Cøмвαт Sчšтeм
Whenever you initiate a fight, create a thread in the "Debate Forum". This will legitimize the battle and allow for stat and beli reward gains to be received after the fight. At this point, no posts created by either fighter can be deleted/edited without permission, as it will appear to be cheating. Fighters have a max of waiting 48 hours for the other to post or for the next one in a post cycle to do so otherwise they are skipped or the action of the opponent carries on, no dispute. In case of debates, all actions are effectively frozen until the mod clears up member issues.

RPC's in the same thread as others who have just initiated a fight is allowed to enter the fight. If you're in the same sub-forum but not the same thread then you must wait for the fight to complete 1 post cycle (1 post per participant). Anyone coming from outside of the sub-forum must wait for 3 post cycles (3 posts per participant).

If you are 2 rows away from where a fight is located or more then you are unable to enter the battle. A battle is considered underway when the first attack is thrown and a response from the target is being written (this only applies to those who are attempting to join. A fight is not REALLY a fight until someone attacks.)

The created debate thread will be used to discuss or debate the actions of others who are in the fight. For example, if someone gets punched, yet they appear fine. The argument can be made that "the character would be more hurt" stats have to be kept in mind. The two fighters can settle disputes as they arise in each post. If they cannot come to an agreement then a mod will come to make a ruling on what will happen next. However, debate threads will only get a maximum of [3] mod rulings. Each is used for disputes and when they are all used up a winner will be called between the combatants.

While in combat, let this be noted. All characters, unless specified through a technique or ability of some kind, are subject to the laws of one piece. Meaning, if you have a debilitating wound, lose an arm, and so on, this WILL affect how your character fights. Just because you have more HP doesn't mean you're invincible. Depending on the wound and by what a moderator says, an RPC will lose HP in accordance with the affliction. Minor wounds = 5 HP loss per post. Moderate wounds = 20 HP loss per post. Major wounds = 50 HP loss per post. Mortal/Lethal wounds = 150 HP loss per post. Once again, this is in accordance to what the mod in question says.

Wħαт Cøиšтıтυтeš A Fıgħт
For a fight to begin an attack must be made. It is not required for both parties to attack. Only one person needs to attack to consider the attacker and their target in combat. This does not include musical techniques, cooking techniques, building techniques, etc. as they do not do actual damage.

In the case that a person is randomly attacked and they do not wish to engage in combat, they have a few options block, run, or fight. If a person blocks or runs without attacking, a fight has not started and no experience will be awarded.

In the case of a fight that involves more than two people a post order MUST be made and followed. If a post order is not made and followed, the fight is considered void. No experience will be awarded. Should you like to appeal, appeals should be brought to a moderator, for a moderator vote.

Fight guidelines regarding group battles

Group battles will follow all previously mentioned guidelines except for how stats are calculated. When calculating stat gains, use the following guideline to determine the stat difference: You and your team’s total stats vs. The enemy and their allies total stats.

Wıииıиg A Fıgħт
A fight is considered complete when all enemies have fallen or when your opponent(s) have surrendered.

Upon winning a fight, the winner will get 90 base Stats. For every 60 stats gap between opponents this number will either increase or decrease by 6 stats. [+/- 6 per 60 stat gap].

Example 1: If someone that's at 120 stats beats someone at 660 stats, they gain stats equal to the base 90 plus 6 per 60 stat difference between them for a bonus 60; equaling a total of 150 stats for defeating someone far above their level. [90 + 6 per 60 stat gap = Stats Gained]

Example 2: And vice-versa. If an individual that's at 660 stats defeats someone at 120 stats, they gain stats equal to the base 90 subtracted by 6 stat for every 60 stat difference the two of them have. So they end up with only 30 stats for defeating someone much weaker than they are. [90 - 6 per 60 stat gap = Stats Gained]

Whether it's an increased amount or a decreased amount, there is no cap on fight stat gain. Be warned, fighting someone much weaker than yourself may yield no Fight Stats. Finish your battles if you want full rewards. This does not affect the bonus stats for fight participation.

Upon losing a fight, the loser will only gain 36 Fight Stats. For every 60 stat gap between opponents this number will either increase or decrease by 6 stats. [+/- 6 per 60 stat gap]. If you lose a battle because you ran or stopped the fight before completion then you earn nothing. Meaning, if someone quits, counting as quitting the guild or in character, they forfeit all stat gains. When your health hits 25% or you get mortally wounded, you are allowed to surrender and still collect losing experience.

Fıgħт Pαятı¢ıραтıøи
Upon completing your first fight, fighters receive an extra 30 Stats on top of their normal earnings, regardless of winning or losing. After that, fighters receive 18 stats for their for their second fight and then 6 stats every fight after that, whether they win or lose. If you lose a fight because you stopped it beforehand or you ran away, you forfeit this stat gain as well as stats you would have gained from your opponent.


Fα¢тıøи Reωαяđš
Loners: can turn in pirates for 1/200th (Bounty x 0.005) of their bounty at the time of defeat. Can also turn in marines for half their stats upon being defeated. They may also steal [1] item from their victims' inventory. These rewards can be gained after taking your defeated target to Macron Village in North Blue.
Pirates: are able to steal up to [1] items from the loser and half of their current Beli.
Marines: can turn in pirates to help them rank up and gain more authority as well as confiscate [1] item from their inventory OR half their beli.

All rewards are subject to mod disapproval, should a moderator find a reason that the fight to be void. Ties ARE NOT considered victories and so combat rewards are unavailable. Stats can be gained from fighting the same person more than once but every time you fight them past the first time, it will cut the winners stat reward in half. Waiting a week before fighting the same person again will yield full combat rewards. Again, this is subject to Mod approval/denial.

  • Create one forum per fight.
  • The fight will need to have a clear victor to get stats.
  • If you are specifically NOT part of the fight. Please refrain from posting in the debate forum, as it confuses the moderators.
  • Debate threads will only get a maximum of three [3] mod rulings. The first three are for regular disputes, while the final ruling will always be to determine the winner.