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[PRP - PLOT]A welcoming distraction... (Harmony & Cocoa)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:59 pm
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Morning had come and Harmony quietly shifted about their tree home, gathering supplies and stuffing them in a travel bag.

In her time cooped up in the tree, she had put her hobbies into full swing, making dolls of various paeple out of carved sticks, leaves, sap, paints and various other supplies. Her craft had improved dramatically since her days at her beach home making dolls out of palm leaves and seashells. In Laisidhiel she was able to put more work and effort into each one, even gaining a bit more confidence in her carving to make the faces and body shapes more realistic.

Today, she opened her doll box and pulled out three particularly familiar ones and set them on her bedside table. One looked like Mama Blues, one looked like Sonata... the last looked like herself. They were mostly carved, carefully painted... The wings on hers and Sonata's were mostly leaves painted, however, some of the external feathers were actual feathers from their wings. Feathers that had fallen from their growth spurts or during their brief bout of stress from the explosion.

She was quiet as she stared at them, still milling over her plan, wondering if she should go through with it or not. She also didn't want to wake her mother or sister. They both knew she was leaving this morning, but Harmony wasn't one for tearful farewells... She was coming back, after all. She was merely going with her new friend Cocoa to help with a supply trade of sorts. Nothing too dramatic to warrant any sort of fuss.

She didn't dare tell anyone her plan for her trip today... She often shoved such thoughts to the back of her mind fearful that she might acquire her sister's ability and visually project the idea into the thoughts of others, completely jeopardizing any of her chances to ever leave again.

With a small nod, she decided to take them with her. Whether she actually followed through with her plan or not, she'd at least have them available... Just in case.... She set the dolls carefully into a box and added a note she'd written...

As quiet as a mouse, she stood and wandered into her mother's room, being careful to not wake her as she opened one of her drawers. The letters - at this point - were no secret between them. She and Sonata had walked in once on a panicked Mama Blues to see her stuffing the letters deep into a drawer. It was then that they discovered that Mama had been writing love letters to their father, though never having the ability to send them off to him without risking their places in the tree itself. It broke their hearts, but this was their life now.

Remaining as silent as sleep itself, Harmony picked up all the letters and pulled a single feather from her wing to set in the drawer in its place. Hopefully, her mother would understand....?

She returned to her box and added in the letters, sealed the box and put it down at the bottom of her bag. Over top of it, she laid a small blanket then added in some snacks and sealed containers with drinks in them. She wasn't about to leave unprepared.

All set and ready to go, Harmony slung the sack over one shoulder. She then paused a moment at the door. Perhaps she should wake them up to say goodbye? She frowned. No... They didn't need that kind of stress right now. Remaining quiet, she slipped out of their home and headed down to meet Cocoa.

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:13 pm
User ImageCocoa was shocked that the other female seemed even remotely interested in going on this journey with her, not that her home was really all that far away, but still. It seemed a lot of Faun and Fauny were happy to stick to the tree and it's protection, not that she blamed them, but at the same time she found it hard to stay cooped up. She enjoyed the chance to stretch her legs and walk between the dual homes of hers. Perhaps it was the wild spirit in her that she'd picked up from her dad.

Things had been so different with her mom back home. Her dad seemed so amazingly happy, and for once they were all home together and working as a family unit to pick up where they left off in life. She thought this would make her happier, she thought that was all she needed to fill the gaping hole, but it didn't. She still felt the anger and at a constant tipping point with them. She wished she could shake it...

Meeting Harmony had helped as such. She'd seen the other looking so down and her heart went out to her. She understood feeling an emotional burden and she didn't know why, but she so desperately wanted to see it lifted from the other. Though she couldn't be sure this trip would do it, the other had at least seemed excited about it. Perhaps she just needed to get out and shake off some of the cooped up feelings.

There was the issue of her mother, yet there was something peculiar about Harmony herself. Cocoa had a feeling that not seeing a Fauny or Faun father around meant there might be more to the other's story, just like Cocoa. She hoped the other would be able to keep her secret of her mixed blood, though seeing the halo bob about her head she guessed she might be able to.

She finished up her conversation with one of the guards before movement towards her caught her eye. She waved at Harmony before nodding a farewell to the guard and stepping away a bit. Once the other had made it to her side she spoke, “Good morning. You ready?” She noted the sack with approval, “Looks it. This walk wont take us very long at all.” She shifted her own pack on her shoulders before motioning towards the bridge and starting that way. She knew she should say something else, but words just weren't coming to her. She wasn't use to being around another, it had been her by herself for so long. It also didn't help that she'd seen the other around, but didn't know much about her.

“Uh, you got family in the tree?” she attempted, it came out obviously awkward like she was reaching for things to talk about. She fiddled with one of her straps mindlessly, not catching the nervous tick. What had possessed her to bring along another? Especially someone she didn't know? Well, this would be good for her too, right?


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:54 pm
Harmony smiled softly as she approached Cocoa, giving a small nod to the Guards as they passed. Having come this far already, she seemed a little more relaxed than she was before. Admittedly feeling a small bit of excitement to actually leave the tree - even if only for a day or two - seemed to cheer her up more than she ever thought possible.

She had pleasant company too. One that didn't look any more Faun/Fauny than herself, so she guessed that was another pro in Cocoa's behalf. She nodded in response and smiled again.

"I brought snacks enough for two,
If that's okay with you?"

She then asked, tilting her head with her query as she gestured to her pack.

Her own hooves seemed just as eager to move and explore and she quickly fell in step beside Cocoa as they walked towards the bridge. Her mind began to wander again to her idea, silently asking herself if this was a good idea after all and was quickly relieved that Cocoa decided to fill the quiet with some idle chatter.

It was welcomed with another warm smile and a nod.

"Indeed I do.
In the tree, there are two."

There was a breath of a pause before she continued. Whether, she intended to word it like so was uncertain... even for herself.

"First is my Mother.
She's unlike any other.
To say I'm biased may be true,
but she goes by Mama Blues.

The other is my twin
One of the best of my kin
Though we are much in the same
Sonata is her name."

There was another small pause before she attempted anything to continue this conversation.

"And what of you, Cocoa?
Is there family here I might know?"

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:18 pm
Cocoa was taken aback by her flawless rhyming. Though she'd spoken with the other before, how else would she have invited her, but it still caught her by surprise. Did it have something to do with some kind of powers she held or is that just how her mother raised her?

The question dissipated as the other spoke, her shoulders slowly starting to relax under the weight of her pack. There was something about her voice and the rhyming that was putting Cocoa at ease. That or knowing she was on her way home, either way she was starting to feel better about this journey, “Ah, yeah, I feel like I've seen them around. At least I've seen another that looks like you just with a golden color.” It is a bit hard to miss you all..

It was also not difficult to see the looks the pair got from others in the tree. It was sad, Cocoa also knew she was different, but they didn't stand out as clearly as the pair. It made her curious about their mother. What was her situation with it all, and why wasn't she with their father? Maybe something had happened to him like happened to Cocoa's mom...

“Wow, do you rhyme everything? Does your sister too?” That'd explain if it was possibly something their mother trained them in. Mama Blues. She tried to search her memory bank, but felt like she was pulling up empty. Guess that's what happened when you didn't spend more time at the tree. She'd have to change that it seemed now that she was meeting paeple...

She noticed a question had been posed to her, “Oh, uh, maybe. They don't travel up here as often as I do, but my dad Feralheart and brothers Samoa and Tiger Honey have shown their faces around here a time or two. They mostly keep to the village though and I do a lot of the back and forth.” Guess at some point she'd have to tell her about the rest of her family, but maybe she could push it off as long as possible...


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:37 am
She smiled again and nodded.

"That would be Sonata
She's identical to me!
Though her colors are reversed
As you stated you'd seen."

She then shrugged a bit as the topic changed.

"I've always talked like this.
Ever since I was a child.
The stories our grandpa told us
Always made my imagination go wild.

As I learned to speak
I learned to Rhyme
And grew to speak only that
Thru the course of time.

Sadly though
My sister never talks
Not a peep ever made
since before she could walk

Father says in time she'll speak
For time can bring about miracles
Yet she seems to be persistent
And her communications remain only visible.

There's nothing wrong with it, of course
For it's always been her way
It's how she is most comfortable
And I wouldn't trade it any day."

Completely glossing over the fact that she had mentioned her father while speaking - almost as if it were second nature to just as easily mention he existed than to remember they were supposed to not really acknowledge him based on his race - Harmony noticed that Cocoa hadn't mentioned a mom. She idly wondered if something had happened to her and quickly thought it best to not bring it up for now.

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:01 pm
Cocoa nodded at the other, just as she had thought. The pair were indeed sisters and what a gorgeous pair they made! She’d never seen feathers so large or sparkling. If it hadn’t been for the halos hanging on their heads, she was sure they’d be swept off their hooves by now. Not that it honestly bothered Cocoa. She was tree loyal, but her mother being a Fae made the line a bit blurry for her. She’d chose those within the tree any day over a random blood pae, but if it came to her family…

“That’s fascinating.” Cocoa commented, “I’ve never seen anyone take to it so naturally as you do. It’s also pretty relaxing to hear it even if it’s just about every day stuff.”

Her sister never talks? Cocoa wasn’t sure what the other meant by that. Was she mute or was it a choice as well? Like Harmony had done? She was beginning to see how peculiar this pair really was. One that didn’t speak and one just in rhymes? She wasn’t sure what to make of it, “I’m sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you all have figured it out for yourselves. Glad your sister can have someone as supportive as you.”

Family. A twinge of pain gripped her chest. She hadn’t always been so kind to hers during their mother’s disappearance. She hated herself for it, but pride kept her from being able to voice her apology. They all seemed to move on from it, but she still carried this thorn in her chest, something that made her feel like she could never truly be as close to her brothers like these sisters were. No matter how much she longed for it…

She’d mentioned a dad. A part of her was wondering if it was worth asking about or not. What if he wasn’t around anymore or something like that? Did she really want to dig that deep with this one? At the same time, if she started asking personal questions was she ready to divulge some of her own? She fiddled with her pack, curiosity eating at her thoughts.

“Your dad sounds like the positive type. I hope for your family’s sake he’s right.” she paused, letting silence string out between them for awhile. “You didn’t talk about your dad before, is he… is he ok?”


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:31 pm
Her steps slowed and her face flushed as realization set in. She had mentioned her father, didn't she... Oh, feathers...

Her eyes darted all over Cocoa for a moment, judging whether she can trust her. She was different enough, so maybe? But they're journey had only begun. What if she wasn't as understanding as Harmony had assumed. The rest of the trip would be in shambles and quite awkward... likely for both of them.

But... maybe if she worded it right...?

She wrung her hands a moment as she surveyed the ground.

"He's...." her breath caught then. She couldn't fully answer that question. They'd not had any contact since they got here... Was he really ok? Was he worried? Did anything happen to him? She swallowed hard now and shook her head, collecting her thoughts to hopefully dismiss this simply.

"He's not of the Tree." she said simply.
"I'm honestly not sure how he be...." she trailed and then shook her head. She didn't want to get emotional so soon into their trip.

It was at this point they'd reached the bridge and she peered down the swinging planks a moment before gulping. It was one thing to have steady ground beneath your hooves... but.... this was not entirely solid. She didn't like the sensation of falling. She'd fallen many times before. Sometimes even fell in the air before remember her wings could buffer and eliminate the fall all together. She hoped Cocoa at least wouldn't mind if she flew across the gap instead of stepping on the rickety and swaying wood of the bridge.

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:57 pm
Ah, just as she had suspected. Well then, they did have something in common.

She waved her hand at the other, trying to dismiss the topic as to not cause her any awkwardness, “My bad. Don’t worry about it. I get how these things are.” So the other was the trusting sort, or did she just give off the vibe? Cocoa would honestly be surprised if she did. Well, there had to be some form of trust there if the other way actually taking a trip with her.

She’d learn soon enough how similar they were. Maybe she’d leave it as a surprise.

The look on Harmony’s face made Cocoa’s head tilt. She was staring at it as if a monster was about to swallow her up. Was she scared of the bridge? She looked between her and the obstacle before flaring her wings out. With an easy push of her legs she took to the air and easily glided over it.

She turned back towards the other, still keeping to the air, and motioned for her to follow, “If you’re comfortable with flying it would make it go by faster.” she flapped her wings a few times to keep air born before turning back around and headed away from the bridge. She’d gotten so caught up in conversation she hadn’t wanted to interrupt by taking to the sky, but this way they’d be there in just a few wing beats.

“When we get there I’m going to have to check in with my parents and siblings. Get them the items they’d ask me to come for, but after I could show you around if you’d like.”


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:10 pm
Harmony exhaled deeply with a smile of thanks. Just a few beats of her large wings brought her airbound and following Cocoa with ease.

"Thanks for understanding..." she offered then nodded.
"And I can't wait to see your home." then with a bit of a giggle, she continued with a tease.
"I will endeavor to wait
and try not to roam."

She followed closely behind Cocoa, though kept a few beats behind her. She was mindful that Cocoa's wings were different than her own... and her wings were larger than most. She knew hers could give pretty powerful bursts of wind, she didn't want to risk throwing her off or worse - injure Cocoa's wings.

Her chosen distance did manage to give pleasant little updrafts and bursts to support a more glide effort from Cocoa though, likely making the trip far easier on her part than Harmony would realize.

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:14 am
User ImageThe Village was small, still in its baby stages. With so few hands to help with construction, and Cocoa going back and forth to service the tree, it was taking a bit longer then they would all like, but it didn’t mean it was a bad thing. They did have the main house and Bree’s own workspace. Her workspace is what was really bringing the draw of possible trade partners- something Foxglove was absolutely thrilled about.

Currently the Flutter was walking through the other buildings under construction with one of these so possible partners. As they walked he explained their dreams and hopes of each building, letting him in on what their plans were. To Foxglove there was nothing to hide, no secret here that could possibly turn them away. It was better if he spilled everything in hopes that they’d not only team up for the supplies they currently had, but for what the future held for their home.

They finally made their way back to the main house, pausing here to take in the scene. The main house was set off to the side of the others, hopefully to give the family privacy as they started to build up. The rest of the construction was encircling the workspace his father had built for their mother on her return to them. An odd feeling overcame him as he looked over the building. It was wonderful to have their mother back, but it hadn’t come together like he had hoped. Sure, in the back of his mind he knew he was living a fantasy in thinking her return would reunite them as a family again.

Perhaps this Village would do that instead.

“I appreciate you taking the time to survey the area with me.” Foxglove said to the other, “As you can see we have a small operation now, but we have high hopes for it. For now we’re happy to start you off with your basics, but in a few moons we will start to provide you with more exotic choices that you won’t be able to find elsewhere.”

He turned his eyes to something in the sky, a smile blooming on his face, “Ah, here comes my sister now. I’d love to introduce you if you have a moment.” He lifted his hand in greeting, noting there was another with her. Cocoa hadn’t mentioned making any friends at the tree, not that she mentioned much about anything. She just didn’t talk to them anymore…

Foxglove felt relieved when she landed gently and smiled pleasantly at their guest. Even if she wasn’t always pleasant to them, she at least knew how to treat others. A sweet gift from their father he’d assume, “This is my sister Cocoa. She’s just coming back from Laisidhiel. We trade and get a few supplies from them for the meantime. To help us get started.”

“Very nice to meet you.” she said to the other before glancing back at her brother. She wanted to introduce Harmony, but didn’t want to interrupt the obviously important meeting they were having. She’d wait until a more comfortable time when the family was together, “If you’ll excuse us, I have to get these things inside.” She nodded at the other, “I do hope you have enjoyed your time here.”


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:50 am
((* I sometimes really hate Gaia for being so lame and stuff. >/ I'll fix this up later. *))  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:31 pm
“I’m really amazed that both our places started out around the same time. It’s comforting that we will have you all close and going through the same growing pains as us. It also sure helps you all have just the things we need.” he grinned at the other. Through their conversations needs had been discussed and one particular that Foxglove was excited about was their particular set of fruits. It would save him and his family so much time if they didn’t have to forage for the items. Much more time for his mother to cook!

Foxglove smiled at the blue female. He was glad Cocoa brought her, if anything it told him that perhaps Cocoa was softening up a bit. If she was making friends that meant she was finally healing, right? Her blue feathers looked to almost sparkle, but it was her wings that were curious to him, much larger than any of the Faun he’d seen. Then again… now that he looked at her and this angel their wing structure was much more familiar to one another and that halo-


He took a step back to give the pair some room for their reunion. He glanced at his sister who had her mouth hanging open. He couldn’t help the grin that turned up his lips. What were the chances of this? He would have thought it would of been planned had it not been for Cocoa’s face just then. Obviously she hadn’t known this was about to happen.

Had that really just happened?

After Cocoa got over the initial shock a smile tugged up her face. She felt a burst of warmth fill her at the sight of the pair. Well, no wonder the other had seemed so sad and forlorn back at the tree, her family was out here! Another part of her felt… odd. So her and her family weren’t some of the only ones missing members, but at the same time how had this happened? What were the chances of this? Of all the trips to bring her home and of all the times Foxglove would be making trade agreements...

The Earth had to be smiling right then.

She followed Foxglove’s lead and took a step back with him to give the pair their space. She looked over at her brother with a small smile, the other wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He understood the feeling. They’d give them their time. This was a precious moment.


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:08 pm
He held on tight for a moment, not wanting to let her go again. He had to force himself to step back and look at her fully, though at first he cupped her cheeks in his hands and gave her a kiss upon her forehead.

"I'm so glad you're alright." he started. "Your father and I have been worried..." he started then kinda trailed off.

She too felt the urge to never let go. Her and Tassos were pretty close, though she liked to think that Sonata held the same endearment for their grandfather.

"No need to worry Papa
No need to look pale
The three of us are fine
Alive and Well."
she then offered then caught a glimpse of Cocoa and her brother standing a bit off to the side.

She blushed faintly in embarrassment. How rude they must have been ignoring them in their own territory! Judging by their faces, she figured it was fine, but still. She cleared her throat and gave her Grandfather's hands a gentle squeeze.

"My apologies Cocoa.
And you I assume her brother?
I didn't realize that you
had already met my Grandfather."

And to that, she was at least honest.

She knew her family would establish trade routes and get the village going in their absence, but of all the places and times, she didn't think she would quite be that lucky! Perhaps now she wouldn't have to contemplate the pros and cons between running off to deliver the box. She could just give it to him herself, here!

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:26 pm
Foxglove gave Cocoa a curious glance as the female spoke. Her way of talking was, unique. He had no other way to word it. It wasn’t unpleasant, just unexpected. The thought drifted away as his mind was captivated by the reunion again. What had kept them apart? If they were living this close together how had they become separated? He understood from Cocoa and his father what went on with the tree, so of course it wasn’t like Tassos could visit, but what kept her from leaving to see him?

“Oh!” Cocoa snapped to when Harmony spoke, “This is my older brother, Foxglove. He’s been put in charge of the manager aspects of the Village and especially overseeing trade as you can see. Foxglove, this is Harmony. We met at Laisidhiel.” she wasn’t sure what else to say. She honestly didn’t know the other female that well, but how could she tell her brother the real reason for bringing her? She looked as depress as I usually feel so I thought some fresh air would help? Hmm…

Foxglove didn’t make notice to Cocoa’s odd behavior and instead extended his hand to Harmony, “Very nice to meet you, Harmony. I’m very pleased to have you here along with your Grandfather. We just finished up our tour so you came just in time. If you’ll follow me this way we can head inside for some refreshments and give you two a break.”

He turned and headed into the largest building surrounding them. It entered into a large room with lots of places to sit as well as tables. In the middle of it all was a large table that sat low to the ground with wooden couches and large chairs surrounding it. The perfect setting for a meeting, especially since the table was covered with sweet treats, dried meats, and fruit galore. Foxglove motioned for them to take a seat, sitting on the couch across from them. “Everything you see here was grown or gathered here then prepared by my mother Briosca and brother Tiger Honey. We thought this would be a fun way for you to see first hand what we plan on doing here.”

“Please, eat and catch up. If you’d like some time alone Cocoa and I would be glad to step away. We even have extra rooms if you’d also like to stay the night, Tassos.”


Irish Night Fox

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:15 am
Tassos took a deep breath and nodded, smiling to the two as he tore himself away. Yes. Time to catch-up would be very pleasant! and muchly needed!

"Ah, yes. My apologies." he half breathed and then followed them into the building.

He smiled fondly at the scenery that opened up to him. Definitely something that he also had in mind for his own little village. Although he was distracted, he did come down for business. Clearing his throat, he sat down at the table and surveyed the feast before looking around at the general architecture again. "You said you and the family build this place all on your own?" he asked, moving his gaze to admire the woodwork of the table and benches.

Then the mention of staying the night was brought up. And though tempting, he had crops to tend to of his own. With the girls stuck at the tree and Xanthous at Venus' party... he was the only one to tend to them. "Though I do appreciate the offer, it won't be necessary. Many things left to do back at home." he nodded. "Perhaps when my son returns home, I'll bring him by - if that's alright?"

Harmony nodded and bowed her head softly in greeting to him before casting an appreciative smile at the two. She was beginning to feel the weight of dread and worry lift from her shoulders at how calm and understanding they were being. If anything, she now knew of at least one in the tree that both understood and accepted her secret.

She followed Cocoa and Foxglove into the building and was immediately glad for the feast at the table presented to them. All she had brought was a few measly snacks. The flight here was enough to render anyone hungry, if only for a simple meal. And the smells wafting off the food was just simply divine.

Her ears did pick up on one thing though. She visibly perked and tilted her head with some worry at the mention of her father not being home.

"Father isn't home?
Is he alright?"

Tassos blinked and there was a small bit of sorrow in his features at the query. Yes, Xanthous was fine. But he was heartbroken. Worried. At his wits end and trying desperately to not go and get himself into any real trouble.

"Well..." he started. "Simply put, he's - er, we both are - worried about you three."

He looked at the food briefly and suddenly felt as though his appetite wasn't there. "Shortly after you all left for the tree, I made a trip into the city for some supplies. There was a celebration of sorts happening. I overheard one of the conversations of the party goers and..." he paused, his feathers visibly ruffled and his face began turning red just from the thought. "Well, let's just say we're both not exactly happy to be considered Blood Pae for the time being." He sent an apologetic glance towards Foxglove and Cocoa. "When I told your father that I was no longer doing business in the city, told him why... He felt the same as I did. Then he started packing to come to the tree to help you lot out. See what he could do for repairs." He shook his head. "I managed to talk him out of it. If I were a Faun, I'd lock up any Blood Pae that came near me after that. Didn't want that happening to your dad..."

"Since then, he's been a bit of a slug around the village. Pacing and trying to think up new ways to get in contact with you. His latest idea? Going to Venus' party in hopes to see your mom there." he plucked a fruit from the table and eyed it a moment. "Did she go?" he then asked, hoping to quell that small bit of curiosity.

Harmony took it all in a moment and then blinked. She shook her head. Mother didn't go. No one went. Not to her knowledge, anyways. They were all forbidden! But to hear her daddy so heartbroken... wanting to help, but can't? The worry to match her mother's.....

Her eyes drifted to her pack before she shook her head back into the present. She turned to the siblings and tried offering another smile. She hated that they had to hear such a hard to swallow scenario, but in a small way was kinda thankful. If someone who worked with the faun so closely as Cocoa and (in a way) Foxglove had been, it was a bit of a blessing to have someone else see a Blood Pae that wanted to help.

"Thank you both!
You're much too kind."
she started then pulled off her pack and started to rummage through the contents at the top.

"I did bring some herbs for some tea..." she then started and offered the herbs to cocoa.
"Erm... Cocoa, would you mind...?"

She hoped her silent plea of time with her grandfather would be noticed. Not that she needed much time, but she didn't necessarily want to just whip out the box in front of her either. Last thing she wanted was to show her new friend that she had ulterior motives for today's trip. Especially now since all that silent trust was now laying down between them!

Irish Night Fox
:[ The Fifth Age ]:

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