Character || Kelina
Stage || Hunter
Battling || x1 Radaku
Battle Stat || 19
Defense || 14
Roll Needed || 3-5: 80-100
Rolled || 35
Outcome || lose
Experience earned || 4.7

Kelina had just gotten everything cleaned around the house and so it was time to go about doing other chores for the day. Typically with other chores she would split them with her husband Sauron so while he was out doing his half, she would be out doing hers. This time, she decided to go out into the forests and check their traps. They tried to catch everything, some big, some small either for eating, taming, or taming then selling. She checked her first few traps, none of which had caught anything. Sure it was a little discouraging but they would always make it no matter what.

Finally she found a maglardilla in one of the canopy traps. She scaled the tree with ease and retrieved the trap. Once back on the ground, Kelina gave it a swift and clean death before setting it aside. Meanwhile though, she hadn’t been paying enough attention and soon she heard the growls of a radaku. It seemed to want to claim her dinner for itself but with all her other traps so far being empty, she wasn’t going to just give it to the creature. With any luck, perhaps shed be taking two beasts home.

The radaku was half the distance that she was to the maglardilla that she had set on the ground while she had replaced the trap. With it slightly to her left, she weighed her options. Quickly, she drew an arrow and let it fly towards the creature, it took off towards their mutual prize the second after. The arrow embedded itself in the radaku’s hind leg which caused it to stumble. Kelina took off towards the maglardilla at that point, but the radaku got there first. It scooped it up in its mouth and took off. Kelina had enough time to fire one more arrow at it but sadly it hit the ground behind the fleeing, and victorious radaku. ”You win this time.” She said sourly.

328 words