Thorn had successfuly delivered the cat home, and was now out for the actual groceries, when another commotion drew his attention. What could it possibly be now? He drew the line at one cat unfortunately so whatever was going on here he was not going to get too involved..until he heard the mysterious and most enchanting description of the items. From another time huh? What could it possibly be? He snorted and didn’t have to crane his neck too hard to see above the average height crowd. Brown bits of metal, oh yes most fascinating, not. They didn’t look to have much use. An awkward bracelet for a giant and what was obviously a piece of armor in his opinion. But who in their right mind would lug around that piece of metal for protection when gorgorum scales would be lighter and much stronger.
The whole thing was obviously a con, he felt sorry for the rest of them and felt like shouting, “Its a trick of course I should know!” but that would kind of blow his cover. Even though in deference to Ime he mostly stuck to thieving from thieves. To preserve his spot in her good books of course. He kind of missed the old way, where he could pick his target. But this was better, it was more challenging and he had to use his head and what not. Speaking of which...if by some silly chance, these objects were from the past..what would they do? Maybe it was part of some kind of critter trap? Step on the plate and the spring repelled you from wherever you were going? He scratched his head. Whatever they were used for the merchant probably didn’t have all the parts. He didn’t know what it would be used for...they must have big rats in the future in his opinion.
He watched the heavy items wave back and forth in the air, honestly it was right tempting them waving like that. He could bring it back to a forge, it could be melted down for weapons, and he would earn a pretty penny for the sheer mass of metal contained in the useless pieces... well the flat one would make a good door stop he supposed. Maybe the spring was for a cart. Yes that would work. They must be a blacksmith’s experiment or two random items brought together specifically for this ploy.
He nudged his way slowly and carefully as only a thief can through a crowd. Keeping his elbows in and nearly dancing between the small spaces between people. Hmmm, he just wanted a closer look, it wasn’t like he could actually bring himself to steal anything, he was afraid that two silly chunks of metal simply were not worth the risk to his relationship with his beloved. No matter how much he wanted to see the stupefied look on the merchants face. He was probably going to try to sell those two things to the highest bidder, and thus wrack up the tidiest profit. Then find two more similar pieces and do the same in the next town over. Meanwhile, the two pieces of time traveling junk, would not further their new owner any more than they had the one who had them before the merchant. The person would get bored and try to sell them, and be lucky to make half of what they paid. He had it all worked out. Rather ingenious really. Kind of like stealing with everyone watching and participating as well, the man was a genius. Well for the most part. He hadn’t fooled Thorn now had he? No, ol’ Thorn was far too cunning for that ridiculousness.
He got close to the front, and didn’t see anything particularly special about the overly large bracelet and the slab of metal. Meh, he had a cat to take care of, and Ime, she probably needed him to hold some poor injured person still, with kind words or strength, depending on the wound. It was time he got his groceries and went home, no more ridiculous suppositions about items of the future.
He wriggled slowly back out of the crowd and continued over to the produce isles where the really useful stuff was. Food. Food could sustain life, metal would only get you money. He bought lots of greens, some bug meat to tempt the new cat, some meat for himself, while he told himself the cat wouldn’t eat it..but just in case he bought a little more and some of Ime’s favorite fruit for good measure. All set he headed home to tell her about the peculiar merchant and his peculiar items and what he thought his real plan was.