A slender hand moved up to run through black hair, slicking the strands back and out of pale and thin forehead. Eyes darted into the broken mirror, one a milky blue and the other a deeper blue. His brow furrowed at the skeletal sight that stared back, hauntingly thin, a face that appeared as a living skull. In an instant he had spun around from the mirror and began wrapping bandages around his face, always careful to keep his eyes from being covered up. Once complete, he rose and pulled a velvet curtain down to cover the mirror, he did not know why he seemed to always insist to raise it to look in the morning, was he hoping something would change, that his hideous face would suddenly disappear.

Looks are not all, Azraelmine. The deep voice of Eldwinth as he slumbered outside of the tend resonated within him and Azrael let out a soft sigh. "While you may be right about that, many people do not care much about how their looks upon those who are different might cause pain to others." He had grown up with this, while his mother and father had treated him right and kindly, he had not been lacking in love there, the rest of the world was not quiet as nice. Sure, he had been able to go to the courtesan hall and train, but there weren't many who had actually ever seen his face. Most believed it to be a quirk that he hid it away from others, something that made him seem mysterious.

A black cloth was added over the lower part of his face, covering where his nose would have been all the way down to past his chin. With his face covered, he felt confident enough to leave his tent and go out into the encampment that the circus was currently residing at. He wore his usual attire of black slacks with his long sleeved pin stripped shirt, though he was currently missing his vest, long coat and gloves. A violin and bow was held in his hands, the long slender fingers curled around the neck as he ducked and stepped out of his tent.

It was still fairly early in the morning, with only some of the others of the circus moving around. Most of the children that lived within the circus were still asleep, which meant that Azrael could relax for a moment before he began to be hassled and asked to do magic tricks. The children did not bother him and he put up with them easily. Eldwinth was the one that enjoyed the adoring doting of the children as he told them stories.

Sitting on the ground, leaning against Eldnwinth's side, Azrael began to play his violin, his eyes closed as the melody started off slowly and softly.

-_Wish of Tevarae_-