it's ethereal veil. Word formed too slowly, but they formed all the same.

"I told you... that you would not make a fool of me... a second time."

The moved quickly then, too quickly for a wraith of her appearance. Her bone -thin frame threw Faustite away by the jaw that she held in her hands and she turned on her heel, her hand outstretched towards the senshi they had happened upon.

"Noctua Feverish Nights," she hissed, finding the stranger's eyes in the darkness. Magic sparkled on her lips and stole it's price, hunching her over in exhaustion.

"Never forget this Nephilim," she spat, taking careful, shaking steps toward him. "I am... everything. I am the magic of the stars and the darkness at the center of the earth. I am nightmares and waking horrors." As though to prove her point, Noctua reached within herself, pushing her fingers into the crater in her sternum to the hazy space between. Her expression betrayed either pain nor discomfort, her eyes never leaving Faustite's. When she withdrew her hand, the sparkling gem of her soul hovered above her palm, glittering blue to match her eyes.

"Look at what I will do to myself. Think about what I will do to you."

Noctua Feverish Nights
Noctua closes her eyes and calls the name of her attack. Upon opening them, she will lock eyes with one person and they will be immediately subject to the attack. For the next ten seconds the victim will feel like they haven't slept well for the past few nights. They will feel sluggish, irritable, and confused. Noctua can use this attack 3 times in a battle if she pushes herself, but mostly she keeps it to twice. It's useful mostly for getting away or getting in a sucker punch if she needs to.

Note: She needs to lock BOTH eyes with her opponent. So if someone has a non functioning eye for whatever reason, the attack will not work. Alternately, if Noctua's eyes are out of commission due to whatever reason, be it darkness or injury, the attack will not work. If the environment is too dark to see anyone's eyes, the attack will fail as well.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 6:47 pm
The quiet of the warehouse was almost immediately broken. How or where they came from Alrakis had no clue, but one moment he had been very much alone and the next found him as a spectator to an argument of some sort. But who were they? What were they? Wait….that person…

Eyes flicked to the young man who looked like he could be around Alrakis’s age. Black, souless looking eyes, black hands, smoke curling around him from his back. This one was all too familiar. After all, how many people had eyes like that? And the smoke? It filled the air, teasing Alrakis’s nose with a coppery salty scent with a hint of….something else. Had he really stepped into something big here? Had elex been correct in saying that Rowan had been attacked by a monster of DC that night.

And what was going on with him and this frail looking woman. And why had she been gasping on the ground like a dying fish?

He wasn’t ready for this. Nope. He would have been better just heading home instead of deciding to try out these new powers of his.

And then the frail woman was practically throwing the smoke spewing guy from her. “What the…” How was that even possible. Eyes were wide as he watched frozen in place, unsure of what to do. He was a perfect target for the corrupt as she turned on him. His eyes locked with hers. It was impossible not to when he was so transfixed on the scene. ”Noctua Feverish Nights” The words were barely heard through hissing teeth, but almost immediately Rowan felt a heaviness slam into him.

He stumbled on his feet as he tried to catch his balance from the sheer exhaustion that overwhelmed him. It felt like he’d spent days rehearsing without much if littler rest. His brain was having a hard time connecting the dots to the already confusing scene happening around him. What should he do? Hadn’t that cat mentioned he could attack, but...how? He couldn’t remember.

Should he attack? Were these the bad guys? Perhaps she was and he wasn’t?

And then she was holding a crystal in her hand. A crystal she had quite literally pulled from her chest. “What is going on?” He had no idea if these people were ones he should be conversing with or not, but they were the first one’s he’d seen since powering up.

Then again...that strange pipe guy seemed to be having a rough time of it. Perhaps these two were of opposite factions? Question was, who was with who?

“How about we just…chat this out.” He remarked to the two.




Inquisitive Agent


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:21 pm
Her bird-thin hands met throat and he cared little. She couldn't overwhelm him by raw power — not here. Not like this. She pushed him away with purpose paling to the sword, the one that even now burned its chill in his bones. He stumbled, his muscle and bone pulling on pipes, but he righted himself before he touched an old, rattled gorilla rack. Drive sung in his veins, guided him forward. He would not stand idle here.

Her magic ended in one breath and began in the next — fever-whorls at the ends of his vision dissipated, his muscles knew no added burden, and his mind sharpened whipcrack smart as her effects faded. Three breaths of magic was all she could manage at a stint. And now she had the gall to proclaim her grandeur to the room, to her superior and an unwanted audience, like she poured the world from her lips. Like she knew the taste of the ocean and the sky and the dirt deep beneath the surface. Like she knew how the stars felt between her teeth. He wondered, then, of her count. How many souls had she eaten? How many lives had she consumed?

She was still whole. Skin unbroken by monstrosity.

He could take her here.

She spun out her garbage at him, with her soul held stark over her hand. Brandished like a weapon. Teeming with hate. She never once directed her ire, never sensed how effective she could be if she chose but one target to tear down. Her words meant nothing anymore. She spoke with passion unabated. Soul untamed. He approached her then, all purpose in his quick stride. He reached an arm's width distance to her brandished six-point and swept it out of her hand in a single arcing gesture. And when he felt the burning gem aganst his palm, the hot drive to eat it seared him relentless.

"You're a waste you f—" He bit back his cursed, groaned beneath the vexing bend that took him. The cold sword provided no anchor. Seething, Faustite curled fists to his temples and turned from the White Moon watching them. He paced his few steps, waited out the burning. Instinct still sung for him to eat her whole. To draw the line of black a little further up his hands.

When he turned again, he aimed a square kick at her hip. Then her ribs. Then the arm that once held her threatson spindly fingers. He considered the starseed in hand, dark with her raging soul. He questioned his-not-his memory for a better approach — a surefire victory. None came but for the choking, crackling coughs of blood running cold. He snarled.

"Senshi," he started as he struggled to contain himself, "you know nothing about her. You know nothing of her follies. Her directionless rage. You can't reason with a human of unsound mind. You can't 'chat it out'." He approached her again, stooped and gathered her head of too-long hair. "You can't stop her without taking her starseed. You'll see. I promise you that." As he finished, he slipped the gem into her back and hoisted the dreds up off the floor as a secondary choke chain.

When he spoke again, he whispered with lips flush to her outer helix. "Dreamer. Kill him if you want your sleep."

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:26 pm


Noctua had not learned. All those months ago in the alley with the strange general who gripped her starseed as though to gutter out her light. She had not learned from that. Here again she had brandished her most precious self like a crude weapon and it had been used against her. The last thing she saw were wicked black claws and dead eyed before everything went black.

Was this... death? Noctua felt the air filling and leaving her lungs but... that was it. There was no cold and unforgiving ground beneath her form. No haunted shadows at the edges of her vision. There was just... nothing. Her mother and father dragged her to endless sermons as a child and even now when she would rather not leave the house, each one preaching a new life after the end. they never once mentioned... this... was this Hell then? The absolute separation from God? But Noctua didn't feel alone she felt... at peace. For the first time in her life she was totally and completely at east. This then, could not be Hell. Maybe this was... oblivion. Just pervasive and unmoving nothingness. Noctua decided that she liked it. It was as good as sleep without the constant threat of living nightmares.

And then the ground slammed into her back, her limb twisting painfully under her body. Her lungs expanded painfully with the need for air which she grabbed with greedy lips. Her joints popped as she followed the chain of her hair up onto her knees. A voice in her ear and smoke in her nose drew her all the way back to reality. Her eyes found the white moon senshi as the order planted itself in her ear. Her lips fell open as the familiar warmth of direction settled in her spirit and she breathed, for one quiet moment, the feeling of being under someone's command.

And then she moved.

Her quickness was surreal; a thing that should not have been possessed by a wraith of her apparent frailty. With an unholy shriek she was upon the other senshi, her cruel lips ghosting almost affectionately over his.

"I need to sleep," she whimpered, hollow eyes searching her victim's eyes for... something. When she moved again it was slower, almost gentler. She pressed her cold fingertips into the senshi's chest and deeper, into the familiar subspace that she knew from her own chest far too well.

"I need to sleep," she sobbed, hot tears forming in her eyes as her fingertips wrapped around the bright sparkling gem that mirrored hers. She drew it out with a broken cry, drawing the seed to her lips instinctively. Her wicked little tongue darted out to taste -- just a taste. The point of the seed pricked her, drawing blood, but the flavor had reached her. Her breathing almost stopped in her throat as she pulled it away to look at it. It was glass, just like hers, and yet... it was... sweet wasn't the right work for it. There was so much more inside her then. When she tried tasting it again, she ran her tongue from point to point, giggling at the sensation of the sharp sides and the flavor of brightness on her pallet.  


Dangerous Lover


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:57 pm
She fell like a puppet cut from its string. Alrakis stood dumbfounded. Confusion was written all over his face, but as she fell so did the strong feeling of weariness. No longer did his limbs feel like ten ton weights but instead he felt light and nimble. More so perhaps since feeling the utter exhaustion Noctua's magic had brought down on him.

"Whoa! Hey, HEY!" He yelled at Faustite as he turned his ire upon the woman's motionless form. Alrakis wasn't going to stand there and just watch someone get beat up while completely unable to attack back. He moved to intercept. to push the guy away when those black eyes turned upon him, stopping Alrakis in his steps at the shock of it.

"What are you even talking about? Her follies? Rage? Starseed? And calling her unsound is a bit extreme isn't it?" He went to move again, to hurry to the woman's side and help her up. He had no idea the woman was literally dead without the stone in the man's hand. The stone that he now shoved back into her chest as he wrangled her to her feet by her long dreads. "Hey! Stop already!" He yelled again.

Something obviously passed between them. As Alrakis moved towards them she honed in on him. Faster than he thought possible she was on top of him. Literally on top of him as he fell backwards. The cement hit hard but with her on top it was that much more painful of an impact. Lips just barely grazed over his and he stared up into her eyes. "What's going on? Do you need help?"

She muttered something about needing sleep as something pressed against his chest. A heavy weight followed by a sharp pain as his breath hitched. "Wha..." He didn't get his question out before she pulled the glowing starseed from his chest. His body going limp underneath her as she played and toyed with his starseed like a child with a new toy or piece of candy.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:11 pm
Another bumbling senshi, he realized, shortly before he loosed her reins. Noctua shot forth like wildfire. Trampled him to the ground. Seized her spoils without further instruction. Directed ire, as he asked. Movement with purpose. Rage coiled and honed and sharpened to deadly intent.

Faustite breathed. His respiration hitched, and he coughed a mirthless chuckle. A black hand closed over traitor lips and he paced. So this is what he meant. And it took so long —

The senshi, nameless and now dead with certainty, hadn't known a word of it. Hadnt known starseeds or rage or misbegotten deeds. Did he even know the name of the Negaverse? Was he taught to recognize the enemy? Lying prone suited him for all the meager platitudes he barked at them. Chat it out, he said. Stop already, he said. Faustite stopped and so did he.

No one trained you, senshi. No one taught you how to face your betters. Now you're a snack for a nameless grunt at best. Pity for you.

Faustite broke from his pace to approach the wild-haired corrupt. He watched her rake her tongue across its surface, half-erotic and half-neurotic and wholly lacking manners. Playing with her food. Tasting her own spilled blood over the front of the starseed. He could smell the metal in the air over his own smoke and hatred. Her back, her avian spine, curled toward her wants. She sat astride the ostensibly dead senshi with her prize in hand, her bitter frit, and he disliked her all the more for it. This was his wretched creature to yoke now — to drown in the sea until she knew a fleck of discretion.

"Give me the starseed." The command was spoken with the chill of the blade still buried in his-not-his chest.



Garbage Cat


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:59 am

The direction warmed Noctua from crown to toe, settling her into her skin and made a home in her flesh. Her eyes fluttered shut as her body moved on it's own, pulling the starseed from her lips and drawing it to her chest as though to let it seep into her skin and join her own. Her arm moved of it's own accord unfurling straight to her side, fist still clenched around the sharp little seed in her hand.

Smoke reached her nose and the warm comfort of direction slipped form her nerves leaving ice in it's wake. It was like waking up too fast and realizing that you're late. Like realizing in the middle of a drive that you don't remember the previous hour and a half on the road. Like seeing an officer and glancing down at the open bottle in your cup holder. The world snapped into sudden, terrifying clarity as Noctua realized what she was doing and she froze, fist a tiny stone at the end of her wrist as the points of the jewel cut into her palm and realized what she had done. Cinnabar was not yet from her memories and yet she had taken orders from... a Captain. Not just lower in rank, but lower in all other aspects. He hadn't a modicome of the control that Cinnabar had. None of her grace. None of her raw, unadulterated power and yet she had bowed to his command like a worm.

Noctua lips fell open in her own disgust and she looked over at her hand. She could eat it still, the flavor of the gem still sparkling on her lips and tongue like champagne. But that wouldn't be the ultimate insult. There was still the ultimate triumph of having taken out a senshi without having to get his hands dirty. Noctua had done that for him...

She drew her tiny fist back to her center, her body moving of it's own accord, and dropped the starseed back onto her victim's chest. By the time she knew that she was doing, she slid off of the senshi and was creeping backwards, away from the scene, a wicked little smile spreading across her lips.

"You have not earned my obedience, Nephilim."  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:31 pm



Pain in his chest.

Alraki sucked in a breath as his body realized it was no longer lacking it's most important feature. The feeling of cold, hard cement against his back was the next thing his senses caught on to only second to the ache deep within his chest. What had just happened?

Eyes snapped open. Everything was a bright blur at first but shapes and his attackers didn't take long to snap back into focus as the rest of his body caught up with the fact he wasn't dead. Muscles which had gone lax while his starseed was unknowingly molested began to react and Rowan quickly moved to push himself up to a sitting position, legs scrambling to get under himself in a rather unelegant display.

"What did you just do?" He coughed out. A hand grasped at the collar of his fuku as golden eyes darted from one to the other.




Inquisitive Agent


Garbage Cat

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:07 pm
He watched the hesitation peal through her body — he watched it reach the crown of her head, spread to the tips of her fingers, arch the toes of her feet. Her disobedience long presented itself before she ever spoke the words. Faustite knew the form of it well: he'd seen it in the likes of the Dreamer, in Hopeite's own irreverence. He was half-youma, a social handicap seldom overcome.

Of course she refused to bend to him.

Faustite already approached when the starseed dropped back into its sanctuary. He watched with peripheral interest as the senshi jerked and started back into reality, sputtering and graceless, unaware and needy. Searching for answers. Asking questions to which he never earned the right.

Faustite advanced on the corrupted senshi's retreating form, on her bird bones and brave disobedience. "I don't need it," he hissed as his arm shot for her hand. He would see her drained to unconsciousness, her vitriolic energy put to better use feeding youma. She would feed his lesser half. Smoke curled about him as his breath quickened. "You never earned your usefulness. You paint rooms with your anger to no effect. You waste energy on impotence. You fail to heel to your betters. I could make you youma. Who would question me, Dreamer? No one holds your leash."

Faustite needed to maintain his awareness, his wariness. The senshi stirred himself awake. He operated himself like a sloppy marionette. "She pulled your starseed. Ripped your soul out. She would eat it, if not for me.

"Go, Senshi. Leave us — unless you want to spend your life on her poor diet."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:48 pm


Threats fell on uncaring ears. Noctua, so barely trained and freshly corrupted was only vaguely aware of youma and even then they all had the same crimson eyes and lions tails to her. To her, youmafication would be a blessing. A chance to prove herself. And so she stared on at the captain through the shadows of her hood, crouched like a broken doll behind the order senshi as he came to his senses.She sunk below the line of his shoulders, grinning despite herself as she peered at the Captain with nothing but her eyes peeking over her makeshift barrier. She curled skeletal fingers over those shoulders and leaned up to whisper in the senshi's ear, "if you run he will pursue. Animals only ever chase that which try and evade them. Stay here, with me." Noctua's hand traced a line down to the senshi's sternum.

"Someone holds my leash Nephilim, it is simply that they have not earned my obedience either," she drawled with a laugh laced through her voice. "If you want to make me into a monster then just do it. Lay me down to sweet sweet sleep at long last. You'd be doing this road-weary wanderer a favor." What were these words? Where were they coming from? It was Noctua's voice but it felt so foreign in her mouth. Was this another effect of her powers? The new eloquence sat strangely in her throat, her mind piecing through words with odd clarity. Even as Faustite approached, forcing Noctua to retreat, slipping off of the other senshi and crawl backwards, the words never left her.

"Yessssssss," she hissed softly, head lolling on the twig of her neck, "Yesss, the captain saved you senshi. Saved you from the burnt wraith, didn't he? Savior of the broken and the damned, born the flesh and blood but baptized in smoke. He who would be god to the lost, isn't he? Ask youself senshi... why botheer saving you?" She paused in her musing, lips hanging slack as fatigue began to overtake her from her sudden exertion. "Run before he answers that question, but run and be damned. Such. A Condundrum. Isn't it Starborn?"  


Dangerous Lover


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 4:29 pm
Eyes flickered from the agent to the corrupt who’s finger trailed down along the opening of his fuku, stopping where the material met. Goose pimples broke out over his skin at the strangely intimate, yet terrifying touch. It was too close. Too close to where he’d just had a hand shoved through him. Where the dull ache persisted to remind him of the violation upon his soul. Alrakis shifted his weight to pull away from the half-crazed woman, buttocks sliding on the concrete floor, the material of his fuku grabbing at every imperfection but hands stopped him as lips whispered words into his ears. “No.” He said shaking his head.

He launched himself to his feet, getting away from the corrupts grasp and out of reach of her. “Some things are better left unanswered.” He said, swallowing hard as he turned his attention back to Faustite, his ‘savior’ in this situation. Assuming, of course, that things were as they appeared.

Why do I feel like I’ve quite literally stepped into something that is going to get me killed...or worse?

“Thank you.” He finally said to the agent with smoke curling from the metal pipes in hiss back. A literally smoke machine he was. Even if it wasn’t a direct connection Faustite was exact one that seemed to have started a snowball effect for Rowan that eventually led him here as Alrakis.

Now the question that the corrupt had presented. Would Alrakis be pursued? Would this all turn into a game of cat and mouse?

Why not try and cover my tail as best I can? That’s what this magic I have is for, right?

In one quick move, Rowan suommoned his magic. The golden balls formed around him sporadically. Perhaps not the most effective of things, but they had to at least do something. He hoped. With the balls glowing brightly, Alrakis turned tail to depart from the warehouse in the direction he had come. Stairs weren’t far away and, if need be, a hasty retreat could be beaten from a broken window.

Sailor Scout Attack: Golden Lights
Alrakis blows on the tip of his index finger and 8 small, golden balls of light appear around the battlefield (10 feet in diameter around Alrakis). They work as distractions by floating in place. If touched, the ball will rapidly grow to the size of a watermelon. When the ball reaches it’s max size it bursts in a small flash into steaming hot water, dousing the victim. The water can give a person the sensation of being mildly burned (Any further damage is at players discretion) wherever it touches. If the balls are not touched within 30 seconds they will dissipate on their own.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:44 pm
This one is better off a starseed. The grim determination felt more certain with every fervent word that left her mouth. She drawled on feverishly, wantonly, much like she attacked. He hadn't the scope of experience for this. Someone let their senshi go wild and she wormed her way into the interstices of his daily life, burrowed there, and festered as long as she could.

The senshi escaped, as wild and desperate and misinformed as he was when he first came across their quarrels. But that mar of service lay on her for her rampant insubordination; this wicked youma of a girl claimed no allegiance.

He crossed distance in a whorl of smoke, steps echoing askew off too-high walls. A hand shot out to seize dreads lent to her. "We'll find you someone to answer to." The order hissed, the pair liquefied into the remains of tumultuous smoke. In minutes the vapor would clear, betraying no sign of their prior presence there.

And elsewhere in Negaspace, Faustite would find someone to bring this bitter dog to heel.

work as a close for you?



Garbage Cat

♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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