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[ORP] Headhunting a Magistrate [closed] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:11 am
We are recruiting another magistrate into the council! Please see OOC rules below before RPing here.

This RP is open to lions who are publicly known to follow the ideals of your typical 'Simo' Firekin. You may post here if you have a character that qualifies [see below bullet points] and are interested in becoming a magistrate.

A 'Simo' lions is one that has;
- Cast away the faith of Finar-Si
- Are accepting of outsiders
- Open to change
- Generally speaking, do not look back at the past favorably.
- Born into the pride [bonus points for being born to a heavily Simo-dominated family [examples: Kidondo x No, Azarax x Yin-Li]

These such lions and lionesses have been receiving messages by the local avian population.

The message is as follows;

Fellow Firekin,

Your talents and ideals have sparked my interest and may be required by the pride and the council. If you have a desire to help your kin, I request your attendance three days hence at sun-rise. A promotion might be in your future.

Regent Tapana

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:12 am
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There was a chill in the air that had her shoulders hunching and head lowering, eyes settled on the horizon that was glowing as the sun crested the open expanse of shimmering gold. Soon the sun would rise higher, chasing the cold away and setting the world ablaze.

Tapana wasn't sure what was worse, being out here in the cold or still being out here (exposed beneath a desert sun) if these 'interviews' went on too long. Heck, she had no guarantee that anyone would even be interested and then she'd have Agni-pariksha to answer to. The feisty female would likely give her a clout across the jaw and then she'd promise to try harder next time. Still, she'd sent messages to every 'Simo' lion and lioness she knew. Surely one of them cared enough to come? The Firekin was a pride that was not lacking in ambition.

The rank of magistrate didn't open up every day, after all.

And even as she wondered how long she was going to be waiting, she heard the heavy tread of approaching paws and turned her head to see who would be first to arrive.

Motoujamii Lands


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:09 pm
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After the...ridiculousness of Agni-pariksha's "game", the last thing Huozin expected was a message from the other Regent via bird. There had not been much information in the scanty words, but the Hunter's interest had been peaked. He didn't know that he needed the potential promotion, not being an especially ambitious lion, but it couldn't hurt to go and hear what Tapana had to say.

The sun's light had only begun to shine, and the air still held night's chill close. There stood the lioness, wearing a brighter pelt than her fellow Regent and closer to a "true Firekin red", but still not quite the same as Huozin's own fur. Distinctive enough.

"Good morning," the lion offered amicably as he came near.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:45 pm
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Huojin did not mind the chill of the air as he enjoyed sparring at the training grounds at this time. But today he skipped his morning routine as he had found it interesting one of the regents had sent a message about a possible promotion. what the promotion it might be was worth skipping his routine to hear what regent Tapana had to say. it didn't take him long to find regent Tapana and was not shocked at all there was already someone else there already. "good morning, glad to see I'm not too late."  

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat


PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:03 pm
User ImagePsyche was not ambitious, not really. The closest thing to ambition she currently had was the deep desire settle back in in her desert home, but that was a task more daunting than she'd originally assumed, and made so almost entirely in her own mind. She had long ago absorbed that she wasn't quite Firekin enough due to her coloring, a little whisp of doubt that continued to follow her around even now that things had changed, that new Regents had assumed power and instituted changes, among which was one that allowed her to return. She had been elated upon hearing the news, and having never gone all that far, had been quick to return, looking forward not just to seeing the desert again, but more importantly, her parents.

To be fair, she hadn't met with anything she could call disapproval, but there was always the lingering suspicion that even if no one was saying something negative, they were thinking it. Was that a sideways look, a little frown, or just her imagination? She'd always had an active imagination, and it had been working against her over the last few weeks, and she knew it. She was well aware that she was her own worst enemy in this, but she couldn't simply shut off her subconscious. She had to work counter to it, and refuse to let it rule her. Which was a large part of why she heeded the message, in spite of the fact that she was disquieted by it. Playing a game of hide-and-seek to 'hunt' a Regent was one thing, going face-to-face with one for some kind of important who-knows-what was another entirely.

Also, it would have been disrespectful to ignore it. There was that. She approached the little gathering that was forming - all distinctly red - with a shiver she opted to attribute to the morning air, and dipped her head in quiet greeting. "Good morning."  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:32 pm
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Vesta had been both surprised and anxious at the summons. She kept herself to herself (mostly) and rarely spent time socialising outside her very small group of friends. She was a sweet and mild-tempered female, so unlike many of her ancestors but not so dissimilar to her mother. She kept her head down, did her work, and shied away from matters of the heart.

Still, as much as she hadn't wanted to come, she'd felt compelled to, if only not to come across as rude. If she refused a summons from one of the regents then her reputation might be forever ruined and whilst she was not ambitious in the slightest she did hold a deep desire to help the pride in which she had been born and raised and loved with all of her being.

However, Vesta was not so silly to think that she was the only way to feel as such. That was what made the Firekin so great. The people here were dedicated to the pride and the way of life - even outsiders. It warmed her heart often to see ex-rogues embracing their way of life and thriving amongst the sand.

"Morning," her greeting came out softer than she would have liked, but what was done was done.

Heart pounding, she took a place closest to Psyche.

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Kimeti was not far behind.

Somewhat an unexpected arrival for his parents, this cub would be the last of many children that had blessed Kidondo and No. A studious lion, he took most of his qualities from his mother. He was a keen observer and sharp of tongue and wit. Yet with his intelligence also came a lack of patience that he had attempted (and failed) to improve.

These traits combined had carved him into a somewhat formidable teacher and, whilst he was knowledgeable for his young age, he could too easily put fear into his smaller students.

With a short nod of greeting, the lion joined those who had already gathered and cast a scrutinising eye across at Tapana. It was hard to tell what he thought of her (his parents' replacement) though likely he had yet to make up his mind. Even if they'd followed the old system of inheriting leadership, he would have been last in line. Still, he did have ambition and, like many of his ancestors before him, wanted to put his own mark on Firekin history someday.

"How many more are we expecting?" he asked after a moment.


Tapana shifted, curling a lip in thought, then glanced about her as if expecting to see a horde descending.

There was not.

With a soft huff, she replied, "we'll wait a few more moments and then we can begin. Take a seat if you wish."


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:55 am
"Very well," Tapana pulled herself upright, holding her head high as if in an attempt to peer down at those who had gathered. "I'll delay no longer. If there are any late arrivals, I'll either instruct them or tell them to leave." Depending on her mood at the time, most likely, or whether she'd already found a candidate amongst those who had already arrived.

They had promptness on their side already.

"I will speak to each of you in turn, privately, and I have a question I would like to pose to all of you before you do so." She paused, casting her gaze over all of them. They all had promise, were all connected by their ideals and yet to look at them you would have thought them miles apart. "Today, we are looking for a magistrate who reflects the ideals of a 'Simo' lion. I believe that, in some shape or form, you all do this. What I want you to tell me is what brought you here today. Why did you answer my message? What stirred you enough to come here to seek this promotion? I'll give you all a few moments to consider this, but don't keep me waiting too long." She smiled, toothily.

"Come speak to me when you feel you are ready."

Tapana turned then, moving through a gap between the rocks and out of sight. She did not go far, however (a mere fifteen paces away) just far enough that quiet voices would not be overheard by the other candidates. She sat with her back to them, curled her tail around her, and waited.


Kimeti and Vesta, both, lapsed into silence, their faces wrought with serious thinking. Why had they come? Had it been for a promotion alone? Had it been just ambition? Or was there something more to it?

For Kimeti, perhaps he felt it a birthright. For Vesta, perhaps it felt like she could prove herself worthy of being a Firekin at long last.

Either way, neither of them moved to go first.


[OOC: There is no order, so approach Tapana whenever you like. I will do my best to get a response up to each of you before the next person approaches but it is not necessary. After your Firekin have completed their presentation they are free to either leave or stay to speak with the other candidates who have also spoken. Those who are still waiting to speak are not permitted to talk to the others - in case they get unfair advantage/disadvantage!]


samus x

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:42 pm
Huozin's yellow eyes grew wide as Tapana revealed that she was seeking a Magisterial candidate. He hadn't thought hard on the fact that there might be openings as the Magistrates ranked so very high above most of the pride. He'd never minded being a "mere" Hunter and hadn't considered that he could ever reach so high. However, he was far from the most objectionable person in this group. Psyche, as a former Huria, was the one who would draw the most attention.

Of course, that was one reason why she should be considered even more carefully than most. It would be good for the pride, he thought. Then the lion shook his head, a smile on his lips. He shouldn't give the position to someone else before he'd even gone up to Tapana and tried! Sure Huozin had little ambition, but he had to at least try. He thought he'd make a decent Magistrate all things considered. And while Psyche's fur might be useful as a wake-up call to those pridemembers still lingering in the past, that said nothing of her fitness, or lack thereof, for the post.

It seemed that no one else was wililng to step forward now that Tapan had retreated to give herself and her applicants privacy. Well, he'd been first here this morning. Might as well be the first to go over. Straightening to his full height, Huozin headed for the Regent.

"Why did I answer your message, Regent?" the lion began as he came near. "Because I was intrigued. I've been a Hunter all my life because it's a job that someone has to do if we're all to survive." Huozin paused, considering what else to tell the lioness.

"I've never been a particularly ambitious lion, but that simply means I've never truly desired something I didn't already have." Here he rolled his shoulders in a shrug and bared his teeth in a feral grin. "Maybe I was simply waiting for the right opportunity."  


Obsessive Bookworm


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:43 am
She was curious, it had to be said, as to who would approach first - though not surprised when she saw who it was. Huozin. She wasn't sure what to make of him, if she were to be honest. Such a talented fellow and yet only a hunter. She was pleased that he had answered her summons.

Tapana smiled at him as she listened.

"You work for the sake of all and not just for yourself. An admirable quality in a Firekin." She paused, looking thoughtful, "I do believe that there is a greater place for you. I have heard many good things."

With a dip of her head, she added, "thank you for your time, Huozin."
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:50 pm
Huojin was very surprised by her announcement of looking for a magistrate and not only that but one with the ideals of a Simo. he stayed calm and silent as he put some real thought into the question she just asked. after waiting for Huozin, he decided he was ready to take his turn. he approached in a manner of a seasoned solider and someone who held respect to those of higher rank. " what brought me out here today to answer your message and seek a promotion? it's quite simple. my curiosity is what brought me here today." he decided to just be blunt. " I never been one to seek promotions, and have been a loyal solider from the day i was able to start training to be one. but I feel that this is a opportunity for change and a chance for me to be more than that old solider who does training every morning."  

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:57 pm
The Hunter inclined his head towards Tapana as she dismissed him. He didn't think that had gone poorly at all. Perhaps he'd stay in the running as a magisterial candidate. Perhaps not. He'd welcome it if so, but it wasn't a loss if he remained a Hunter.

Huozin left the Regent as Huojin approached, nodding to the other male as he headed to where the others waited.

"This will be rather interesting," he remarked to the others.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:09 am
No sooner had Huozin taken his leave than another stepped up to give his presentation. Another male with very traditional Firekin colours and dark eyes that seemed dignified and calm.


Tapana sat and listened to him as she had with the lion before, nodding thoughtfully. This was a dedicated lion, too, who was clearly not a stranger to hard work; putting in the extra effort to better himself. It was interesting, also, that the lions here today had not truly thought about rising in the ranks until this opportunity had peaked their interest.

"You are looking for a change," she added approvingly, "and the challenge that comes with it. I thank you for your honesty and your time, Huojin."

samus x


Fuzzy Kitten


PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:17 pm
After her, two others arrived, one a bit more traditional-looking than the other, but the darker still in the range of what had long been acceptable, and who sat next to her. The younger lioness dipped her head in acknowledgement, then turned her attention to the Regent. How many others had received the message? Pysche found it hard to believe that the list was that short if she was on it. There must have been others. Why hadn't they come? But that was a matter of curiosity, not of importance.

Magistrate. Seriously? That was...not at all what she had imagined the message might be about. 'Promotion,' after all, was fairly vague, and could have meant, well, any rank above what any of them currently held, not that she knew the ranks of any of the others who answered the summons, beyond that they weren't fellow Guards. The males who'd arrived before her were also the first to speak to the Regent, while Psyche fretted internally and tamped down tight on the urge to fidget and shuffle her paws - not impatient, but nervous. When they had finished, she darted glances at the male and female who'd come after her. Was it her turn? So far it seemed they'd gone in order of arrival, which would make it her turn, but...

Oh, hell. The golden lioness moved forward, less confident in her manner than the first two, with another deferential dip of her head. "I came because you sent the message," she said after a moment and a slight scuff of her paw. "I mean, who ignores a message from a Regent? I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't changed things. Um. Thanks for that, by the way."

The Guard paused awkwardly and glanced down at her paws before continuing, "I don't- I don't know about Magistrate, though." A look back at where the others sat out of sight, tail brushing across the sand. "They're older. I'm sure they've done more, know more. I do want to help, but...I don't think I'd be right for that."

Which was the most polite way she could think of dancing around her image that Magistrates should be, well, old (not that the others were old-old!), and she was...not.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:02 am
Tapana was a little surprised to see the golden one step up next. Perhaps she had thought that Pysche would be last. An intriguing candidate whom she was thankful had come today. To have a pelt that had once been considered 'huria' colours and then, suddenly, to be acceptable...what did that do to a person?

The regent would never know. How could she? Her pelt was traditional and accepted as her bloodline. If she had her way, her cubs would never know the like, either.

"Times change," Tapana replied, smiling faintly, "I am only sorry that you had to leave in the first place."

She paused, listening to the other speak. She was quite different from those who had come before her, but she had expected no less. After all, she'd led a different life despite growing up in the same pride. "Being young is no bad thing. Young eyes see things differently, accept change more readily. Old eyes grow nostalgic; see only what they want to see. In this new chapter we need visionaries. Lions and lionesses who can look at the same picture but at a different angle."

Tapana gestured towards the others with a paw, "ask yourself this, Psyche, perhaps your usefulness lies not in what you lack, but in what you do differently."

After all, the council had many different characters already. Stubborn, fiery, easy-going, military-minded. "You have been outside of this pride, you have known what it is to be different."

"Wanting to help is the first step."




Fuzzy Kitten


PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:49 pm
Though she was msotly successful in keeping herself from shuffling her paws, her ears still flicked nervously, twitching back before canting forward attentively again. Tapana had a good point - several good points, in fact, but the former huria remained uneasy with the thought of occupying such an important position. Would she even be any good at it? What if she weren't? Regardless, the idea of such visibility was...unsettling, to say the least, after going through her life thus far believing she was somehow lacking because of the way she looked. All her old insecurities had yet to loosen their grip on her.

But she didn't have to worry about that just now, she reminded herself. Four other candidates had presented themselves, and those old insecurities of hers assured her that she didn't really have anything to worry about: she was no real competition.

Psyche bowed her head in both respect and gratitude before taking her leave. "Regardless of what you decide, you've given me a lot to think about. So thank you for that, too."

One more awkward, lingering pause, then she turned to make her way back to the others. It was someone else's turn.  
[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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