Successfull at Subdueing the Perzi!

The forests of Juahar were dark and quiet as silver eyes looked at a group of fluorescent mushrooms on the forest floor. Much had happened so Kelina found herself lost in her thoughts with only the local forest creatures to keep her company. It had been a little while since she had just sat out at night by herself to let her mind wander, it was something she was now beginning to regret that she didn’t make more time for. Being a mother of five didn’t leave much time for doing her own thing though, especially when she tried to do odd and end jobs here and there, not to mention keeping a careful eye on Vepkhia. To say that she was a busy woman would be a serious understatement.

However, she found time in this brief moment to enjoy the quietness of the forest. At least that’s what she wanted to do. Kelina heard a strange noise on the forest floor. It was so unusual it instantly caught her attention. The shifters neck straightened as her ears tried to locate the source of the mysterious noise. It was down and to her right, it seemed. She jumped off the tree branch she was using as a perch and made her way quietly along the forest floor. Normally she would have stuck to the trees and Kel wasn’t exactly sure why she had decided to walk along the mossy ground but something just seemed to tell her to do so and she was one to almost always follow her instincts.

The noise got louder as she continued on. It was almost like a howl. Was it a creature in pain? Or was it some spirit trying to get her attention for some nefarious reason. There was only one way to find out. It seemed like the noise was right in front of her but still she couldn’t see anything. The shifter stood still and looked around. The foliage was a little overgrown in this area so whatever was making the noise, which for the moment had quieted down, was smaller than she was. That thought was a small point that calmed her down slightly.

At that point, she knelt on the forest floor before bravely parting the foliage with her hands to try and see what was hiding within. No sooner did she begin to part the grass did something jump out at her causing a very girly shriek to be emitted from the shifter’s mouth. A wrinkled animal clawed at her in anger as Kelina fell back onto her butt, startled. Hands flew about trying to catch the beast before she got any real wounds that would leave scars. It took a good ten to fifteen minutes before she held the beast out at arm’s length. It was a perzi. She had seen a few of these while she was in Oba for the tournament but she hadn’t really seen them up close, or even in Juahar. This one was interesting looking, it was black which caused it to blend in. It had faint markings on its back that resembled scales and Kelina wondered what caused it to get such interesting markings. The real question was why it was in Juahar. Kel thought that perhaps there was an Oban in the area and the Perzi just got loose. It was that thinking that caused her to set the beast down. It looked at her almost in disdain for interrupting it’s night which caused Kel to snort at it as it turned from her and made her way back into the forest. ”Well that was a little creepy.”

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