Rumors were spread quickly through the poorer sections of Sulburi. Gossiping was really the main form of entertainment for some so it would make sense that anything interesting one heard would soon be told to everyone’s neighbors, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. It was how Kresimir came to learn of the strange traveler with things that no one had ever seen before. The thought interested Kresimir as he wondered if maybe it was just something from Tendaji that the Obans had never seen before which made them all so curious. As someone from Juahar, he thought it may help if he went to see if it was something he recognized. Of course, Juahar was the only country in Tendaji that he had traveled to so if it was from one of the other lands he still might not recognize it.

All the same, Kresimir left the inn just after sunrise one morning. The group the previous night had said they saw the traveler just outside the city near one of the small groves of trees and thought he might have stayed the night there. It would make sense, especially in Oba to take shelter from the heat in the tree groves, even if the nights weren’t as hot as the days. Even this early in the morning the sun was already starting to bake his dark skin. Kresimir went ahead and pulled his cloak up over his shoulders to protect them. They were more used to the sun now than they were before but they could still get a slight burn. That’s why he made sure he had everything he needed packed including extra water and some cream he had gotten from a healer in case his skin gets burned.

Prepared. Yes he was prepared to meet this strange traveler and see what it could be that he had. Even if he didn’t have anything interesting the way to see him was definitely interesting. He didn’t have to make it far outside the city before he saw a procession of people making their way from the city in the direction Kres thought the others had said the traveler would be. ”I heard he lost his left arm to a yoatl in the great Oban war!” One person said to their companion. The second shook their head in disbelief. ”That’s not true. He’s a giant, as tall as those bug women from Tendaji but with small beady eyes. They say his voice is so low it resonates through your bones!”

Kres walked by the pair, a slight smile on his face. Who would believe such things he wondered. Then again, before he had met Itotia they said the Yaeli had glowing eyes which was hard to believe yet had turned out to be true. ”Did you hear about what he had though?” The pair continued and Kres heard them as he had just p assed but they got his attention again. ”No one could quite explain it. It was nothing they had seen before. Its why I wanted to go see for myself.”

The shifter quickened his pace as he followed the line of people making their way the same direction he had been told to go. Many conversations sounded exactly like the one he had just heard which only increased his curiosity. He had to walk for quite some time before coming upon a large crowd that circled a figure in the middle. He didn’t tower over everyone as an alkidike would but he was slightly taller. Kres edged his way through the crowd, many of them moved ever so slightly away from him the prejudice not completely eradicated from Oba.

”Never before seen in all of Oba, Matori or Tendaji! These are one of a kind! They’re not even from our time! They’ll cost you a fair amount, maybe even your first born!” A laugh rang out through the crowd. ”These are for sale though! Make your way one by one to come and take a look and make an offer!” No one approached him, even as he waved two objects above his head. Kres stepped forward to look at the objects and the man’s smile widened. There was a coiled piece of metal that looked like a bracelet for giants. The other was flatter but had some kind of writing on it that looked familiar. Kres wondered if it was the same as he and his siblings had seen in those ghostly ruins. It was a mystery for sure. His eyes tried to soak up as much information as possible. ”Well make an offer young’n!” Kres shook his head as he stepped back. He definitely hadn’t seen them before. ”Sorry, I don’t have a first born to offer.” He joked. He’d have to look into these two objects, who knows, they really might not be from their land…or time.

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